Wtf usa explain

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i mean it's only civilized to take things as fact just because someone says it

Can you Europoors stop posting this girl? I get that you’re doing it for attention and for an echo chamber but trust me we don’t give a fuck what your news is pushing. Never have, never will. This works one way you watch American media not the other way around. Learn your fucking place.

So is she saying you aren't allowed to question things in europe?

and that's a bad thing why? you shouldn't be allowed to question things that are factual, that kind of mentality is exactly what led to the degeneracy that is the sexual revolution and hippie culture and which has consequently led to the degeneracy of today. questioning things when you're a brainlet who gets his knowledge from internet websites is wrong

>climate change doesn't exist and if you say otherwise you live in an echo chamber!
dumb mutt

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Worse. She’s basically saying that euros are so gullible and dumb that they literally dictate their nation’s policies based on the claims of le magical teenagers who can talk to carbon dioxide particles in the air.

Thank god I live in America.

USA believes in actual science. the only evidence for global warming came from NASA and NOAA satellites, whose data was brought into question when emails were released revealing they artificially inflated numbers just because. without the satellite data there is no warming trend.


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>and hippie culture
Aren't tgey the ones pushing climate change as a thing?

Yeah, well Sweden willingly guzzles down any shit they're served without a modicum of independent thought.

If it was actually factual there would be the evidence to support it, but there isn't. In practical terms we all agree on gravity as a fact, why can't you convince people about the earth getting warmer as a result of humans?

man made climate change doesn't exist in the first world.
What is the right carbon levels we should have?

Based retard failed basic reading comprehension

>scientists say it so it must be a fact
Imagine drinking the kool ade.

who should decide what's a fact and what's not if not the experts in that particular field?

Don’t pretend to be me you drooling fucking troglodyte

Americans are subhuman, we already know.

Yeah yeah climate change is real whatever flash your cunny bitch

She's saying that in Sweden there aren't many who deny climate change. Whereas in America there are people who say it's a hoax, that it's natural, that a couple of degrees is no big deal at all, etc....
Nowhere is she saying that people in Sweden are forced to accept climate change.

The fact that they're really pressing this (((climate change))) thing in the West even though Asia produces 80% of CO2 emissions makes me think it's just another way for the government to get between people and their money/luxuries

Isn't the daily show a comedy show? Where's the joke?

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is this what you mutts think about yourselves? that you are independent thinkers? lmao

>global warming will be a catastrophe in 20 years unchecked
>20 years later
>global warming will be a catastrophe in 20 years unchecked

if you can tell me how gravity actually works, i will believe you.

and no not f=mg. explain to me what makes gravity work. because as far as i know, nobody fucking knows. but yea, the science is settled on how all the systems on earth interact with each other to influence the fucking weather in the long term.

I'm not American but I'd rather be American than Swedish.

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With a potato head like that, she must be the most desired woman in Ireland right now.