Who would’ve won in a fight outside of school

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Probably the one that isn't a manlet.

the jock
the weirdo is just big mouth

So neither?

the one shooting more accurately than the other

this, you saw how the weirdo coward out when confronted by the principal

He probably was reminded of his father
He could probably put up a good fight if he was angry enough

The one who is less of a manlet. Nelson is 5'10 apparently. Who knew.

This is my least favorite john hughes movie because the punk is such a cunt and hes portrayed as a hero

No one fucks with prime Emillio. No one.

Nelson's character and the prep chick's character are gonna have a rocky relationship years down the line

How is he portrayed as a hero?

That guy is retarded just let him be.

Obviously the jock. Actual working out and fitness vs a lazy stoner

What movie

Breakfast Club

Maybe Bender could actually fight if he was angry enough

But he is a manlet though. Punk also probably has experience fighting so maybe 50/50

Don't you forget about me

>my dad isnt cool so Im gonna be a burnout just like him
He literally gives him the girl at the end of the movie


>they fight outside of school
>bender cbf, and gets too drunk/ high before the fight
>stabs the jock later



bumping and don't you forget about me