Why aren’t actresses in comic book movies required to be in good shape for their roles like men are?
Why aren’t actresses in comic book movies required to be in good shape for their roles like men are?
Is that a fucking midget?
shortstacks are my fetish
Who’s this tranny
Those quadriceps are shopped right?
Men typically pirate their media, so Hollywood makes movies that appeal to women. This means 10/10 males, and "realistic" females.
because men don't find jacked women attractive?
Depends on what you mean by "good shape." Looking at the women they cast, they're always fairly thin and attractive (although some of that comes down to personal taste). They aren't hiring Leslie Jones to be a superhero. There's no fat women superheroes.
If you mean muscular, I think a lot of that comes down to the idea that muscular women are unattractive. Gina Carano was Angel Dust in the first Deadpool, and she's muscular, and she was attractive in that, but that's the exception obviously. I dunno though, I think a muscular woman could be hot.
Harley isn’t usually portrayed as super buff
because WARNER
Jessica BIEL In blade 3 is basically the level of fitness female cape characters should be in
Probably bigger tits too but Hollywood hates that
do you have any idea how difficult it is to build and maintain a buff/muscular physique? even with a personal trainer it's just too hard for the average actress to do it
They could start casting women from MMA and bodybuilding. That's how Arnold Schwarzenegger got his start.
then the female audience would complain ( more that usual ). just face it, we're stuck with Gal Gadot and Brie Larson
Time will take care of it. They will all be replaced in 5-10 years so we can bitch about their replacements too.
lol host lost.
did my part.
I never knew this had a name.
I see you are a man of fine taste as well
Feel intimidated?
I can’t even tell modern actresses apart because of how similar and boring their body types are.
I do. I like the stronk girls. Not the "le stong independent wimmin" I mean actually strong, can pick me up, and protect me. I'm fucked in the head, I know. I'd watch capeshit if the super hero women were actually swole.
>There's no fat women superheroes.
Whatever happened to Faith?
A man of taste, I see.
brie getting absolutely MOGGED in this picture
this is SJW propaganda
Died with Clinton's failure.
>the perfect superheroine actress was born 10 years too soon
What could have been, lads.
Huh, it actually did, didn't it. Did the author kill xerself?
Charlize Theron in Aeon Flux was in hella good shape. She said she had to train like 6 hours a day for like six months to be able to do the stunts herself.
For research purposes, Alyssa Loughran
She’s a shit actor though
SJW's don't buy comics, they just post and upvoted/like screenshots. This is fine for Disney and Warner Bros who use this as a marketing tool for other related products but unsustainable for people who need comic sales to make a living.
I've seen more muscular women at my gym than the average female actor. Can't be that hard.
The fact her tits don't move at all during the leg raises is actually kinda impressive. Good stabilizers
Because they don't get the scenes where a character walks in on them shirtless and they're not embarrassed but are like "Oh, I didn't see you there" as their bulging pecs glisten.
>ywn have a gf who lifts you up so she can get stronk
Honestly disappointing, cause that'd be kinda hot.
She was peak female physicality in that film that other actresses should aspire to.
I want her for gf.
Suicide Squad ruined a generation of women.
You need acting skills to be in a superhero movie?
Because women go through life in easy mode and there's nothing more difficult in life than to be a man, and everyone out there is personally out to get you OP. You're the real victim here
>he doesn't like all the slutty teens dressing up in tiny mini short shorts and slutty makeup
What a pleb
this is why squats should be mandatory for women
Remember when THIGHS used to be a thing up untill 10 or 15 years ago? I fucking miss those days.
Because most men don't find that physique attractive.
No one likes jacked women
Everyone likes jacked men
>No one likes jacked women
speak for yourself
true but those men are plebs
Out of curiosity, are there any fat male superheroes? There's supervillains like The Blob, but what about heroes?
that is not attractive
.t jealous rostie bitch
Well good job guys, now I got a boner.
Nah, she's good
You're welcome grandpa.
That scene was laughable. No self respecting Brazilian man would that stick thin, 10 year old boy ass remotely attractive.
You nepotism is at play when we have to be told constantly that someone is attractive.
just put them on anavar
This is like see Biel
she is very good here
Female ice skating is the only place where you will see asian women big asses, thighs and hips in real life.
speed skaters you mean
and cycling
one is not like the others.
Are there any photos of them in bikini? Want to see what the asses look like in their natural form.
That storm coming in on the beach...wonderful!
and there are a lot of women who spend a fortune to have a fat ass
just do the right sport
Bouncing Boy from Legion of Superheroes.
I get why their legs are big, but why the asses? Is it because they stand up when cycling? That would mean they're essentially doing the same exercises as speed skaters.
wow she is squatting like 50 kilos, maybe 60 max, that's so impressive even for woman i can't even omg!!!
And so is Evans, Hemsworth, that broccoli head retard that plays Hulk, Renner and that butter face main from GotG.
Gunda Niemann had the most amazing legs.
for me, it's my lgf
and she's not even a qt
She was a good character , but not very attractive
Is this fucking real? I know Faith is a superhero, but is this actual comic fucking real?
i want her to leg lock my waist while i pound her in the corner of the pool
God I hope.
Heh, yeah.
Based DOOMposter
>this whole thread but with some exceptions
Can't tell if low effort bait, or quality shitpost.
This is such a perfectly good reference colllage
Meagan Good is hot but nowhere near fit or muscular
yep , in the 2016 election it was pretty funny
>there's power in a vote no matter who you vote for
jesus, just squish my head already, please
You swallow that
Tell me it will be 3
is this even someone from a film
>that asian kid with the naruto run