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Other urls found in this thread:

why are niggers like this

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i just dont understand why they are so violent.
so much hatred in that guy.

SOCIETY wants them to be violent and go to jail and be shot by cops. niga can't change fate, son.

imagine being black and having an IQ of 70, that guy is barely sentient
these are true NPCs

at least the black lady filming was rational and honest.
>sedate that nigga, he started it

>sedate his ass
>sedate the niga
>sedate heeum
>i got it all on tape

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They really hate their own race the most

Never relax

can you blame em?

black women are at least 99% of nursing staff and shit at these hospitals. black women at least try to earn an honest living and shit.

Most of the races need to be segregated. Look it’s just guaranteed conflict

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Genetic predisposition for violence


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oh nooo noo nooooo the absolute state of nigs and lanklets

>attacks a dude in a room with cops
Holy shit, niggers really are that dumb.

Not for nothing but, it looks like the chink started the shit. Going off the little video I see hear.

>Sedate him!
>Sedate the nigga!
>Get that one

You can tell she's black too.

>Not for nothing but, it looks like the chink started the shit. Going off the little video I see hear.
Did we watch the same video retard?

she literally says "this why niggas get a bad rep cause of this shit" or something like that

>Not for nothing but, it looks like the chink started the shit.


Black women are the worst of them all
Remember the old transit bus fight (epic beard guy)
Half the video is fucking sheebon yelling "beat him, beat him"

You don't stare down a man & flex without any ramifications.

i agree with this. But I'm not a racist. The thing is, black people store their stat points into street IQ. They're very nosy and pay attention to things that one should not care about. If IQ is just being smarter about math and patterns. blacks tend to have more spatial awareness.

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>You don't stare down a man & flex without any ramifications.
YOU DO WHEN THE LAW APPLIES RETARD. Thats why the nigger is the retard, he beats the shit out of a guy in room with cops...
Sure, the faggot could say "i dindu nuffing, dat asian fucker made me" but a judge doesn't care, he's going to care about the assult.

I like older black nurses, they are friendly and comfy. Even if they probably call me a cracker after I leave.

>The thing is, black people store their stat points into street IQ.
muh street smarts
fucking cope

Around blacks never relax.

>sitting still around an aggressive negro

shut up


Can someone translate what they were saying at the start ples?

Why can't we just kill them all? What the fuck, I'm so sick of having to pretend to tolerate this race of toddlers.

They were in a hospital. Any rational person would hope that the retarded pavement ape could keep his chimp shit outside, but that's clearly asking too much.

Why are Americans so fat?

I wouldn't have a problem with being stared at. Am I a pussy?

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speak for yourself. i would have shouted wakonda forever in his face repeatedly without any ramifications lmao.

i reckon his point was that unless the skeletal chinaman was prepared for physical action, he should have de-escalated the situation instead of trying to come out on top verbally somehow. or at the fucking least have some hands up and don't let an obviously agitated and showing-off specimen stand over you while your ass is seated. that's just silly, and a good way to take a nice shot or two to the face. make an unlucky irl dice roll and your jaw's gonna need to get wired.

of course the melanin-enhanced gentleman is a retard and questionably psychopathic in a mundane sort of way, and of course he's gonna get some attention from the justice system now.

LOOOOOOOOOOL, that chink faggot deserves it for being built like the Slenderman. if youre going to try and press people at least have the physique to back it up, jesus man. and the way he stares at him after the fight like an anime character... no wonder no woman wants an asian "man"

he was in a room filled with guards? why should he feel afraid? it wasn't his fault he assumed a subhuman could at least think rationally in that scenario.

damn riley stearns is a beast

yas, black wymin', a true ally for the black males.

the virgin cop vs the chad orderly

This is going to sound really racist and I don't consider myself a racist, but 400 years ago they were living in the jungle like wild animals. Is it really their fault?
In other parts of the world civilisation was flourishing as far back as the 8th century, you can't take a wild animal into your nice home then wonder why it's trying to fuck and kill everything

she literally says "sedate the nigger, right there"
I may have woke up my neighbours with the massive laughs
thank you, OP

>sedate the nigga

This doesn't explain why it's all young black men though. Old black men don't do this kind of thing, unless IQ goes up with age?

>Gets laid down by a male nurse
Oh no no no no no

>Am I a pussy?
Yeah but that's unrelated

Clay Matthews didn't make the most productive use of his offseason

>400 years ago they were living in the jungle like wild animals.
And they would still have if Europeans didn't come to Africa with technology and culture

This is obviously what happened. It's kind of funny how the anti-black racist jumps instantly to the Law instead of trying to put the video into context, which is little asian boy started the conflict and edged it on

The young black men that act like this don't live to become old.

>that commentating
tfw no red pilled black gf

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>Old black men don't do this kind of thing
because they're old retard, hard to fight. anvd there are not a lot of old black thugs either

more like testosterone goes down

testosterone along with poor impulse control due to being young and mentally immature.

>90 lbs asian praying mantis
>180lbs gorilla
yeah that lanklet was clearly trying to start shit
jesus christ why do you chimps have to be so fucking territorial all the time

>Africa is one country where everyone lived in the jungle lol

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you're right, poor black man dindu nothing the asian man was keeping him down with his eyes and imposing skeletal frame.


>mayonnaise and badmonton
yeah really nice technology, cumskin.

>sedate the nigger

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>because they're old retard, hard to fight.
I know that but you will never see an old black man acting like this, they are pretty chill

My God. I've never seen a more perpetually angry and violent group of people. Crazy shit.

based woman, carrying around her JVC camcorder

I don't blame them.

He obviously was trying to. Go watch the video again
He bit off more than he could chew. Maybe next time he wont be disrespectful just because it's a public place

I don't think many people here remember that.

>nigger running mouth to asain
>nigger sucker punches asain
>rent a cop struggles with nigger
>rent a cop reaches for a weapon on his cop belt
>npc coalburner literally stops him
>male nurse takes nigger down
>real cops show up

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Because in racially homogenous societies no one ever fights am I right?

>He obviously was trying to
by existing and being weak near the monkey?

The history of Europe is a history of constant war between whites. Like neverending lmao. Funny now when /pol/tards talk about the ''white race'' and how everything would be so much better.


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Why resort to violence?

that escalated fast...

Sedate the nigger

Because the only ones who survive long enough to be old haven't died a young age or turned to druggies.

Good lord that was a long time ago. I wonder how that guy is doing today.


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definitely. simply looking at someone should be grounds to get your face fucked up in polite society. Evil chink man was asking for fists when he dared try and oppress a noble black man with his evil racist slanted eyes.

Chill Fernando.

>talk shit
>when black guy tells me to come here while expressing signs of anger
>sit right next to him and stare at him while talking shit
If you think he didnt ask for it then you're low IQ and dont understand how to stop signs of anger and respond appropriately

>oh you are not running you are approaching me?
>I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer

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What even is per capita.

It would irritate me, but I would just say "Can I help you?", instead of just throwing punches because I feel the need to defend my street cred in a fucking hospital waiting room.

That's right whitey, bow down to your overlord.

How do these things even happen? How do other grown ass men actually get in fights with ppl? I havent had a fight since middle school. You leave the house, go to the gym, store, movies, hospital, restaurant, wherever... Do what you need to do and leave. I don't need to talk with anyone that isn't behind a counter. How does something escalate to acknowledgment of someone else, let alone physical contact?

Back in the day white people had actual duels because of shit like this. Yet now, were all keyboard aristocrats.

>it's really just too much to expect a nigger to not physically assault someone when that someone dares look at them

Can someone explain to me why all this started? I am trying to understand ebonics and chink but it is hard for me

a microcosm of the LA riots

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This is hardly a "duel".

There's obviously some shit that happened before the video starts

>it's your responsibility that niggers cant into society without randomly sperging out because you were stretching
yeah ok

who knows, the video starts with no background info. Who knows why they are in hospital or if they talked before or whatever. Maybe the black is coming down off drugs.

when coworkers start talking about cinema

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They're in a hospital so likely in pain, and it looks crowded so they're probably upset from waiting. Not to mention they're shit talking each other. It's understandable that it would happen under these conditions; not that I'm excusing it entirely. Trying to attribute race as the causal factor is retarded though

Yeah I think the chink looked at him 2 seconds too long.

ay pussies, when you sittin down and you see a man starin at you, that shit is either gay or he’s got a problem with you. how the fuck are you gonna stare a stranger like that, mean muggin for no fuckin reason? man, get the fuck outta here. the basketball man acted right. y’all are just autists who don’t understand things like this. you niggas can’t even see faces


Nigga overplayed xcom.

cast it

Not exactly. If that were the case the Asian would have shot the nigger.

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It's your responsibility to notice these signs and respond appropriately for anything. I'm expecting too much to think someone on the chans would understand what anger does to people though. Maybe next time itll be your face instead of the asians

it's called being a man pal, i know you live in a sheltered environment where you've never been exposed to conflict, so this is a great learning opportunity for you. this is what we men call testosterone, and this is what drove us to invent many of the things we've invented throughout the eras, it also drives us to fight. got it? good :)

He was staring

kevin hart
chink styxx
Pablo Moretz
Jeniffer aniston
adam sandler

Yes, of different groups competing for land and resources. The African violence of all against all at all times for no real reason is sick.

> roastie nurse immediately steps in to try free the black man and use her powerful words to pacify him

>what anger does to people
I see that's where you're misunderstanding me.
People manage their anger.
Animals lash out.

the only people that should be fighting are athletes and children

i think nigger was acting like a nigger and the asian guy called him out on it, without realizing that the nigger would chimp out

what if the chink was trying to bang the negro? he looks kind of pansy

Thank god the hospital had a gay healer to cast a subdue spell

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Have you never been around blacks like that before? They'll stare at you in the hopes of starting a conflict, due to a primitive territorial impulse. Staring back "challenges" their territory (aka wherever they are) and in their paradigm, justifies violence.

tl;dr niggers gonna nig

There are stages of anger. When you see someone shaking their fist and stomping their feet then you dont edge them on. This is a sign that crosses cultures, and racial lines

Maybe, I'm not even American I'm European. It just amuses me when /pol/ types talk about the ''white race'' (who exactly?) and imply the noble Europeans were peaceful. French people fucking hated Germans and English, English hated Germans, and on and on. The idea that there was ever any unified ''white race'' is ridiculous. It was just constant war.

You mean it's called being a child. The only men in the video are the ones who were minding their own business until they were forced to use their power to stop a nigger from chimping out because he wasn't raised properly. Nice try dude

It worked too

Blacks have lower iq and less self-reflection and moderation. So when someone irritates then they immediately respond physically to that irritant where other subspecies would evaluate if it's worth it, which it almost never is. Hence why the prison population is majority black.

the elephant in the room

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I have actually worked with black people who complain that they haven't been in a fight for too long and they hope they get into one soon.

>a white guy had to save the chink

Their most notable development was living above gold deposits close to the surface and the Arabs swindling them out of

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SNK vs. Def Jam Vendetta

Looks more like a gorilla to me.


black women know how it is, they have the power to point out a thug nigger.

Nah you're full of shit.
The chink did right.
Goad the dumb nigger into attacking him in a room full of rentacops and witnesses and then press charges.
Maybe getting raped in prison will teach him to mind his manners.

These are the same people blaming all blacks because one got into a fight after being mocked by someone. They're desperate to grab onto something that makes them feel good and their ancestors are their only "accomplishments"

alpha stance

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No not really when you compare the the vicious genocidal wars others races enacted intra-race. Im irish and we don't really hate the english, nor them the french. It's mostly bants.

Idris Elba
Scarlett Johansson
Danny Trejo
Jason Statham and Carey from king of queens

Slavery was a mistake.


based meheecan knows this country will belong to hispanics

Yet pol will deny black girls are on our side.

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>fighting in an hospital

peoples doing that or assaulting medical personnel should be black listed from welfare system

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>It's your responsibility to notice these signs and respond appropriately for anything

This. Everyone ITT, register Republican, join the NRA, get a concealed carry license and a pistol.

Why are there even shitskins in this thread defending this feral chimp? Aren't you embarrassed that this volatile nigger is ruining the reputation of your poop sheen?

Post yfw you're about yours

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The only man in the video is the nurse who effortlessly bodies the diversity.

>Hence why the prison population is majority black.

On the male side sure. On the female side there are only about half as many black women in prison as there are white women.


Every black girl is just a nigger without the Y and any son they produce would be the same as a white women having one with a black gangbanger. Women and men of a race are two sides of the same coin.

OK, this is pretty funny, but jokes aside, WHAT IN THE FUCK IS THIS GUY DOING?
tell what is he doing? some holistic shit? what is going on?

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Why do black people like fighting so much? It is literally not even fun, at the very least your knuckles hurt afterwards, you gain nothing from it

is this really what life in america is like?

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>On the female side there are only about half as many black women in prison as there are white women.

>a white guy impregnated that


exact same shit as women and their
>muh 'motional 'telligence
the fucking knots they have to tie their brains into to fit the idea that everyone is exactly level, it's unreal

She cute

Primal brain urges them to establish alpha dominance in the group.

jewish guy

Do NOT underestimate buff white dudes with girly hair. It's a trap. They train their whole lives for some one to start shit over it.

this may be the chink parents, btw

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Women aren't usually incarcerated for violent crimes, its much more drug use and white collar crime. So you'd expect to see a more balanced split. Remember the overall population means at a completely balanced state you'd expect to see prison population overwhelmingly white.

>Sedate this nigger.

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Cast him.

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I'm not sure what his spec is, but I'd say it's some form of homo-priestery

low inhibition

most people at least partly consider the effects their actions might have before performing them, most blacks really don't

What type of martial art or secret old asian wisdom do I need to achieve this physic?

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The thrill of being the better man is worth it. I think I know why you don't like it.

Holding his sigmoid in. Too much adrenaline kicks starts a learned response to loosen his sphincter.

eat lots of soi

If his goal is to have an Olympian child its not a bad plan

So we're pretending the IRA wasn't blowin' up shit just 20 years ago?

There are white guys who fuck farm animals too. Why is anyone's guess.


Cook with gutter oil.

lol is this bait or are you actually retarded?

stare at blacks x reps
fork let goes x failure

I bet he wishes he was shorter.
Imagine a tiny asian dick on that lanky frame.

>be a nigger
>try to be a better man
>get put down by a cop
nothing like putting "real men" in their place

dude couldn't even handle a fucking skeleton

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He's doing that shit that Anakin did to calm the bull/rhinoceros/triceratops thing down in AotC.

Based junkie saved the cameraman from a Faceless

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>Woman walks in and starts pulling on the security guard and saying "stop it"
Why do they do this? Is it just instinct at seeing someone being aggressive, thinking they can just talk them down, so they start pulling at the one they know isn't going to smack them back?
I don't get it. It's almost as bad as the ones in street fights that just keep yelling STAAHP IT STAAAHP and stand between two guys throwing punches

Stressed the fuck out. Fight or flight.

> the ira is ireland
Also even then the majority targeted were protestant irish. I have family members on both sides of that, killed too. None of it is dislike towards english people. Though english politicians certainly like to pretend its so as a way of cowing the english to voting certain ways.

>The thrill of being the better man
Better in what way...?

based whaler

Only in most of the large cities. Most of suburban/rural America is pretty comfy.


imagine getting a perfect sucker punch set up on literally the skinniest faggot that ever aznd his way out of the termite hive and lightly dazing him for half a second at best

Gene Kelly

But black people are the least stressed of any race, both by self report and medical statistics. Plus they always seem to opt for fight over flight, so no it's not that.

in some areas hispanics were the ones doing most of the looting

From the uploader:
>"no I saw it from the beginning at first the black guy started talking shit to the guy in the red shirt than started with the Asian guy so the black one was looking for trouble"

So this is what happened:
>nigger tried to start shit with the stocky hispanic guy leaning against the wall
>asian guy verbally backs up the hispanic guy and stands his ground
>nigger chimps out

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This. Cities are the fly tape for the shittiest people in the country. Said cities also happen to be where foreign tourists travel to, so that's what they see. These ghetto rats are essentially acting as our ambassadors.

>any son they produce would be the same as a white women having one with a black gangbanger
not really, a mulatto born of a white dad will be far more likely to actually know their dad.

Imagine owning a plantation back then and this being one of your slaves


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>based non obese american minority taking down the whale

>deny the native population equal civil rights
>they blow shit up

Haha yes this proves they are stupid

>talk shit
They take anything as talking shit you fucking cuck. They could be hooting and hollering and you politely tell them to be quiet they'll start barking and then jump you if you don't prostrate yourself.

Fucking weak ass people like you need to stand up for themselves more.

In big metro areas. They're all shitholes overrun with black and brown people.

I hear most of Europe is the same way these days.

in my opinion, a big part of this shit is the baboon recording the thing
that shit entices the fight to happen, because they know they are already being recorded, and they don't want to look like pussies

This isn't an rpg. We don't all get an equal amount of points to distribute among stats. The races and classes aren't balanced in real life.

> Hispanic guy doesn't help the asian who helped him

>n-n-no the black guy dindu nuffin you all just söy

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what the fuck
so it was Pablo all along
the mofo, and he didn't even help the chink

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wtf ahahah

Yeah but parents don't matter more than their genes do.

pretty much.
lanklet stood up and didn't allow himself to be completely submissive even though he obviously didn't want to fight.
If this happened on the street the lanklet would walk away and the nigger would feel like he won.

Based nurse man

Why couldn’t we just have our own countries? Why didn’t we send them back like Lincoln wanted?


the chink sitting there was a power move for the camera

prisons are filled with these egotistical morons becasue someone looked at them sideways
its so easy to rustle them theyre pathetic

What was his endgame?


>I hear most of Europe is the same way these days.

It's in the process, which is hilarious because the liberals can't flee to the suburbs like in the US.

You're an idiot if you think responding "in kind" to someone that's showing VISIBLE signs of angry will lead to anything positive

>you will never be this happy

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genes matter a lot but you can't pretend a white dad who fell for the bleached meme and happily married a gentrified black girl is the same as a gangbanger that shot a load in some white whore he hit up.

The answer is simply that they don't think before they do things. That's why they don't stress over things, they just don't think about things. Nothing has ever given a black man pause.
I think that might be why they seem so attractive as mates, they seem really masculine, because they never hesitate before doing things. They just do whatever they feel like at any given moment.
It also explains why they die much more than whites do. They get themselves into idiotic situations, that they wouldn't have gotten into if they had stopped for a minute to think, and instead of thinking of how to fix the situation, they just follow their instincts and end up escalating.
>police man say the bad at me
>me angry!
>me fight
>police man aim the gun at me
>me angry!
>me fight
>me die
As for the fight or flight reaction, it's probably a mix of posturing and social conditioning.
If you run away, you a bitch nigga.
If you fight and die, you a real nigga.
Lofty aspirations.

It's better with sound

Quite literally true, not saying environment doesn't matter but studies plainly show it's the minority effect compared to sheer genetics on all life outcomes. You won't raise a half black kid to be a white kid.

It's called copious amounts of drugs. You too can be happy.

>npc coalburner literally stops him
wtf was she thinking

Compare Africa to Europe. Also, look at the literal hordes trying to get to Europe. That's why. Hungary had the right idea.

>A few days ago, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk claimed on Twitter that illegal immigration in Hungary decreased by 99 percent after the country built a border wall. “Hungary built a wall and illegal immigration collapsed by 99%” he said. Can this be true, or is it just a typical political slogan?

>Verdict: True


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Yeah, frogposters should be gassed

Because women are retarded

This reminds me of that Chappelle episode when the white dad gets stabbed for staring at the girl.

And graveyards are full of people who cant into signs of anger

Why not both?

Explain Jayden Smith then. That's the whites black kid I've ever seen.

You're right, everyone should just accept someone's abusive behavior in the hope that it doesn't get worse, yeah my bad. You wanna fuck my wife bro?

Shit like this scares me. I don't know why, it just does.
When it's a pet running around screaming and bouncing around, it's cute.
When it's a full grown man, it just makes me want to hide until it goes away. Even the webm from far away makes me feel queasy. Why?

Complete global saturation

No obviously not, but it'll be more because the genetic quality of both are different. I imagine the wmbf couples usually involve a smarter black girl and a liberal white guy, meaning particularly opposed to violence. Whereas some coalburner is dregs of the whites mixing with some average at best nigger.

No it doesnt. At best, meta analysis put 50/50% on nature vs nurture

Imagine living in a country with only white people. Imagine how clean and safe it would be.

>minority effect

What is that, and why doesn't it apply to Asians or Europeans?

Theres a difference between responding when someone is in the most intense stage of anger and letting them cool down before you respond

But he's not. He's an idiot obsessed with looks and expensive possesions whilst adopting stupid /x/tier beliefs to portray himself as smart. He's basically your average onkonkwe dancing in tribal headdresses.

It's actually more like 75% nature, 25% nurture.
That 25% is a huge deal though, that's your whole life right there.
It can define rich or poor, incarcerated or free, isolated or socialite.
And having both a mother and a father in a child's life has a massive impact on their development.

According to the black dude's own words, the Asian started it by merely looking at him.

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The lanklet actually won that though considering the black dude couldn't even one hit KO jack skellington.

and murderers get murdered
i got no sympathy for these out of control lunatics

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>the minority effect
Explain niggers in africa literally eating eachother.

Not true. Give something like 'Blueprint' by Plomin a read as it goes all over it without a racial slant.

Norway, Switzerland, Australia and Ireland have the highest human development in the world and they all share something in common.

>95% white

I find this slowly advancing mammoth much more scary

high t

>Sedate the nigga, sedate the nigga right there

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>Sucker punch liberal soiboy
>Get a stern talking to and then left alone

God I wish that wasy me

Minority as in the smaller effect. Nothing to do with racial minority.

>sedate the nigger

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Ok as long as you understand that both the asian and th black were in the wrong

Honestly what would you have done if he came up to you and smacked ya like that? Real answers, not fake bravado shit.

I would most likely just get up and laugh it off and walk outside. I don't see the point in fighting especially if I know I wont win. Maybe say something to save face like "wow didn't even hurt faggot" as im walking away or something.

>I'm right here aren't I, user?

How would you respond lads?

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>I hear most of Europe is the same way these days.

lol the largest city in fucking ENGLAND is minority white now.

some time ago I got tired of this type of mad people, so I basically transverse through the streets without ever making eye contact with anyone
it is quite comfy once you get used to it
I ignore by default, and i don't look around
since then
>no more beggars on the street ever approach me
>no more weird dudes or old people trying to chat for whatever reason
>no more fat chics or literal hoes trying to flirt
mind your own business 100% of the time, to reduce your issues to a bare minimum