They can't keep getting away with it.
They can't keep getting away with it
>segregating kikes
... Based?
Please be fake
>exempt jews
>muslims get angry
>muslims take anger out on jews and kill them
>jews die
>deport muslims
>everybody wins
Kill yourself, you retarded nigger.
>rules for thee not for me goy
this is just done to normalize 'new-swedes' by forcing swedes to be around muslims
>smash good christain schools because muslims are wrecking their own schools but not punish jews
this is disgusting and full of shame. muslim brothers and sisters deserve a place to learn and pray the teachings of Muhammad (PBUH).
>the jews murdered Christ and now they're murdering his legacy
Feelsbad bros
Keep getting away with...
>posting headlines from a clickbait
>posting headlines from 18 months ago?
Normal swedes probably long fled the country or at least chose to homeschool their kids, so they only ones to be thrown on the chopping block will be the liberal ones who welcomed this jewry in the first place
>Daily Mail
So it is fake, or at best misleading, then.
Some don't even acknowledge him
>Please be fake
>Sweden’s ruling Social Democrats vow to ban religious schools
>Senior lawmaker opposes 'school segregation'; Sweden's only Jewish school not seen in danger, however, with pledge seen as election talk
Oy vey!
How the fuck are Swedes not in open revolt?
to be fair integrist hate having their child near ours, I was in front of a old muslim guy with the traditional clothing and shit red in anger watching young arabs act like sluts
their culture will be whipped out before ours, and they will be outbred before us
sweden actually has massive right wing organisations more than any other european country but we don’t see much of them in the news (and that’s a good thing)
Isn't this the television board?
Infinity chan going down and all its userbase going back to /pol/ must have thrown a real wrench in the works for these shills. They are swarming the blue boards hard where as /pol/ is much healthier than it has been in years.
Funny how transparent shills are.
If you listen to the media in every single country, they invariably praise Sweden like it’s the greatest country on earth and some leftist utopian paradise with strong social security, free healthcare, no religious loons, etc.
Swedish people learn about what foreigners are saying about their country and they start unironically believing that they truly are the greatest country on earth and that cultivates a nationwide epidemic of smug superiority and narcissism. Swedish people quite literally believe that they don’t have to change or improve because of what outsiders are saying about their country and now it’s spiraled into a nightmare mess where their country has become third world in a matter of decades and no one in that shithole even cares or outright refuses to acknowledge it.