Kino gay characters

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OP here. I am also a gay character. Not sure if that's important though

They don't exist. They're there only to virtue signal and for muh representation.

>he doesn't like omar little or captain holt

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Holt and Kevin episodes are kino.

is that black flag? was the main guy gay? i dropped it after season 2 or so

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China Gay Characters

richie in It, Omar in the wire

what about hickey

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It's called Black Sails and yes the main guy is revealed to be gay in season 2 episode 5.

>"muh representation"
>reee they're only here so some people can relate to them!
So just like straight characters?

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Gays are epic. I wish there would be more trans representation in hollywood as well though

Straight characters aren’t there to appeal to straight people. Straightness is the default and normal sexuality. A straight person doesn’t consider it a defining straight whilst a homosexual considers their fetish as vital to their identity. Unless their homosexuality advances the plot, there is no need for them to possess the abnormal feature of homosexuality.

the most kino homos of all

>Is he a ham

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T.E. Lawrence

he left the Shire in the end because he realized he could never be with Sam, because Sam wanted pussy.

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Beecher and Keller in Oz.

>A straight person doesn’t consider it a defining straight
implying you aren't posting on a board full of incels and other people obsessed with sex and their weird fetish

jesus christ dude read a fucking book

>i just want to be accepted for who i am: a sexual maniac

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Dilate trannie

what's that?

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Only if you are vegan

what about them?

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timothee is straight

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the redpill is that he's evil

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It makes me feel better that a famous actor looks as discombobulated as me making out.

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>kino gay characters

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Book Euron Greyjoy

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Why did they make Bill gay in the film. Fucking retarded Hollywood jews

Was Bill Hader's character (forgot his name; Richie or something) established to be gay in the first one? I totally forgot and it came out of nowhere especially in the flashback scenes.

Father Karas

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Easily the best part of the film.

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Holt is just a stuck up conservative character archetype who they tagged as gay. He's likeable not because he's gay, but because he's a long-existing comedy staple.

Otherwise known as "the straight man", ironically

I meant Richie. Richie isn't mentioned as gay in the books, not even hinted.

He wasn't.

wrong pic

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>no Lawrence of Arabia yet

come on people

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The Mellon murder makes sense in 1980, not as much in 2017, so they made him gay and then also adds to more impact they felt when Eddie dies.

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Eddie was the one who could be interpreted as gay in the book. They switched it for some reason and made Richie in love with Eddie in the movie. A lot of fangirls shipped them in the book and in the 1990's movie; the new director decided to make it canon in chapter 2 to please that crowd I guess.

>everyone talks about the kangaroo killing.
>No one mentions the rape

You mean Jon Con.

Man, I would definitely would watch a show based around Job.

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>no homo

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name of the show/movie?

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>A straight person doesn’t consider it a defining straight

Nearly every movie has a forced straight romantic subplot.

All the gay characters in that movie were great
>"And you didn't bang her? Are you gay?"


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Hickey is icky

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Thanks pal

Hickey is cutie

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omar was the ultimate mary sue of the series, every scene hes in is awful. "oh fuck its omar, watch out for this badass. People just drop the stash when his name is mentioned nothin personnel nigga"

Watching coldsteel the hedgehog do stupid shit like outlip the defendant's attorney while convincing the jury how badass he is, get into a cringeworthy caliber debate and badass contest with less-prevalent mary sue #2, and survive jumping off a building were the worst parts of the series, the fag shit was just icing.

>this board represents society as a whole
Leave the house more

His homosexuality is literally fan service

>putting your dick in another man's ass is normal
Kill yourself, faggot.

Retarded reply.
That doesn’t mean straight people treat their sexuality like a personality trait like fags, tranny’s and dykes do.

Hickey is top cutie and a great villain

never watched Black Sails or Banshee, are they any good?

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>He's likeable not because he's gay,
Could be said same about every single one straight character, by your shitty logic there isnt any good straight characters.


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Banshee is genuinely great but you have to know what you're getting into. It's an insane schlocky throwback to a lot of exploitation tropes. The 4 season is rushed but it's bounces between good and great throughout it's run. Also the main antagonist, Kai Proctor, is one of the best villains in television IMO.

Only reason this movie gets praised it's because of this shit

This might sell you on Banshee.

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Him too, but book Euron definitely sucks cock

Rereading the book right now. It's so damn kino

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Good post OP. Ritchie is a really good character.

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citymac BTFO

>brooklyn nine nine

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They were supposed to be gay?
I thought it was more of a father-son relationship.

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Cast him

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My favorite

It was filial!
Lawrence was, probably.

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Willem dafoe in boondock saints.

apparently in the books they're in a relationship, but they don't bring it to the workplace unlike Hickey

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Black sails is amazing. It's basically a gay prequel of Treasure Island. James Flint (main guy) is one of the best characters of all time.

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Didn't he end up being one of those "gay" characters who conveniently never explicitly mentions it or kisses another man so it can be easily edited and swept under the rug for the Chinese release?

are city mac and dennis gonna fuck

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Lawrence wasn’t gay. He loved his brown homies. A man can love other men and not be a homosexual. This is a concept that does not compute with out time though.


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Omar better be on here.

I gotta read the book.

>jesus christ dude read a fucking book
Sorry, not interested in reading Magnus Hirschfeld or other nomalizers of degeneracy. Neck yourself, tranny.

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will hickey ever star in a BLACKED kino?

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in the new James Bond film

> lesbians are either boring or gril power representatives

The Handmaiden is kino


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irl Kawrence was into bdsm shit and fantasized about being whipped by men. He also wrote explicitely gay poems to some of his arab "friends"

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Gentleman did nothing wrong

here's my main card

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That's what I thought too.

Apparently in the book they were formerly in a relationship.
> A respected member of the crew, Peglar is one of the senior petty officers aboard HMS Terror and is the ex-lover of Subordinate Officers' Steward John Bridgens. Peglar is dyslexic and has a heart complaint that becomes evident later in the novel. He is killed by the Tuunbaq, along with several other members of the crew, while attempting to explore a possible lead to open water.

Sneaking suspicion that this scene was the only reason he agreed to starring in this massively unsympathetic flick.

if Irving wasn't a coward and fucked Hickey's boipussy, the expedition would've turned out alright

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gosh he's perfect for that

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>not-Batman and his not-Superman husband
how did they get away with this

IDK dude, Patrick reminded me so much of my time in high school as a young gay lad. Down to the theaterfaggotry and bullying.

I'd fuck Irving

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how come a hairy crossdressing man is still more appealing than Emma

he's really hot in The Rook, shame the show is utter shit

All the villains were gay iirc

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Because Watson has about as much sex appeal in her entire body as Ezra has in one pinky.

It's not fuck off

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>op admits to being a faggot
well that's a first

>guy is depressed loner
>makes fast friends with two older students who end up lusting for his cock
trite wish-fulfillment, fake and gay (in a bad way)
Ezra shoulda been the main character desu, his arc was the best in the movie anyway

I'm not going to disagree with you, kek. I didn't identify with anyone other than Patrick.

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there's literally not a single picture in this thread i couldn't jerk it to


Holt is the only based character in B99, Terry coming close second but even he gets cringey

what's this quote from originally?

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Didn't he end up with Dakota? Or was it the other guy


Based The Rules of Attraction posting user.

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>considers their fetish as vital to their identity
This is such bullshit. Are you suggesting straight people don't think sexuality is important? Look at the contents of the catalog right now and music, ads, TV and movies


No, he left because he was consumed by the quest. There was nothing left for him, he could not live a normal life.

Wtf I just watched that episode yesterday

I like the brother in Schitt's Creek

> tfw prime armie will never be ur pocket twink

best thread

Agreed, needs more pics of cute guys though imo.

Do not post this, heathen. He is your One True King.

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This desu

Richie wasn't gay tho.

Not Yea Forums but Gay Tony from GTA 4 is one of the only gay characters that isn't just preachy bullshit

Solid choices ITT. Job and Flint were definitely based.

Only one that seems missing so far is Lafayette.

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>*whistles that farmer song in your path*
>blows your chest up with a sawed off
Kino as fuck

>tfw you get away with it and John Grant's fine with it at the end of the movie
Wake in Fright is a lot like Withnail and I, in that it makes a lot more sense if you interpret every male character as gay

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