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He's right you know. Why live a slave when you could die a free man? Didn't America form itself from that idea to split from britcucks?

Looked like Lando in the thumbnail. Would have been a better choice than what's his name.

poor michael
studio execs have been turning tricks on that guy since he was a boy

jump from the ship? bullshit, all those niggers were nicely chained up and packed neatly together.

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Based Irishchief81

His ancestors jumped from the ship... his ANCESTORS KILLED THEMSELVES.

Riddle me this, then: HOW THE HELL IS HE ALIVE, if his ancestors all died?

wouldn't staying alive, working hard through slavery only to have a lineage of children who eventually become free be a more respectable thing to do?

>Riddle me this, then: HOW THE HELL IS HE ALIVE, if his ancestors all died?

They only imagined they jumped, you know from the bottom of the ship,.

What i never got is that if this was the case, how was the slaves worth anything in physical labor when they arrived? Wouldn´t atrophy from inactivity have turned them in skeletal skinbags?


Killmonger was a villain, so while he had good points, he was still fucked in the head. He openly admits killing his own kind to get to where he's at.

Who do you think was paddling during the trip?

it’s only a couple weeks to sail across the atlantic if you actually know the route

Nothing wrong with killing traitors

This was actually a pretty good line but they ruined it with ebonics and sheit

If his ancestors committed suicide, how does he exist

your alpha ancestors sold you in the first place negro

is this the legendary niggermobile i hear about?

>He's right you know

Not really. Blacks sold to the whiteman. Blacks came together and hide themselves from the other blackmen/white men.

Villan complains about blackmen and wants to arm them with super space age tech and expects them to not kill each other first.

that's just the flaw of humanity, not with blacks specifically. didn't america forge itself within the flames of several civil wars before coming out on top? the same would have happened to the united states of wakonda.



I've never seen anyone point out that this DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE since his ancestors lived in Wakanda, sheltered from slave trade and all other atrocities taking place on the African continent. The guys dying on the ships were random Niggers that had nothing to do with him. Imagine LARPing this hard.

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