Cast him, Father of Western Philosophy.
Cast him, Father of Western Philosophy
is that Socrates or Plato?
idris elba
Only his modern equivalent
Plato, Socrates is that ugly frog face dude
aiden gillen make it about he's midlife
cast him
>Will Ferrell
directed by Adam McKay
>reading Plato on the subway
>Parmenides, struggling to understand
>black guy next to me glances over
>"Are you an intellectual ?"
>"Not really"
>That's why you read Plato."
>he smiles and leaves a few stations later
>come home and try thinking of comebacks in the shower
what the fuck
Klaus kinski
sophists dun goofed
user, that was a compliment. You don't need a comeback for it.
Lmao he got you.
nigga was hitting on you
“Western civilization” does not exist. Eastern civilization does, though.
How can an "Eastern civ" exist when there is no "western civ"
“The west” is a social construct. There’s no definitive marking between what is “western” and what isn’t.
>“The west” is a social construct.
what isnt a social construct?
Same for eastern, then.
That's not Jaden Smith
western civilisation was born at the battle of marathon.
please know what youre talking about before going on an autistic image board
History, science, justice, etc.
“Westernism” is just a lens through which truths like these can be warped.
So the day before that battle, the participants weren’t western but the day after they were?
>History, science, justice, etc.
those are all social constructs. they all have no meaning beyond what man makes of them.
Yeah, western civilization doesn't exist. White civilization does though.
>cast him
>he declines the role and goes back to his tent
>writes in his journal about how beautiful it is that a loaf of bread splits when it is baked
>sleeps on the floor with no blankets until others berate him to get into his fucking bed
completely based
how new can you be
>“The west” is a social construct. There’s no definitive marking between what is “western” and what isn’t.
History exists whether man observes it or not. The current state of things is perpetually dependent upon it.
Unless you’re one of those retards who thinks falling trees stop making noise when humans aren’t around.
Cast him.
Im here to state facts, user. Ofcourse we can delve into this in a philosophy thread but its purely opinion from me here.
I see it as the moment western ideas were shown as superior. the values were still there the day before but battle of marathon is the huge clash
No such thing as white.
>if you don't respond to pasta in a very specific way then you're a newfag
Fuck off retard
>western ideas were shown as superior
Only in the eyes of fascists.
Who is the maddest Roman lad?
>that guy who literally bought the title of emperor from the praetorian guard for like a week or so (forget his name)
>History exists whether man observes it or not.
You're arguing that reality exists independent of observation. Which I agree with, but what what and me you call "reality" or the perception of some state of affairs, is all too fragile user.
Who was fascist at the time of Marathon? Pericles?
Well, events happen, sure, but thats not what history is. History is mans understanding of past events in relation to his present circumstance. Thucydides is history, Toynbee is history.
A proto-fascist, yes.
My cum in your moms pussy is white.
Caligula, of course.
Here you go
wtf I love fascism now
>>"Are you an intellectual ?"
>>"Not really"
>>That's why you read Plato."
He's right you know.
I hate you redditors so much.
>Father of Western Philosophy.
But that's not Heraclitus
bug man cope
completely and utterly btfo
Socrates and Aristoteles are the real deal.
he's right you know
He was a hack.
big brained post
No such thing as black
>“Western civilization” does not exist
It used to, before liberalism (not in the American sense) destroyed it and left us with nothing but nihilism.
if Heraclitus was the father of western philosophy we would be colonizing other planets right now
Who this
lookt at your hand
Joaquin Phoenix
I lived across the street from his grave. Placed him some flowers.
A Michael Jackson impersonator
>go out of cave