Season 4 is going to suck ass, right?
Season 4 is going to suck ass, right?
theres no chance theyre going to make another. everyone hated s3. give up.
>it's a Beth episode
i mean every season has sucked so far. I highly doubt they'll improve the quality of the show
>Rick and Morty Season 4 will premiere sometime in November 2019
I am expecting a bad season.
Honestly she's just a bad character. Write her off and see who cares
did they actually make pickle rick the cover of the blu ray? i thought they were ahsamed of that joke
>it’s an inter dimensional cable episode
s3 was so fucking terrible
Ashamed? Dan Harmon is extremely proud of that entire episode
It even won an Emmy
Roiland is too busy making video games so you can bet that Harmon and his shitty new writers will make it as unfunny as possible
i think roiland being off the show might not be so bad
>An emmy for painfully unsubtle exposition and screaming pickle man violence
It's not even that deep. Rick is self destructive both physically and mentally, we already know that.
Are people so fucking stupid they need the wubbalubbadubdub pickle man to be explained to them?
That’s pretty funny
why do you guys take a cartoon so seriously? I don't understand the hate. It's a mildly funny parody of BTTF with an alcoholic Doc.
The best show on adult swim is Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell and has been for the last couple of seasons.
This is why Hitler should have won
Because everyone treats it likes it's so deep and not a mildy funny parody including the show. Season 3 tried to be deep instead of mildy funny and it stops being mildy funny
Why does nobody take me seriously as a content creator?
Also Zach:
but who cares you don't watch it with those people it's just a tv show. Star Trek fans are idiots, so are Star Wars, so are Football fans, so are people who like Disney movies, so are people too into Horror....doesn't mean I can't still enjoy these things like a reasonable person.
these are alright
and that's true. I do enjoy season 1-2 and yes, the show isn't anything special.
Alot of this is just typical Yea Forums bullshit, it's not like you would complain about it in real life. If anything i'm happy it's bad because you get cringe kino like this.
Show has got worse though and this is a board discussing tv so of course people are going to debate about it.
the chad horseman vs the virgin rick
No episode of Rick or Morty has been as bad as this:
You know the one thing I was hoping with the new female writers in S3 was that Beth and Summer would actually get better characterisation.
Summer became less funny and more arrogant, meh.
Beth got totally destroyed. Went from depressed yet semi-supportive wife and okay mother to a hateful cunt who doesn't even care about her own children.
How did they fuck up every character so bad in one season??
>female writers
>better characterisation
>new female writers in S3
>How did they fuck up every character so bad in one season??
>double question mark
you answered your own question roastie
What the fuck is the point here?
There was an actual female shooting in the states and no media backlash about women, nothing close. Most gun nuts insist that women DO carry firearms. A doubt there's a race paralell.
This isn't even satire because it's so out of touch with reality.
Why do women have such victim complexes? I'm not going to blame men this time, I'm going to blame toxic college culture.
the episode was fine
this is some of the most hamfisted shit i've ever seen
its a cartoon aimed at adults of course its going to suck ass you cretin
It was extremely gay, made me think of how your dad got AIDS.
It's written by male feminists who ask permission for sex, what did you expect?
all we have is a vague november date. i wouldn't be surprised if something went wrong and season 4 is either delayed or cancelled. Maybe they'll release like two episodes chopped up as adult swim style shorts.
Let's face it, Dan Harmon can't sober up enough to create a full season anymore.
>female writers, directors etc. are naturally better with female characters
You believed that meme?
Trailer Park Boys animated was ok
there's no actual message
The message is that men hate women more than love guns
Am i the only one that thinks this show is entertaining to watch.
You only hate it because it's loved by reddit so.y. people.
Yes there are some shit episodes and some selfinsert female writers but overall its a good watch.
I expect it to mostly be bad but not terrible. I'm hoping it will be better than s3 but that seems like a pipe dream.
If nothing else, it should be comfy though
if you've only watched the specific clip and don't know anything about the characters, sure
They may as well just rename it to Rick & Beth. And then at the end of the season, Rick can identify as a woman and change his name to Rita. And then we can have the adventures of Rita & Beth
I actually kek'd, but yeah, Roiland's an absolute nutcase. I'd still take his show over Harmon's.
Bojack's handling of the gun control was by far the worst thing the show ever did and the only thing that pissed me off deeply.
I suppose the way that the last season spent half the season having a meta commentary on how much the writers hate the fans of the show who think that Bojack makes it okay/cool to be an alcoholic piece of shit was kinda stupid. But it was also hilarious to see the writers seethe so that was fine.
The funny thing about Bojack is that the writers are actually really good at writing. Aside from the gun control episode, they haven't been that blatant or one-sided in any issue. Even when they decided they needed to devote a season to politics cause of Trump, the result was the mayor race between MPB that concluded with a ski-off. Like, I get the impression they're too smart to write the stupid shit they want to write to affirm their beliefs.
Diane is the most obvious example of this. Even though she's supposed to be the voice of reason, they've made her a depressive whiny entitled bitch and this amazing parallel to Bojack. She's always portrayed as in-the-right, but actions speak louder than words. Remember, the writers could make her not a piece of shit if they wanted, but they know she'd lose all her depth if they did that
I don't watch this faggy shit so I wouldn't know
did you just type all this out for a cartoon ?
>All guns banned
>"sensible gun legislation"
What the fuck am I watching?
>omg I have to read
Go back to facebook. You're too dim even for reddit.
I though Season 5 of Bojack was phenomenal. The progression and the pace from start to finish was just right. Also, Bojack going into a long downward spiral instead of having a stilted and pretentious breakdown halfway through the season felt way more natural.
Why are cuckservatives so naive, stupid and ignorant?
"Duh left" has been saying for years that by sensible gun legislation they mean they want to take all your guns and in 2019 there are still people surprised by this
I swear an african lynchmob could break into your daughter's bedroom and all you'd say while they are raping her that "pretty hypocritical for the tolerant left!" then go back to sipping beer and watching handegg
I'm an Australian you dumb fuck
They did the same thing in Australia, my man.
>argument revolves around niggee cock
Port Arthur was before my time and now all I can do is support the Hunters Farmers and Fishers and hope those guys fuck me slightly less hard than the rest of the cocks in Canberra. Australian politics are absolutely fucked and we're not the laughing stock we deserve to be.
Season 5 had some of the best individual episodes in the series but the arc itself was kinda unsatisfying, when it ended it just sorta... Well ended. Compared to the previous seasons in which the ending always managed to move me in a way or another.
Diane is a self-insert character, her opinion is "the right one" and the writers' one. But yeah, they also write her a cunt which paradoxically makes the character more enjoyable.
When has Zach said no one takes him seriously as a content creator
There's literally like, 6 more seasons greenlit
It's the only thing people watch on Adult swim besides family guy reruns
>everyone hated s3
Source: your ass
only good post in thread tbqh
I hope this trend of normies hating it starts picking up steam like it did after season 3 was airing. It'll soon be more normie and reddit to hate this show than like it, which means I get to see you faggots pull a 180 too
Yes, that's pretty horrible. I should have mentioned this scene when I was arguing with Bojack defenders about how bad the series got in season 4.
They have the same writers as last season. Its DOA.
if it's bait it's really good
Ypf is absolute kino
Season 3 was good though, only 2 bad episodes in the whole thing.
I honestly think this board overacted to the whole season because of the pickle shit.
They basically have to reinvent the show now, since what Rick and Morty has been suddenly became very passe and uncool after Szechuangate.
Hello Morty. I have turned myself in a picke. I am pickle rick.
Mostly because it stopped being that, and disappeared up it's own ass.
Bushworld Adventures was great, because it stripped away the pseud and got back to that pure, hilarious magic that made the first season so fun.
>Diane is a self-insert character
Is she though? Because she's a perfect caricature of a pretentious, full of shit aspiring writer.
pretty funny
ha its absurd so its funny
hes a /co brain, just ignore him and hell eventually return to his tranny infested slice of the pie.
I enjoyed the first season a lot
the other two were painful to watch, almost dropped the third midway through
Honestly, Season 1 was the only good season. After that it got way too self-conscious and every episode felt like it was trying to create some new meta joke instead of just being funny.
It doesn't matter though, because The Venture Bros is infinitely the better show.
Except everything wrong with R&M comes from "Harmon's school" of writers
The "Dad am I evil?" "Worse, you're smart" line would have never come out from Roiland, and that's the proof
True, and that's intentional satire, but the writers even identify with those qualities or sympathize with them. Also, there's very obvious instances where Diane's lines are basically the writer telling the audience what it should think, which is a clear self-insert.
funny how rick uses this phrase to manipulate his daughter and accidentally manipulates a buncha fucking sub 90 iq retards that think they're very smart for "understanding" rick and morty
You’re sperging about le epic Netflix horseman cartoon on an incel forum. Should you be insulting the intelligence of anyone?
I don't know. It seems like she's very consciously written to be a hypocrite and not a very good person in every episode. That's a staggering amount of ceaselessness if she's supposed to be the voice of reason.
I don't agree. Her faults are written to be sympathetic, and she looks good compared to Bojack's. She's hardly a flawless character, but she must be the character that the writers sympathize with the most, while Bojack is the Hollywood asshole.
How much more of the same "development" can they give Rick and or Morty/family? Who is asking for 5+ seasons of character deconstruction and end of season "patching up"
It would be great if they just got bored, and started outsourcing episodes to Various creators. David Firth makes a Rick and Morty episode. The guys from Sleepycast make a Rick and Morty episode.
Maybe its just a silly concept that people enjoy.
It's going to be revealed that Rick wasn't actually the smartest person in the universe and it was actually a woman. Jerry will be trans next season.
>my favourite youtubers should just make the show instead
>Because everyone treats it likes it's so deep
Do people actually do this?
> tfw dicklet
Unironically. Bushworld Adventures was better than anything since season one. Rick and Morty from the start was internet based animators making a slightly more TV friendly product, while keeping that offbeat sense of humour.
Yes, go check out all the YT essays on the show. Especially the ones concerning "nihilism"
Rick as a character (if not most of the cast) has reached a point where he became so insufferable and unlikable that I just simply stopped caring for his development, even if making him increasingly more of a cunt was the point of the writers. The same thing was the reason why I stopped caring about Bojack Horseman. Everyone's just a cunt to each other all the time only for a shitty emotional realization at the end of season where it goes back to square one.
By now the only character that's interesting to me and that actually feels kinda real is Jerry, but unfortunately I doubt he'll stop being anything but the loser that's always the butt of the joke whenever he's on the screen.
You missed the ep where Jerry gave up Rick to be assassinated and Rick berated him for having the gall to impregnate his special daughter?
I own the first season on bluray and it's signed by Justin Roiland. How much should I sell it for?
I think you should take a shit on it and mail it back to him.
It's a fucking awful show from the very beginning.
I've honestly never seen such a try-hard show in my life.