How much 4k content have you bought/torrented?

How much 4k content have you bought/torrented?

Attached: dude i fucking love pores.jpg (920x613, 185K)

few bond films bcus they were 5 gigs each and will likely look better than any YIFY rip and blade runner thats about it

Seems pointless. 720p is more than enough these days.

just got casino

Attached: 2.webm (960x409, 2.74M)

nice pores

What size screen are you watching on?


Attached: sab.png (2619x977, 171K)

Not him but 1080p

>progress = bad

>these days.

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Ultra HD isn't real 4K is it? Just upscaled 1080p?

not a size

this, watching on my 2K phone screen? honestly 720p doesnt bother me, laptop is 1080p, tv is 4K

Oh, sorry 22"

I have over 100 4k discs right now.

its just a different name

Attached: renoir.jpg (936x1436, 603K)

What are your favorites? what are the worst transfers?

T2 is the worst for obvious known reasons. Fallout, e.t., braveheart, apocalypse now, alien, crouching tiger are reference quality. Idk, I have a bunch of good ones. Dunkirk was unbelievable because it's almost all imax shots, same with the dark knight rises. Aquaman is an upscale but it's breathtaking.

Great 4K content is great not just because of the higher resolution, but because of HDR. The difference is night and day, it's almost as if the picture pops out from the TV itself, like 3D without the glasses.

Attached: Blade.Runner.2049.02_17_24.jpg (3840x1600, 2.29M)

I have all of the 4k HDR releases of actually good movies that have already been released.

how many is that?

Standard is nowhere near as bad as that picture is trying to make it seem.


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>tfw spend ages finding the best quality to download then watch it in a little window on my laptop while scrolling endlessly through 4channel on the other side of the screen

i wanted to buy OLED TV but then i read that it has problem with burning-out... Fuck, i will just buy normal LED probably from Sony because they had good TV's with good black colors.

The Matrix 4k remaster is well worth it, they took off the obnoxious green colour grading that they put on the DVD and Blu ray version so it looks like the original cinema version.

it's fine if regular tv is all you use it for
gaming or as a pc monitor then yeah don't get it