Yea Forums's best films of the decade

The list so far:
>the tree of life
>the master
>the turin horse
>the wolf of wall street
>shape of water
>hard to be a god
These are the only films that were posted more than once.
Post your top 5 of the 2010's so the list can be complete, I need 10 films and there are only 9 that have gotten more than 1 vote.

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Previous thread

>shape of water
this is a joke, right?

I'm afraid it got posted 2 times

>no Drive

>No Wildlife
>No Inherent Vice
wew lad

Thank god.

I guess I'll count these as votes for those films
>no inherent vice
i'll add it since this the 2nd vote it has gotten

4 of those movies are absolute reddit choices

I updated it
The top 4 have 3 votes and the rest have 2

Attached: topsters2-2.jpg (1459x1328, 82K)

I guess this is the list

Moonrise Kingdom
Inside Llewin Davis
Manchester by the sea

Yo OP, I'd recommend you keep this going for at least another thread or two. I appreciate what you're doing btw, even though Yea Forums at large might not.
What's the vote tally?
>Inside Llewyn Davis
Seconding. Kinda ashamed I like Birdman so much tbqhwy

>it's the Yea Forums has shit taste episode again.

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Go back to r*ddit

Literally nobody like Shape of Water you faggot

>muh Leone d'Oro

Batman vs Superman

updated it again
>I appreciate what you're doing btw, even though Yea Forums at large might not.
thank you user

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i updated it again since I just realised bird man has 3 votes. this puts it in the top 5

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Wherr is Under the skin, plebs?

>What's the vote tally?
the films with the most votes end up on the list, right now the top 5 are the only films with 3 votes the rest of the films on the list have 2 votes

i'll count this as a vote. Now it has 2 votes

updated it

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Is Mandy good enough?

>blade runner
>manchester by the sea
>the wolf of wall street
>the hunt

BR2049 and Hard to be a God

What's wrong user?

I don't browse this board anymore but this is a terrible list of films. The Shape of Water was absolute trash. If not for Django Unchained I think it would be the most uneven film I've ever seen. How it got Oscars (as shit as they are) or any other big award I don't know. I honestly can't see the appeal in it at all, and haven't really spoken to anyone who has liked it.

The thing is this doesn't even look like one of those retarded 'everyone put in a shitty "joke" pick' list that this board normally makes.

I don't think this movies worthy to be in best films of the decade list

Calm down user I updated it

post your top 5 then. You could make a difference



The Turin Horse
There Will Be Blood
Only God Forgives
An Elephant Sitting Still

there will Be Blood came out in 2007. It had to have come out in this era: 2010 - 2019
The rest checks out, so what would you replace there will be blood with?

The Lost City of Z
The Revenant
Embrace of the Serpent
The Wolf of Wall Street
Under the Skin
A Simple Life
The Hunt

I didn't realize how bad this decade was until now.

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You can only post 5

The Hunt
The Quake (2018)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Paddington 2

Updated it
BR2049 has 4 votes and #2-#6 have 3 votes. The rest have 2

Attached: topsters2-16.jpg (1459x1328, 107K)

My bad.
Silence, The Lost City of Z, Burning, Under the Skin, A Simple Life

I updated it again
>Jagetn/The Hunt
4 votes
>The Tree of Life
>The master
>hard to be a god
>Under the skin
3 votes
The turin horse
.wolf of wall street
>manchester by the sea
>inherent vice
>inside llewn davis
>only god forgives
>an elephant sitting still
2 votes

Attached: topsters2-17.jpg (1459x1328, 107K)

Oh shit. Phantom Thread then

Alright anons
Remove 8 of these so the list can be complete
>an elephant sitting still
>Only god forgeves
>inside llewn davis
>inherent vice
>turin horse
>wolf of wall street
these are all the films that only got 2 votes. i need 8 of them to be removed so that i can narrow the list down to 10

i forgot manchester by the sea

What a bunch of pretentious garbage. At least capefags don't pretend that they're watching high art like you retards.

>wolf of wall street
>high art
choose one

Wolf of Wall Street absolutely does.


If I don't see inherent vice on this thread ill flip

holy cringe

Funny how most of these movies are loved by virgin incels.

I’ll count this as a vote

For me it’s Her

>I updated it again
>>Jagetn/The Hunt
>4 votes
>The Tree of Life
>The master
>hard to be a god
>Under the skin
>inherent vice
>3 votes
>The turin horse
>wolf of wall street
>manchester by the sea
>inside llewn davis
>only god forgives
>an elephant sitting still
>2 votes

Alright anons
Remove of these so the list can be complete
>an elephant sitting still
>Only god forgeves
>inside llewn davis
>turin horse
>wolf of wall street
>manchester by the sea
these are all the films that only got 2 votes. i need 8 of them to be removed so that i can narrow the list down to 10

Attached: topsters2-18.jpg (1459x1328, 107K)

Joker 2019


You want me to remove it right?

Do people actually like it? Was I too retarded to enjoy it or something?

yes, drive as well as it's mostly a meme

memes outside

Attached: the Best Of 2010s.jpg (897x1758, 982K)

>shape of water
>wolf of wall street

This is a pathetic board.

Yes that's very well you mongoloid but that's still a shitheap.

I un-ironically enjoy Drive and I am putting in my vote to +1 Drive.

it got updated again, calm down see

that means drive has 3 votes it is now likely going to stay in the top 10

ok, and?
Thank you, OP

>>Jagetn/The Hunt
4 votes
>The Tree of Life
>The master
>hard to be a god
>Under the skin
>inherent vice
3 votes
>The turin horse
>wolf of wall street
>manchester by the sea
inside llewn davis
>only god forgives
>an elephant sitting still
2 votes

Alright anons
Remove 9 of these so the list can be complete
>an elephant sitting still
>Only god forgeves
>inside llewn davis
>turin horse
>wolf of wall street
>manchester by the sea
these are all the films that only got 2 votes. i need 9 of them to be removed so that i can narrow the list down to 1

Attached: topsters2-2.jpg (1459x1328, 107K)

Should I count this as a vote user?
or have you already posted your top 5

you mean save 1 of those 9?
In that case Silence

The Baader Meinhof Complex
The Captain
The Virgin Suicides
The Woodsman
The Edge of heaven

Joker (2019)

The Week Of
Sandy Wexler
The Do-Over
Murder Mystery

>The Tree of Life
>Holy Motors
>Mad Max Fury Road
>First Reformed

For me, it's Nightcrawler. Shit list though

One of the worst movies on that list.

Count it if you want. I haven't posted a top 5 since I don't really have one, and to be honest, I'm not sure it would make the top 5. Your call.

What's it like having shit taste?

Gone Girl
The Hunt or der jaegan or w/e
American Made
The Phantom Thread

You praised Nightcrawler and called the rest of the list shit. Evidently, I'm not the one with shit taste.

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
The Handmaiden
Inside Llewyn Davis
Spring Breakers
The Master


La La Land

You can only post 5

Dragged Across Concrete

the fucking state of that BR2049 Poster

fix it OP


pain and gain

Why is it all depression meme shit at least have an action film or something on it

Also Upgrade

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GOOD TIME should be on there


no interstellar or inception wtf

Kingsman the secret service

The VVitch
Blade Runner 2049
Mad Max: Fury Road

Oh I see americans have entered the thread

La Grande Bellezza

Grand Budapest Hotel
Hard to Be a God
A Seperation

>>shape of water
That's not on the fucking list

It's weird how this is almost memory holed. Did we talk about it to death? Is it possible at all to mention it as a great movie, like it is?

> votes
fucking retard

Voting for Hot Tub Time Machine and Killer Joe

how sad, going from nightcrawler to capeshit.