>did you even asked them? Boromir is dead
Did you even asked them? Boromir is dead
boromir would btfo aragorn 1v1 debate me
Sword and board > 2h any day.
Why Frodo didn't give Sam the ring for a while to negate ring's effect?
why didnt the eagles save boromir?
Why didn't they just put the ring in a small box and drag it behind by a rope?
Sam could have taken the ring all the way by himself. Frodo is just a little drama queen.
why didnt boromir just let the worthless hobbits die and dab on their graves?
Aragorn is 2m15 tall 80 years old direct descendant of the line of numenor while Boromir is "just" the son of the line of stewards of Gondor
yea why didnt boromir just use the ring for himself to BTFO mordor and shit?
Boromir has been fighting orcs and goblins his whole life while Aragorn was picking berries in the wilderness like a pussy.
t. gidf
Aragorn has been keeping the Shire safe from much worse than mere orcs and goblins (lol) for longer than Boromir has been alive
Up north is Angmar, the Misty Mountains, Gundabad, Rhudaur, Forodwaith...
Have you ready the books? Boromir is unironically a fucking tree trunk hulk, he has led soldiers and btfo orc scum his whole life while aragorn has been fucking around on the shire border with elf pussy and shit
Why didn't they attach it to a helium balloon with a long line?
Or cast it in lead or something so you couldn't put it on even if you wanted to, and nobody would recognize it even if they found it
Wjy didn't Boromir just throw his sword so hard it went across the world and stabbed Sauron in the head?
boromir is taller and more muscular than aragorn who is described as skinny
Source on that
Wtf are you on? Aragorn is described to be 7 feet tall in the books.
He was a lanklet
Boromir was a bloatlord
No he couldn’t
they should've put the ring in the metal box and write "throw in lava for great magical reward" on the box
Gendalf should've given the ring to Sam who was much more pure
Boromir was One hundred and eleventy inches tall
Well worded argument Frodo fag.
ring would corrupt the rope and it would strangle them at night
Why didn't gimli just cut the ring with an axe?
Sam was unironically too pure to carry the ring for that long. He cared too much about Frodo and the Shire. The ring would have corrupted those feelings and he would wind up in the same position as Gandalf: wanting to use it for good. Frodo's ability to bear the weight of the ring for so long stemmed from the fact that the very nature of destroying the ring was already fulfilling his deepest desires: to see the world on an adventure like his uncle did. That gave the ring a lot less to work with.
Why didn't he give it to Smeagol?
How do taxes work on middle earth? do hobbiton pay taxes to eriador since they handle border protection against spidey and shit?
Do hobbiton even have a lord?
The steward line had Numenorean blood in them. They just weren't male descendants of Elendil.
I like your analysis
How come they didnt launch the ring into the sun? Surely the sun can do what Mt Doom can? Gandalf clearly had access to rocket technology given his fireworks and magic
Why didn't Gandalf just warned the government about Sauron's unpaid taxes?
Why not get the dwarves to tunnel under Mordor?
No debate. Boromir was considered to be the most powerful of the Fellowship by Gandalf.
why not just give the ring to saron?
why didnt fellowship of the ring just report sauron to the irs?
Why not just make a new ring to rule Sauron's ring?
Why didn't they just stick the ring up Tom Bombadil's fat fucking ass?
Because he vowed never to use his ass to influence the world of Men.
Why didn't Bilbo just hide it under the welcome mat?
Why didn't they just talk some sense into Sauron?
>year 3000+ of human history with wars all over the place
>still no technological advancement like gunpowder, flight or computers
Theres isnt even a hardline neo-luddist religion
Maybe but Sam didn't have the ambition to destroy it himself, his loyalty is to Frodo, not the fight
Died like a bitch to nameless orcs lmfao
why didn't they just send merry to debate sauron on top of mount doom?
Then why’d he get BTFO so easily while Based Strider big dicked his way across Middle Earth?
You'd need to go to Aman to find someone who knows how and once you enter Aman your a homo.
>year 100 AD
>3000+ years of human history with wars all over the place
>still no gunpowder, flight, or computers
>what the fuck
Also there's literally gunpowder in the movie, Saruman uses it to breach the deeping wall
Aragorn didn't kill the orc leader, he did basically fucking nothing. Boromir single handedly killed like 20 uruks with their leader included (lurtz in movie version) while Aragorn ran around like a rabbit.
Sauron already didn't have any daughters
Because he would've joined Sauron
>tfw onehundredandeleventieth cm halfling
such a little thing...
I assure you, the IRS could not unravel an intricate web of shell companies and loan-outs with secret accounts in Erebor, Lindon, and the Iron Hills if you gave them the account numbers.
The world was set back thousands of years every time Melkor and Sauron began to meddle. Straight up nuked an entire continent off the face of the world cause "lol fighting is fun"
Progress is looking for a place to stop
1v1 me Mordhau sheildfag
lol, good one
couldn't they let Gandalf in considering that he was a pedo..ahem..homo from the get go?
He was tempted the moment he touched the ring retard. Sam wouldn't have made it out of the shire as the ring bearer