Album Cover lookin' ass Poster
Album Cover lookin' ass Poster
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They're jynxing it honestly; they should go for lazy lame looking photoshop posters like Marvel, it may help somehow
Reminder that the plot of this shitty movie revolves around dick pics
Why does Black Canary look like that when she should look like this?
I don't think I am in the demographic at which this movie is pitched.
I don't think this movie has a demographic
Feels like that WKUK movie pitch sketch brought to life
I hope this is true
At this point the only thing that will help DC is being sold to a competent studio and having everyone working there get fired
First track:
Great face but no fridge ass
Do they really need 2 characters with a braided undercut hairstyle?
but it looks like a lazy photoshop?
You know (((why)))
Literally this shit
>Album Cover lookin' ass Poster
Nigger speak.
I can't imagine a bigger miscast fuck up than this. lol
They don't look like superhero characters. They just look like normal people.
Nah, you're just implying any use of Photoshop is lazy. It sort of is in comparison with full painted movie posters, but there's still degrees of relative quality
Oh no no no is that really black canary? costume designs aint winning any awards
>Album-sounding-ass film title
Anyone other than a complete retard might detect the presence of some theme at play.
Why is Brie's head shaped like a Lego's head?
You think they'd have more sense than to cast a nigger as BLACK Canary
>Oh no no no is that really black canary?
Supposed to be.
I'm not sure I've ever seen a poster that had the same character on it twice. Am i right Yea Forums?
This one's a no from me dawg. Especially with how they butchered both canary and huntress.
A shame really, since both Aquaman and Shazam did pretty well in salvaging DCEU horrible state.
I hope this bombs so bad she can't make her tank girl which will be an inevitably bigger bomb, seriously the dumbest hollywood idea i've heard in a while.
> "yeah just stand there with one leg bent and it'll look like you're flying"
>Am i right Yea Forums?
no you fucking moron
It's not terribly uncommon, but having both instances just pose and look towards the camera is amazingly stupid
Its just so poorly made.. Glitchy and blended poorly
show me one example then
Who is this marketed for?
thot-wannabes hate superhero movies
Without knowing the characters, what's the point in even using the title at this point? It's literally not the same in any way at all and i doubt the personality will be either. The movie one will be the achingly dull 'sassy, brooding independent woman' plastic mold.
I could imagine the backlash if they cast a white person as Shaft, Spawn, Blade, or Black Panther, but we're supposed to accept this otherwise we're racist.
Wow the new Lil Xan album looks lit
It used to be things would get popular because it was good, now studios have the money to push whatever dumb idea their diversity hire all female staff come up with. So I can expect to see this garbage promo material plastered up and down the highway on endless billboards, train stations and buses? FUCK
user btfo
But they love Harley.
user said the same CHARACTER.
fucking dumbass
This kinda counts but I think it gets away with it since showing him twice is a pun on the name of the film, so it does make sense in this context.
>He didn't get the implication about Klump having a fractured psyche
You don't remember all the thot cosplays, the thot Halloween sluts, even Liev Schriever's son dressed as Harley Quinn? Fuck, that was weird
Homelander vs Homewrecker, who would win?
not sure they would like to fight each others.
like predators don't look at each others eyes you know ?
Its not a fuck up its delibarate. To change a blonde curvy goddess into some ugly mutt
Be thankful, all this shitty media is a waste of life and energy. By pushing whites out they unironically improve our lives. We have to stop playing videogames and stop watching trash tv.
Deliberate maybe, but it will be a 'fuck up' for them when it backfires, bombs, and they lose money over it. Instead of going to the theater people will pirating the movie instead.
More like BLACKEDraw Canary
Sorry, I have trouble telling people apart sometimes
Nigger detected. Are you lost?
I pirated both Shazam and Aquaman, I won't even be bothered to pirate this
I'll take that as a yes then.
back to twitter tranny
why are americans such cuckolds?
I can't even tell which one is supposed to be Canary because she isn't blonde and she isn't wearing fishnets (and granted in the comics Canary isn't blonde, she just wears a wig, but still she is white as fuck)
This, i have pirated all DC movies since man of steel except shazam because they aren't worth the money. This one looks so bad it's not even worth a pirate.
I prefer my version
100% accurate cosplay then.
I was talking about the bitch's eyes, but that too
considering she wearing shitty contacts... yeah that too retard
No. Pass.
>he thinks eyes are exclusively about the color, and not the expression in them
Waifufag is a retard, should have expected as much. Consider an heroing
or you can just admit you are a raging incel that hate women?
have sex incel
This movie is going to be a big hit, can't wait. Marvelfags are just scared as usual.
Women are great. Trannies like Bonbi and her fans are mentally deranged.
Don't forget to dilate, tranny
Well, at least it's clear you'll never have sex with any woman ever.
kys before going on a mass shooting incel
Shaft is white
Had it been a solo Harley Quinn movie it probably would have been ok.
>white people talk like black people
Just let me know when they do a complete solo rated R film with Harley Quinn portrayed by a different actress who's not Margot Robbie who's a complete slut and is forced to prostitution and being a criminal after she loses everything, and it all psychologically goes to her head and it becomes normal for her. In addition to all of this, have nudity as well.
I can fap to this.
Cringe. Dilate before the axe wound closes, tranny
>Shaft is white
I hate this camp-pop shit, like Lady Gaga designed the poster or something
>DC about to win another oscar for the critically acclaimed Joker - the first capeshit film to ever be in competition at a prestigious film festival
>(also won best film at said film festival)
>insecure marvelfags still ranting about how fucked DC is
why would a tranny even care about bonbi? Bonbi surpass every trap/tranny in existence and make them seeth.
are you also retarded or something incel?
Casting Tilda Swinton as a the male Tibetan buddhist monk from Dr Strange was probably quite a bit worse. But the media likes to gloss over that one....
the movies are based on a novel, in the novel Shaft is white
but niglets don't read so it's only natural they wouldn't know
Is this supposed to be Cassandra Cain?
Define 'accept'
You're supposed to recognise that wb and disney are private companies who can cast whoever the fuck they want and vote with your wallet. Anything else would require government intervention
Funny how it only gets worse and worse
>in the novel Shaft is white
So will Gunn's suicide squad be a new continuity.
>One white person
>They're not even American
America is so devoid of white people they have to look on the other side of the world to cast one in their movie
>why would a tranny even care about another tranny?
>disney are private companies who can cast whoever the fuck they want and vote with your wallet
I'm not arguing against them having a right to cast who they want (I mean it's their money they're wasting). If they want to go in favor of social politics instead of the source material. I'm arguing against the media telling I have approve otherwise I'm a 'Nazi' or a 'bigot'.
>DC about to win another oscar for the critically acclaimed Joker
Bonbi is bio female
So when are you going to protest and get the government to repeal discrimination laws that make it illegal to reject hiring niggers, faggots and women given you know, private companies shouldn't be regulated by the government
I don't understand. These movies make a BILLION DOLLARS each
How the fuck can they make these awful, direct to video-tier posters and call it a day?
Point me to one place in this thread where anyone has called you a nazi or racist for not approving
>Bonbi is bio female
>still being in denial
Cause they're
>build awareness
>are marketed towards children
Tell me about Black Mask. Why doesn't he wear the mask?
how would a movie make it without being all the green-text above ?
...I think it reminds something i missed a long time ago.
Brand recognition, so you recognize that he is Ewan McGregor. That's why in most superhero movie posters the main hero appears twice, both masked and unmasked, or outright unmasked.
There's pictures of him in the mask. I sincerely hope he's going to be wearing it 90% of the time.
I agree, but i like tilda swinton so i let it pass
So you're saying Dredd would have done better had Karl Urban appeared unmasked on the poster?
>There's pictures of him in the mask
Oh yeah? Post 'em.
Karl Urban's not very famous, so no. But that's the reason Stallone barely wore the helmet in his Dredd
I said most superhero movies, not all of them, but I don't think Urban being unmasked would have changed anything. Dredd is not part of a big brand like DC or Marvel are, it's a different product.
I didn't even have to think very hard to find an example. It's a good thing, too. Since I'm almost as dumb as you.
>Karl Urban's not very famous
Hey, c'mon, he's B-list!
Unlikely. But it'll still be good I reckon
thanks, I hate it
Looking good, but there isn’t anything that implies a story is very dark, having eye catching characters getting their job done right. Sooo I say it’s 5.5 outta 10 !!!
>eye catching
Dick Grayson Pics
Bearing kids body
So how fucked Matt Reeves now?
True Blue Kino
seek help if you can't even recognize a obvious girl and tranny freaks
How to tell soul and souless eyes ? is Margot Robbie souless ?
There's no way that there isn't a contractual thing going on. Either the agents or the distributors probably demand that the actors' faces are on display.
They often have B-posters that look great in general, so it has to be bureaucratic bullshit going on.
>this isn't lazy lame photoshop
with DCucks being the retards they are he might think he already has
world class assassin right here
>Is this supposed to be Cassandra Cain?
Yes... and no. It's her in name... swapped out with Black Canary's adopted daughter Sin who she found in South East Asia. Now she's a street rat in Gotham instead of Asia.
I guess Warners is run by racists who think all Asians "rook arike" and are interchangeable. Given all their token black people they parade around, can't say I'm surprised.
There was one shot of him... in a domino mask.
it looks like a tranny did it and called it his magnum opus
You know what? For all the stupid ideas Feig has done and how messy his plans for the future are, at least Marvel Studios had some cohesion. DC films are a huge mess of spaghetti on the wall. It's somehow worse organized than their New52 reboot in the comics.
They all look like faggots in a club instead of comic book characters
>just a shitty plastic mask
oh man can't we have cool metal helmets for once? it's not the 80's
Who is this? Victor Zsasz?
I don't even care about DC-verse at this point. I just want KINO Batman trilogy with Pattinson, but they already fucked it up unless Matt recasts Joker and Black Mask
I hate how it's not enough to show a huge face of harley but they need a mini harley on top of it to remind people this is a harley quinn movie and no one else matters.
Zsasz us supposed to be covered in tally marks. This mook has like 3 scars
>this was greenlit
>Green Hornet and Kato
Have you Marvel fags eaten the Blu Ray yet?
I think this is a pretty neat poster actually. Better than your average Hollywood poster.
t. graphic designer
t. graphic design is my passion
God I can’t wait for this movie I hope it’s as bad as Suicide Squad
>It's like Suicide Squad and Deadpool... on battery acid!
Literally in the same poster.
You got some books or stuff to learn about graphiic design and UX ?
I honestly don't know why people are saying this looks bad (other than the obvious disney shilling and cope posts).
The first ss was butchered in post because they changed their mind about what the film should be halfway through. But the decision was made that it should be a light-hearted edgy music video. Basically an r-rated guardians of the galaxy (so funny that Gunn is writing and directing the next one).
That's not a hard tone to nail. The teasers are pretty much confirming this exactly that BoP will have this tone. So I expect it to be a fun film with hot girls in skimpy outfits swearing and murdering people. Like a capeshit Spring Breakers without the pretense of depth
Last Jedi has Kylo Ren and Ben Solo
that's one shitty snapchat filter
>yfw normalfags like crazy perky girl rather than man who was driven to insanity by society
>with hot girls
You'll be disappointed then
looks fucking nice
not everything needs to be a bland, generic disney poster
This is fucking surreal, like she is from some Pixar movie.
kys yourself
>short leg pants and no socks
>faux hawaiian pattern shirt
>hey check out our fresh Spring 2020 movie
>where people look like everyone did in Summer 2019
she is from a pixar movie
Why are her movements so fake?
Mei is supposed to be thick.
fat suits are too expensive
There's like a million weebs on Youtube doing the Hare Hare Yukai dance. How is she so bad at it?
what is this dance called?
White people.
How big is Bonbi's ass?
The same as any other boy's.
Do you think Margot will show her feet in this?
Bonbi is still pretty young. Pls don't sexualize her.
Nice legs
What's nasty about that? She just has some eyeliner
imagine if you tried to force your cock up her nose but like a joke haha
This movie is going to be the cinematic equivalent to Miley Cyrus sticking her tongue out.
Oh god, please no. Zsasz is a good character
Kek. Good one user. Makes me sad that it probably will be true