Other urls found in this thread:
why was he so scared of everyone
i dont think you americans are doing it right
painting your presidents and leaders as cowards
Drumpf btfo!
Don't worry like half have dropped out already.
Is Simpsons kino again?
trump asks another president to investigate corruption of the son of joe biden: corruption
simpsons runs unpaid advertisements for only 1 party every week for 30 minutes: ok
It's beautiful how fucking assblasted /pol/ gets by this
Projection. They're piss scared of Trump even though he's done absolutely nothing bad or wrong. To deal with this fear, they project it onto him. It's the same tactic as labeling things as a phobia like homophobia and transphobia: nobody is really afraid of these things, but liberals pretend people are.
Funny, its a week until October and we still call them that instead of having 2 or 3 names.
2 scoops
2 genders
2 terms
Now time to go dilate.
>tv show
Notice the difference zoomy?
No they haven't. and nobody with any reputation is touching any of them.
does it narrow down in october?
t. ignorant europoor
Most likely.
is reelecting drumpf the only way to prevent ww3?
the politician that directs negations with foreign countries and leads the investigative forces of the federal government?
Was supposed to narrow well down by Summer.
0 walls
Usually the group would've been reduced down to just a few. People drop out, can't climb the polling ranks, ect.
There aren't any real standouts in this running and they're all saying very similar plans so it's really muddled with people staying in.
what happens if it doesn't narrow down? pre election for democrats?
Nobody liked this
They start attacking each other really hard and accidentally say offensive shit.
The politician that wants a foreign government to intervene in his own country's affair, yeah.
Though I suppose you're so used to seeing your Prez sucking off foreign governments that it doesn't bother you anymore. You secretly like the taste of Saudi Arabia's hairy sandigger dick don't you? Be honest.
>It's beautiful how fucking assblasted /pol/ gets by this
the election is a year from 2 months from now. it will narrow down to 3 or 4 once primaries actually start happening, which is end of winter. the democratic candidate will be chosen next summer during the convention.
this shit goes on every 4 years. and you europoors seem to care more about our politics than your own. you should probably learn some fucking basics.
oh for fucks sake you had to buy us dollars to buy oil until 1996.
>until 1996
Fraud shenanigans most likely. The DNC can get pretty sketchy and underhanded.
thats literally what the first gulf war was fought over. france jumped the gun and started buying oil without us dollars from sadaam.
>Nobody liked this
Actually funny, though
Wonder if there's more we can do with it
Im not /pol/ or even amerimutt and even I get assblasted about how both low quality and blatant propaganda this shit is. Also I cant understand why american leftists like those 4 women that much, they seem rather unremarkable and not that important
Nobody is going to care about any of them. They will dust Hillary off after Xmas.
Nah. It's perfect as is.
I liked it. It made me laugh.
this happens all the time
obama did it to trump
the crime took place in the foreign country...who else would investigate it??
i never even saw a /pol/ thread about it
t. pollack
Which foreign nation was involved?
how come orange man is the same color as homer
They are too assblasted about it. Merely mentioning it causes them to cry. trumptards btfo
>>Nobody liked this
>I liked it. It made me laugh.
google it
>the crime
Hunter Biden wasn't involved in it per the court's rule.
Guess you're a no one then
just fuck the fuck off. your basic conclusion that trump cannot ask for an investigation is flawed. trump leads the executive branch of the government. he can investigate joe bidens son for treason all he wants.
unironically based and redpilled
I already did, and none came up. Only the Obama administration itself but no foreign nation.
So you were lying?
no you just can't read
It has already narrowed down the last couple of weeks.
Out of the "bigger" candidates, Gillibrand, de Blasio, Hickenlooper and Inslee already dropped out.
Expect everyone except Biden, Warren and Sanders to stick until atleast after super tuesday if not the whole primary due to their fundraising and polling. This is pretty much a 3-way race at this point.
Harris, Yang, Buttigieg, O'rourke, Klobuchar and Booker (and the rest polling below them) will drop out after the Iowa caucus if not the New Hampshire primary.
Those candidates will almost certainly not have the funds to compete in California and Texas which are early primary states.
The Ukraine gas company case is in no way related to the US government.
I thought Trump was supposed to be anti globalist? Why does he want to rule over what the Ukrainian courts do?
Honestly the best meme Yea Forums's come up with since Big Guy
damn you think /pol/ is is just ptg or what
unironically funny stop taking everything so personally just because they made a joke about your idol drumpf
These days it is unfortunately.
oh it's the suck and fucks
futurely sneed
>the only simpsons thread that doesn't get spammed with sneed is a political one
>unironically funny stop taking everything so personally just because they made a joke about your idol drumpf
thanks for the info amerifren
schizo or trannie
i despise trump, but this is literally everything that the democratic party argued against not more than 4 years ago with its push for "fair time" candidate laws.
This is so obviously controlled opposition and you have to be American or constantly exposed to American propaganda not to see it. If I was the leader of a country, this is exactly what I want criticism of me to be like. Comically poor quality, depicting the opposition more negatively than the person it's allegedly criticising, associated with a series that has been unpopular for more than a decade... hell, even that little piece of hypocritical xenophobia, "We're more American than your wife", it's beautiful.
Same as that one piece of that Bill Nye show when they were singing about sex. There's absolutely zero chance anyone making that thought it would make people more sympathetic towards sexual minorities. It was clear that its actual intention was the opposite.
i just cruise for euro threads and happenings wished the american zeitgeist stayed libertarian on that board can't have everything i guess
I would say 90% of /pol/ flat out hates Trump at the moment. /ptg/ is kept alive by a handful of pro-Trump autists and Trump haters who post in /ptg/ to shit on Trump.
Thx lad
I'm Dutch btw
>they hated him because he told the truth
/diy/ is based, what are you on?
The actual primaries don't even start until February next year. This is when the process to pick the actual democratic party candidate starts. It ends with the pick being confirmed in like July next year. The field could stay exactly as big as it is now until the middle of 2020. As long as candidates are able to raise enough money and poll at a certain percentage they can continue to stay eligible for debates.
Should I order BK or Subway?
Subway is a bit healthier isn't it
is that a reddit filename?
Not particularly, no, but it depends on what you plan on getting.
In the age of Gen Z filenames don't matter anymore.
These kids are upfront about browsing reddit, twitter etc.
user, you're giving these people too much credit. It's not 5D chess, they are just utterly incompetent and live in a bubble.
mercikes in dat geval!
>they aren't even balanced!!!!
It's a TV show, they don't have to like you. If you didn't suck so hard they wouldn't make fun of you. In America we are free to say what we want even when it disrespects the POTUS. Does your country not allow that?
You're reading too much into it. They think it's a good idea because their co-workers and extended social circles share similar sentiments and opinions.
That's true. I've seen footlongs that looked like they give you an instant heart attack
Is it? I don't know what a reddit filename would look like.
>every political opinion expressed in art is "unpaid advertisement"
What the fuck do you kids even learn in school anymore. How do you all end up so stupid?
>that picture
damn anti white racists are so dumb reminds of that recent antifa manifesto where white privelege boiled down to height privelege
The democrats had a platform called "fair time" that was all about media shows being balanced and they pushed it for almost 20 years to try to silence rush limbaugh and alex jones. but you are to fucking stupid to know this.
Oh no, not Alex Jones!!!!
News media not a fucking kiddie cartoon you retarded fuck.
>It's a TV show, they don't have to like you
unless you're nonwhite or gay
I thought I was being clever.
Guy tells others to go away, so I put out a "do it yourself."
Again, you are fucking stupid. All you can do is shout alex jones because the media told you he was evil. How about refuting my central fucking argument retard.
>All you can do is shout alex jones because the media told you he was evil
Non-Zoomers know him from before the media ever paid attention to him. Good job showing your age. Why refute a teenager's argument? Your brain isn't even fully developed.
you just saved Yea Forums from faggot politics
stay based user
ay not bad
When he was against the iraq war and released everything snowden did 4 years prior?
You are on some schizo shit.
A broken clock is right twice a day.
u aight white boi
Gosh you are so oppressed.
imagine ordering wiretaps of your political opponents and getting away with it
imagine giving weapons to Islamic terrorists and getting away with it
>i'll just pretend they are a fat tranny and I'm a super calm chad
formerly chuckpublican candidates
you could've posted litterly any of the american presidents since kennedy
Imagine sending troops to Saudi Arabia over a drone strike that killed zero people.
goes both ways
no it doesn't
Because American politics and culture is a fucking joke. In the US its all WOW A FEMALE POLITICIAN YAASSS KWEEN SLAY or people getting boners over people with different skin colours and ethnic backgrounds being involved in politics. That shit is blase everywhere else.
Imagine not having proof and thats why you don't go along with legal proceedings.
Have sex
sure does
transphobic bigot
the FISA courts ordered 4 different wire taps of trump towers based on the pee pee papers
I bet you can't even own guns in your country.
no it doesn't
yes, it is silly of people who spend their lives complaining about "oppression" and demanding special treatment to falsely accuse others of the same
Say it with me:
Yes it does
I am though, which makes it even more funny when I get responses like this
>Yes it does
of this
and this
Not him and it's not like that comic character has no basis in reality.
Yet if you mock them for acting silly, they'll tell you you're triggered. It's peculiar.
based, fuck boomer """cartoonists""""
You know the election isn't until 2020, right? The nomination of a democratic candidate won't be until next summer
every mutt president has been doing that since jfk not his fault you guys got a circumcised cock fetish
>dying for Saudi Arabia to own the libs
you do you
If the photographer didn't go out of his way to have the fat guy in a wheelchair and the tatooed scene kid to be right at the front and center, almost all of them would look like perfectly normal people.
No one's doing it as much as Donny
i can't read it dyslexie is a hell of a drug
>perfectly normal people
You're assuming they are American, and you are also assuming their fat ass would be able to fight in the first place.
obama fucked up north africa forever that's clearly in saudia arabian intrests
Remember when you pissed your pants over Obama putting mustard on his burger?
>almost all of them would look like perfectly normal people
Psychopaths usually do.
Mustard on burgers is fucking gross, though. I'm with them on this.
>I bet you can't even own guns in your country.
Post a selfie user.
I voted for Obama.
pleb taste
I bet they can't. I bet they all like the same football team too orcelse they get absolutely excluded everywhere.
>I am though, which makes it even more funny when I get responses like this (You) #
Not even that user but you should kill yourself right now. You are a worthless faggot.
No. Mustard on a hamburger is legit good. Way better than ketchup. I'm the guy who "pissed my pants" over it, by the way.
Post AR. Yes I am the user who said what you greentexted.
mustard > ketchup > mayonnaise
You don't even know what you're doing anymore do you?
I never got the appeal of mayo. It's just fat with a mild taste like molten butter or something
Drampf > Drooompf
Blimpf > Grompf
Unironically more attractive than you
What's the problem with the guy? He seems normal.
>liberals are the fragile ones!
>reeee why are they making fun of daddy blumpf
Dressing your son up as a woman and having him do strip dances for pedophiles sure is "normal."
Absolutely based
Thanks for the chuckle
>everything is sexual
Clean up your thoughts.
>He seems normal.
lol the left just hates the US and white people, nothing more to be said
clean your wound
jesus fuck that photo is revolting
>You don't even know what you're doing anymore do you?
Post AR.
don't look at it then
>there's nothing sexual about a young boy dressed up as a girl dancing on stage for a bunch of horny pedophiles who are throwing dollar bills at the boy and stuffing them in his clothes
>Post AR. Yes I am the user who said what you greentexted.
>doesn't post AR
>republicans are white supremecists
When will this meme end? They're liberal democratic stooges for global international finance
You can't even own guns in your country can you?
If all you two faggots are going to do is post the exact same shit over and over, can you stop and find something else to do with your free time?
mustard is toptier has to be red Dijon though
>this message brought to you by the world onions organization
>muh guns
burger pls
You think /pol gives a flying fuck?
They’ve got all of entertainment, Hollywood, media, the press, news etc constantly spamming “drumpf” is a Russian agent and simultaneously a dunce whilst also being the mead of white nationalist supremacist take over in every piece of consumable media for the past 3 years.
And you think a fucking episode of current year +4 Simpsons is the going to cause butthurt.
It’s honestly amusing seeing people put this much effort in for a moan because they’re butthurt they lost an election .
lol sucks to be you with no guns
I am doing other things. I'm drinking, eating, watching a movie on my other monitor, and waiting on that foreign user to post an AR because they are talking mad shit for a noguns.
>we're not mad!
feels good to be me with free healthcare
t. disney
>paid for with taxes
Uh oh... stinky!
Uh oh... stinky! Poop! Hahahahahaha! Poopies! Funny poopies a-lalalala-ha ha! Funny poop! Poop funny... wee! Haha, yay for poopy! Good poopy! Poopy funny hahaha-ha haha poo poo poo poo poo poo poop funny, yay! Fun fun poop, hee hee hee. Poop-poopy, yay! Poop make me happy, happy hap-ay ahahahahahaha...
Uh oh! I think I made a poopy! Pooping pants, no diapah, that’s funny! Haha-hahahahahaha. Oopsie... poopy underwear now! snickering We want poopies... we want poopies! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha... hahahahahaha, POO-OO-oo- dry
Wow, those people seem so angry, making fun of something dumb.
>Little Mermaid more like Little Negroid Lmao
As dumb as that is, I laughed.
You should have said you were a commie larping as a conservative from the start. I knew you were bullshitting me but I didn't know the extent of it.
>feels good to be me with free healthcare
that's not /pol/ though
t. mad at disney
t. likes disney and nu wars
taxes is commy
Post AR.
Holy crap
Don't have one, don't need one.
More like can't own one.
>If all you two faggots are going to do is post the exact same shit over and over, can you stop and find something else to do with your free time?
henceforth sneedle
I could if I wanted to.
>no u
No you couldn't.
it isnt owning it if you have to keep it at a gun club, you are just renting it
Yes I could.
>I am doing other things. I'm drinking, eating, watching a movie on my other monitor, and waiting on that foreign user to post an AR because they are talking mad shit for a noguns.
no you couldn't
>You should have said you were a commie larping as a conservative from the start. I knew you were bullshitting me but I didn't know the extent of it.
who are you quoting?
>who are you quoting?
Yes I could.
We're sorry, but your request to own an AR has been denied. Your firearms license has been revoked. You must wait 90 days to try again.
Post AR.
u mad :^)
no you could not
>who are you quoting?
still mad :^)
Yes I could.
deal with it
>u mad :^)
>u mad :^)
I can own guns so I'm not having to deal with anything.
Discord Trannies.
>still mad :^)
You can apply for a license to request permission to own guns. Shut the fuck up.
trannies seething
bit of an unpopular opinion here guys i dont think donald trump is a very good president to be perfectly honest
>trannies seething
Except for the daily shootings.
I live in the US so no.
No you couldn't.
niggers are the worst I agree
so mad
>trannies seething
>mocking something and calling it shit = assblasted
I don't think you know what "assblasted" means.
Do Americans really base their political opinions on what cartoons tell them?
>burger pls
>feels good to be me with free healthcare
>I live in the US
>so mad
>both left and right onions
>almost as if the insult has lost all meaning
you onions spammers did it to yourself
I didn't say I have free healthcare. You are confusing me with another poster.
>>both left and right onions
>>almost as if the insult has lost all meaning
>you onions spammers did it to yourself
>you onions spammers did it to yourself
everytime you green text me I know you're seething
So what movies do you guys like
>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
>if a file name is formatted as it is on a specific website you must have got it from that website
Do you even know how the internet works?
>see something i dont like
>beep boop post onions face
almost like an npc
But you are saying you can't post an AR right?
>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
>>see something i dont like
>>beep boop post onions face
>almost like an npc
thanks for letting me know how mad you are :^)
>so what movies do you like
>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
Depends on what you get on it. You can indeed eat healthy at Subway but you can also get subs there that are worse than anything you can get at McDonald's.
do my post next
>thanks for letting me know how mad you are :^)
sneedo again
>thanks for letting me know how mad you are :^)
this isnt very convincing
>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
>do my post next
>do my post next
that wasn't me, that dude is just spamming onions face
>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
yes that's the salt I like
>this isnt very convincing
So when did you start replying to me and why are we talking?
based, thanks bros
>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
fucking faggot you stole my pepe from the rdr2 thread
im not even in this thread i just saw this scrolling down the fist page
dont use my pepes for your faggot posts
no idea the onions boy is losing it
no u
>>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
>yes that's the salt I like
>>>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
>>>>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
yep just like that, so mad
>no u
>>>>>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
cry more for me please
That's fair.
>>>>>>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
>It's beautiful how fucking assblasted /pol/ gets by this
>>>>>>>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
uh oh he copied my text again, what will I do?!
get ready orange man
>yep just like that, so mad
You just typed an awful lot to disprove being mad.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
you ran out of onions face that's how mad you are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>no u
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
>uh oh he copied my text again, what will I do?!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>no u
keep crying I love it
>you ran out of onions face that's how mad you are
>you ran out of onions face that's how mad you are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
>onions boy so mad all he can do is copy paste
it's two wojakposters fighting each other no one is making fun of you anymore you self centered fuck
>>you ran out of onions face that's how mad you are
>it's two wojakposters fighting each other no one is making fun of you anymore you self centered fuck
but they keep copying my response
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
yeah u mad af
>but they keep copying my response
only the first one copied your response now they're just copying each other
Hey fuck you both, thank you for the soijaks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
>yeah u mad af
>Hey fuck you both, thank you for the soijaks
>>>>>onions boy so mad all he can do is copy paste
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
guess you're an expert in onions posting
>Hey fuck you both, thank you for the soijaks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everytime you green text me I know you're seething
>if I keep pretending I'm not mad by onions posting maybe they wont see how assblasted I am
>Hey fuck you both, thank you for the soijaks
why yes how could you tell?
>guess you're an expert in onions posting
well I just assumed because of how mad you got at me for saying they ran out of onions faces
>>if I keep pretending I'm not mad by onions posting maybe they wont see how assblasted I am
>>why yes how could you tell
that wasn't me
>well I just assumed because of how mad you got at me for saying they ran out of onions faces
Maybe something will change if you post a dozen or so more onions faces?
Make Sneed's Chuck's Again
>Maybe something will change if you post a dozen or so more onions faces?
yes like that
I think what we all really want to know is; did Matt get the idea for this episode while having his fungusy feet massaged by an underaged slavegirl? Based if so
you just KNOW
shouldn't share apu's on a sneed board faggot i'll restrain myself
>yes like that
This thread proves that all of you should be killed
>This thread proves that all of you should be killed
I'm gonna need more onions boy faces. My folder doesn't have enough.
>I'm gonna need more onions boy faces. My folder doesn't have enough.
is the janny really going to delete the basedjakposts one by one in an already dying thread?
or new ssd?
100% sure that cunt doesn't even listen to Napalm death
he probably gonna nuke ip's good thing mines dynamic
>is the janny really going to delete the basedjakposts one by one in an already dying thread?
how else will he earn is pay?
>is the janny really going to delete the basedjakposts one by one in an already dying thread?
Wasted digits
>Wasted digits