Why dont they fucking just make the movies good?

Why dont they fucking just make the movies good?

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Too much effort for too little talent.

jurassic world made more money than jurassic park. capeshit breaks all records. it's over so just watch old flicks and read books

idk why this is so funy

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The newer 2 are better than the 2 before them though, especially fallen kingdom which is actually a horror kino disguised as a big budget hollywood dinosaur disaster flick. Plebs hate it but it will 100% be a cult classic.

Spielberg was the only one who did good and he did it twice. The Lost World is actually kino and possibly better than JP.

>The newer 2 are better than the 2 before them though
Only in the bizarro dimension.

>especially fallen kingdom
This has to be bait.

>Spielberg was the only one who did good and he did it twice

>The Lost World is actually kino
It's very obvious that spielberg was highly confused with what to do with the movie and only put effort in the actions sequences because he actually had fun doing those.

I only saw the first Jurassic World but it completely lacked the atmosphere of the original movie (and Lost World). To say nothing of the forgettable characters. Without 90s era Spielberg, the franchise is nothing.

They can't. Jurassic World 3 is already looking like a disaster. Somehow the 12 dinosaurs that escaped into the woods are thriving and breeding in the world after only one year. They won't explain how, just fuck you. Fuck you audience, fuck you. You wanna see dinosaurs? Fuck you. Fuck you.

>jurassic world better than lost world
lol no

I like Lost World but it's a much less focused movie than the original. Easily better than 3 and World (haven't seen JW2).

Lost world and jp3 were trash. Fallen kingdom is easily the 2nd best jp movie. It's only for patricians though. You'll maybe figure it out someday when your balls drop.

As a total JP fan that hates FK, not a valid criticism though.

The technology to clone them has spread
--> some dino's were sold & shipped out before the big breakout at the mansion
--> Wu escaped with embryo's and DNA-files so he's probably sold the technology all over the world

This shit sucked ass


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Absolutely. Spielberg didn't give a shit about that film and was only interested in his historical dramas at the time. Completely mailed it in just like Indiana jones 4. He's allowed a couple duds though after all the masterpieces he's made so I forgive him for those shitty movies.

Because you don't mess with a system that works.

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Both Spielbergs entries look like amazing blockbusters next to JPIII and even moreso next to the new jurassic world shits

You can stop repeating that shitty meme it's literally dinokino

But they did user...

I'm saying the dinosaurs in California have bred and spread out in the wild. Not the ones that were sold away to Russia or wherever else.

And in JW and FK Wu is very protective of his craft, he wouldn't sell his formula to make his Dino's, only the Dino's themselves. He's still the only one in the world that can do it

The only ones that qualify for dinokino are 1 and FK.

This, JP3 is direct-to-VHS/DVD tier.


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>compared to this

Fallen Kingdom was total shit

Lets settle this. What is the dumbest main dino in the series?

Spinosaurus in JPIII
Indominus rex in JW
Indoraptor in JW:FW

Attached: childs-spinosaurus-costume.jpg (1750x2500, 803K)

Spino was my favorite as a kid because it beat the T-Rex.

Minus Jurassic Park III and maybe Jurassic World 2, they're mostly good. It's fucking dinosaurs doing crazy ass dinosaur shit. As a dinosaur fan since I was a kid I fucking love the movies. No other dinosaur movie comes close (or even exists?) Get on my level.

You don't have to post shitty YouTube videos to me, I own the whole series on 4k. Fallen Kingdom is underrated as fuck, the second half is better than everything in 2 and 3 put together.

Jurassic Park was pretty good

Rest were shit

I have them all on 4K too. Fallen Kingdom is fucking CGI garbage and I feel bad Bayone had to direct that awful fucking script. It has 10 good minutes on the island the rest is dogshit dude.

TLW is the second best entry. The other 3 are varying degrees of mediocre to shit

That fact that you believe FK is all cgi shows how little you know and the cgi shit in TLW looks mummy returns tier these days. 1>5>4>2>3. As time passes it will get the praise it deserves.

And reminder the books that Crichton wrote are very good and it would be great if there was an R rated sequel in the series that was more like the tone of his writing.

Shit taste lad, the T-Rex in the beginning of FK CGI looks like fucking ass compared to the 1997 CG.

Even the raptors at the end of TLW look better than the shitty CGI raptors in both Jurassic Worlds.

My taste is impeccable. And you obviously need to get your eyes checked. When you grow up and get better taste you'll be able to see things more clearly but with glasses.


He didn't even want to write Lost World. Just fulfilling his contract obligations. He was having more fun on ER.

You're fucking blind as can be bro. The effects in both Jurassic worlds look worse than the lost world and most of the original jp.

The lost world has the best cinematography and.lighting complementing the effects practical and special.

Go play the scene where the trex is drinking from the back yard pool in the lost world. Literally perfect CGI in 1997.

It's still a good dinosaur novel

I have 20/10 vision and you really need to hop off Spielberg's dick. He made a bad movie, it's ok now get over it.

You keep on ignoring all my points

Trex CGI in TLW = better than TRex CGI in FK
Raptor CGI in TLW = better than JW and JWFK

TREX drinking from pool = amazing CGI nothing compares in FK

Fallen kingdom is pure spectacle at the expense of breaking immersion.
Slightly reconning the layout of the lagoon to get the mosasaur loose is one thing but
>Wu not having backups of Indominus DNA along with other dinosaurs and monsters he was cooking up
>the dinosaurs escaping and as shown by Battle at Big Rock allowed to roam for over a year after release
>US government, hunters, etc. allowing an allosaurus, carnosaurus, Blue, Trex to roam free
>only animals that had enough to repopulate to any extent was the compys
>introducing new dinosaurs having escaped in Big Rock when it wasnt on a previous island list nor shown in FK, not only that but a breeding pair with young

The time it would take for the tech to spread along with enough animals to be created to be an environmental issue would be decades if not longer

Probably indoraptor, cool design and intelligent but could not coexist with anything.

Indominus was crazy as fuck but at least tried to make a pack with the raptors.

Spinosaurus had established it's own territory on Site b and was actively and successfully hunting Trexs along with being intelligent enough to track Grant and the Kirbys throughout the island. By far the best legitimate monster created

>Fallen kingdom is easily the 2nd best jp movie
You should go get that brain tumor of yours checked asap.

what exactly is there even to do with dinosaurs in a movie other than shoot them, run from them or have them eat people?

it's very telling when Planet of the Dinosaurs is like the only actual original idea for a dinosaur movie.

jp was perfect
lost world was great
jurassic world was pretty good and had a lot of trigger moments for feminists

jp3 and jw2 are garbage

A lot of plebs over rating TLW in here despite it being cringey as fuck. Just because it was babbys first dinomovie doesn't make it good. JP is an all time masterpiece but all the rest are schlock.

>Spinosaurus will never show up again because it triggers rexfags
>Its only defining feature is big + sail

They could've had a unique, unpredictable predator but nope. Imagine something as big as the Mosasaurus that can follow you on land, although not as fast as the Rex.

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how is it cringey?

Shut up, fucking pleb.

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Am I the only one who didn’t hate TLW or JP3?
Both sequels were inferior to the first movie but they still had their merits and were highly enjoyable movies even with their shortcomings.

Indoraptor by far, it's a social animal inherently but lacks the ability to socialized because it never had a mother. The Indominus has her shit straight since she was able to immediately communicate with other Raptors, the Spino I think is an asocial apex predator so his reeing out and wrecking all of Site B is just in it's nature. The Indoraptor is doing it too at Lockwood but it is a failed experiment leading it to doing so, it wasn't the intent. Spino I think was a success.

Reminder that Lost World's main theme is the best music in the series. It's also the best dino adventure movie.


god damn lost world's theme takes me back ever time

Ok faggots shut up
I think we can all agree

>Jurassic Park
>Fallen kingdom opening scene
>The lost world
>Fallen Kingdom (island bits)
Drop shit level
>Jurassic Park 3
>Fallen Kingdom mansion scenes
>Jurassic World

Jurassic world could have been good if they didnt make stupid fucking mistakes / character decisions. Remove the birds, the SWAT team getting rekt,. Sexy woman death and itd been good

Jurassic Park 3 was kino, pleb. Literally the second best in the series

Jurassic World was good, flawed but good. Lost Kingdom has some merit to it but it wasn't very good.

>It's very obvious that spielberg was highly confused with what to do with the movie and only put effort in the actions sequences because he actually had fun doing those.
The sequel is weird in how it came to be, the first movie was a smash hit and the studio wanted a sequel. But Crichton didn't have a sequel book in mind, so when he found out the studio wanted a sequel he had to throw one together in a short amount of time.

What the fuck, I never knew this existed. And after having watched this, I feel insulted.