Is there any true Kino on the whole scope of pic related?
Is there any true Kino on the whole scope of pic related?
no, because no one cares about all those gypsy states
Most films from ex-yu countries are hard to appreciate if you are not from that region.
Also far too much of the same themes, over the top pathetic "war is bad/we are poor" social dramas and the polar opposites in comedy "we are so poor lmao ustaše and četniks the same lmao"
But go watch H-8 (1958) by Nikola Tanhofer, probably the best film out of the Croatian film industry.
A top notch well-executed thriller that anyone in the world can appreciate and understand with no previous national context.
Really clever writing too (the version with english subtitles is on youtube, hard to find elsewhere really)
Angelopoulos is the master of cinema. Kusturica and Gavras are good too.
Ko to tamo peva (who’s singing over there), kino af
Also no mans land
Even though the narrative is blatant propaganda, Battle of Sutjeska is the most expensive yugoslavian film ever made because of the ridiculous amount spent on the action set pieces with actual warplanes, tanks being blown up, canons and thousands and thousands of people in the infantry, no CGI whatsoever everything done in camera.
There are some scenes with real planes flying and shooting ridiculously low over actual people while actual explosions go off at the same time, it all just seems almost illegal really.
>56:55 and 1:56:05
The closest you can get to a full overview of the war is BBC's The Death of Yugoslavia. It's got a high production quality and interviews with almost every relevant political and military figure involved in the conflict.
The downside is that it does have a very noticeable bias in the sense that it fails to mention many key events which challenge the usual victim/aggressor narrative that was popular in American media at the time of the making. So maybe watch Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War afterwards to get a more nuanced perspective on the whole thing. It's made by the Serbs but it has interviews with high ranking UK and US officials involved in the negotiation process.
Also, here's the full version of the gif.
ruined my immersion
Like said, most Balkan films are hard to get into unless you are from the Balkans or at least know the context. I'm Bulgarian so not really ex-yugoslavia, but I'd say the most kino movie from the Balkans in general is Serbian and pretty well known - Black Cat White Cat by Emir Kusturica. As far as Bulgarian movies go, maybe a good example would be The Goat Horn
Wonder if a similar situation will happen in some regions of the former US when it breaks apart?
A Serbian Film
what are some good yugoslavic/bosnian docs/movies?
The actual war happened in 1999. Declaration of (full) independence was a mere political act in 2008.
Nobody cares about Imperialist Serbia. Thank fuck that shit is gone.
The National Basketball Association. Stop thinking in such limited terms. The Egyptians were great thousands of years ago. Who knows what the future holds. Enjoy or appreciate in whatever fashion arouses you the tiny snapshot you're focused and crying about. Get on my interdimensional level.
no mans land
why is Sarajevo landlocked like that?
It was surrounded by Serb populated areas. Also the city itself was split in half.
Looks based. Gypsies fighting nazis is kino
For Slovenia specifically:
the Kekec trilogy
Ne čakaj na maj
To so gadi
Ne joči, Peter
Cvetje v jeseni
Gala Videnovic used to be gorgeous in her prime.
She was in her prime in Šta se zgodi kad se ljubav rodi
Propaganda as fuck.