What was her fucking problem?

What was her fucking problem?

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her friends were shot in a school shooting

she's a fucking dyke, that's her problem

you are fucking disgusting. your verbal violence affects people.

She's a dyke, and a woman

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She's not dead in a gutter somewhere.

They were assigned female at birth, but identify as non-binary. Dillon explained that around 2015, they began removing gendered pronouns from their biography, and auditioning for the part of Mason helped them understand their gender identity. Dillon identifies as pansexual, stating they are attracted to multiple genders.

THANK YOU. I'm so fucking angry right now

Why should we refer to her as a plural pronoun even though she's clearly just one person? Mental illness isn't a cope out.

Yasss queen.

>Plays the role of an adjudicator
>Can't even decide it's own gender

>/pol/ humor

I'm not transphobic, but I believe anyone who sternly enforces pronouns outside of the conventional he/she syntax are just tyrannical power hungry sociopaths who get a rise out of strong arming their own wills upon other by social pressure & coordinated ostracization (i.e. cancel culture).

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Eloquently put. If some dyke ever used the word binary around me I would cunt punch her into tomorrow.

I willing to bet she wants to get in Wicks pants in the next movie.

You wouldn't do shit apart from running here to type up another power fantasy of yours

Please tell me more of what I would do. Dilate, faggot.

You're a pussy

I guess this thing thinks of itself as a Parliament or something.
It's funny how being born with small tits makes someone so insecure that it denies a gender completely. Drink some onions, maybe they'll grow.

she was just doing her job

Have sex

Does non-binary always have to mean boring as fuck? Her part could have been replaced with phone calls and you would lose nothing from the movie

being best grill


you would accept their invite to a meet up and enjoy getting rammed by some pre-opps

When did you start having these fantasies?

Christianity, capitalism, and authoritarianism. You gotta suck the cock of your superiors or you'll be homeless!

No one will ever convince me that gender dysphoria isn't a mental illness.

kekkin at that file name

That character was pretty cool, but reading THEIR wikipedia article makes me want to slap a ho.

>“I worked with a girl on John Wick 3, Asia Kate Dillon. I shouldn’t say ‘girl’, because she prefers ‘them’, but she’s a lovely girl. She’s a terrific actor, too, but before we started I told her that I was sorry if I sometimes say ‘she’, but it’s hard to say ‘them’ when there’s only one of you. She explained that because of her stance she has become a role model for teenagers in Bumf**k, Illinois or wherever.

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No one respected their pronouns

She looks so much like an ex of mine that it isn't even funny, down to the buzzcut.
She was a crazy cunt. Like, really diagnosable. Then I google this actress up and was not surprised that she's playing with a full deck either..

She's so disgusting to look at why is she there in the first place?

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he wanted to fug her

what was meant by this?

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disgusting lip fillers

They were a pretty cool character.

ahaha dude rules

Billions season 1 was ok and this gender non conforming super hero rolls up and is invincible and axelrod is obsessed with THEM. fuck this freak and fuck that shitty ass show.

>attracted to multiple genders
You mean both? Also how does it make sense that the world's biggest crime boss is a Muslim but his adjudicator is a dyke?

based sweggin

She actually unironically uses this weird pronoun shit, though

Their work was literally to answer the calls, why are you even asking?

i'm asking what's the deal with the "uniform"

I want to FUCK these disgusting tattoo thots in the ass

her problem is that she has never been filled to the brim with bbc

checked and keked

She needs some dick.

this can't be real, its far too based to be contained within one man

>mfw it's real

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