How ridiculous...haha

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Other urls found in this thread:

lol he didnt pay money for sex like all the liars, what a loser.

It is. By thirty-five, he would've bought at least one hooker or ended up as a sex offender.

38 years strong here

what's your story chief

I'm around two years away from your deadline. Which direction do you predict I'm going, I wonder.

At this point I am more afraid of my first kiss than my first sexual experience, if either even happen that is.

Why are you guys putting the pussy on a pedestal?

>tfw you managed to end this meme 1 year before 30

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I'm doing the literal opposite of that, I pretend like I don't give a fuck about women so much that probably all of them genuinely believe I am not interested in any of them.

Someone not having an active sexual life is a huge red flag for everyone who comes in contact with a virgin past a certain age and usually means there is something seriously wrong with that person
Getting to the age where you supposed to have children (honestly in best cade scenario your kids should not be virgins and probably start their own family too by the time you hit you are 40) andu never even put a benis is bagina is just pathetic t b h, you are either a mentally ill or physically sick or impotent

I have no diagnosed mental illnesses. No physical problems. Not impotent.

You have what as known as loser creep syndrome

Then you should be having sex like a normal, functioning human being, aren't you?

uncles butthole doesn't count

This has to be bait right? Not every guy has what it takes to get to know a woman enough and have her to WANT to have sex with you. Fucking normies, honestly get the fuck out.

I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl

I guess. But it isn't happening.

35yo virgin here. I've thought about this a lot, and I've decided that it's fair to say that my evolutionary worth might be low because of not being able to pass on my genes, but I don't think it just automatically makes me worthless. The Selfish Gene argues that a population can have members who don't reproduce but serve a role in helping the species. I'm a teacher (no, I don't fuck kids) so I feel like if I'm doing my job at a high level I'm having a bigger impact on the human race than if I had kids, unless those kids in turn would have done some huge impactful things.

Really I think there have always been a decent amount of permavirgins but only recently has it become such a stigma, especially with the villainization of incels. Like literally it's less of a stigma to be a perpetually unemployed alcoholic as long as they have kids and don't abuse them.

i know this feel but im 27 and have never been hugged/kissed or been in a relationship

Just started chatting to this girl online who is up for doing my fetishes then she sent more pics and she's fat, like really fat, I thought I made it guys...

>muh contribution

Honestly it's easier to be a permavirgin now than it ever was thanks to porn

i'm just ugly

Just fuck a fat girl you virgin. It's like killing low level mobs. You need to start small.


What's the point of having kids then?


I've had sex before but never regularly of course, if she was chunky I wouldn't really care but she's proper fat. Only positive is she lives in a different town from me so nobody I know would see me with her if I do meet her

>tfw the virgin meme hasn't applied to me for 2 years now and I'm still not satisfied with life

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I'm almost there bros. A girl obviously likes me but she's probably too shy to make a move. I'm chiken shit because of the pressure and lack of experience. Two dates in, physical barrier yet to be broken, but she still hasn't given up. I'm gonna fucking make it.

very dishonest filmmaking

I wouldn't worry about this, your existence is meaningless, so is the next fuck knows how many billion human's.

Just make a move, bro. It's not that hard.

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I told you sex won't change anything, but virgins always think it's some magical key to happy life lmao

t. can have sex anytime he wants

>pussy on a pedestal
found the ultravirgin

>Why are you guys putting the pussy on a pedestal?

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For your own happiness. Your problem might be caring too much about pleasing others.

i was pretty much in school and focused on school until 26 when i finally graduated with not many social skills nor actual interest in socializing

one evening this qt blonde from work spent 2 hours just talking at me; i figured she must tolerate me in some way so i asked her on a date, and that was that

I'm gonna fucking do it. Feels like there's a goddamn time limit on it and that pressure is fucking me up something fierce but I'm not spilling the spaghetti this time. Wish me luck faggots.

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It's certainly one less thing to stress about. It's just very dumb to think that's the only defect in anyone's life.

Why are you guys putting the pussy on the chainwax

Nice, all the girls at my work have boyfriends and pretty much just talk about random crap to me like I'm another one of their girlfriends

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>I told you sex won't change anything, but virgins always think it's some magical key to happy life lmao
Then why do non virgins think lesser of virgins then? That only means they think having sex puts you at a higher status in life, like you accomplished something and are now in the next stage. You can't blame incel/virgins/whoever for thinking that they want to have sex if they want to get out, because that is what everyone else is showing them with their behaviour. They won't say it, but it shows.

do you have a full head of hair and a clear face?

Jesus... user. I'm a skinny fat loser and even i had sex before i was 21.

Simpletons have simpler goals in life.

tell yourself that if you spill the spaghetti, it’s ok
there’s always gonna the next one so relax

remember, (girls told me this) it’s better to try and she says no than don’t try at all. women are keen to forgive the ones who try...

god speed

Woah. It's almost as if everyone has different life experiences. You might be onto something.

Get off this site then

I bet it's pretty easy to get some when you are older.
Women realized they aren't worth anything because they are not pretty anymore.

21 and same. I was in a pretty extreme Christian church as a kid I think it nuked my brain. That’s the usual excuse I go with.

You just need to kiss her once and then you're set. Get in close and wait for a moment of prolonged eye-contact.

Should have been Catholic. Can't tell you how much action I got as a child.

Okay real talk. My friend is in exactly this position. I suggested loading up Tinder so at least he'd get some practice talking to girls but he won't do it. Plus Tinder seems like a shitshow nowadays anyway. He doesn't like clubbing so wingmanning is out the window and his hobbies are basically gaming. I considered that he may be asexual but he admitted that he jacks it to celebs. What can I do to help this lad? I don't want to be too pushy but he's a good bloke that deserves to get his dick wet.

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is there any technique to kissing? i've never kissed a girl before

>Then why do non virgins think lesser of virgins then?
Are you that dense? It the same as every other insult. You always use something you know hurts the most to the other party. As long as virgins get pissy everytime someone calls them virgin in derogatory way, people will use it. Literally the same with niggers.

Last time I saw an user describe that he deeply regretted it and couldn't get over the smell of her fishy hamplanet axe wound.
I'll retain my mana thanks.

Practice makes perfect. As a rule of thumb just don't start 'overenthusiastic', thrust your tongue in there etc. Start small with a kiss on the lips and things will take their course from there.

Just pay a hooker to seduce him

>Practice makes perfect
So that means I'm gonna fuck up big the first time I do it?

>Just pay a hooker to seduce him
Considered that, but I'm not sure I can set it up in a way that he doesn't know what's going on. Also doesn't really help him in the long term.

Yeah and get herpes

I wanted to hold her hand first but I couldn't even do that. She always started walking too fast or put her hands in her pockets. I feel like a goddamn coward for being so fucked up about physical contact.

Fat girls give the best head.

Shut up, fatty.

Nice reading comprehension there user.

Literally me in 4 yrs.

>get herpes

It just means the first time you're on a bike, don't try to do a fucking wheelie.

Got any girl friends that are a bit on the slutty side that are willing to take control? I had a buddy in the same spot as your friend. We had a small party at my place and had a girl that was keyed in on the situation and she kind of took control and without him knowing she was leading him. He got tipsy and they made out that night. They went on a few dates. she fucked him a few times. He came out of his shell. He’s dated other women since and is getting pretty serious with his current girlfriend.
It turned out great but it could’ve blown up bad if he just got infatuated with the slutty friend. She played her roll perfectly.

>Turned 20 2 months ago
>Only social interaction I've ever had with a girl was a minute long conversation during holiday a year ago
I'll be fine.

It's okay to take it slow, but there's really no point if she considers you as a backup or just a friend

i specifically came here to dab on this loser for being a 35 year old virgin loser. at this point he really should kill himself.

funny you should say that because i only just learned to ride a bike a few months ago, took me about an hour to get it

Thing is the way things are now young men cannot risk dating coworkers. It was risky before but now with me too going strong you risk being fired or tangled in a lawsuit.

Did you just assume their gender?

What if I don't have any real friends?

Sex is easy, but attaining a relationship is nearly impossible for me.

tfw this would never work with me because I don't drink

You really don't need to stress. Riding a bike is a lot harder than kissing. Also, if she goes on several dates with you, she's definitely interested. The fast walking and hand in pocket etc. are just her being as nervous as you.

Shit that sounds perfect. Yeah he just needs a good experience to get him out of his shell. Unfortunately the sluts I know are either far away or currently with boyfriends, but I'll keep that in mind.

im a completely different person, i've never been on a date with a girl before

>You always use something you know hurts the most to the other party
And why do you think it hurts them to begin with? Because that's the expectation every has of them, to get laid. Retard

Oh, right. If "it" didn't have sex before 30 "it" doesn't deserve to be called a man or a woman.

Genre: Science Fiction

The whole premise of this movie seemed so ridiculous the first time I saw it. I was a virgin then, but it seemed like there was so much time, it'd be literally impossible not to lose it until 40.
Now I've been a wizard for years and have just a few years not to end up like the main character, which is likely a lost case considering no girl even touched in any romantic way so far

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Historically at least 50% of men never reproduced.

Im in a similar position. We both need to make a move and stop being pussies.

I have sex with the same 3-4 girls a week and it's emptied me emotionally bros :(

Fuck thots, acquire bros

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Not so nice deflection, fatty.

This. And also we're at a point in human history that has never happened before, at least on a larger level. On a smaller level, we are going through the same cycles of a civilization. But if you include all the tech and media subversion, it's difficult to predict what will happen.

Having sex feels damn good and is a stress reliever.
But it isn’t the solution to everything.
It’s like money, it’s nice to have it but it won’t make you happier


lmao as if this would ever happen in reality.

My cum is deep red from blood but all the doctors I have seen regarding it have said nothing is wrong and it will eventually go away, but it has been over a decade. Thanks for reading my blog.

I want to see them fuck

>lose virginity at 19 in the woods
>10 years later, haven't had sex since

i'm conflicted about this

Tell us about the YELLOW KANG

that hoverhand addition is perfect

That just means that your kid will be a redhead/ginger.

maybe you just think sex is sacred and sleeping around isn't a good idea? maybe you're waiting for marriage?

I hate how sexualised our society has become

my best friend and I are like that, we were both nerds at school but then he got really fit (he just ran a marathon) but we get together every saturday to play vidya or just talk about stuff. It's great.

How do you man up Yea Forums

>Really I think there have always been a decent amount of permavirgins
Yeah they were even a complete cast called priests. Now isnt that quacky crazy ?
Granted a lot of priests fucked their share but it is clear permavirgins ended up there.

That's not really the same since you were friends before. plus is your friend actually a 6'3"+ chad or just some random ass physically fit manlet?
real chads don't associate with lesser men, it taints their image.

>Chad turns the virgin into a gymcel

be at LEAST 6 foot, have a strong jaw and good hairline.

Same. I also lost pretty much most of my libido and I don't even watch porn.

I'm 29 and I haven't even touched a woman

What if I dont like kids and they dont make me happy? Maybe your problem is caring too much how others live.

Dear Father and Mother: July is the month I remember which brings not only your wedding anniversary but also Father's Day and Mother's birthday. I'm sorry I can't remember the exact dates, but I hope this card will take care of them all. I'm sorry again I cannot send you my address like I promised to last year. But the sensitive nature of my work for the government demands utmost secrecy. I know you will understand. I am healthy and well and making lots of money. I have been going with a girl for several months and I know you would be proud if you could see her. Her name is Betsy but I can tell you no more than that...I hope this card finds you all well as it does me. I hope no one has died. Don't worry about me. One day, they'll be a knock on the door and it'll be me. Love, Travis.

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He is a chad, he's tall, a lifeguard and he's a sport nuts, thots throw themselves to him because of his looks. But yeah, we are friends since highschool (20 years of friendship now) and we get together weekly or every two week. I don't know, we are just best bros and I'm glad we are still getting together. I assume it'll stop when he marries and gets a kid.

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Lost my virginity (thirties) recently to a thin girl. Now my girlfriend. Kinda glad I didn’t compromise and shag a fatty.

When I had turned 18 I was genuinely scared of being a virgin for the rest of my life. Just about everyone else in my highschool year level had dated someone at some point, and that means a sexual relationship. I was the only one who hadn't had a girlfriend. Even the autistic group of kids dated each other.

I was ready for suicide, but before that I was fully prepared to pay a prostitute for sex, which I went through. I regret that immensely though because two years later I lost weight, build up confidence, got myself on Tinder and eventually found a pretty attractive girlfriend.

Anyways moral of the story is: no matter how old you are, if you'e still a virgin, for God's sake don't pay a prostitute to take your virginity. Wait it out, and you'll find someone.

In about 1 month I have caught up to you

When next alone, and sitting together eye contact, then put your hand where her neck touches her collarbone and kiss her.

I'm "waiting it out" for 29 years already, never even kissed. It won't happen just by waiting.

>sell your beloved possessions which are worth a small fortune to pay for a single mother's expenses

Why does the movie sell this as good thing?

im not that guy but jesus do people actually do this shit? I would never ever be able to do that in a million fucking years lmao

It was a different time back then.

It's all a ploy to fuck the daughter.

In ancient times only 40% of men reproduced while 80% of women did.
Do you really believe that 60% of men are mentally ill?


Honestly, I'd rather live with being a virgin my whole life than bear the shame of knowing I lost my virginity to a prostitute

Not a virgin anymore at 27 but before that I would've rather died alone than fuck a fat girl
I hate fatties and especially the ones that hit me like they are worth anything. I was a fatty and was always treated this way, so now that I am decent looking I see no reason to not do the same. I'm not strong to forgive

10 years and 7 months, maybe

based fellow broken normie

I was real close to sealing the deal with one and felt disgusted, I realized I had more self respect than I initially thought.

I already had the perfect opportunity too. We were in the middle of a brigde watching a motherfucking sunset. It seems so easy and obvious but it's like I just couldn't find an opening at that moment. I'm still determined but why the fuck do I turn into a wuss and lose my balls at the worst moment?

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>have first kiss and lose virginity
>still feel the same, nothing changed in my life, still a loser
sex is fun and all but it literally changes nothing about you except maybe a temporary boost in mood.

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guess you're just a loser then lol

I'm not expeting some panacea, but not being deadly afraid when the sex/relationship topic comes up would be a massive improvement

>I'm a teacher (no, I don't fuck kids)
the fact that you have to mention this kek
i hope you are district hopping user

I was exactly the same through school, but my work is all middle aged men (engineering) and I am socially retarded, so now I am 30 and haven't even hold hands. Oh well.

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you don't want sex, you want a partner which you can regularly have sex with

fucking a random girl you met off tinder wont change your life

>tell to a girl you're a virgin
>"sex is overrated anyways"
yeah right hehe he..

Sounds like cancer. Seriously, go see someone and get your prostate checked.

>get some money
>go to whore house left and right

Fuck your brains out with atleast 50 girls before you tire of women.

Wait everyone pissing the water except that one guy? Why would you swap colors?

>go to whore house left and right
Depends on where you live.

>obese girl offered me sex once
>turned it down
tfw volcel now

I have zero interest in losing it to a fatty, but how did this even happen? What sort of social setting/situation led up to this?

incel = virgin
volcel = chad

why is it called volcel instead of just cel?

21. Fucked multiple girls
Reading this makes me feel a lot better about myself. Thanks virgins

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Earlier today on a fetish chatsite, I'd be fine with having sex with a chunky girl but she's borderline obese so it's not an option

>i only just learned to ride a bike a few months ago

What the fuck man, are you 7?

>dat post time
A fetish chat site doesn't really count.

Some people don't get taught, user

Never tempted by hookers.. even trap hookers

What spells did you learn?

I'm worried about my best bro, we're 32 now and he is extremely afraid of failing. So he's completely outside the dating sphere. I made him get facebook 8 years ago just so he would socialize a bit. He added me, no one else and says that facebook does nothing for him. I try to encourage him, but he's just "It's too late now" which he has said for the past 6 years.

It does when she told me where she lives

>Riding a bike is a lot harder than kissing.
This is the stuff I go to Yea Forums for. Pure unadulterated wisdom.

He's probably right, its extremely hard to go from cold turkey to suddenly into the dating scene. I was in a similar position when my work colleagues all started getting dates via dating websites and said I should do the same, I set one up and messaged lots of girls with unique messages and never got any replies

Thank you for contributing to society, forget all the anons putting you down. Most teachers have the patience of saints, good on you.

Sounds like me.

Investing into something which has such a huge failure rate is pointless. Its like buying a completely ruined house and trying to sell it by painting the few bricks it has. Its not gonna work. Especially not when the house next to it is better in every single way imaginable. Your friend is fucked but not because the reason he thinks he is. He never had a chance to begin with.
A woman doesn't fix your life. Repeat this fucking sentence until it engraves in your brain, if you need so write it down on paper and stick it to every object imaginable in your room. Its impossible to love others while you hate yourself.

>finally lost virginity
>nothing magical happened, it was ONS so I'm still alone
>now I'm constantly horny and have to pay hookers for relief

I felt better as a virgin

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>relatively attractive and dress well
>regularly get into bags of sand conversations when people assume I have a sex life

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You need to ask out girls. It is scary, but girls will never ever jump on your dick. Even chad has to do the asking.

In my case I just spend too much time with imagining a perfect scenario. That goes for other things like jobs, hobbies vactions and so on as well. everthing sucks compared to my ideal headcanon of life. Weltschmerz

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But he's my best friend. I don't want him to give up.
That's just wrong though. Everyone else in our social group, me included has or have had several partners.

That woman is a good damn hero

>sluts are bad
>except when they fuck losers

>dress well and try to look decent
>no one ever imagines I have a sex life
>co-workers no longer ask if I have a girlfriend yet

The alternative is a lot worse.

It’s a human essential need, doesn’t mean it will give your life full satisfaction but without it your body is craving it. Oxygen would be an extreme example.
Refer to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

This! Maslow's my nigga.

He's different from you, he's not like you. You are a normie, while he's not. You push your pozzed hookup culture on him, while he's uncomfortable with the idea, and he's probably uncomfortable around you as well, but since he's lonely he's afraid of losing the contact to the social world. You pretend to understand the shit he's in, while you never will.
You are a shitty friend, and a shit human being too, but you didn't realized this, and probably never will.

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I dunno I've always preferred that as it saves you from awkward convos, I've just started a new job so I have to wait it out again until they stop asking if I have a gf

No he doesn’t, women are desperate as fuck for the top percentage of men.

>girls will never ever jump on your dick
Why do you keep saying this. That's not true.

I was attractive in my teens and plenty of girls jumped on my dick without me doing anything.

The secret is finding happiness regardless of a girl. Yeah, it's coping. But so what? If it makes you happy then power to you. I am quite possibly on the spectrum. I have had girls like me in high school but I felt we weren't compatible. I'd rather stay a virgin than be with someone who isn't compatible with me.

Sex makes people compatible lol

Get a colonoscopy like yesterday, bro. Might be nothing (although let's face it, blood in your cum is not nothing). In my case it turned out to be diverticulosis (which later turned into diverticulitis, twice, so I had about 2 feet of intestine removed, that sucked but it's all good now and hey, at least it wasn't ass cancer).
//dd: UTI, ass/prostate/kidney cancer or your death grip is tighter than a boa constrictor but it sure as hell isn't nothing.
t. #metoobloodypeepee

You are mistaken if you believe Chad has to do the asking. Very mistaken

25 here. I think I'm going to be a 40-year-old virgin for sure. I don't see how I could ever get laid at this point.

Escorts don't count though. Paying money for someone to fuck you isn't an accomplishment and would personally make me feel even more lonely.

>real chads don't associate with lesser men, it taints their image
nonsense, chads have been my best wingmen and gotten me laid more than once

Why do faggot jews such as yourself continue to attempt to perpetuate this lie?

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why wouldn’t have at least a clear face? what the fuck is wrong with you?

Gentlemen, I present you the final solution to the incel question. Our greatest team of volscientists has worked on this prototype cumlessly. We just need the approval of the Yea Forums cunncil to start their mass production.
Sign here, here and down here.

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>tfw bullied through school for being ugly
>guys bullied me and girls laughed along
>never had the confidence to ask a girl out because after being ridiculed by so many people I can't imagine any girl finding me attractive
>feel embarrassed evening expressing that I might like a girl to another person because if the girl ever found out I'd feel humiliated and feel like people would laugh at me for even contemplating that I could go out with a girl
>tfw now 27 yo virgin who has resigned himself to the fact he will die a virgin

I have no desire to fuck an escort either I'd feel humiliated doing that. I just want to live a quiet life in solitude where none of this matters.

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>escorts don't count
How so? You've learned to save money (an intellectual skill) through getting a job and earning some (a social and intellectual skill) and exchanged that resource for sex. This is how most relationships work - sex is traded for some resource or quality, be it good looks, social status, or some other quantity. Everyone pays their way in somehow, so why's money any different?

Yeah don't go to escorts, I made that mistake, a life of solitude actually sounds comfy though

Whores are great, though
Couldn't get it up? Pay for more time next time and get a long succ. It happens to everyone

literally no one does that, what an idiotic strawman of a buzzword.

worse, a lesser inferior man who is the bottom of the barrel is worse than a mentally ill man.

I could get it up, sure in that moment the sex/succ is great but I feel like shit afterwards

It's a world of difference. Having a job is a given for most people. Managing to get laid is a totally different accomplishment. Normal people can get it for free through charisma, physical attractiveness, etc. Paying someone to fuck you is scoring on an empty net. There is no achievement and it's an artificial experience.

>tfw many days i rather jerk off to trannies than having sex with my gf(female)

Then work on that. Don't feel guilty about feeling good

fuck off chad, you dont belong here

A threesome is the solution

You're going to be miserable in the long run. Hedonism isn't going to make you happy.

>Lost my virginity at 19 to a 5/10 geek girl
>4 years later, hot women still see me as a joke
>I'm going to die single
>I hate women so much

I enjoy jerking off to trannies but i wouldnt put my dick inside one of those disease filled mental cases

>Whaaaaaaa I can't get laid
>You can, just pay a 10 to suck you off
>No, that doesn't count
This is why nobody takes male oppression seriously. Just stop complaining if you don't want to fix it. You can force anyone to love you, so just shut the fuck up and make yourself lovable.

woman repel

I didn't know Alex Jones posted on Yea Forums

But that's a Level 1 spell, user

Paying an escort doesn't fix it. Most normal people would agree that it doesn't count. It's an artificial experience.

>It's an artificial experience.
What an empty word. Where are you typing this, dude? We're not sitting together talking. You're typing this into a computer (artificial) and sending it into a forum. If "artificial" is bad, go full unabomber and live in the woods

Are you kidding? The little skinny nerd/big buff guy friendship is very common.

Literally me and my Chad bro

>tfw multiple girls said I'm too ugly to date

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>fucking is an artificial experience
Jesus. This comment has never seen a vagina

You need to stop caring so much. Let go of the anxiety, just do it like it means nothing, like brushing your teeth in the morning. When you make too big a deal of it, it becomes infinitely harder.

I wouldn't know what to do if I had a gf so I don't bother.

I think this is a problem many people don't think about, if you got into a relationship she will have already had bfs and know how a normal relationship goes so she'll soon be able to tell you don't know what to do which will set off some red flags

I know what I would do. Cuddle the fuck out of her every night. Fuck sex, I can jerk off. I miss cuddling SO fucking much.

Just try holding eye contact for a few seconds. She wants you to kiss her, and that's you telling her now is the time. Once she starts looking back at you in the eyes start leaning in. You only need to lightly brush her lips to start. Once you've made contact just hold position and make slight lip movements, her mouth will start to open more and it's all natural from there.

Cope. You're not experiencing sex like most normal people do. You're paying someone who likely finds your repulsive.

>You're not experiencing sex like most normal people do.
You're not experiencing sex, period.
But, unlike you, I'm content with what I have. Enjoy dying alone and bitter, user. You seem to deserve it anyway

I'm not joking around though, I wouldn't know how to reschedule my routines or be a "good boyfriend."
I have friends and they work just fine.

>Escorts don't count though. Paying money for someone to fuck you isn't an accomplishment and would personally make me feel even more lonely.
Have fun never having your dick wet, fag.
I don't give a fuck about any "accomplishment", because roasties always have dozens of men at their disposal before they consider talking to me.
The only kinds of accomplishment I'm interested in making are intellectual and financial.

You're dying alone too, unless you pay the whores to be at your bedside. You're just a hedonist.

>real chads don't associate with lesser men, it taints their image.
Bullshit. I have many chad friends. They really don't give a fuck about being friends with incels.

Back to /r/MGTOW

>Most normal people would agree that it doesn't count
kek, this is like women saying that one night stands and fucking on vacation "don't count" towards the number of sex partners they've had.

Work life balance is a fuck, but that's always like that. Don't let it stop you. You end up finding time. e.g. I stop browsing these shitty sites when I'm in a relationship. Good luck, user.

>Having sex every now and then makes me an hedonist.
Stay in school and read about Stoicism and Epicureanism, lil fag

You're not having sex. Paying someone to fuck you isn't real sex.

The women are actually getting laid on their own merits though. They're not pathetic enough to pay for it.

>Paying someone to fuck you isn't real sex.
Imagine a virgin in charge of defining sex Hahahahaha

I feel really happy for your friend, user. My friends IRL try to do that but fail miserably.

Imagine the level of cope in this post.

I'm pretty sure if you asked those whores if it's "real sex" they would say it is, it's basically their craft

my advice for breaking the physical barrier is first kiss her on the cheek. She'll look at you and you look at her, then give her a real kiss. It hasn't failed me yet

>no friends
>no gf
>only go from work/gym to home
>developing hobbies but don't have me meeting new people (cooking, reading, running)
>tried bumble/tinder apps but short and average looking so matches never amount to anything

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>Hello, my name is Kyle. I've never had sex. Let me tell you what and what does not constitute intercourse.
Hahahahahaha Are you reading yourself? Is this a fucking bit?
Please, have sex

>>developing hobbies BUT don't have me meeting new people (cooking, reading, running)
Well, you found the problem. Literally, meet people. Find some groups in your area or even further and meet fucking people. Even if you don't meet cuties, you meet girls by friends of friends. (Or whatever equivalent)


I lost mine in my late 20s. It was fun, but I dont really regret how long I waited. I was busy doing a lot of shit instead of just chasing tail, pussy is great and I love it but it's also good to take a few years to just be by yourself.

Bruh it's even worse when you have friends because they're always like "user why don't we ever see you with girls what's your deal"

You're a virgin. Scoring a goal on an empty net doesn't make you a hockey player.

what is the motivation for making this movie?
how come women go out with guys that are uglier and fatter and shorter than me?

idk but imagine having to be in constant contact with a girl. fukn messaging dozens of times a day and asap or else she feels lonely and cheats
on you. oh dont forget meeting several times a week to do stuff and you cant be boring or else she cheats, maybe just emotionally if youre
lucky. but what about if she hangs out with other guys and they invite her to a party where she gets drunk and fucks other men under the
pretense that she had no control over her actions during an event that had you been against her going - would have resulted in her feeling
trapped and breaking up or just cheating on you LOL

People who ask that are assholes. Usually it's apparent. Women only want Chad, period.

tfw my friends used to say that but they stopped after a few years

>Scoring a goal on an empty net doesn't make you a hockey player.

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I have had 8 girls ask me on a date and 2 ask me to fuck them at a party. Said no to all. Pretty sure I have some cluster A personality disorder or just advanced autism. Sex is fucking disgusting.

I've had two girlfriends. So cope harder, permavirgin

The girlfriend experience doesn't count, virgin.

Your condition is called volcell disease. It has no cure and in its terminal state causes great mental peace and contentment. I'm so sorry, user.

I see that you're familiar with the escort lingo, yet you lack the balls to fuck a woman. Work on your insecurity, user. Maybe then you might get close to fuckable. You think it's your skull what prevents you from getting a gf, but you have such a hideous personality that, if I was a girl, I'd fuck two frogposters rather than kissing you.
Work on yourself. Or just die alone and bitter

Already gave her a kiss on the cheek but that shit is like a handshake where I live.

>I have had 8 girls ask me on a date and 2 ask me to fuck them at a party. Said no to all.
That's so virgin in loops all the way around and is actually super Chad

I lost mine at 15 and I was by no means a chad back then, it really baffles me how one can make it that long

They're just confused because I'm certainly normal and good looking enough to get a girlfriend.

Can you imagine being a forever alone virgin when you turn 30? hahaha

That's my problem too

It all boils down to exposure. If you have a non-awful personality, you can get laid if you meet enough girls. I'm enough of a sperg to browse /r9k/ and had a hiki phase after college, but had a gf and fucked two other girls in college.

>am a sad 24yo virgin
>go to these threads to make myself feel worse
Why the fuck do I do this?

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how do you even have time for a gf in college? projects up the wazoo, exams always around the corner, hw, general studying
unless youre nonstem

You know you're posting with people who are in the same boat as you


My pp is 4" so even if I got more sociable there's an extra obstacle to face

24 yo kv and honestly no sign of improving any time soon

Fucking painful knowing 99% of people live a completely different life than me

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I was in Aerospace Engineering, but she was too. So we studied together in my apartment during the weekend and went out to dinner/cinema whatever. In workdays, we saw each other at school, so it was perfect.

One of the other girls I had sex with studied Literature, so she had much more available time, but we were in the same college dorm, so our "spheres" overlapped quite a bit. I was her homeboy, in some sense, as I didn't go out much.

The only people who fuck in college are doing bullshit majors. My toughest semesters were 14 hour days. The kind of stress where you physically couldn't fuck somebody because the stress makes you soft.

I almost became a Wizard but at the ripe age of 28 I finally got desperate enough to ask a fat girl out. Turns out I was born to be a porn star in bed and my dick is huge too. I missed out on years of teen and college sex, how sad.

Wholesome and based. Fucken saved
You must summon your inner Chad, Yea Forums. You can't wait for Misaki to come and save you.

Me too many times but its cause of my micro. They just think I'm playing hard to get.

does it still count if i was buttfucked when i was 7?

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Grew up very poor with a brain damaged mother who took out all her anger on me. Whenever anything went wrong she'd get frantic, beat me and decide we had to move somewhere else. Probably lived in 15+ towns growing up.

I'm 25 now and I've never had a girlfriend. Never kissed, hugged or even held a girls hand. Never had any friends either and I don't give a fuck. I don't want friends or a girl. I just want to be left the fuck alone to wallow in my misery and suffer at work until the day I finally work up the courage to kill myself.

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When I was still in highschool and a virgin I literally did not give a shit and it didn't bother me at all. Now at 27 it kills me. Maybe back then I assumed surely it would happen eventually and now I know it won't but I wish I could go back to not caring.

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damn is that your mom? I'd fuck the brain damage out of her

4.5 checking in.

No. My mother is an obese, chain smoking junkie and she looks the part.

>Active sexual life = healthy practices
Cringe. Enjoy your STDs.

Trust me, late 20s are the final dying breath of caring. Once you hit 30 you literally stop giving a fuck.

where did you hide her body

Im 10 years behind you but Im coming full speed, hang in there bro

tfw 7inches with thick girth which only makes me depressed that I'm not using it

What's wrong with that? The fact that they treat you as one of their own obviously means you have value to them. At least you're not working with some cunts who think you're a weirdo.

I've fucked 19 girls, who here is jelly?

I suppose that's true, I am grateful to work with them but just wish at least I could meet one girl who is single and interested in me a bit

I'm not jelly, I'm dad

>you will never have a friend do this for you
>you will never have a friend

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women actually do this unironically

Im close dude

It's not the sex but the intimacy. It's easier to be intimate when you're young and she's young and you both still feel like you have potential etc. It's also a great way of overcoming personal problems by allowing yourself to be vulnerable around someone and having them be vulnerable around you. It allows you to go from a purely defensive position, occasionally interrupted by wild aggressive outbursts, into a position of giving people a chance and slowly widening your network of contacts, friends, acquaintances etc.

Just lying in bed with a girl, quietly at night and whispering quietly in a way that you know won't lead to her suddenly laughing or mocking you, and gradually empathizing more with her and learning about her etc and having her in return express genuine curiosity in learning more about you etc is a fantastic feeling, second to none including sex imo. Sex is great but only with someone you care about and who sincerely cares about you. Knowing you've made a friend for life and found one of the few people you relate to and who can relate to you is amazing, especially when you're both comfortable with being yourself around each other. It's such a relieving feeling to know, on a deeply instinctive level, that you are genuinely and deeply loved.

I lost my virginity but I haven't had sex in over 6 months and I don't think I'll ever have sex again, at least not before I kill myself.

this. casual sex is unironically complete shit.

>feel fake except for surface level attraction cos you don't care about them as a person
>have to put up with them for a night
>have to put in work, get thirsty
>risk of not getting hard and/or cumming early
>pregnancy risk
>STD risk
>might be a tranny

better off fapping tbqh

Not gonna lie, that sounds pretty gay.
Good to know I'm not really missing anything.

Just start lifting. I don't get why people still don't understand this easy concept.

>Knowing you've made a friend for life and found one of the few people you relate to and who can relate to you is amazing, especially when you're both comfortable with being yourself around each other. It's such a relieving feeling to know, on a deeply instinctive level, that you are genuinely and deeply loved.
Wait until she cheats on you kiddo

>Maybe back then I assumed surely it would happen eventually
This is me too, I just thought that I'd naturally meet a girl or something but I never have I see most of my friends and colleagues with girls and none of them look like chads some are even ugly and yet they all have girlfriends I just don't even know how other people form relationships.

I am lifting but only to improve my health, I have an actual gymcel friend and while he's ripped it's never helped him socially

He needs to just start approaching women in public

Yeah that's fair enough. Perhaps start by asking them if they have any single friends outside of work?

I long to feel this

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Nice cope.

43 and still going, the movie and his flashbacks in it are actually pretty realistic, sometimes life just passes you by

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One of them did say if I want her help finding someone else I just need to ask her, but the hard part is I commute to work via train and most of them also live even further away (like 2 train stops away) so I don't know if it would be possible for them to introduce me to their friends, plus im a social tard so I don't wanna screw it all up in front of them

In bong land, talking to strangers randomly in public is seen as very strange here

>incels and beta males do not exist

Never met a virgin that old irl, ever.

You miss every shot you don't take my friend. If you can get them to meet you somewhere in between their place and yours, so neither of you have to travel too far go for it.

it's the same in the united states

id rather be alone if my alternative is used goods desu senpai

based Wayne Gretzky said this

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30 yearls old khv reporting in

I see your point, I'll give it some thought

this so much
not only sex, but also social life in general

This is a cope because you know full well female adult virgins do not exist anymore in the west so you're deliberately putting yourself in a position where you've already lost


You didnt have to do this, bro...

yeah, no - im std free and at peace
i win

A real hero. thats how you prevent an incel from doing an elliot rodger

I wasnt saying you have to fuck said used goods girls, just that there isnt a virgin alternative. If you're happy without any of that then more power to you

It's not cope.

What the fuck am I supposed to say to some dumbass girl while lying in bed? I don't want her or anyone else to know anything about me and I'm not in the least interested in hearing about her bullshit "story".

People are not enchanting magical creatures, they're just fucking people. They don't have anything new or interesting to say, there's nothing special about them. Just 1 in a sea of billions.

Unironically have sex

No thanks, I'm not interested.

And do you honestly think any girl would ever touch me? I'm an excess male by definition my purpose is only to die.

He did indeed. My Religion teacher was a Canadian, and he used to have a poster of him with this quote on the class wall.

Clearly you've never been in love.