What was the Russian reaction to Chernobyl?

What was the Russian reaction to Chernobyl?

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they're used to american propaganda

Chernobyl is in the Ukraine you fucking idiot

similar to the reaction jannies have against sn**d

Whoa got spooky here for a moment, comrade

They're gonna make a russian counterseries claiming it was all the CIA's fault.
I wish I were joking/trolling.

to tv series or to an actual Chernobyl disaster?

I think he means the show.

Why don't the Russians just distance themselves from the old Soviet government? It's like Germany making a "patriotic" TV series defending Hitler


I only watched the first episode which was meh, didn't bother going on after learning that the show shoehorned some female representation into the story.
Most russians don't care about Chernobyl disaster, at least as much as americans bitch and whine about 911.

>a russian counterseries claiming it was all the CIA's fault
they actually released a trailer to that but it had so many dislikes that they deleted it after a couple of days

>Michael Shellenberger

Is there still a vidya of it somewhere online?

Im russian and its kino. Also almost all my russian friends really liked it and i think overall reaction was very positive, but some people from government tried to convince people that its just burgerland's propaganda and ussr did nothing wrong but they failed miserably

It's been barely 30 years since the collapse. A lot of the older folk are apparently quite nostalgic of the soviet times.


thats it, but without sound because they are afraid that it will get deleted

Because Communism did wonders for them, it just turned into shit in the 80s.

Mostly positive, except brainwashed communists

Normal people liked it.

Government tried to portray it as Murrican propaganda that insults the Russians and blah blah blah.

A lot of radiation poisoning.

They used dispersants to rain down the clouds in Ukraine.

Are you a fucking retarded?
Have you heard of the Soviet Union?

but the show focuses on the incompetency of the Kremlin you fucking idiot

Western lies Russia stronk and to prove it we almost caused an even bigger catastrophe.

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Imagine believing this. I've met around a dozen USSR immigrants and the first thing they always tell you when you ask is how absolutely shit life was. Just last month met a guy from Latvia who had his successful trucking company shaken down by the government, basically bankrupting him. That's what kills me about this shit eating college kids with posters of Che on their walls espousing the virtues of communism. They never bother talking to the people who lived under actual communist rule. Fuck commies.

>USSR immigrants
stopped reading here, it's probably all bullshit

And Georgia is in america

it basically caused the dissolution of the USSR

A dozen people from various countries all have the same story: the Soviet Union was a corrupt shithole and unless you knew someone in a high position your life was miserable. Go down to your local Russian orthodox church and talk to some of the older people there. You'll hear the same thing.

This guy sounds like a lying fucking stooge. My dad was alive at the time and driving through Kiev. There was a huge cover up and most people were not told about the disaster until the western authorities informed people about it.

Every nation has its own losers who are happy to blame the system for their failures. People think fondly back to the USSR because of the rapid development it brought. My father's family were subsistence farmers in Ukraine in the 30's, uncle Joe came along and my granddad went from abject poverty to being a pilot to running a shoe factory. His son in turn got to go to university for free and became an academic. That's the kind of Normal Rockwell, American Dream levels of social mobility the USSR afforded to people who were willing to pay lip service to the party line and know when to keep their mouths shut.

Sounds kinda like America right now, but with affirmative action or whatever.

It was very popular

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Mнe пoнpaвилocь, хopoшo cдeлaли, мoлoдцы.

Because 70% of russians want it back

not exactly. Most funny part about corrupt commies, that the most top level people had barely what middle class american had just working in shitty factory at least in cold war era.

very weird that you only hear it from dirty immigrants and never from Russians

precious ayylamo pooch.

It's like asking why Americans are posting on Yea Forums instead of going on Japanese image boards.
Almost as if normal Russians use their Russian-speaking sites, and those who turn to the anglophone internet are more liable to be self-loathing westaboos.

They wen on a tyrade on a few boards that were defensive and calling it propaganda

Radiation burns and fallout. Btw, 10/10 show HBO, though FX is better.

The holodomor was 1932.
Communism caused mass starving since its very beginning. The agricultural collectivization that caused 40 million deaths was in the 60s.

Looks like communism was always shit.

It wasn't broadcasted in Russia and probably never will. So there is like 80% of the country doesn't even know it happened. There rest of the people who uses internet think it's great because non of them fall for commie and Putin's bullshit and don't feel like it's some kinda personal insult.
Government is obviously not happy with it because it's ruining their plans on making USSR 2.0.

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idk I think they did a pretty good job after the fact. No way there would have been willing sacrifices if it happened in America. We would have just smeared radiation everywhere and then endlessly sued each other for the next century.

Ля тpeд либepaльнoгo биoмycopa. Кaк хyдпpoизвeдeниe нopм, кaк нaчинaeтcя пиздeж пpo ПPABДУ - гoвнo.