Alien 3

>call up the art department and tell them to make a fully detailed mold of a 10 year old girl's naked corpse

Attached: newtmodel3.jpg~original.jpg (300x510, 22K)

>no it’s okay we’ll just grab a real one from the pile

>oh and if you release any behind-the-scenes photos, make sure to conveniently block the crotch so we don't get called pedophiles

Attached: newtmodel.jpg (700x512, 39K)


where do you think that prop is now
imagine owning it haha that would be crazy

>hey we need to completely invalidate all the characters growth and struggles from the last movie to ensure the audience absolutely hates our movie what's the best way to do that?

Did no execs look at finchers script and realize that the guy clearly resented working on the movie and should've been shitcanned?

>someone has this in their prop collection

>implying those Sabbatean Frankists in Hollywood didn’t actually fuck some poor child to death and put her corpse in the movie as an inside joke

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If Elysium didn't bomb this could've been a reality.

Attached: neill-blomkamp-alien-movie.jpg (700x302, 202K)

hmmm. is that not a prop everyone involved with would say to destroy? even though it's really well made... would someone say they destroyed it but really have it in their house somewhere p-p

The head is based on a real girl, the body - who knows? It could just be generic

Attached: alien 3 newt ded.jpg (600x811, 100K)

Killing off Hicks and Newt is perfect. Only a pleb wanted them to go off into the sunset together. Only thing to change is to kill them at the end of Aliens

Good thing it bombed then, blomkamp is a fucking hack director

It's just the body of a kid, it's not even started to develop any sexual characteristics

they kill off kid john conner at the start of the new terminator movie.

>French director
what a surprise

W-would you want a actual girl lying on that table? We can do special make up for the autopsy...

Lol keeping it would be crazy haha lol

Body is a boy.


>fully modeled 3d vagina and uterus

Bravo Nolan

Alien isn't a series about happy endings, killing both Hicks and newt at the start was great and very in keeping with the tone.

He can't keep getting away with it

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It was mentioned on a documentary years ago. Can't find it now.

Danielle Edmonds, so is this modeled on the girl who played newt in A3? Also she aged better than carrie.

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Think I'm confused with the autopsy scene. Think they filmed some parts with a real boys torso from the head down before they opened up the model. Iirc they didn't like the idea of a young girl getting felt up by Ripley and the doc.

Bigger hack than Ridley. Ridley at least made one good film (the duelists)

Blomkamp is a decent director, but shit tier writer, he rivals Snyder when it comes to hamfisted writing.

I like little girls I'm a pedo


you and half the fucking board
also reported to FBI

you say that like it's a bad thing

people would be outraged if it wasn't a corpse

>anti-pedos would rather children were dead than pedos seeing them naked
why is society so backwards?

One make another pedo and continues the cycle. The other is just one dead kid.

so we need to kill children before people can see them naked?

unironically, yes. it's even on youtube

Thank God. Looks cheesy as fuck and Blomkamp is a literal cuck.

killing white children?

Reminder Aliens is for reddit tier plebs that like marvel movies and Prometheus and Alien Covenant are for people who actually appreciate cinema.

Even Alien3 assembly cut> Aliens

for like 5 seconds, she was. we know the head was based on her
but was the body modeled on her? nobody knows

>Body is a boy.

source: my ass


so, still no source
there's very little info on the newt scene besides that most it was cut from the movie

Pretty sure theres a few seconds closeup where Ripley touches Newt's bare naked chest, and it's the real girl not a prop

Nah. I've been looking, I'm sure it was on a documentary made around the time it came out (oldfag) but can't find shit right now.

A child wrote this

oh yeah so did they sculpt a penis then?
I don't believe you.