Million Dollar Extreme

>This ain't about peace in the middle east it's about world peace my dude

What did Sam mean by this?

Attached: Million.Dollar.Extreme.Presents.World.Peace.HEVC.S01E05.mp4_snapshot_00.02_[2019.09.22_02.11.17].jpg (640x360, 76K)

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"Peace in the middle east" is just an excuse used to fight over oil. World peace is about making real lasting solutions to the world's problems.

Who cares, shit show was cancelled. Have sex.

cope, tim

World peace was alright but Sam's a dickhead

why did he add swastikas to the show

world peace was hit or miss but his paywall stuff so far is great. still, its melancholic not seeing charls collaborating anymore

This except 100% the complete opposite.
Can't believe people pay money to watch Sam rent cars and slam the doors and tell them not to incur debt.

>never forget my six episodes

so many kikes rush to these threads damn

I'm literally paying for it and can't finish it. It's too cringe. I watched 10 minutes of his car show and turned it off when his fat underage sidekicks starting singing a jingle for the car rental company. Absolute waste of time. At least Charls Twitch highlights are kino:

David duke
You tripped my wife


I can’t watch either of them anymore

Charl's self-help schizo schtick is cringe.
The dude is a grown man in his 30's pretending to be A FRICKEN CRAZY GAMER MOM'S GONNA FREAK on the internet like an adolescent.

he and sam both are

I don't even know what Sam is doing these days. Every time I see his content he's doing something that involves rental cars. I don't know what his obsession is about rental cars.

True, but the video I linked is one of the rare times when his ramblings are actually useful.

But Sam told everyone to take on and abuse massive debts.

To piss off the Juden. He’s a kike himself but I don’t think he has a buttplug shoved all the way up his ass all the way to his duodenum about it.

Sounds like a cry for help