What was the point of this character?
What was the point of this character?
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He used to be entertaining
Now he's just Meg 2.0
Genuinely the best character on the show especially how terrible every other character is now
To be a pleb-filter.
A-ha! You thought I was making a holocaust joke! SHAME ON YOU
To be relatable to the audience, he's the fish out of water character
He's an annoying faggot just like the dog on family guy but he also has a shitty accent
i dont get this joke but i appreciate it
Shame it never came back for more.
to be the chillest bro around mmfwcl
to become the funniest one, klaus episodes are the best now
He's terrible. Dumb premise for a gimmick character, never went anywhere interesting and was mostly cast aside and forgotten about. They made a joke about it, he's slowly going insane from crippling loneliness/isolation living as a fish.
Somehow the neglect and strange writing for the character has turned it all around and now he's kinda funny.
I can't watch american dad anymore. I used to watch it every afternoon during a time when i was struggling with mental illness, loneliness and prostitute addiction. I finally got over all of that and i'm good now, but everytime i see something related to american dad ir hear the theme song i feel like shit. Some clockwork orange stuff.
>Good morning USA!
the new season is actually really good imo.
I do feel like they've kinda left haley out though and aren't sure what to do wtih her.
Raging Waters.
So much water. So much rage.
I used to think he was so unfunny he was cringe and wondered why was he even on the show but over time I realized he's quite funny and original character
Klaus is the beta incel wannabe casanova fratboy character.
Steve was supposed to be that character but as time has gone on Steve continues to attract hot girls and the only reason he isn't a ladykiller is because of his family sabotaging him or pure unhappy circumstance.
So yeah, Klaus is the loveless luckless loser character to make B plots around when everyone is sick of writing for Steve or Roger. He's also been objectively the funniest character on the show for the last few seasons.
He's funny.
How did you get over prostitute addiction? Asking for a friend who sees one twice a month
New episodes are terrible
This rogu shit is not funny.
Stan Smith acts like Peter Griffin
Don't go to a prostitute because you're bored or have extra money in your pocket. What you should do instead is go when you do something good like impressing your boss, someone thanks you for holding the door, or you find money on the ground. That way it always balances out.
Seth MacFaglane is an autist and thinks le random talking animals are funny.
Steve did get to score in one of the latest seasons.
The only thing Klaus ever got to getting laid was with Roger.
Holy shit that is funny.
What the fuck does that have to do with what I posted? Retard!