RIP Nog a.k.a. Aron Eisenberg edition
follow your dreamy!
I'll be listening to "I'll be seeing you" tonight
Is that a Vic Fontaine/Jimmy Darren classic?
Yes it was Nog's favorite song
It was not.
Yes it was.
i come as fast i can
>fellow you're dreamy
Fixed it for you retard, it's a come on
Guys, it was Come Fly With Me by Ol' Blue Eyes
(not to be confused with Ol' Yellow Eyes)
>you retard
horrible, forced, painful.
Nog is Wesley done right.
I have no clue what you're trying to tell me but it's that song from Siege of AR-558 when Nog just had his leg blown off and in sitting in the makeshift hospital.
>tfw we will never get the Captain Nog series we've all been waiting for now.
Not really. Wesley was literally Gene Roddenberry's self-insert as a kid (hence his name Wesley which was Gene's middle name)
Unfortunately, instead of coming across as precocious (supposedly what Gene was seen as as a kid in real life) he came across as sort of autistic savant mixed with complete nerd.
g-get away from me
Nog can drink my piss. Aron is alright.
>>tfw we will never get the Captain Nog series we've all been waiting for now.
I like ds9
post dukat
Are we doing anything to celebrate him
this thread was made to honor his memory alpha
literally hitler
Remember that time Nog was a Klingon?
Literally did nothing wrong.
Kazon you idiot
A couple threads on Yea Forums is more than 99% of people get
cytube meetup?
cytu be (slash) r (slash) Quarks-Bar
bet his father was named nig huhuh
Think back on Nog's transformation over seven years of DS9, I loved watching him mature from a 2 dimensional young-ferenghi caricature into a really awesome starfleet cadet, and he's a great example of the complete development of even ancillary characters.
How does it feel to know you killed another man's thread?
That's really sad and I'm gonna cry now.
There were no femdom camps.
Not good but I also made mine first just didn't link it quick enough. I wanted to honor Aron who seemed like a really cool guy and had a great
secondary character of DS9.
I don't want to meet.
Actually his name is Rom, and he was a good father.
What killed the little feller?
>You will never get to meet the real Nog now.
I haven't seen any specifics but my guess is that it might have had to do with his liver which was a recent transplant.
>Nog's dead
He was born with only one kidney, and that one was kinda not all-the-way there. Kind of a midge. And when DS9 started he was already 25 years old.
Kind of amazing he lasted this long.
>which was a recent transplant.
He got it in 2015. That thing should have lasted way longer.
It's not the end of the quadrant.
>holodeck doors can be overridden by basically anyone
>nobody encrypts their holodeck programs
>there is no alarm to let you know someone has entered the simulation
So is the pressure of knowing you have no privacy in the holodeck enough to stop people from living out their true degenerate fantasies? Sort of like browsing porn sites on company wi-fi. You can do it, but you dont want your employer to see that shit.
Fuck off Ira. Go back to jerking yourself off in the mirror
OK, he's dead, move on.
The just put a sticker on the door. At least Barclay does.
Cardasians did nothing wrong
Used to live in Detroit, met plenty of nogs, never saw a klingon tho.
Nog's fast track promotion was, I felt, a result of the incredible character arc that he had across those 7 seasons, and representative of the DS9 team's commitment to fleshing out their huge cast of characters.
Garak, Dukat, Rom, the Weyouns, the Female Founder, as well as shitloads of others got backstories and characterisation that is rare in any TV show. Even on a wider scale it explored the nature of entire races in more detail than other Star Treks usually go for.
It could have survived easily without this attention to character detail, but it really gave the show a much richer vibe, and that's what I loved so much about DS9.
Fuck, even Morn got some pretty decent backstory by the end, without ever talking and losing his mystique.
>ten hours later
how about no
Vic looks like there's a gun to his head.
west in peas, nog
u made many happys
More people involved with DS9 need to die t b h
This thread is really touching. For once, /trek/ is coming together, putting our differences aside and showing our gratitude to a man who brought joy to our lives.
Thanks Aron.
ds9 sucks asshair so it comes off
I want to live on DS9 and go to Quark's and play the dabo tables and drink every night.
>go to Quark's
>get life advice from Quark
>say thank you to Nog for bringing my drinks
>get boozed up
>play at dabo tables
>flirt with half naked dabo girls
>go to Holodeck get laid by every hot celeb you've ever had a crush on
>wake up in Sickbay with severe injuries
There's no holodeck on DS9.
>all this time thought Nog was a young black kid under all that makeup
>he was actually a 30-something white dude
>he's 50 now
The fuck
Holo-suites then, you fucking Cardie.
Wait scratch that, he's DEAD now?
He looks mulatto
That's better. Be more mindful in future.
he was a jew
>Admiral Ross
>Cal Hudson
All the DS9 supporting characters are dying lads.
They made a father son relationship NOT awkward, fuckin' bashir & O'brien bros4lyfe, ferengi is the human race we know today, greedy but with a heart of gold yet to realize full potential
Vic Fontaine god damnit!
Hence Wesley is a Mary Sue and not a good character. While Nog IS a good character.
Well shit, Nog was one of the best characters on DS9. That arc where he loses his leg and spends an episode with crippling PTSD was great.
RIP lil guy
>star trek
>it's a station
It wasn't that funny.
>That arc where he loses his leg and spends an episode with crippling PTSD was great.
why doesn't quark wear the ferengi hat?
Nig + Nog = Malldrone Hijinx
>The Federation needs men like you, doctor. Men of conscience. Men of principle. Men who can sleep at night.
>You're also the reason Section 31 exists. Someone has to protect men like you from a universe that doesn't share your sense of right and wrong.
section 31 isn't in starfleet
>Underrated question.
h-he's what?
He's dead, James.
No one said underrated question and yet you greentexted it.
Are you okay?
Got a hardie for a cardie?
GT isn't just quotes, you silly goose
Section 31 was cool before NuTrek ran the idea into the ground
What ship brought Sisko to DS9 for the first time?
You're not getting out of it that easy. In no context does doing that make any sense. Delete your post.
elab, bro
USS Blackedraw
Google created a real quantum computer, how long until warp drive?
The Dauntless, Ambassador Class.
The Next Generation
The post stands. Your rebellion has failed.
All you need for a warp drive is to simply garner more energy than exists in the solar system.
Why are pics from WW2 better quality than TNG set stills?
Why is he pointing at her right nipple?
About to watch the DS9 documentary. What am I in for?
He wants her to remove them.
>Frakes: (H-hey don't forget me, Winny)
1. You've seen it already
2. tears, bash and backslapping for 2 hours
That's the one he wants her to go put some ice on.
Fight me, faggot.
back off!
>Aron Eisenberg
>Armin Shimmerman
These are the guys they got to play (((Ferengi))) really makes you think huh
>that time a Twitter user sent him a jewish caricature with a message saying that it was Nog and he liked it
I think it's off putting
We found the memory sticks, Neel. Those girls will get justice.
Why was Nog so good at accounting?
hes a ferengi
Don't encourage this shit, pls.
post charts
I agree. Section 31 used to get things done so that the Picard-types in Starfleet could pretend to live in a Care Bears society, then Kurtzman took over Star Trek and re-used the Section 31 crap from the JJ movie and made the organization the bad guys in STD.
I can't wait to see how his team of teen drama writers is going to handle Picard.
Your wish is my command.
Going to be honest, Nog was the best character on DS9 and TNG combined
>STD hatewagon
u just say that cus he ded
You gotta admit the first 4 episodes fucking sucked.
>Perhaps the biggest disappointment in my life is that the Bajoran people still refuse to appreciate how lucky they were to have me as their liberator. I protected them in so many ways--cared for them as if they were my own children. But to this day, is there a single statue of me on Bajor?
so everyone?
Bashirfag cameo (for real)
argument from popularity.
next interview.
Thanks very much
R8 H8
The masses are always right, faggot
Cumberbatch is Q
nagilum was just curious
I'm going to miss him too. Rewatching the show will be a little bitter sweet now.
Wow, that's upsetting. R.I.P. man.
sauce please
>Good opinion.
I lost the screencap, sorry.
We did the best we could for Nog.
>For once, /trek/ is coming together, putting our differences aside
Fuck STD, CBS shill
You could tell she was having fun.
It's an accurate picture because the people who are happy with the product are suits.
It was one of the only times she wasn't forced to act like an up tight dyke.
Lets see if DS9 anons will show the same respect when someone from Voyagers passes away.
You know they wont.
I was disappointed that they made Dukat LITERALLY space Hitler in season 6, I was totally buying the fact that he didn't do anything wrong and was really just misunderstood until then
Rip Aron, you will be missed.
The correct name is STD:DISCSCO
Because ww2 is fake
I don't really agree with all of this, and it's maybe not even a chart.
It's gonna suck when Picardo dies.
Why was Ezri's family so bad at accounting?
no tits
Picard dies in the new show, of rape.
I'm not looking forward to that day.
Star Trek is so weird.
I started a porn vid just now but tabbed out before it played.
The sound immediately reminded me of "vermiculum" from the episode with the fish people aka THIS IS AN OUTRAGE species.
What a weird world.
Lets see if /trek/ will show the same respect when someone from Discovery passes away.
You know they wont.
just watch another porn.
I'll be pressing S when that day comes.
STD isn't Star Trek tho.
Technically, STD is canon. You can't just "no true Vulcan" it.
>Crewman, set a course for Virgin IV.
>What's going on in this thread?!!
Just doing some counting.
I wouldn't be caught dead on the USS Virtue Signaling, fren
Sensors are showing high salt concentrations, captain.
Thread theme
>b-but STD is true Trek
Uh, no. Kurtzman Trek is poorly written, badly acted trash being used as a platform to make political statements, instead of telling a story like classic Trek did.
I always knew this dude was played by the same actor who plays Weyoun, but I didn't truly believe it until I heard Brunt say "The Dominion" in The Magnificent Ferengi. Such vastly different makeups and performances
He also played this guy in Enterprise.
Just selling pieces of a Ferengi war hero.
OK, so I don't like the pacific theater. I think it's boring, so that means it's not part of world war 2.
>I always knew but I didn't truly believe it
>poorly written, badly acted trash being used as a platform to make political statements
So Next Generation?
I'll accept that, but at least they framed the story around it, unlike STD (and probably Picard) does
>(and probably Picard)
Your bias is showing.
>unlike STD (and probably Picard) does
>(and probably Picard)
>Already judging Picard before it's out
>how can you know shit tastes bad before you try it?!?
Let me guess. You're one of the guys that thinks that whenever a white guy dies, it's because the writers jerk off the idea of white men dying.
ikr, what a penis
99% of humans have tasted their own poop at some point.
>but at least they framed the story around it
>Riker fucks a member of a species with a gender identity that is considered forbidden until they realize they identify as a she
Ah yes, glorious storytelling.
>Harry Mudd shows up and kills everyone over and over again as an act of vengeance for their mirror universe captain abandoning him on a Klingon vessel.
What the fuck is this storyless political garbage? Give me more tranny fucking!!
Thanks for confirming my idea that the tards on here who scream about "ES TE DEE" without being able to even form a unique opinion on why they don't like it have never watched the show and get all of their opinions from a Cambodian puppet show image board.
Not at all. But the American entertainment industry is clearly creatively bankrupt, and has been for the last three years, with all the woke shit and whatnot.
if u think a show is gonna be poopies, maybe that makes it poopies?
The only thing 'woke' about Discovery is its casting. The story isn't all that politically centric. That'd require more time and effort than just having a bunch of explosions and Burnham crying because everything is about her. There's a lot of problems with the show but being too politically focused isn't one of them.
I enjoyed Discovery but this couldn't be more true
say highlights
I like science
>Harry Mudd shows up and kills everyone over and over again as an act of vengeance for their mirror universe captain abandoning him on a Klingon vessel.
>What the fuck is this storyless political garbage? Give me more tranny fucking!!
Let me guess, Lt. Cmdr YASS QUEEN managed to solve it all by herself again?
Is this a stealth sticky thread?
>Let me guess, Lt. Cmdr YASS QUEEN managed to solve it all by herself again?
Nah it was the white guy actually. I don't know what makes you so insecure about black women doing things on a fictional space show though. It's not good storytelling when she just solves everything on her own but it doesn't make me shake and froth autisticly.
I'm not. She's a poorly written, badly acted character and a Mary Sue to boot.
i just hate stuff
>James Kirk saves the entire universe all by himself by punching bad guys and tongue punching hot chicks.
Kirk is so fucking cool guys.
>Picard single-handedly preserves peace in the quadrant by reading treaties and quoting articles and references Shakespeare.
God damn it I love Picard. Best captain ever, change my mind.
>Archer teaches Vulcans to be nice and forms the Federation.
Huh. Neat. Enterprise isn't that bad.
>Burnham uses time crystals and waterbear DNA and cross-dimensional funguses to save not only this reality but all realities.
Hmm... the only problem I see here is she's a black woman. Too political. No, I don't really see a problem with the waterbear, fungus spores, time crystals or anything like that. It's not even that she's a bad actor with a shit crew. Nah she's just a nigress. That's my only complaint.
that's different. those were guys
Has Nog officially passed?
I passed a nog just now.
Nog was a great character.
o LAWD im laffin!
I like the images in memes.
Here's the real I have no personality starter pack
>Favorite color - Red or blue
>Favorite food - Anything Italian or Mexican
>Favorite Captain - Picard
>Favorite Trek series - TNG or DSC
>Favorite Trek character - Geordi or Barclay
>Geordi or Barclay
Ferengi are space Jews. Prove me wrong.
There's zero arguing it.
His SS-uniform is off.
How does the Ferengi hat actually stay on the head, is what I always wondered.
Janeway likes being in the mile high club
u coulda just got it from mem-alpha
>>badly acted
>So Next Generation?
TNG had Patrick Stewart.
And Wil Wheaton, Le Var Burton and whoever the fuck played Beverly and Troi.
The Founders are the most Jewish characters.
All hyper talented vigilante actors with incredible range. Get over yourself.
Ferengi are the Tribe of Israel.
Founders are the Tribe of Hollywood.
the ears
but it doesn't connect to the ears
You did see far beyond the stars though right? I mean, nog was the paper boy
False, they taste my poop when I make their food.
behind ears
As a baby, you have tried poop.
That must be incredibly painful
But there's nothing to prop it up. It just hangs there in defiance of gravity.
it's like a clip on
The Writing is shit, and Season 2 a million plot holes its unreal.
they are big ears...
hi, i like trek
>STD shits actually making a solid attempt to disrupt a dead mans memorial thread the moment someone posts this.
It isn't. You know it and we wont discuss it in this thread you disrespect degenerate.
why did this guy have to save up money to get married? shame he died before he could have an event to mark his marriage
Don't call me a disrespect degenerate, you mean poophead.
>why did this guy have to save up money to get married?
He blew his fortune on height increasing schemes.
>chartfag shows up again
>pro-STD posts also increase
really makes you think...
>meanwhile, /paranoia/fag never left.
Chartfag is a horrible, horrible person.
canon of sucking dick, yeah
>that guy last thread getting mad at people memorializing Aron/Nog and calling people “posers”
What is it about celebrity deaths that makes autists so mad?
Autists want things to go on forever. That's why they dread show finales.
> ctrl F
> no Nig Nog posts
New mod fresh off the Reddit boat
>Don't call me a disrespect degenerate
My apologies. I meant to call you a disrespectful degenerate.
If his half-spoon never died, he would have been fine.
mane new threa
>aliens are humans with insane tumors or edgelord monster shit
when will this retardation end
>Has never watched the show before
kys retard
I thought the founders = the Illuminati
the fuck would you even say that for
ruined my god damn day
That's a tad on the harsh side, no?
There is an in canon explanation for this REEEEEEEEEEEEE
well almost done with the original series
this better be good
>in canon
kys retard
it's explained in ds9
which show says frack again?
The Great Link = Israel
Solids = Goyim
no text just to post image
Shes glorious.
>Nog tribute /trek/
>chartnigger spams Fagylon 5 and Battlefag
I'll be talking to him in star Trek online.
They say he was a virgin past the age of 30 and so he developed an incurable disease called incelitus.
i want my thread
No new threads. It's time we had a moment of silence for Nog.
>Nog was played by a Jewish actor
>Rom was played by a Jewish actor
>Quark was played by a Jewish actor
What are they trying to tell us?
jews are natural manlet schemers
Was Nog a based character? A young man who decided to live by his own ideals and choose his destiny? Or was he a victim of Federation globalism (galaxism), discarding his own culture and heritage to wear the uniform of his ideological conquerors?
Not to mention the naturally short and goblinish bodies, they were made for the role.
Yet ironically for all my far-right ethnonationalistic tendencies, Quark was still one of my favorite characters. At least he was an HONEST schemer.
Rom and Moogie were nation-destroyers, though.
it’s a shamefully bad show and a disgrace to the franchise and fans
we already know enough from previews, its another mary sue female that is so important that picard is a side character in his own show. Feminism ruins everything
This, but if you're new to /trek/ don't bother trying to argue, you'll only provoke him. STD is pure garbage and there's only one spergy autist who gets a paycheck to try to force it here.
> a moment of silence for Nog.