Why yes, I LOVED the John Wick trilogy

>Why yes, I LOVED the John Wick trilogy

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Other urls found in this thread:


Damn, gigachad dresses like *THAT*?

>tfw a qt Stacy in middle school bullied me because I wore high water pants one day to school

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And those recently came back into style a few years ago too lmao sorry lad

Whats wrong in OP pic? Tight trousers are considered for faggots were i live.

I bet he collects hot sauces.

Those look like retard shoes

>letting a girl bully you
sad. you deserved it.

Probably one of those black twitter memes where they make fun of every mundane little thing white people do like they've never seen it before.

seething whiteboi

kinda like this place with everything?

OP is literally me except I wear New Balances and have a qt gf. How do you dress? What kind of movies do you enjoy?

uh oh looks like op's pic struck a nerve

if you don't look somewhat like a normie and you try to stand up for yourself they will cut your balls off right there. I looked like a cretin in middle school and speaking up for myself would have only made the situation worse.

I don't get it.

Just walk up to her and say "stop testing me" then just walk away


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Answer me or you’re a pussy.

>high water pants
You mean waders?

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holy shit

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As I suspected, you are an immense faggot.


It's not a trilogy retard, the 3rd movie ended on another cliffhanger.
>tfw I may have those exact same shoes or something extremely similar

>Why yes, I do love my baggy jeans.

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I really really really hope nobody in this thread thinks these jeans are fine

Hilarious and apt.Epic bread

They actually do, read the thread. It's hilarious.

>back part doesn't go under the heel


they aren't even like normal fitting jeans, compared to tighter fits

These are SUPER loose. You can get regular fucking levis if you want.

Imagine actually spending a ton of money on everyday wear. You’re either a young teen or you haven’t grown up.

When did Nike roshes go out of style?

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why am i so upset by this post

I usually dress in maximus minimalist attire.
My favorite film is Drunken Master 2.

dude, it costs like 50 fucking dollars for a regular pair of levis or uniqlo jeans that will last you years.


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sort yourself out retard

Because you're fat.
You can tell instantly from the picture that that guy weighs at leat 300 pounds

t. Good goys
Keep buying fancy clothes for a gorillian dollars when you can easily get cheap jeans and t shirts and be just as comfortable.


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kek i was thinking the same thing

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ID on shoes?

reading this thread it seems the bad part is the baggy jeans
i thought it was the fat feet

Do people really dress like this?

it's both but it's nice to finally know how many of you have no self-awareness

Imagine actually caring whether or not an item of clothing is tight or loose around your legs because the current fashion trend has dictated that one of the designs is deemed sociably unacceptable by a bunch of corporate homosexuals who's only interest in making money of off impressionable teenagers (and infantile adults)

You're gay

Imagine not wearing exclusively levi 511 fit

>imagine caring if you look decent
wow wowie how shameful

this t b h I would never have noticed this guy in a million years lmao. I don't even buy my own pants I just wear my work uniform jeans everywhere cause they're free.

>bro i have to dress like shit because having any sense of style is jewish

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>polos from walmart for 8 bucks
>khakis from ross for 12 bucks

Wow, 20 bucks not to look like a piece of shit. How did I ever manage to pull THIS one out of my ass?

my sides

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>seething roasty detected

It's the other way round. Laces and other pomps are superfluous. Diogenes and Einstein understood as much.

>>seething roasty detected

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Official Yea Forums approved sneakers
Adidas stan smiths
Reebok c85
Onitsuka tiger mexico 66
Nike air Max 97
Vans sk8

Have you ever seen or heard of the trope of "all good men are either gay or taken" and yet you see some autist in this thread calling every well dressed man taken

Do you see the correlation here

I had a kid named Ricky that high watered it with taped up old Chuck's every day and a mullet in my middle school, and while he was made fun of I thought this kid was so fucking cool looking. He always had some sort of face bruise or lip cut from fighting. End of the year the talent show rolls around and this kid tears up the talent show with his punk band. People stopped making fun of him and he ended up in a different high school than the rest of us. I usually made friends with those that were picked on, but he never seemed like he needed the help. He's probably sleeze-coring it up somewhere banging two chicks at once right now. God bless Ricky and his high waters.

why do you even give a shit about this lmao
I can't imagine remembering different sneaker models, how can you even begin to give a shit

every well dressed man gay**

you're not Yea Forums then

Those are my gym shoes no joke

>calling every well dressed man taken

Imagine letting Twitter memes dictate how you look.

i wear these

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>how can you even begin to care about looking decent

Size of his arms and calves, that guys got mass

Rate my fit

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ok? am I supposed to cry or something?
what a joke lmao, literally obsessing over shoes put together by chink slave labor that all look 95% similar.

I never got why liking spicy food is a soi thing. Collecting hot sauces is cringe though, just pick a couple you like and stick with them.

>sense of style
Good goy, feel superior for buying our overpriced shit.
There is literally nothing wrong with the OPs pic.

i always forget what kind of people are here until i see a thread full of people who consider *not* dressing like Kevin Smith gay and pompous. do you wipe your noses with your sleeves too, you fucking spastics. buy some grown-up fucking slip ons if you want comfort and stop wearing the same shoes you've had since 6th grade.

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>"why yes, ... I enjoy... the.... films that... I made..."

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you're just baiting at this point

back in my day you'd just call them, ugly, fat, dog, cunt, slut, or you could do combinations.



>being an autist with the fashion industry’s gay dick in your mouth is the same thing as not being a slob


white people dont even walk their dogs, that's the joke

white people carry their dogs around in their arms or through a stroller, they call them their "furbabies"

>buying comfy clothes is baiting
It’s funny that my mere existence triggers you so.

you're right user, these young normalfag are just desperate to impress holes

remember in the 90's when broke rock musicians that bought their clothes at goodwill because they were so broke made secondhand flannel shirts and tattered work jeans fashionable? they even started wearing the shit on runways lmao. that's the amount of integrity fashion trends have.

>there are really guys out there trying this had just to look metrosexual

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Is this you and your ””””qt gf””””?


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>Why yes, I do love the films of Refn!

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>wow wowie
this is the type of intellect tge fashion industry appeals to

>caring about what other men wear
A clear sign of a feminized brain.

imagine looking like boogie or worse and the best thing you can say for yourself is 'well nobody can accuse me of being a metrosexual who's spent too much money'. yeah damn, that's quite the trade off, i hadn't thought of it that way before. bruh you've got a mood disorder

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now you just sound mad lol

I've been on here 12 years and have no idea what any of those are.

I remember wanting pants like that in High School because I thought those Melbourne shuffle videos were cool. glad I never went through with actually getting them.

So I'm right?

how do you not knows basic vans

Can you believe the plebs in this thread? Anyway what do you guys think about my new watch?

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>90 posts in
>no /fa/ meet-up pics posted

Rate my fits

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I havent got new shoes in over 5 years, i wouldnt have a clue what style of shoe they are.

>I saw one person do this on reddit so everyone does
Kinda cringe

sorry i dont use twitter sweety

vans have existed for more than three decades

I don't get what the fuck is going on here... did i stumble into some gay fashion shaming thread? If so why are homos such insufferable cunts?

ew he's wearing his watch on the wrong wrist.

how many pair of shoes do you own

Triggered fatty

So faggy. I fucking hate that "hip" gentrified urban hipster look. So fucking gay, and practically screams "I've never worked with my hands a day in my life".

The based everyday wear is as such:
>Black training pants
>Black/Dark-Navy tee
>Black fanny pack
>Brown work boots
>No logos whatsoever (logos are for fags)
>Optional: Black cap
>Optional: Brown leather belt, worn over your shirt and held up by your fanny pack (it's a working class thing, for people who actually fucking work with their hands for a living. If you know, you know, and if you don't know, then fuck off, don't do it)
>Optional: simple black watch
>Optional: Orange or Red lanyard for dangling your keys off of

Offers maximum function, offers maximum form, looks fucking sick, breathes well, can show off gains, tells people that you're not a lily-livered fag, but also tells people that you're smart and sharp and not a low IQ brainlet.

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fatty cope



>Comfy clothes can't also look nice
Thanks for confirming you're a fat fuck LOL



I don't wear those trousers cause they're uncomfortable af but no other reason. In highschool I use to care so much about my image and what other people thought about it. Then I left highschool and realized that most people I went to class with where boring and unoriginal and the people who really appreciated me wouldn't have cared less if I went to school in Spandex and an Indian feather tribal hat. the irony is is that I was a weirdo anyway despite thinking I was successfully "blending in" with everybody else and everyone was aware of that except for me. Fashion is dumb if you really think about it but we're conditioned to care about how we look because, as men, we want to impregnate as many women as possible. If we lived in a tribal society we'd care more about practicality than fashion but we live really comfortable lives so we can afford to spend our time having these really entertaining, but dumb, arguments


stick to cargo shorts fatso

So your concerned about his weight? Then why all the comments about shoes and jeans?

Ive never seen so many people use homo and faggy in one thread

>fanny pack

post yours faggot

>The "sorry no I don't actually work here" look

I wear XXXL Hawaiian button ups and long jean shorts. They're comfy, if you think I look ridiculous and obese, you're gay. Deal with it.

>wearing a crew neck sweater, a white t shirt, and regular nikes is urban hipster

>lost a bunch of weight and losing more
>old jeans barely fit me without a belt tying them to my waist
It's a great feel lads
Knock off a few hundred calories a day, and you'll be smiling at yourself in the mirror like someone with a real ego since it adds up fast at least initially

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I'm not fat just confused why homosexuals are such cunts.

>back in my day

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russian mob initiate/10

No, but I’ll bet you wish you could have someone like her; that’s why you try on all of these faggy clothes from trends that last for a day.

what are you a fucking navy seal. what are you min-maxing your trips to the grocery store for. do you run timed drills on getting your keys out of your pocket. goddamn, mr. salt of the earth. somehow that lanyard is even faggier than the fanny pack. i'd honestly hurl a coffee out of the car at you, you fucking nerd. 'hard worker' lmao you dress like you're ready for the disneyland lines dork haha. have you ever even been in a suite mr. man's man haha

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The fanny pack is flying too close to the sun bro. It's always tempting but you have to let that be.

Imagine looking like boogie and the only thing you can say is “well, at least I spent a million dollars on a fashion trend that will be outdated in five months.”

yeah that's what i did when i picked out a shirt that fits, i spent a gabillion dollars on SOCIETY'S fashion

So you go on /fa/ggots anonymous. Even worse.

Based 2019 normcore poster

literal NPC

Only faggots and women remember shit like that

who /boot cut jeans/ here holla at me bois
I'm always rocking those bizzy cizzy jizzies

The gayest post of the day.

>light color palette
>söylent glasses
>plastic water bottle
Hope your transition goes fine

Retard, I can be comfy in walmart jeans and walmart t shirts while you go off spending all of your money on useless faggy shit because you think it looks cool, and the only thing fat in this scenario is my wallet motherfucker.

Lmao I just walked my dogs so that was the first mundane thing I thought of. I wasnt referencing anything.


I havent seen the last one, but i did enjoy the first two.

>Thinks wearing all black makes him sooper hardcore
Yikes. I bet you only wear band shirts.

The Incel

>plastic water bottle
don't tell me you're one of those tryhards with a metal thermos

I'm guessing you're about 34 years old and 325 lbs.

I havent bought new clothes in 2 years. I cant imagine why people waste their money on it.

Nigger all I need is a medium from walmart and I’m good. You don’t need to spend more than a few dollars on a “shirt that fits.” If you buy whatever fucking $50 Kanye shirt is out there then you’re a gigantic idiot.

Pulls a knife on you at night/10

>I cant imagine why people waste their money on it
It's called 'social life'

>"haha bro fanny packs are uncool bro haha, everyone said they were uncool in 2005, so now fanny packs are officially uncool bro haha, fanny packs are so uncool bro haha"
>*Angry NPC face*

I wear fanny packs because they're convenient, they're useful, and if they're all black with no logos, they look fucking badass. I don't give a fuck what some dumbasses thinks society feels about fanny packs. I wear them regardless because they look good on me. I actually have a high IQ for fashion, and thus, I'm allowed to break the mold. You're all brainlet sheeple, so you HAVE to follow the status quo, or risk getting ridiculed. I'm literally so based that society's opinions mean nothing to me.

Fannypacks will make a big come back, and I'm going to be the original trendsetter.

Stop LARPing as a blue collar worker. They would never care to make such a post.

a few dollars more is like from 9 to 12

I've been in your mom's suite before, you pencil necked virgin. You wish you could work as fucking hard as me. That's why you got DROPPED, fucking goober.

I’m 20 and 200 pounds. Need to lift and get bigger but I’m doing alright for myself. I’ll bet you’re a 16-year-old 100-pound twink who thinks spending his first paycheck on going metrosexual is going to get him all of the girls.

>Fannypacks will make a big come back
They already have, except people are wearing them on their chest. Me sort of agreeing with you doesn't make you any less homosexual though.

>You're an NPC if you don't like what I like
Glad this shit meme died.

I agree; it’s fucking stupid. I’ll straight up go to goodwill for new clothes.

get out normie faggot

Dude, look at the picture and imagine NOT looking like a smug, gentrified, pussy hipster. Looks like the kind of dude who'd bring fucking premium bavarian sausages and craft beers to a simple backyard bbq.

Yeah, thanks bro. We'll share 5 fucking sausages with 15 fucking people, because each sausage costed you like 5 fucking bucks. Tool.

>needs to buy new clothes so maybe people will like him
I’d feel sorry for you if you metrosexual cunts didn’t feel the need to pretend you’re better than everyone who doesn’t want to waste their money on dumbshit.

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Having a wardrobe full of clothes you won't ever wear is called social life? Are you sure that what it is?

you can't even actually describe what is wrong with the clothing

>tfw just spent $70.00 on sweatpants and $100.00 on a pullover hoodie

tell me, what's it like being poor?

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I mean I guess at that point it doesn’t really make a difference, but why spend those few extra dollars if the Walmart stuff fits me anyway? I guess you’re more reasonable than the retards on this thread who think you’re an autist if you don’t meticulously follow trends, know specific shoe models, and buy accordingly every week.

So much seethe over "hipsters". Didn't realise it was still 2011 LMAO.

pants that arent as long so they don't get wet when there's a little flood. goes over the ankles.

Literally nothing wrong with OPs pic you assblasted faggots

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Hate for hipsters knows no time period
it is eternal

It's not so 'people will like me'. I actually leave my house and dressing up is required on certain occasions. That applies to everyone with a normal life
I'm sure the other rejects in your furry Discord server think you're a cool guy (tranny)

You're assuming a lot there
I maybe have 10 shirts, 2 jackets and 2 pair of pants. I'm just saying "wasting money" on clothes is required when you're not a shut-in

The combo of shittier pants and those shoes looks absolutely terrible, hence the quote which implies that john wick fans are autistic.

I wish I could wear sweatpants everywhere. Literally the comfiest piece of clothing ever invented.

I wouldn’t know because I don’t do dumb things like spending $70.00 on sweatpants and $100.00 on a pullover hoodie.

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the funny thing about this post is that contrary to what the mallninjaposters in this thread are saying, these are trendy clothing and they consist of like... a white t shirt, old sneakers, a sweater, and regular fitting jeans.

The only thing here that might be considered trendy are the glasses and thin framed glasses have been trendy since the 70s.

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>I maybe have 10 shirts, 2 jackets and 2 pair of pants.
That's one tiny selection though.

Yeah, I thought you faggots all grew up too.

the only reason i'm spending that much on sweatpants was because i got some calvin klein sweatpants on sale a while back, and they were elder god tier comfortable. the sweatpants i ordered are from a clothing company that has the softest fabric i've ever touched.

lookin good bros

kek, it's true.

This, he probably plays football.
His fashion sense sucks though

Im not a tranny you fool. I go out but I don’t need to buy a bunch of clothes unless there’s a specified dress code, like a suit. I guess you have that woman mentality though. “Oh no, is Susan going to see you wearing the same outfit on two different occasions? That bitch!”

What''s the most you spent on clothing, Yea Forums?

For me it was I think $150 on a denim jacket
I got 2 pairs $200ish boots but one I have yet to pay for and the other I got 40%off so 110ish bucks

They already made a comeback, and judging by the rest of your outfit, you are not setting the trend

hit me up with the source, senpai

The "incel who thinks he is a badass"

the girl doesn't seem bothered by it so it really doesn't have as much impact as the fags itt say it does

I unironically wear tight leather pants which cost nearly $300

I don't think I've ever spent more than 100 dollars on clothing, including shoes. I spent 80 on a really well made denim jacket and 100 on boots.

Anyone who spends any less on boots are getting shit that will break down in under a few years or "good enough quality" boots from a surplus store


Pair of Commeme Projects Achilles $425

probably the safety boots I had to buy for work lmao

if you spend more than like $30 on any article of clothing aside from that you're literally a fag.

30 bucks for pants is the most I've spent on clothes

Holy shit, I just realized
>the hating on kino action movies
>faggy clothing elitism
Dear fellow night owl Americans posting on this thread,
It all makes sense. We’re posting on Europoor time. It’s considered cool to dress like a twink over there. Never considered who I was dealing with in this thread, kek.

effayy as fuck



they're almost sold out

>Anyone who spends any less on boots are getting shit that will break down in under a few years
lol spare me bud, every new guy that comes in to work buys red wings or some other made in usa brand, only to find that they get blown out just as fast as the chink shit when you are doing actual work. I even fell for the meme myself at first.

Why not just use a rubber boot? Then your feet will stay dry as well.

Fiye dollars to wear your mom on my cock

Yeah I agree on boots
Cheap ones are not worth getting
Pricey ones will basically pay for themselves since they'll last a while so it's basically an investment

>70$ for sweatpants

>mfw bought $250 boots made in Europe that have lasted me over a decade as opposed to that cheap Chinese shit from Walmart that breaks in half over months of use
You get what you pay for :)

>lighweight french terry

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Those are basically Stan Smiths, mate

thanks, senpai!
Only the S size is almost sold out though, you goddamn manlet lmao

Ive never owned a pair
4 if you include slippers

>Pricey ones will basically pay for themselves since they'll last a while so it's basically an investment
maybe if you only wear them for walking around town. in an actual workplace it's all the same shit. there's nothing magical about usa or euro leather that will keep it from getting burnt through by slag or torn up on sharp edges.

>Yea Forums - Television & Film

thats a mighty fine question, but you don't question anons motivation, most probably wasn't his decision

i'm 6'4" and ordered XL, i'm tired and thought they were all low. there must be a lot of manlets in new york though.

i really want the sweatpants they sell that go for $101.50, but they were sold out. they look comfy as FUCK

stop using the spoiler tags you fucking queers

its not about the leather, it's about the double stitching and sturdier inside

boots don't fucking rip apart

I live in Florida; not going to waste my money on boots.

I love shirts with horror movie posters on them. Old horror movie posters imo have the best design of any genre so it just works on a shirt.
Pic related is my favorite shirt I own.

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>being poor

you disgust me

>boots don't fucking rip apart
lmao mine do, i've been through plenty bud. where do you work?

*korn playing in the background *


swap the faggy colored jeans and you're salvageable

I think you guys are talking past each other because you're talking about boots for general fashion and work boots.

I don't listen to metal at all.

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even worse

OP, which one of these are you?

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Literally a pussy that deserve it.


Sometimes you just gotta roll up on shordy at the function

where's yours?

second guy and last guy are pretty good looking

>that neck
Is that real?

Capris are for girls.

Attached: capris.png (512x384, 223K)

>last guy are pretty good looking

the columbine shooters had plenty of female fans

guy on the far right seems like a real jerk


Me on the right

You must be fucking disgusting gay cunt

What does Yea Forums think of cargo shorts/pants? I think they're kino.

is the 356lbposter stuck in 2002 when these were actually effective insults

Hello, thread. I am here for the SEX.

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What would be essential kinoplex wear.

I never wear shorts

Never seen people dress like this irl
Wonder if they'd actually be popular with chicks

This is Yea Forums you nigger. Go back to your discord server, tranny.

what do you think

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they want the SEX

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just go to ross and pick up some nice looking shit for cheap lol

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He sounds absolutely based

Ballistic armor

I wear American eagle skinny jeans but I deadlift 3 plate so I can show off. Also Adidas powerlifting shoes because they're the only pair I own.

Only faggots with no nuts wear skinny jeans

do you also have a hot sauce collection?

do you get the SEX?

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>throw on sweatpants
>adidas nmd’s
>nice hoodie
there, now you look stylish while being comfy

God I hope this is satire

faggots should be executed

I look like him but natty and fatter.
Form fitting clothes really do attract women.


>just wear baggie jeans and t-shirts

thankfully i can start wearing hoodies now since fall has started

hoodies are comfy as fuck

>faggot hair
>girl jeans

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What about internet edgelords?

its almost like clothing meant to hide your body shape only implies that you don't have a body anyone would find attractive

you should just kill yourself zoom zoom

>tfw wore hoodies and jackets because I thought it hid my fat
>see pictures people take of me
>still grotesquely fat
If you ever want to be truly disgusted, look let someone take your photo

They only exist in the minds of 90s born queers and they won't be an issue after the faggot purge

John Wick is a pretty good trilogy. It's one of the few trilogy along with Raimi Spider-Man and Nolan Batman that I could binge watch all day.

He’s 100% gay. Look at his lips, eyebrows,and eyelashes

It seems like she had a thing for you.

I'm 70kg, i know what i look like.

Its soi because its a faux masculine thing. Soibois dont have traditional masculinity like being handy in the house or with the car or generally talking about hot women, doing sports, being raunchy and loud etc (because thats toxic and problematic!) so they have found these shitty replacements for masculinity that are still non toxic approved.

Hotsauces tick all soi masculinity boxes because its a meme niche that triggers their need for collectability and hipster obscurity, while also seeming masculine "hey bro, I bought this hotsauce with nicaraguan ghost peppers, its over 100.000 scovilles! You gotta try it bro, its so frigging hot!". Its the same thing with soibeards, its just a front for masculinity.

I don't know, Im looking at evidence they exist right now

you're a gay though


Only based post in the thread

you could tell the person is a fat ass slob from that pic.

It's the cut that makes you look like a troglodyte, not the price you big trog

>It's a zoomer continues to out himself episode

Why is Yea Forums have so many fags that care this much about clothing

caring about how you look is apparently just too much for the average kino consumer

>caring about how i look and how others look at me makes me a fag

>a black kmart t-shirt looks very different from a black calvin klein t-shirt

Obsessing over trainers is autistic, they appeal to child brain you. They should be worn less often than not.
Leather shoes or dress boots pair with a much broader selection of coats and jackets which is the defining part of an outfit. If you think your sneeks go with every occasion and outfit then you are either a nignog, still in high school.

>there are people in this very thread who try to justify their $300 jean purchase as a healthy self-care move while looking down on people who are secure enough to not have to spend a fortune on a singular article of clothing.

they're reddit zoomers who suck corporate cock.

Good stretch jeans are honestly the best clothing invention in forever. Man they are fucking comfy and look good unlike jogging pants or cargo pants.

But as with all fashion it will probably be a decade more until burgers start using them en masse.

I'm not the only guy who just wears pajamas and slippers outside right? I have a couple pairs of shoes and one pair of pants for work but otherwise it's bball shorts and ratty white tshirts I've owned since high school.

>always wearing leather shoes or boots
lol jesus

That's what grown ups wear

>it's bball shorts and ratty white tshirts I've owned since high school.
That’s exactly what I do. I’m in college and some of my friends rip on me for that, but it’s always the women and the metrosexuals. Most actual men don’t care and that’s very telling about the demographics on this thread.

>I'm not the only guy who just wears pajamas and slippers outside right?
I went to an art exhibition opening about two weeks ago and Hugo Weaving was literally dressed in what could best be described as pyjamas and slippers

I dunno about looks. I brand really doesn't matter. But there's definitely a difference between a good t-shirt and a bad one. The material in the cheap ones usually feels pretty stiff and slightly scratchy regardless of if you use fabric softener or not.

Girls who bully you want to bang you bro, sad you missed it (I did too).

>looking good tonight ladies

>Girls who bully you want to bang you bro
That's only true if you're attractive

A cotton t-shirt is a cotton t-shirt, you were talking about cheap clothing having bad cuts, dumb fuck.

schoolgirls are legit evil

>faggot brackets

no most grown ups actually wear sneakers lol

lmoa at thinking is somehow liberal and fancy just because it's what, a light tone? I dress very similarly and it's literally pure /povertycore/.

>one white tee shirt a day, can wear it to sleep too, can get a pack of white tees for 10 dollars
>cheap white sneakers, can get for less than $25
>basic sweater
>basic stretch jeans
>glasses (a must have for me since I'm almost blind) thin frames are super common and wouldn't cost much

Attached: Parasite.jpg (600x300, 72K)

Only balding men who gave up on life wear sneakers

he looks like he fucks black guys

What does it mean if girls give you one word answers to everything you say to them, stand up when you sit down, and don't reply to you on facebook messager?

Because somebody would steal them? It is strange that you can't go noodling for catfish while wearing boots. Florida is so uniquely wet to the world that boots (originally designed to suit wet grassland) will literally kill you.

for me it's subtle photoshops

She's into you bro
Go for it

>pants are too short
>call them high water pants
zoomers confirmed for ratarted

Attached: 14365677785.png (600x729, 603K)

You make them uncomfortable and they don't like you

>subtle photoshops

Attached: 211350.jpg (84x134, 5K)

>grown ups

He drops his keys and his shirt explodes.

It just seems like it’s always crocs or sneakers weather down here.

>not dressing like a school shooter
never going to make it

Attached: fit.png (1586x1010, 707K)

What are you quoting?
A poorly fitting Calvin Klein t-shirt will make you look like a fucking retard in comparison to a cheap, proper fitting item. That's what makes one look 'a million bucks'.
Not me, and I didnt. Can you fucking read?

I'm not the guy you were talking with earlier



I'd love to look at how pathetic you look.

This post made me realise I dress like a school shooter

that thread lmao

dressing correctly is considered as homosexual in burger land ?
i knew they didnt like healthy food and using their brain but clothes too now ?

We just don’t need to spend our money to look like a fag. I can see how members of the EU would love spending too much money and looking like fags, however.

You wouldn't be trying this hard if you actually had any merit.

This is pretty much everybody in the thread