Favorite foreign movie? I'll start

Favorite foreign movie? I'll start.

Attached: oldboy.jpg (182x268, 14K)

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Feeling films don’t exist because they’re always native to someone

American films are foreign to me

Watch more foreign films.
I'd recommend
Der Untergang
pic related
City of God
M (1931)
Fantastic Planet

Attached: Das Boot Poster.jpg (592x841, 220K)

Im an American and moder day movies made by Hollywood are foreign to me.

Holy cringe

and Yojimbo

Please dont speak plebbit here. You're embarrassing yourself.

Blue spring


Attached: ikiru2.jpg (1280x720, 204K)

Code Unknown

Paris Belongs To Us
Knife In The Water

The first two are French, that last one is Polish and probably Roman Polanski's best film that isn't in English. I rent my foreign kinos from the library. How do find yours, besides recommendation threads? Oldboy was great, and so was Poetry (also Korean).

Found the hebrew

Y tu mama tambien
Last half of Chungking Express


Baby's first foreign film.

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Well most hollywood flicks are foreign films to me but I guess that wouldn't make the thread interesting.(neither would listing Anime I guess).

Right now it's a toss up between The wailing, Memories of murder or Shoplifters.

boring gook shit

Say what you want about the film, but that poster is fantastic.

Yeah and I am digging the gloves on the chick in white. When did Koreans get so aesthetic?

I think the film is fantastic and yes that poster is very smart if you've seen the movie.

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i like thai's horror, they're really good

Trainspotting or Run Lola Run

not my favorite, but i just finished these recently. very good, mads being in it was the cherry on top

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