ITT: Post your top 5 of the decade

ITT: Post your top 5 of the decade
>The Tree of Life
>Wolf of Wall Street
>The Master
I'll compile all the answers and make a Yea Forums's best films of the decade list.
>inb4 it already exists
It needs an update

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why is Yea Forums so good at creating rage-inducing bait?

Can you post your top 5 please

>Zero Dark Thirty
>Patriots Day
picture of Chastain since she's in ZDT

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Days Of Future Past
Garden Of Words

The Drop
The Sisters Brothers
The Shape of Water
Meek's Cutoff

Slim pickings, Hollywood is dead as dead can be.

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The Turin Horse
Only God Forgives
Laurence Anyways
The Childhood of a Leader

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Straight from the incel basement

Cabin in athe Woods
Bad Times at the El Royale
Bone Tomahawk
Brawl in Cellblock 99
Dragged Across Concrete

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>Likes shit like Batman, Joker, Aliens, Drive, Inception, Mad Max...
Yep, incel

>The Social Network
I fucking hate his board sometimse

Manchester by the Sea
Wolf of Wall St
Mad Max: Fury Road
Social Network

oh my god are you 13 or just FUCKING RETARDED


kill yourself retards

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Only 4 of those films are good.

you retard only two of those have goose

which ones are bad?

5 of them.


No. You have to deal with never knowing.

>mass reply fag acting like his opinion matters

lol,all of them are good have really bad taste if you think otherwise.

YWNRH is pleb bait for people who think they have taste. You fell for it

>Imagine being this guy

post yours then

>can't even explain who it is bad
using buzzwords doesn't make something bad

thats most the list though

>everyone on Yea Forums is a pleb
No surprises here. The only film on my list that will actually get a spot is BR2049.

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sell me on tree of life what's good with it?

>The Hunt
>Magical Girl (spanish movie)
>Cold War (polish movie)
>The Master
>Inherent Vice
>The Act of Killing
>Florida Project
>Only Lovers Left Alive
Maybe I'll add a few more later, but The Master is the best movie of the century so far

>Blade Runner
>shitty Ramsay flick

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>The Tree of Life
>The Turin Horse
>The Master
>Hard to be a God
>Magical Girl
Good pick. His other films are good too.

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01. Inception
02. Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
03. La La Land
04. The Shape of Water
05. The Intouchables
06. Seven Psychopaths
07. Blade Runner 2049
08. The Cabin in the Woods
09. The Hunt
10. Dredd

In no particular order:
>Holy Motors
>Norte, Hangganan ng Kasaysayan
>The Raid 2

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