>EU posting hours
>board quality nose dives
EU posting hours
Other urls found in this thread:
*farts on eurocucks*
Why hasn't America invaded Europe?
Amerimutt checklist:
>never been outside the USA, due to lack of paid holidays and/or interest in foreign cultures
>doesn’t know what public transportation is
>overweight. Not skinnyfat, actually overweight
>wonders how Europeans get healthcare and education without financially ruining themselves
>knows no more than 3 European countries and their capitals
>thinks that Asia consists of China, Japan and India
>thinks that the Middle East is his territory
>thinks it’s normal to pay interest on everything
>thinks America has the highest standard of living in the world, despite falling more and more behind Europe
>doesnt know the difference between European Union, Eurozone and Europe
>thinks Europeans would admire him, when he’s actually loathed
>doesn’t know what national culture is, thinks Asia and Europe have one culture
>can’t imagine how there are buildings older than 100 years still standing
>always looks for the McDonalds first in other countries
>dresses in casual, sloppy hoodwear, considers it fashionable. Doesn’t own even one suit
>only listens to Billboard Top 100 music, thinks Beethoven is a city
>wonders how Europe handles 10% immigrants, when his own country is almost minority white
>wonders how there can be safe large cities
>wonders how there can be educated people in the countryside
It's like 8am in yuropia you goof.
Feels good knowing based America saved Europe’s collective ass in WW2
Is there anything in Europe that's of any strategic, military, or economic value? It would be such a waste I'm nauseous just thinking about it.
Absolutely nothing value
>americans are asleep
>off topics politics plummets
What did they mean by this?
lol pussy go vomit kid stop vomiting all the time
>Indian posting hours
>Quality of the board goes in the toilet, but not actually in the toilet.
>I'm yuropeon and I'm OBSESSED with America
well my grandma was swedish so there you go
Poo jokes aside it’s Funny how we actuLly have best taste in film compared to other countries
This is very poorly done and shows a lack of understanding of America. You could have come up with something much more accurate and critical of the USA if you actually knew anything, but you don't.
>wonders how Europeans get healthcare and education without financially ruining themselves
Like they're financially ruining themselves now?
Europoors literally have the economic understanding of a toddler. That’s why they keep using the term “free healthcare”
This so hard. To this very day, it is a common usage on /int/. The thing is that most of them are smart enough to understand the fault in the
>I'm american and I have a thin skin
is this really your best?
Try going on /int/ when Yuros are awake. The board is completely unusable.
Imagine making this post. Holy shit, what a retard
concept once it's explained in simple terms, but that has to happen first. It's reasonable to suppose that "free healthcare" is a learned English phrase by Europeans of all languages, countries etc, for whom English is not a first language-a loaded phrase which is better understood in its native language and context, which has been appropriated inappropraitely... wtf I understand European resentment of Americans now
>wtf haha I totally live outside the EU but I wish I didn't because they're so reasonable haha
>EU posting hours
But it's 8am in Europe.
rent free
Can you imagine Bongs and Burgers aimlessly bickering online while their homelands are being invaded by literal feral hordes of nigger terrorists and goblin vampires? The hour is late, lads. If you are going to shitpost nation on nation at least go after these fucking COMMUNIST CHINKS over in CHINA or those BLOOD SUCKING HEBREW DEMONS in ISRAEL.
By the way, the (((U.S. Government))) sells (gives) the most advanced military technology on Earth (targeting systems/software, upgraded aerospace tech.) to the Juden because they are out greatest ally.
Israel then violates international law/treaties and sells it directly to (((The Chinese Government))) at a huge profit so that when the time comes, World Goy 3 will have actual apocalypse level players to fulfill Jewish prophecy. And I'll be honest quality actually does go down during EU posting hours so get your fucking shit together. Just at least TRY.
and your granddad was nigger, and your mother was beaner, and you are american, got it
>lack of paid holidays
Every job offers some sort of vacation days. In fact, you're often pressured by bosses to use them as much as possible. Those vacation days dry up after a year, so there's no reason not to go on yearly vacations. Every major holiday is paid, although most companies require you to show up the day before and after major holidays to get paid. If you work holidays, you get double the money per hour.
>lack of interest in foreign cultures
Mexico is still absurdly popular for non-mexicans. Bali, Dubai, Berlin, Tokyo, Paris, Ibiza, Seoul, Bangkok are still big tourist spots (although many are meme cities). Every race wants to at least see other foreign cultures and see how they work. Every race of every social strata wants to travel. In fact, the stereotype used to be that Americans were touring in too many places. Now Muricans suddenly tour enough?
cringe and triggered-pilled
At least Americans can shitpost properly.
Look, America has problems. But at least we don't get arrested for saying nigger
mutts btfo
there are from 6 to 9 of a morning in europe now
what the fuck are you talking about you dumb amerimutt
>at least go after these fucking COMMUNIST CHINKS over in CHINA
>Euro posting hours
>BLACKED threads get spammed
>Japan posting hours
>Every thread starts with "Yoooooo"
They did, with Hollywood.
americans go to sleep
Based. The mutta are seething
Seething 3rd worlder
>Murrican posting hours
>negro obsession threads intensify
seek help.
checked and confirmed
Freedom never sleeps, pal.
Yea, the cops in America just shoot you for no reason or arrest you for carrying illegal bananas.
>so many seething mutt responses
We own your little shithole country. You are irrelevant on the world stage and when war engulfs the planet you will become a vassal state to the great American Empire.
>Land of free
seething Croat
This is actually a serious problem I've noticed.
I would also like to contribute to the discourse of the thread by reminding everyone that both the Amerimutts and the Britcucks were responsible for viciously and relentlessly bombing the absolute FUCK out of pure blooded Aryan civilians (the most politically, financially, and technologically advanced nation of the time) and turned dozens of cities and towns into nothing more than ash and rubble along with hundreds of thousands of people buried underneath or incinerated. For three months Hitler waited to see if they would stop waging war against civilian population centers until it was decided to meet bomb with bomb. Then some really smart German motherfuckers designed the technology that would later send Americans into space for the sole purpose of KILLING TRAITOROUS BRITKEKS by personally delivering the worlds first cruise missiles to their doorstep.
Why are americucks so touchy?
i’m australian with european blood but keep fuming faggot
>sneeding hours
>board quality rises like batmans dong at night
Imagine actually being so triggered and typing all of these out.
It’s honestly not even hard to imagine this is pretty much par for course from Europeans lately.
>reddit spacing
That tripfag was a total newfag.
bullying americans is always fun
Russia won ww2 in Europe
>american posting hours
>nothing but nigger dick posting
go to bed Yevginy
The euros started it though
>At least Americans can shitpost properly.
no thats australians
>spends every waking moment asspained by America
Lmfao. Reminder we don’t think about you at all. Didn’t read btw.
So anyone productive is at work or in class. Only worthless NEETS are posting right now
fucking oath
It's sunday. Not even the stores are open.
What shithole do you live in?
sounds foreign
lmao burger cant fathom what its like to have a day off not having to slave for schlomo
They honestly can’t.
The absolute best they can do is post or reference a click bait article and then scream obsessed at anyone that shitposts back.
I can only assume obsessed is an Australian psyop designed to completely atrophy American banter glands.
americans can dish out but cant take it in the slightest
i'm glad you can have your larp on here cause you could never bully USA irl