

Attached: 1531628072264.png (1024x605, 608K)

I take it each arrow represents the number of bad films they’ve made



Snyder has no fear

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Go back to India. Shit there, not on this board.


Lol fuck Snyder.

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thats just mean, bro

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this but unironically

But also true

>Zack and his daughter

lol, needs a couple more.

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How many would Michael Bay have in him at this point?

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when is he back????

kek and basedpilled

Quality post.




Fagder BTFO.

We need Snyder to give us more historykino.

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Last Jedi got shit on for exactly the same reason Batman v Superman got shit on, being openly critical of capitalism. Both are good movies. Suck it.

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>worshiping an economical ideology

I don't understand

You do realize none of those shots you posted are impressive meaningful at all?

Wonder Woman's celebate people VS "raped by a robot" Scarlett Witch"

And completely true.

This man is a god.

I would love for him to make this.

>impressive meaningful

Obvious bait

Don't conflate Snyder with Retard Johnson. He's guilty of every single thing that people accuse Snyder of, such as on-the-nose symbolism and "cool shots" over story, but critics give Johnson a pass because they see him as one of them and Snyder of not leaning far *enough* left for their tastes.

Snyder can put more meaning into a single shot than Johnson can work into an entire movie.

If anything Snyder's movies lean farther left than Johnson's. Obviously I know neither of them personally, I don't know if their movies reflect their actual outlook.

Either way, while I agree that Batman v Superman is a better movie than Last Jedi I still like Last Jedi just fine, probably more so than any other of the new Star Wars movies. Possibly except for Rogue One. I mean, it has a lot of obvious weaknesses, like extremely badly done comic relief (Not that that's not a consistent problem of the Star Wars series) and a last third that does kinda drop the ball and feels like Johnson capitulation to the conventions of the Star Wars franchise where before it seemed like he was ready to question them but... you know, it's better than fucking Force Awakens by a long shot and will almost certainly also be better than Rise of the Skywalkers.


Has OP killed himself because of this post?