Strategies To Avoid Hurting One Another At The Joker Movie

See thread title. Look, we can all agree we're all in the same boat here. We've all been horribly afflicted by society, and I consider all of you my frens. And I really want to see the Joker movie but I also don't want one of you to shoot me. So let's discuss strategies to avoid hurting one another at the kinoplex when this movie makes us start rising up.

For example, when one of you starts shooting up my theater, I'm going to stand up and start shouting "KINO KINO KINO" repeatedly at the top of my lungs. Then you'll know I'm a fren and you'll know not to shoot me.

Everyone else, post your passwords or strategies to avoid hurting our fellow Jokerbros.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't shoot anyone with face-paint on. Fuck mask-wearers though.

>I'm going to stand up and start shouting "KINO KINO KINO"


Shout "you're a big guy"

Don't forget to AWOOO

Keep the safety on, anons. Curtails impulsive behavior.

dont forget to t pose

I'll be wearing my limited edition Jared Leto's: Suicide Squad Joker outfit and paint my entire body white so that you know not to hit me

If a nigga started doing this in my theater i would go out, buy a gun, come back and shoot him

easy, only shoot women and their chads.

Normies like you are exactly why we live in a society.

In other words, a no singles policy

Are you kidding me? Shoot me and I'll thank you.

>going to a film in a society

this. will it be online by the 3rd?

Dress up like Batman

I'm wearing a tuxedo and saying the n word

That'd make you a target. Batman's a chad.

No-couples policy

For any fags trying to shoot up the local kinoplexes in Mooseland, the safety word is "Gamer's Rise UP!"

>, I'm going to stand up and start shouting "KINO KINO KINO" repeatedly at the top of my lungs. Then you'll know I'm a fren and you'll know not to shoot me.

This too.

>get shot
>you are finally dead
>don't get shot
>you survive
Win-win scenario

>not shouting S N E E D

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"this is the part where you dance
this is the part where you boogie"

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shit meme is shit

do people honestly think something bad is going to happen at the theater, watching "Joker"?

A hero that surpass Janitor!

are you too young to remember the dark knight rises opening night?

It's OK I'll ask everyone who got their ticket off Robert to leave before I open fire.

What of there's two shooters in one showing? I can't imagine how awkward that would be

What about all the times you didn't reply to my posts? I'm not sure I should spare you.

Just go see it 2 weeks after it comes out at like 11 or later. If there are any shootings they will happen at crowded theaters.

no, a singles-only policy

>mfw I went to see the Joker but didn't start shooting people

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They would team up of course.

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>implying I'm pleb enough not to pirate this movie

This. I wish I lived in america.

what if he just standed up but you yelling made it worst and he shooted everyone or like gets shooted ?

>rising up.

Where have i been there before ?

I should be safe right bros?

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but user, we are all wearing masks to survive in this SOCIETY

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Well you're safe from getting laid tonight, that's for sure.

Haha, you guys are joking right ? I mean, no one of you guys is actually planning to do something ? haha...

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I swear to god Yea Forums if you meme someone into shooting up a theatre I'm gonna lose my shit.

Kino sounds like a reasonable option. I like to sneak in food, so I'll probably be eating a cheeseburger and choke on my snack when the shooter arrives anyway.

Imagine if a Jokerette arrives and you touched her pusi! haha as a joke of course haha

Do I look like a guy with a plan?

Yea Forums doesn't have meme magic

I would say if you want to be a hero, be there early and sit near the exit so you can get everyone. But when entering the theatre, put some white makeup or paint or chalk on the door so frens can go home and go on the next day or stream.

How about shooters just tell us what you're wearing so we can avoid you at the screening?

you must have missed the plane crash a few years ago


If you were actually joker-pilled (like me) you wouldn't be bothered by your inevitable shooting. You're just a cringe reddit fag

I plan on killing everyone that I see on opening day, in minecraft of course. was the pilot who crashed it crashed it on purpose, right?

>complain about life sucking
>avoid mass shooting

i'm writing kinotes right now to remember what to do anons

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Ok I'll be saying "he cute". If anybody says "based" then I'll know they don't need to die. "Sneed" sayers do die. If you say "formerly chucks" I'll know you're doing to fuck after the shooting, may or may not shoot you anyway tho

Obviously the safeword is cunny

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I say we make a hand singal. Like the OK sign?

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if you're eating a McChicken or baked beans you live

What if the shooter(s) are not fans of /tv and they just take out all the people who say 'kino

Seems like a risky defense to me.
How about not letting people have guns in the theater?

You survived Home Alone 1+2 and the Neverland Ranch, Macaulay, you'll be fine.

/tv is just talking about what all the film critics are saying... they started it

>tfw i unironically never go to the kinoplex anymore because i'm scared of terrorist attacks

this basically. i actually kind of desire to be at a mass shooting because than i can try to tackle the shooter and possibly save others and worse case scenario i get killed and am considered heroic for trying to stop him. best case scenario i succeed and am now a living hero. it's a win win for sure.

yeah one movie theater shooting in all of america at one of probably 10,000 showings of that movie that day.

the odds of anyone shooting up your theater are like a million to one.


It's very simple
Anyone who took their falcon with them to the kinoplex is an ally and is not to be shot

based haha poster

Ask me if I'm feeling fit, and I'll tell you I'm just a lucky guy.

if you believe there's a 0.010% chance you have to take it as an absolute certainty


>Ewan, your friends are dead!
I don't get it. So the bank guy apparently knew one of the robbers? But they all had masks on, so does that mean he was in on the job beforehand?
And was this Ewan an established character, were we supposed to know him?

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Surely everyone who goes to see Joker will be a fellow victim of society, so it only makes sense to NOT shoot up that particular movie.


What are the odds of a false flag blamed on incels?

My mate is a projectionist so I’ll just go watch it with him from the booth

>mega nerd
>loves karate
>lives with his (surrogate) dad and spends 99% of his time in a basement
>can’t foster personal relationships with anyone
>never has sex
Batman is an incel

Normalfags actually find it funny to be degraded and find it deep to be shat upon though

>tfw you *clic clic* nervously whole movie just to be sure you can see the end without dying


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this, a real joker would probably shoot up some black panther or capeshit

>Go to the joker opening
>Another shooter starts firing
>Ask him if he would mind, I'm the designated shooter for this theater
>He says that this is a Chad only shooting and turns the gun on me

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It'll be incel on incel violence, we're only hurting ourselves frend

>Chad even cucks you during shootings

Don't shoot Robert or the crab leg vendor.

Ive got a better idea. Why dont we outlaw murder? Then all your bases are covered.

Nice try FBI. I'm going to do it and you can't stop me.

>or capeshit
but this movie is capeshit

Murder is already outlawed... mostly.
If there is security at the venue, why you need gun?

By those numbers it's 10,000 to 1

Guys im like one of you, i just want to watch joker in piece with my qt black gf. If someone yells based kino crablegs, please let them and their black gf go. Thank you.

>Look, we can all agree we're all in the same boat here

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Im a Chad tho




Solid plan.

Based Bruce Wayne in the thread. This line always made me laugh, because the logic is so fucking stupid

I unironically think this will happen now. With all the shitposting and how the media is responding, some retard is gonna rise up and do it

I will shout
>cummy cummy in the cunny tummy
So pls don't shoot me Mr. Designated Shooter, k tnx

I'm asian so I'm yelling
spare me bros

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a similar logic is adopted by any company that manages risk

catastrophic x possible = unacceptable

Fuck, I had already forgot this idiot. Thanks for reminding me of his existence.

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Rather, Yea Forums is the only board that have successfully used meme magic.

*ting ting ting*




This is the ONLY approved Yea Forums password.

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haha can you imagine. wow.

Why don't the mods ban this kind of thread?
You want the website to shut down for good or what?

You get the moderation quality you pay for

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I think you forgot the hard R

>Get shot anyway, shooter goes "My bad"

user, don't say or do anything you'll regret

>go to shoot up the cinematic complex
>intentionally target people in tuxedos, the ones screaming kino, nigger, etc
>no more frog posters on Yea Forums
You can thank me later

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Disney will likely hire another shooter

I plan on keeping a playing card - the joker, obviously - in the decorative band of my black and white checkered fedora to signal to everyone that I'm down with the clown.

yeah I'm definitely gonna go to the bathroom for the scene where he says "YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE" don't wanna risk that one

But that's the best scene. Worth getting shot over desu.


It breaks my heart that this was faked ;-;

>never has sex

>look him up
>his last images are him lying dead in a parking lot with piss down his pants

truly an indelible legacy to leave


What did he mean by this?

Just bring a gun and help

His pitiful performance has done more to prevent future mass shootings than the US government since the assault weapons ban.
Dumb /pol/tards are too afraid of fucking up this bad and being ridiculed for years after their laughable deaths.

>I never thought I would die fighting side by side with an incel.
>What about side by side with a friend?
>Aye, I could do that.

We covered this already. When he howls, we howl, then go wild. Anyone howling is a friend. Not some stupid meme word made up by normies like kino. Anyone who uses kino is from Reddit so you know what to do.

>When he howls

*jaw drops to floor*
*eyes pop out of sockets, accompanied by trumpets*
*heart beats out of chest*
*slams fists on armrests, rattling plates, bowls and silverware*
*pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth*
*picks up jaw, rolls up tongue*
*wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead*
*clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair*
Ahem, please don't shoot me.

Robert's already dead

>never has sex

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>are you too young to remember the dark knight rises opening night?
Maybe for you.

stfu they made a plane crash out of the sky over France

>Disney will likely hire another shooter
Wait, can we get paid for this? I thought it was volunteer work.

If I see any virgins or incels I'm going to preemptively bash their skulls with my anvil.

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This is all a jew psyop: they are planting the seed that "Yea Forums encourage mass shootings at joker screenings" then they'll activate a MKULTRA child to do it and use it as a pretext to shoot down Yea Forums like they did with 8ch.

I think in time, society will heal from its wounds and learn to forgive you

Monologue from Blade Runner. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe..

>I'm going to stand up and start shouting "KINO KINO KINO"

Im in tears. Fuck, man, thats why i keep coming back to this place. Kino, indeed

When Joker blows DeNiro's brains out you stand up and clap.

If you don't, you get what you fucking deserve in minecraft.

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so Yea Forums made the plane crash happen and /pol/ memed Trump to be president. has no other board got meme magic?


furthermore security has increased since then, it's crazy to believe anything is gonna happen. People who do this kinda stuff are sick and I hope to God they get what they deserve

>And I really want to see the Joker movie but I also don't want one of you to shoot me


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what if I burst out laughing at that scene in the kinoplex? sometimes I laugh at inappropriate stuff and people glare at me

What if I wear makeup under the mask though??

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>he goes on a shooting sprees for free

looks like a dogs dick u faggot ahahahhah

/fit/ has balkanGAG

>/pol/ memed Trump to be president
why do people say this? the majority of his voters are boomers who've never heard of this site

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Who do you think guided those Boomers lost in the dark?

what if I finish eating my safety McChicken early?

>I'm going to stand up and start shouting "KINO KINO KINO" repeatedly at the top of my lungs
ok now THIS will be kino

Here, we'll also draft up a shirt schedule.
If you're the shooter, make sure to turn on the lights before you start shooting so that you can see what color shirt we have on.

Keep the wrapper handy, then.

>balkan guy on /fit/ who namefags
>posts gifs of himself lifting high weight in a ski mask
>terrible form but he does it on purpose
>calls him self a alpha
>user from his shithole slav village recognizes him
>finds his xhamster profile
>videos of balkangag sucking cock on camera and calling himself a sissy while wearing the ski mask
>also is 5'10 manlet

Robert's been dead the entire time, hasn't he?
He died back in the popcorn mines, it's all coming back to me...

I fucking hate you stupid Instagram filthniggers using this term "we live in a society" by which youbmean "we live in this kind of a society".

We cannot not live in a society you fuckers so start SAYING THINGS THAT MAKE SENSE YOU FUCKEEEEERRRS HOLY SHIT


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Yeah but I usually eat the wrapper too

have you ever seen seinfeld?

I'll be wearing a shirt like this. However feel free to shoot me, I don't mind and would love to help out with your PewDiePie subscription count.

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H-have Sex!

>some incel shoots up joker screening
>no one shows up to see joker anymore
>have theater all to myself
>can jerk off and fart in peace

hope it happens desu

Post profile for research purposes

Nearly everything is faked in that picture. You guys are all idiots if you believe any of the "coincidences".

You guys realize we are basically guaranteeing a shooting by memeing this up, right? Maybe this will be the one that finally gets 4chins canceled

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>you end up shot because you escaped from the manlet pit
Big guys only.

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>mfw the news reports some victims randomly standing up and chanting as they were shot

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This would work I guess.

Lol wow you're so dumb lol wow look at this low IQ normie doesn't even know what irony is wie lol so dumb.

The joke ----> you're head

Yes, it's boomer shit

>last thing you say before you die is Bane? in an attempt to see if the shooter is a big guy
>you stutter and forget some of the plane lines and get mag dumped as the guy shouts for you

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>shooter enters the theater right as the movie is about to start
>everyone in the audience is wearing clown makeup and wielding a shotgun


What of it is faked you dirty kike?

search up sleek_chris thats his profile lmao

Idk maybe we should just ban movie theaters all together. I mean it's not how it used to be, somebody could just shoot you inside of one. Really not worth the risk to just see a movie that you could have downloaded into your home.

why is the joke pointing at my head?

lol dis shit is doooooope muh negro XD

Gasp! I've made a fool of myself.

They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

oh my....

not him but the flight number had no 4U in it, and it crashed near Nice. Nice might be near a place called "Les Bains" but that's just french for the bathes.

this. what's even the point of theatres?

You're asking for somebody with a concealed carry permit to Zim Zam you.


>Gets shot first

Season 5 of the eric andre show looks great

I remember the story of that kid

Wtf Batman's a furry

that shirt lmfao where do i buy

You're a dick

how so?

Shout out THAT THEY Don't expect to go WEREWOLF and go WILD AWOOO

>the flight number had no 4U in it
It did, it was in its IATA flight number.

Sent this thread to CNN.
See you on the 7 o clock news OP

These threads always crack me up

How do I pronounce kino? Is it like Kyano? Almost sounds like Keanu


Ki as in king, no as in pro bono

Why else would you dress as a bat?

>not writing hahas all over your body
that's a surefire way to get shot