How does 17 years do this to you?

How does 17 years do this to you?

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constant stress for 17 years

>jedi genes

It’s called living in a desert you stupid Gen X

I've seen it happen, honestly. high stress + bad luck with genes

19 years of twin sun damage on a white person on the run from the empire? Easy to understand.

>I hate sand.
Tatooine sand is the worst.

It was only a 17 year difference in storyline? Thanks for giving me another reason to not watch the prequels.

You fucking idiot, the before picture goes on the LEFT and the after on the RIGHT!

The trauma he went through would age anyone badly

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>Living on a harsh desert planet in the middler of nowhere
>having to put up daily struggles to survive
>having witnessed all your friends and allies get murdered
>having to leave your best friend for dead after seeing him turn evil and fight him

It would age a mother fucker.

Those factors can fuck you up in just 8 years

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>used to think was this was silly
>aged like shit in just 5 years and I wasn't even living in a desert

Being a coward weakling waiting for death in the middle of nowhere will take a toll on your body.

Two suns man.

>powerful Jedi with a lightsaber
For someone who was a General during the Clone Wars, it was a piece of cake

THIS, dear god when I look in the mirror I see a stranger, where did that handsome man go, he used to get looks from women and now he looks like an old man.

>His smile and optimism: fading

think about it, it makes sense from like 55 -> 72
17 years is a long time.

It's 19 years. Op is a dumbass.

Bet he aged even more when Drumpf won.

with women around you, most definitely

Obi wan is around 40 in ROTS.

True, but if that Obi-Wan was 55, then this Obi-Wan would be around 48. And still a Padawan? Nah, man.

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true, that kills that theory then. I have another theory. Humans in Star Wars are just genetically different and age quicker

Obi wan is 25 in The phantom menace and 35 in AOTC, ten years later. He's 38 or 39 in Rots, set around 3 years later.

Fighting off foes would take a toll, but having witnessed some shit while living on a desert planet with two suns would just make you age even more.

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Heroic and cheap loopy cunts

but then we can look at Luke. How much time passed between RoTJ and TLJ?

No nigga its stress, sun damage from two fucking Suns being a white person, and he probably went nuts and stopped taking care of himself from the hermit life.

I don't care for the prequels but that's pretty decent casting IMO. I believe he could age like that in 17 years.

30 years. Luke was 19 in Anh, 6 months older in esb, and in rotj 3 years had passed after esb, so 22 then.

In tfa, 30 years have passed, so he's 52, and no time skip in Tlj, since it picks right up after the end of tea, which is fucked.

>Luke could sense the pain and suffering of his friends across entire star systems while training
>Obi Wan went through the same thing for more than a decade
It's retroactively impressing he wasn't a hollow husk when A New Hope started.

It's 19 years you fucking idiots

>How does 7 years do this to you?

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This was always doing to be a contridiction. There was no real way for Vader to have had Luke and have enough time pass between his inception and New Hope for the Jedi to have fallen into myth



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post more of these with the other presidents too please

Imagine wearing the same gay belt for 20 years and continuing to do so as an old fart

34 years later in Star Wars canon.

38 years later irl.

Alec Guinness was 63 when A New Hope released, while McGreggor was 34 when Revenge of the Sith was released.

That leaves about 10 years difference between the actors ages and the character's age, with a 19 year gap.

People age fast or slow in Star Wars. Anakin was a baby and then grew up to be Amadala’s age so he could have snusnu with her. So it’s totally believable that Obi Wan had a hard decade and aged like that

>Harrison (((((Ford)))))

Let's not involve Disney Wars, it never counts.


Old Han Solo should've had a moustache
also his shirt and belt look brand new, big mistake on the part of the costume department.

Obi-Wan was greying in ROTS. I always thought he was supposed to be well into his fourties

Factor in harsh climate, order 66 trauma, Anakin battle, isolation on desert planet, and fighting for survival daily for almost two decades. Yeah it closes that 10-year gap real fast.

Not even done first term

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Obama was a notorious 2 packs a day smoker during his 8 years though.

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he has to be taking stims of some kind

Gene's man. Luck of the draw. People are shocked that I'm 33. They think I'm early to mid 20's. I get wide eyed double takes when I tell people I'm married with kids and a house.

Trump was already old, though.

I'd say its more of an error on the part of the costume/makeup people, not really attempting to make Ewan McGreggor age 15 years in a film series filmed over six years.

>quoting me twice
anonkun, pls...

>midichlorians, Duke

He's gonna be on whatever the fuck Clinton and RBG is getting to keep those corpses alive. I really didn't think either would live this long given their numerous stumbles and falls.

The people running and governing are way too old. There needs to be a age limit for anybody running for or holding public office, including SCOTUS

Stress from a weirdo gangster bloke you cut in half now trying to kill you since you were a teenager

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I don't care what anyone says, this was NOT kino.


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It's just a coincidence he was at the age that shit happens. Nothing to do with "stress"

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living on a desert planet with 2 suns. Plus learning to force ghost apparently significantly speeds up the aging process. Anakin didn't need to train for it because he was born by the force so the power came to him innately in death.

Do Americans think he was a good president just because the msm never bashed him?

He's the oldest president in history

Damn i thought black didnt crack

Lots of factors. PTSD, depression, etc. He also had to fight off the sand people that were harassing Owen Lars without using a lightsaber or force powers lest rumors would be spread of a Jedi hiding in Tatooine. He was also frustrated when Owen told him to fuck off and not get any more Skywalkers killed

Half do, yes. Such is the tribalism.

Even conservative talk radio will acknowledge that he got through his two terms without "a straight-up scandal" (along the lines of Monica Lewinski), though he was of course helped in this by wearing a fucking halo around his head.

it was tatooine years you dumbo

with 2 suns it takes a long fucking time to make a year

No fap


>I get wide eyed double takes when I tell people I'm married with kids and a house.

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>Kill someone you thought was your best friend
>90% of your kind have been wiped out by a senile old man and his univeree spanning soldiers
>Have to live in exile on a shit planet consisting only of desert and 2 suns
>Have to keep a mass murderers son safe in hope he can save the universe

If you can age gracefully after that, you're not human.

>wearing the same belt all this time.

Lame. Having your trusty blaster from 30 years back is admirable though.


Obama’s presidency feels like a century ago, time is moving fast

>having children and posting on Yea Forums
pick only one

If he's anything like me he probably just keeps buying the same model.
Like i do with underwear and socks.

Stress is cancer. Think at the wall...normal grills did not suffer by it like jewllywood females.

how does 14 years do this to you?

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how many years was this?

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There is no god.

People dont really gradually age. Around 40 your skin becomes noticeably less elastic and starts sagging over the next 10 years.

Imagine looking like a fucking goblin with Stacy hair at 14. Jesus

Kicking & Screaming was kino tho

Sun exposure and lots of grinning for cameras.

seriously this is so fucked up, its not like he was ever good looking but that hair is a massacre

>You fought in the Clone Wars?
>Yes, they were only 19 years ago

Yeah it was

>Do Americans think he was a good president just because the msm never bashed him?
Americans think he's a good president because he's sandwiched between Bush Jr and Trump. He wasn't a good president, but people aren't great at avoiding comparisons instead of looking at what's actually done individually.

How do you go from this

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>Luke was 19 in Anh, 6 months older in esb, and in rotj 3 years had passed after esb

Wrong way round. ESB is 3 years later and ROTJ follows 1 year after ESB.

To this

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They he was good because he was always so formal and dishonest on camera. So many people care what the rest of the world thinks about a president's personality and how it may clash with their cultures.


the way this is worded sounds suspiciously like a magatard with no self-awareness

Reminds me of KotOR2. When your appearance changes if you drift more to the dark side

oh no no no no no no

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um years work differently on that planet...idk fuck you Ewan was perfect casting stfu.


Genuinely curious as to why he didn't get a hair transplant, or even one of those new fancy wigs.
You think he wanted to seem more common to the commoners?

Even if the house of windsor wasnt a total sham propped up by momentum and retards, which it is, the royal family is already a laughingstock.

10 seconds of sith exposure

Why would he get a hair transplant? He has a fucking QT wife he's bred several times. And he's what, second in line to the throne?

Two suns means you age at double speed.

For confidence.
Like it or not, you're treated differently based on looks, and he, like 90% of men who go bald, unfortunately got knocked down several points with the loss of his hair.
And he obviously has the money, so why the fuck not? I won't compare losing hair to getting fat or something, since it's genetic and not just laziness, but you shouldn't get married and say 'fuck it' and stop trying. I'm certain he'd have several hair transplant doctors who'd be ecstatic to do it.

this af

Luke, did I ever tell you that in old, pre-1999 ideas for the prequels (some were EU, some were George's):

>The Clone Wars took place ~35-40 years ago, not 19-22
>Sheev was "President of the Senate" not "Supreme Chancellor", and was the puppet for elites
>The Clone Wars occurred *before* Sheev's presidency, not during, and were one of the failings of the Old Republic that swept him into power
>The Jedi Purge/Anakin's turn/Empire's rise was meant to occur longer after the Clone wars, not all the events being mashed together, with Sheev having lured people into a false sense of peace before killing off the Jedi.
>Padme died on the run from the Empire when Leia was around 2 years old, hence why she would remember her vaguely, instead of dying in childbirth when Leia was a few seconds old.
>I took you to Owen because he was originally my brother
>Originally Han and the Imperial officer thought the Force and Jedi were sorcery/myths because they were too young to remember us, but now that the new timeline makes it so Han was 10 when we got purged, he should remember us, but somehow doesn't.
>The Republic fought *against* an army of insane clones, created by "Clone Master" Atha Prime on the planet Cartao with Spaarti cloning cylinders, rather than *alongside* a Maori clone army who were created on the planet Kamino by long-necked albinos with Kaminoian cylinders.
>Anakin was taken into the Jedi Order at age 13, rather than age 9.
>I was originally 70 when I died and your father would be 55, but in the new timeline, I was 57 when I died and Ani was 45, even though we look way shittier than our ages
>Boba Fett was a journeyman protector from Concord Dawn whose true name was Jaster Mereel, rather than a clone of his dad Jango from Kamino whose true name is literally just Boba Fett.
>Instead of Vader killing younglings, the Jedi Purge would've started with Jedi Halagad Ventor being tortured by Vader into fessing up locations of hidden Jedi. And he was a good friend.

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This is what AIIIIDS does to you

Clone wars doesn't really make sense as the name of a war unless they're the enemy, because that's how wars are named. They should also last for more than five years, because you can't consider a conflict of that duration with no intervals to be wars, plural.


Luke, did I ever tell you about my arrest for cottaging? In Coruscant "cottaging" is soliciting sexual activity with another man. He was a good friend.

I heard that originally the concept was that cloning was used all over the galaxy but then they realized clones were going mad, especially the ones that had short gestation times. So you can imagine armies of different clones trying to topple all kinds of shit, probably revolting. A huge military force would be needed to deal with the chaos... hence the scale of the Empire's forces. Better idea than a Clone Army just being pulled out of the butt.

17 living as a hermit in the desert filled with depression and regret.

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Hair transplant at that point makes no sense at all. Also, he's off the market, he's the Prince of Wales, nobody cares about his hair.

he was very mediocre but people were sick of bush.

>>I was originally 70 when I died and your father would be 55, but in the new timeline, I was 57 when I died and Ani was 45, even though we look way shittier than our ages
Yeah but...
>Twin suns and stress
>Dark Side decay and being stuck in a suit of armor 24/7

That photo doesn't have filters brub, it really is Jake Lloyd.

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msm did bash him

This. My 40 year old uncle looks younger than me and I'm 28. He looks like Jake Gyllenhaal and I look like Danny devito lmao

True but even when Sebastian shaw's force ghost appears all healed up, he looks much older than 45.

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(cont) Which i guess is why lucas replaced him with Hayden in the special editions.

But honestly they could've just recolored Shaw's hair from grey to fading blonde and removed some of the wrinkles on his face, and that would've worked better than Hayden's creepy slasher smile.

Upper class British people consider hair transplants/wigs to be uncouth. If you're born into the upper class, no way you'll get anything done, and if you become rich and part of that group, you probably won't do it either.

Not a coincidence that big-name British actors allow themselves to go bald when their American counterparts never would Jude Law, Ralph Fiennes. Will be interesting to see what Henry Cavill and Tom Hiddleston do about their fading hairlines.

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>cloning was used all over the galaxy but then they realized clones were going mad
And they continued using them?

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One, bong genes kicked in hard.

What? Their Parliament and judges and shit STILL wear wigs like its the 1700s.

So are these two different guys playing someone 16 years age difference in the movie? Did he live in Egypt or was it his star wars planet?


Obi-Wan... had a hard life.

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