Has Spielberg lost his touch?

Has Spielberg lost his touch?

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you can't lose something you never had lmao! GOT HIS ASS

Yea Forums revealed speilberg didn't direct this

seems like it. I can't see West Side Story being good.
I bet you unironically believe this. Instant pseud detector.

>shoot 20 minutes of actors
>the rest is cgi
he's a genius

he is succumbing to tropes

he's the same - you've changed

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He just shows up to shoot shit for a few days and goes back home to his mountain of cash. I doubt he is as interested or involved as he was when he was younger.

It was good for what it was

Care to elaborate?

He was ghost directing or some shit, hardly on set etc

Yeah I understood that point but how does Yea Forums know that. Is there a screencap of this or something?

No can do. It was said when it first came out, could be bullshit, wouldn't surprise me though

Yes. He's become the new Ridley Scott

>Has Spielberg lost his touch?
You mean why isn't the actor having a drug infused meltdown?

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To be fair, he probably didn't have that much to work off of, the source material is 80's Pop culture referencing trash written by a manchild.

You think he molested any of the cast members while filming this?

Ask Heather O’Rourke. Oh wait...

Not saying it's a masterpiece but sometimes I think modern audiences must be really blind. It's still a pure Spielberg movie with terrific set pieces, soul and heart, an absolute control of the filmmaking above 99% of any blockbuster made these days, and it's a lot more mature in how it handles nostalgia and pop culture than what this board claims. I don't like all of the YA garbage tropes and the source material seems really lousy but the film is all about how audiences are losing the ability to discern entertainment from creators that value the power of imagination and instead getting more and more controlled by brands and marketing teams and soulless corporatism etc it encourages the audience to let go of the brand loyalty or at least question why iconic pop culture became iconic and resonated with audiences in the first place before getting co-opted and merchandized to the point of losing all their appeal... This board is constantly complaining about how Disney currently operates and all the sequels/reboots, the loss of control of filmmakers with studios now only caring about formulas and marketing committees etc meanwhile all here still remain obsess over soulless Marvel and SW, and lap up shit like stranger things which is everything wrong this movie is accused of being, but gladly shit on an unique movie from a real master who has legitimacy and insight to address these themes and also really knows how to deliver the spectacle, like the car race at the beginning which is one of the craziest masterful set pieces I've seen in a long time. Even with all its flaws I still think it's a very interesting piece of cinema. Sometimes I really don't understand.

As long as they said yes there's nothing wrong with that.

Ridley may fuck up to a certain extent, but he obviously still tries to make good movies.
Sometimes he has to add commercial shit to keep getting his films financed to the extent he would like, but his films still are largely Kino.

He fondled the Iron Giant

tl;dr you faggy faggot. Go eat a bag of dicks. The movie was trash and so is your mother. Please fuck off you kike-apologist

he flanderized himself

wth is wrong with Hollywood? almost all of the main cast were so ugly.