Who is the Lebron "G.O.A.T." James of the television and film industry?

Who is the Lebron "G.O.A.T." James of the television and film industry?

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Michael Jordan


lacks the killer instinct to be the GOAT
not even top 5

>an uneducated overrated nigger
Spike Lee


get the fuck out

michael JEFOOARY joragan

>3-6 in finals

>impling kobr didn't win an oscar already

Attached: kobr_lol.jpg (120x115, 7K)

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fuck off

Are there any actors that needed 2 other superstar actors to help him win an oscar?

Chris Nolan is the Lebron James of film. He's nothing brilliant, but compared to all the other shit that's out there, he looks great. Also like Christopher Nolan, he's not the draw he used to be.

>the modern all sports GOAT is an unathletic conservative white guy

how the fuck did we end up in the right timeline?

Attached: GOAT punt.webm (800x448, 2.84M)

Hes a pedo

nba cucks having ads on their jerseys is so funny and indicative of the bug nature of the fanbase

>posts webm of him doing something 99% of people on this board couldn't do

>overrated """""GOAT"""""

Edward Norton

Attached: Brady Jukes Urlacher.webm (640x480, 2.78M)

Bryan Cranston, but the real great one (MJ) is Gandolfini

I didn't realize this thread was gonna be so BASED

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LMAO ok LeRoid you need to calm down

are you mentally ill? LeBron is more like Spike Lee.

So is BronBron


LeBron fucked Kate Middleton while her bitch husband watched

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