Why is she such an absolute cunt?
Why is she such an absolute cunt?
she's a woman
when you write a woman realistically, she's a huge fucking bitch. always refreshing when tv or movies actually have the balls to show them as they are.
curb is one of the most based and redpilled shows ever to air on tv
I think she's pretty funny, and isn't that much of a cunt desu. She's generally pretty honest but in a sweet way, and keeps Larry in line (or at least tries to). I'd kill for a gf like that
she's written to be an antagonist is basically every plot line she's involved in. larry is pretty redpilled when it comes to women and marraige
Could you imagine being married to Larry David? In real life many comics, especially when was younger found him insufferable to be around
She's married to Larry moron, she's actually a fucking saint to put up with him
She isn't interested in LD in the least bit. Purely financial. She acts like she in repulsed by his personality, his antics, yet she married him
She's nicer than most middle aged married women
>I think she's pretty funny, and isn't that much of a cunt desu.
Are you nuts or just one of those guys that likes to get shit on by women? she's an absolute cunt.
t. woman
because men still provide for awful women and women know this. men are responsible for the fall of the west
Cheryl is a cunt and I wanted nothing more than to cave her face in with a hammer. Also, I don’t understand why Yea Forums loves this show so much. It’s essentially some old kike schlepping around LA with other kikes and complaining about rich people things.
I used to like it when I was younger but this show and Seinfeld are just too Jewish for me.
only person i've ever met who disliked curb and seinfeld was a muslim turkish girl i know who just couldn't stand that jewish of a protagonist(s)
Why post a picture of Pierce and his project? They have a happy marriage.
>can't enjoy things because /pol/ has rotted his brain
She's surrounded by obnoxious, neurotic Jews. She could have married a nice Catholic boy and avoided it all but the lure of Seinfeld syndication money was too strong
Throughout watching the show i could never tell if she was actually hot or not
Also shes in the right every time
I’m not a Muslim nor an incel or what have you, but after 30 minutes I’m bored of watching this dude and other rich faggots complain about bagels or the way a waiter treated them. I’ve seen both series and used to binge watch Seinfeld, but it’s just so distinctly Jewish that I can’t separate the Judaism from the ‘entertainment’, and frankly, it’s unwatchable anymore
t. Overly sensitive manlet
No woman has ever 'shit all over me', I'm honest right back and I'll always stand up for myself and do what I feel in the end to be right. You've probably never been in a real serious relationship so I doubt you have any idea what that feels like or would entail
I watch movies from Jewish directors all the time. I love the pianist and schindlers list. I believe the holocaust happened, but Larry David and his brand of ‘jewy’ humor isn’t funny. A lot of execs at NBC we’re worried about promoting Seinfeld because of how Jewish it was, so I think they’re aware a lot of people don’t find this humor amusing.
I stopped going on pol in 2012 brah. Sorry I don’t like your shitty unfunny show anymore. Now get HIV and die.
Because she married a slight whiney jew for the money and finally reached an age where she realized it wasnt worth it but she was too used to the good life to just leave so she just started fucking the pool boy/tennis coach/neighbor/mailman and took out her frustration at the bleak outlook of her whole life by being passive and shitty to a guy who just really loves her and doesnt understand that she never reciprocated.
>I'm honest right back and I'll always stand up for myself and do what I feel in the end to be right
kek, you're the one who sounds like they've never been in a long-term relationship
>guy who just really loves her
Shes looks out of his league but also in his league too