Brooklyn Nine-Nine is so much better than it has any right to be. I can't believe I slept on this show for so long. I started watching it about a week ago and just started the second season.
What are some shows you regret not giving a chance sooner?
Brooklyn Nine-Nine is so much better than it has any right to be. I can't believe I slept on this show for so long. I started watching it about a week ago and just started the second season.
What are some shows you regret not giving a chance sooner?
It's so preachy that it's almost unwatchable
Its fucking terrible but congrats on being a zoomer
Jew, Jewess, two negroes, two thots, and a cuck?
Although Terry Crews is based.
Preachy in what way? I haven't noticed that but I'm only one season deep, does it get worse later?
>unironically using the term zoomer
preachy in the "I'm a faggot" way. I'm the guy you asked btw
Very insightful, thank you
the first season is ok
but then you realize that other than premier/finale, halloween and doug judy episodes there's very little attention played to it and it's just a character driven/flandarized serial
>muh Jews
>muh blacks everywhere
>muh gay guy
It's the classic example of a show shoving every thing at you at once and all the jokes become political. It's just not fun to watch
>muh racism episode
>muh sexuality episode
I truly pity you if this is your initial reaction to anything relating to race or sexuality in media.
It's not, that's the thing. It's pushed so much, so hard on B99 that it's annoying. It really turns you off from the show.
I don't watch shows to have someone preach at me
archer lite was ok
lol what a little baby man you are
What does that have to do with being a baby? At least back up your posts. They said why they don't like it and what makes it preachy.
You just go >lol you a baby
the jewess mary sue who is also right and gets away with everything ruins the show
Bob's Burgers and Fairly Odd Parents
I just want the latina girl to sit on my face
>Not funny
>Niggers and kikes everywhere
Definitely not kino
Brooklyn 99 is a wonderful example of a litmus test for shit taste. The show is a perfect example of modern comedy-propaganda. Jokes are written in reverse, except instead of a punchline its a political message.
Its a case study in the techniques unfunny-but-competent writers use to trick people into thinking something is humor.
>takes place in New York
>there are jews, blacks, and gays
Checks out.
>Brooklyn 99 is a wonderful example of a litmus test for shit taste.
Also a tremendous waste of Andre Braugher's talent.
This is comedy for blue checkmarks
>character driven/flandarized serial
it's a procedural/sitcom
can't find the clip but I saw the "jake stanton" episode of svu today and it's the best acting I've ever seen from him
the problem is gina was funny as a complete cunt (like a network version of a Sunny character) but they meme'd her into just someone that's annoying
Crazy how this is the same writing team as The Office, Parks & Rec, and The Good Place
In 20 years we'll look at this show like it's Alf or Home Improvement, formulaic era appropriate sitcom that did it's job. It's a show you should only watch once in the background
that doesn't sound surprising since they are all shit
My sister, who is a rabid democrat to the point of being a fucking communist, recommended this show.
That was enough for me to avoid it forever.
She is also a fan of Big Mouth. Thats the company youre in, OP.
modern family. looking. master of none.
i got into B99 after a plane ride. they played the party. i told myself i gotta binge watch the rest of the show when we land
Your sister sounds hot
>master of none
>The series was created by Aziz Ansari and Alan Yang, and stars Ansari
It's a decent show but it gets very repetitive as you go further in.
Also what's with all the /pol/shit subhumans in the thread bitching about a series in New York having non-whties in it?
best characters imo
It's decent if repetitive but supposedly the most recent season was a little weak.
Holt's comedic timing is incredible and he's far too good for the rest of the cast
>Jokes are written in reverse, except instead of a punchline its a political message.
Can't think of a single joke in the show with a political punchline, do you have any examples?
why? it's the same shit all over again
it's always the same fucking joke over and over.
>I'm black, old and stern, isn't it surprising that I'm also homosexual and become loud for a few seconds at a time unannounced???
>It's so preachy that it's almost unwatchable
>Its fucking terrible but congrats on being a zoomer
>Jew, Jewess, two negroes, two thots, and a cuck?
>lol what a little baby man you are
>I just want the latina girl to sit on my face
Titles of your sex tapes
There's no political punchline there, where are the political punchlines retard?
Get's sloppy around S3 and shitty in S4.
I didn't say it was political, I said it's the same joke over and over.
It's also a shit joke that's meant to normalize faggotry, which is a political talking point within the uniparty but that's incidental.
>Will they or won't they end up together?
They will, they always will
>People in a workplace spend all their free time with people from their workplace
>At least one wedding episode
They're pretty happy with their writing formula aren't they?
This, I can't remember the exact point but it does start of great, they start dropping in a few crappy message episodes and eventually it becomes nothing but that.
it gets preachy because "it must have been so hard for the captain" being a candy-ass roody-poo in the country's most blue progressive state.
It honestly surprised me coming from Samberg, his work on SNL and especially Lonely Island was never particularly preachy, if anything they almost were in the "non-politically correct" zone a couple times
it was probably part of the pitch to get the show picked up by the network
This is more like Rules of Engagement
I generally like the early seasons, but at some point the writers couldn't keep themselves from talking about Game of Thrones in every fucking episode.
This show appeals to leftist and only leftists.
Post seven(7) examples of political punchlines.
You're into retards?
I think samberg should hand over his goddess wife.
Funny, my sister is a total leftist (although has thankfully admitted communism is retarded) and that kind of obnoxious, pink haired tumblrina, and she also loves this pile of garbage.
OP your taste is trash, never post here again.
Have you ever been to Brooklyn? A cast of
>2 black guys
>2 latinas
>3 white guys
>2 jews
Is pretty realistic
This show doesn't even have 7 memorable punchlines
I want Santiago to sit on my face
Why do mutts think left=communism?
For me, it's the asian girl who had a minor role as Gina's assistant for an episode or two.
There are some episodes that are undeniably preachy, like the #MeToo episode where every character's personality was rewritten and everyone was turned into caricatures. There's also the odd punchline here and there that's political, like Holt drops a "it's the current year" line on a homophobic southern stereotype. And the three white guys are all buffoons who get mocked and picked on by the rest of the cast.
If I were a right-wing white guy I'd absolutely hate this show.
>And the three white guys are all buffoons who get mocked and picked on by the rest of the cast.
*Although tbf Hitchcock and Scully used to be Chads, they're just old and lazy now. Boyle on the other hand has always been pathetic.
Based sex-tape psoter
Got unwatchable in the second season for me.
>2 of them were effective not in the current year, now they're relics
>the other one has always been a fag
this is your defense?