Is Disenchantment any good?
Is Disenchantment any good?
not in the slightest. you might as well just watch communist propaganda.
Classic Simpsons > Classic Futurama > Nu Futurama > Disenchantment > Nu Simpsons
>communist propaganda
How so?
It feels like a wasted concept, Futurama worked so well as a parody of sci fi because it was written by people who were fans of sci fi and were generally science nerds, this doesn't feel that way.
Gets better later on when it picks up a plot but as a whole its slow boring and with few jokes and a barebone narrative.
Half of the problem is the cast, while Bean is alright, nether Elfo or the black cat have any real place in anything, you cant have 3 comedic relief morons, someone needs an iq above the room temperature.
Miles ahead of modern simpsons or family guys, American dad seems like the only good comedy series left.
Every poltard is a dangerous nutcase
I agree with both of these anons.
The are some funny moments, but the first handful of episodes feel a bit repetitive as the main joke is the characters getting drunk or high. It does get better towards the last few episodes as have more of a story focus and actually have some sense of adventure to them.
I'm only about 4 episodes into the second season and I feel I'm enjoying it more than the first season so far.
boring, if you go to Yea Forums they will tell you is shit that they droped at some point in the first season and is not worth it
i think there is a thread going with 200+ replies of people just shitting in the first season because no one is watching the new one
it's boring, the comedy is so tired and unoriginal and unfunny, the art is bland, the plot is uninteresting, the characters are annoying and one-dimensional, the episodes blur together and are wholly unmemorable, and the sound design is dogshit. no creativity, nobody gave a shit. completely soulless. it's a chore to watch.
user, you were supposed to describe Disenchantment, not new South Park.
i loved i.. hang on a second BLOOP BLOOP that's tha sound of my release
of a big dollop of cum out of my butt. what the fuck
anyway wait i suddenly realise i didn't like this show
dunno what happened there man
>a chore to watch
lol at how many people feel this specific sentiment about it
Just watch Simpsons season 11 instead.
I like it. Definitely not the funniest thing these creators have ever made, but it has an interesting premise and enough drama to keep me involved. I'm a huge fan of D&D though, so maybe that's why.
>Homer is a below average "every man"
>Struggles to make it in the world but loves his family
>Homer is kinda dumb but ultimately does the right thing
>Fry is a below average "every man"
>Struggles to make it in the world but loves his friends and family
>Fry is kinda dumb but ultimately does the right thing
>Bean is the smartest, strongest, toughest person in the whole world and no one is better. She's also rich and privileged but acts like a cunt.
>Bean has everything in the world handed to her on a silver platter but she's an ungrateful bitch
>Bean is just the smartest because she's a girl. Also she's a drunken whore and treats everyone like shit. She has no good qualities and is just a complete piece of shit.
What changed from the earlier shows that were so good?
this show is so bad I had to turn it off halfway through the first ep. its a damn shame since I love Futurama
I marathoned the pilot and it was one of the worst show i ever saw.
I stopped watching it less than two minutes in.
le ebin bait
No, it's horrible trash that isn't even slightly funny. Surprised anyone's shilling it.
This is very true but nu simpsons is completely unwatchable. Disenchantment is more like shouldn'twatchable
Im not I just dont think it's bad.
Matt Groening was going to retire with Epstine and have his feet rubbed by 13 year olds but due to recent events that wont be a reality for him.
I honestly dropped it at the first episode. I think on paper the show and ideas sound good, but the execution was shit and the main character incredibly suffers from being a mary sue, a fucking unlikable bitch, self-entitled and an spoiled shit, all at the same time.
He didn't say it was communist propaganda, he said you might as well watch that because Disenchantment is that bad.
Skip. Not worth your time.
It's JUST watchable. They do a lot of "woke" jokes but half of them feel satirical. I'm halfway through Season 2 and I feel they have too many writers and not enough producers giving notes. When an episode has a solid plot, it works, but when the show meanders it gets pretty fucking dull and cringe.
True, the world was hastefully set-up and it doesn't even feel like anything is of consequence. It should be darker like Python's Holy Grail.
Decent concept. Terrible execution.
the porn is alright
Imagine Futurama but not good at all.
Bean isnt smart. Did you watch the show?
Feminism. She would've had a good character if the world wasn't constantly pretending she was good. Like that fucking ugly giant in that episode who said "Wow you're life really sucks" without sarcasm really pissed me off. It would be funnier if they stopped the feminism shit, focused on how dark and unfair the world around her is and just how ignorant she is to it all.
But I guess most female TV viewers are narcissists and can't relate to any characters who think about others first.
>Get a load of this guy
There's a lot of things to criticise the show for, being boring being the main one. Bean is portrayed as an ungrateful, lazy, alcoholic retard. She's basically just a female Fry with a marginally higher IQ and drive to move the plot along. The entire joke is that princess is a drunken slob. When you think any female protagonist is being portrayed as the "smartest, strongest, toughest person in the world" you actually need to have sex.
>Episode 1: Bean beats up a bunch of men in a bar
>Episode 6: Bean saves the day by kicking a sea monster in the head
>Bean never faces consequences for her actions and is endlessly praised
Yeah bro... just like Fry.
Its Futurama but with zero charm
It's the Rei effect. Most men protagonists are flawed, but that makes them more human and this more approachable, even for women. But these characters are made just for a narrative, which prevent them from being human, they are just perfect, all the things they do, they do it for the plot, not for something a person would do.
And it's not like there are not female protagonist that are actually approachable even by men: Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley comes to mind.
>Bean and Fry are alcoholic, so they are the same!
Jesus. Also, Fry was lazy but he changed overtime, it's called character growth, and maybe Bean do it, but the show is so unbearable that I may never find out. Lastly, Fry is not ungrateful, far from it, and even if he was, and he was portrayed as such in a few episodes, there would be consequences for his selfish actions, like that episode where he was rich and bought the anchovies. Bean? Well, Bean do similar, if not straight up worse stuff, and she keeps getting praised for it.
Fry doesn't have things handed to him, and yet he appreciates the things he has most of the time, because his life was shit in the past and it's at least a bit better in the future, while Bean do little to change her situation and just keeps bitching at it, even though her life is not fucking bad in the first place, it's just not what she wants.
The weird thing about that trope is that women are generally more open about their flaws and issues in real life (easier for them to open up) while a lot of guys see admitting fault as a sign of weakness and end up lonely husks.
The main character is one of the most unlikable protags in recent memory
>ITT incels who didn't get laid this weekend
It wasn't that bad, I don't remember any bad moments...I don't remember anything actually, it's a very forgettable show.
I think this show is targeted more at a young to mid-teen crowd. I also wouldn't compare it to futurama because futurama actually made good use of its sci-fi backdrop and the absurdity it could derive from it. Disenchantment feels more like a teen comedy with a superficial fantasy skin.
>Bean do it
>Bean do similar
Kys, ESL fag
>Disenchantment feels more like a teen comedy with a superficial fantasy skin.
That's pretty bad already. It's like defending tht Billie Eillish garbage.
i watch it for the intro/outro music and nothing else.
also the same reason I watched bojack horseman for more than a single episode
It's tepid
>The weird thing about that trope is that women are generally more open about their flaws and issues in real life
Nice try roastie. No (you) today.
It's just boring. Has absolutely none of the spunk of the best Groening stuff.
it's decent, very hit or miss, some episodes have pretty funny first acts and boring third acts, others are decent thorough, others are just shit. Lower your expectations cause it's not remotely close to futurama quality, but it's good for when you have nothing else to watch
>comparing a 20 episode show to shit that's been on for years
>marathoned the pilot
how do you "marathon" one episode?
Classic Chuck > Nu Sneed > Classic Simpsons > Classic Futurama > Nu Futurama > Disenchantment > Nu Simpsons
It's good. I feel like, if it were airing on adult swim in the 2000s, people would all be huge fans of it and sucking its cock.
Stopped watching after the main character made an off-hand remark about not being a virgin in the first few minutes of the pilot
>create character that is drunk and stupid (but also a wamen)
>some salty virgin thinks that's a mary sue
/r9k/ pls leave
Imagine being faggy enough to defend any part of this putrid trash or its disgusting main character.
>people would all be huge fans of it and sucking its cock.
like 12 oz. mouse or drinky crow show?
these drawings are so fucken gay
It's not bad like this But it is quite bad nevertheless. It really just doesn't hit the spot, comedy wise.
tbf the side characters save the show
>75% of all females are voiced by Tress MacNeille
When are they finally going to come clean about her and Matt fucking?
Drinky Crow and Mouse were based, fuck you.
the nigger demon that doesn't care? or the wacky elf that doesn't care?
the king, the pig, god, jerry, maid, random dumb peasants.
the main trio isnt even that bad, they have their moments
the worst character is beans brother who is like a fucking mix of martin and ralph from simpsons
20 minutes is a very long time to a zoomers attention span
it gets better. Not futurama tier but better
soon they will marathon vines and cumulatively we'll be back full circle
It's on par with season 1 Futurama. Remember Futurama got better as it went on. (Aside from Love's Labour's Lost in Space.)
Bingo. I've tried giving this show a chance 3-4 times now. Last night I tried watching the first episode of the second season, since it got better reviews. I was checking the time every minute to see when it would end. Snooze.
Bean is a drunk brute who is good at killing which is because of who her mother is, she’s also a fucking princess, why would she face consequences
Imagine classic Simpsons mixed with peak Futurama, only minus all the jokes.
Eh, she isn't that attractive, and Matt was mates with Epstein, so he has plenty of other options.
as somebody who knows simpsons only from 10 years ago what defines nusimpsons?
leftist/feminist propaganda?
>durr gommunism gud
>if u dont liek gommunism u pol
You're an idiot, comrade.
I think the graphics look comfy and pleasing but that is it. The jokes are awful if you can even call them that. I thought it was aimed at children but in the first episode they have someone try and hang themselves and they reference drugs and drinking a lot. Shame really, probably just needs better writers.
>[political thing]
I don't have to pay rent, electricity, gas or even water. Literally free as fuck
Stopped watching in ep. 1.
Serviceable. Better than it should be.
>They do a lot of "woke" jokes but half of them feel satirical.
user, I...
I like it more than Futurama because of the setting.
Futurama has more and better characters and better gags though.
Best characters (in S1, haven't seen S2) are easily Queen Oona and Bean's chambermaid.
Everyone else I'm lukewarm to.
rent free
Not at all, but i still wanna fuck Bean like you wouldn't believe