Actors who you want to punch right in the fucking face

Actors who you want to punch right in the fucking face

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I bet he'd totally destroy you in a fight.

Is that Ed Helms?

I fucking hate Ed Helms.

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Yeah, punch in the face with my coom

this thread is ripe for midgeposting

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OP said punch in the face not dropkick

It is never acceptable to punch someone in the face. Especially someone that you never interacted with or had a physical confrontation with. It is frankly creepy that you are having these fantasies.

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Obviously going to do a low sweeping uppercut launcher


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U wot? Ezra's a handsome bloke, look at that jawline

He's a degenerate faggot.

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all of them

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I often think how Heather Graham rejected this dumbass on the set of the Hangover and laugh to myself.

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