This was a legitimately great TV show, with the best finale to a TV series that I've ever seen...

This was a legitimately great TV show, with the best finale to a TV series that I've ever seen. People always talk about The Sopranos as having jump started the TV golden age, but I think In Space deserves some credit for showing that we could have kino on television, even in a franchise like Power Rangers.

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Nobody cares what was showing in America.

>said some fag watching japanese cartoons

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Yeah, In Space really wrapped up the series well, but it wasn't the series finale because they kept making Power Rangers after it, with the next season, Lost Galaxy, being directly connected to In Space and the other previous seasons.

>comparing Power Rangers in Space to The Sopranos

Hot take right here. Retarded, but hot.

>it wasn't the series finale
It was intended to be at the time, In Space just breathed new life into the franchise. They really should have left it there for art's sake, we'll never get a better conclusion.

post yfw zordon fucking dies
>mfw child me saw they actually fucking did it

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Damn you really think highly of this series lol. I do remember really enjoying it as a kid though, especially the ending.

The Sopranos was just a good show on a premium network with no real limits, everybody already knew that was possible. In Space was a great show, on broadcast TV, with every limit possible.

I won't deny that The Sopranos is slightly better, but I think you'd have to be an idiot to not see that In Space is a bigger achievement, given the context.

why would you even bring The Sopranos up in a thread like this

>tfw user is slowly convincing you Power Rangers in Space teeters on being high art

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fuck shit skin

but why, OP? What makes it any different from the other PR series?

Why were so many seasons pre-Saban buyout pure kino? and why have they all been shit since

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Because it began airing at around the same time as In Space, and is widely regarded as the grandfather of television's golden age, recognition that IMO should be at least partially shared with a show that achieved similar levels of quality, but on the back of a low quality kid's show, with every limitation of budget and broadcast network TV. It's a serious achievement that nobody recognizes because "lol power rangers".

After the buyout, Saban devoted all of his production money to propping up Netanyahu. Samurai would’ve been way better if most of the budget didn’t go to killing Palestinians en masse.

The power rangers peasant vs the Super Sentai Senpai.

It was written as a series conclusion, it did away with episode-by-episode plotting, had a believable and well written villain that became sympathetic with time, real stakes, the best acting on Fox at the time, etc. If you've never seen it before, it's night and day compared to what came before, and after.

Its a psychological trick to make you associate the two in your mind. Pretty common but effective.

That's an incredibly dishonest and stupid thing to say. They aren't comparable. Just because they were on TV and came out in the same year doesn't mean shit. Even if it's a quality show, it's a quality show for young boys. It doesn't come close to having the dramatic writing or acting seen in The Sopranos.

Manga and anime are just so fucking gay

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Super sentai is live action though

Bullshit, you've just been conditioned to see one as kino and the other as trash because of where they aired. Ralph Cifaretto is the only character that comes close to Astronema, and even then I wouldn't give him the nod. A show doesn't need strippers and guns and "ooooooooooh!" to be great, it just needs great moments and memorable characters.

It's the same in spirit. If manga is sucking dick, japo live action shit is at least holding a man's hand.

Your standards of greatness are incredibly low in case you didn't realize it.

This nigger is serious

My great shows, in addition to In Space, would be The Sopranos, Deadwood, early seasons of Game of Thrones, The Shield, Rome, True Detective S1, early seasons of Nip/Tuck. Most rationale adults would agree that I have pretty decent taste, especially compared to the japanophile samurais all over this board.

This isn't an issue of "oh he has poor taste, he likes power rangers el oh el!", the show is legitimately good. Thinking a show can't be kino because it comes from a low-end franchise, or because of where it aired, is redditor as shit.

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Why wouldn't I be? People who have actually seen it (obviously a minority here) know what I'm saying is true, this show was seriously great. For a board that robotically posts "kino" every few minutes, most here seem to have no clue how to recognize it until an IMDB score tells them.

Thank you for this thread and your full blown autism. Threads like this remind me of why I still come here.

It was a really great moment. I saw it in the fifth grade, and I still remember it to this day. That's something only great storytelling can achieve.

How did the men hide their bulges in those costumes?

>that season where they turned both Alpha and Zordon into females just because

What the fuck even was that shit?

You obviously have more of a nostalgic attachment to the show then it genuinely being as great as you claim. The fact that it was of slightly higher quality than other PR is used to justify your continued indulgence in simpler times by continuing to watch it, convincing yourself it's some high art instead of just well made season of a children's television show.

No. I have a nostalgic attachment to the show, the same as I have a nostalgic attachment to Deadwood, or Carnivale, and for the same reasons - because it was great TV, and enjoyable to watch.

Fondly remembering something isn't some kind of argument that the something isn't worth fondly remembering.

Ok if you provide some more details on why this was that good, I'll give it a try.
Honestly I consider that anything has the potential to be good, no matter what the gente/Target is.

I don't know. I stopped watching about half way through the Zeo season because shit was going way too crazy and off the rails for me

>People always talk about The Sopranos as having jump started the TV golden age,
Do people say that? If so these people have no bloody business speaking the English language because a Golden Age is not 'my favourite era'.

You're lying to us and you're lying to yourself. What grown man compares Power Rangers to The Sopranos? One who lives a life in the past. A manchild who needs to justify his taste in children's media by calling it something it is not. Would you express this to a group of people in public who were having a discussion about great television?

>Hey guys if you liked Band of Brothers, you know what you would just LOVE? Power Rangers in Space!

No, you wouldn't, because you know you'd be laughed at for saying something so objectively retarded. Grow up you dishonest fag.

Great plot, interesting and memorable characters, a finale to childhood, interesting themes. You can't dissect something like this and say "oh, this part was good", it's a greater whole.

I stopped watching with Turbo, I thought the car motif was gay, and the kid turning into a blue ranger adult was stupid, but this was a seriously good follow up to a seriously terrible season.

That's a nonsensical idea, there are a lot of reasons why I wouldn't bring it up in public, and none of them have to do with the relative quality of In Space.

Are you going to walk into the office Monday, and let everyone know that 13% of the population commit half the violent crime? No? How come, isn't it true?

Because you can't say certain things, however true they are, around idiots. If I tried to tell most people how incredible In Space was, EVEN THOUGH IT IS TRUE, they would react the same way you do, for the same reasons: because they've been conditioned to disregard the IP and the format as incapable of producing kino, even when it has produced something terrific that everyone should enjoy watching.

Some of the best seasons were after In Space, tho.

I stopped watching immediately after In Space - the conclusion felt final, it was a fantastic send off, one of the best any show has had, and it honestly kind of rubbed me wrong that they were going to continue the series anyways.

I've heard they maybe did Karone's character some measure of justice afterwards, but otherwise, I doubt they were able to reach this again. But who knows, like I said, I stopped watching.

I mean if you really want, the next season basically felt like an extended epilogue. It wraps up most of the remaining potential plot threads, before the series turns into independent stories for each season.

Autism is refusing to watch great TV, even in the privacy of your own home, because you're so whipped into submission by what you think other faggots might think that you can only watch "approved" television. Grow a sack.