It wasn't supposed to be a documentary

It wasn't supposed to be a documentary.

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Why do people always say this, what does it mean

The film was meant to be a comedy but they accidentally made a documentary. Whoops!

Electrolytes are fucking rad, and anyone who says differently is a faggot. is full of unfunny fucking faggots,

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What's your reddit account so I can give you some karma points brother?

>They predicted people are getting stupider
Amazing, its almost like statistics have for a long time have drawn a correlation between high intellect and low reproduction rates; As the movie itself points out.

People aren't getting stupid, though. People have historically gotten more intelligent over time, not less, and that still continues to be true. The only countries where that's not true are countries that have accepted a ton of immigrants from third world nations that lowered the home nation's average intelligence.

when triple 8s get everything incorrect in his post, it's time for bed
fact check yourself holmes, you could not be wronger (start with iq, go to sat act etc)

You must be the first one to ever say this. Did I say first? This gets posted every hour

Must be hard to not be able to think of anything original

well it put the jews and freemasons plan to create a global slave race of mestizo imbeciles by opening borders and lowering the national IQ by dysgenics

thats why the jews in hollywood SHUT IT DOWN once they got their hands on it.
true story. look into it.

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well crafted, subtle. wonderful.

Really makes you think

What part of the film a documentary?

>People aren't getting stupid, though. People have historically gotten more intelligent over time, not less

Actually this WAS true but has been reversed.

Nobody knows why. Some have suggested environment, others education. Obvious culprit would be mass migration diluting the IQ of western nations but as we know that is not a conclusion you're allowed to reach, so you'll never see it investigated honestly.

I know, though, its going to backfire anyways!

>whit*id's still alive in distant future

>People aren't getting stupid, though. People have historically gotten more intelligent over time, not less, and that still continues to be true.

Incorrect. Intelligence (i.e. the quantity of knowledge) of average individuals has increased, but the general populace is still as dumb as they always were because basic critical thinking and above-standard problem solving is still rarely applied.

>thats why the jews in hollywood SHUT IT DOWN once they got their hands on it.
post proofs?

i unironically purchased a costco membership today.

I was kinda bummed that nobody said welcome to costco, I love you

it wasn't supposed to be a documentary

>Obvious culprit would be mass migration diluting the IQ of western nations
I would say the far more obvious culprit is technology making the average person have to think less about nearly every aspect of life, and thus people never develop critical thinking skills.

damn, really makes you think

possibly as many as 30 million wetbacks living illegally in the US (fuck off lefties, that's a woke as fuck 2019 haaaarvaaad study)
boomers have a less than zero % chance of finding the neetbux distribution center without google maps
zoomers can't drive a fucking car
this is really a chicken vs. egg debate
face it, we're dumb and getting dumber
and my post inexplicably made me hungry for waffle house

Being an illegal immigrant does not inherently make one less intelligent. You just sound bitter that those dirty brown people are making you a minority!!! MAGA!!! Fuck the darkies!

being an illegal immigrant almost necessarily makes you a less than desirable, less intelligent addition to the native gene pool, ma'am
high income, superior intelligence and/or education practically guarantees citizenship via legal channels
thanks for trying though
if you would stop playing word games and analyzed situations critically without the leftist self imposed censorship, you would see just how fucking wrong you monkeys are......about everything

because it was boring

They are the idiots the movie makes fun of

Income and intelligence are not as closely related as you seem to think. You're really jumping through hoops to try to justify your racism. It isn't about illegal immigration at all, it's about them being brown.

read post again, and slowly, ma'am
WHERE does it say money=brains?
it says having capital makes a potential new citizen very appealing
buying naturalization is every bit as common as buying votes
don't at me again lady

this is as cringe as those retards who keep name dropping Orwell thinking they just said something deep

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>high income, superior intelligence and/or education practically guarantees citizenship via legal channels
the ordinary procedure takes from 10 to 20 years to complete

Well you're talking about intelligence and illegal immigration and then you start talking about money, what the fuck other conclusion is someone meant to draw? Learn to form a cohesive argument you fucking retard. I know thinking about the mere existence of non-whites on your precious white land makes your blood boil but you shouldn't let that disrupt your ability to make a coherent post.

>high income, superior intelligence and/or education practically guarantees citizenship via legal channels
that statement of fact seems to have blown your mind
sort yourself
you blather and fuss like a goddamn third worlder straining to comprehend how a thermos can magically keep things both hot AND cold

costco employees are fucking cunts, the one at the door who checks your receipt is worse than the walmart cripples who beg for you to stop

imagine taking the cashier job instead of stock and having to deal with people buying 500 lbs of shit and getting mad when you have to do your job

>statement of fact
I wouldn't go that far...

by all means, please disprove it
>inb4 muh rascism muh orange man muh niggers muh brown people bad and all the other muck in your previous posts
>inb4 you can't inb4
Alinsky's Rules for Rs in effect

>Alinsky's Rules
>it's a boomer tier uniparty goy episode

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