Han, I knew Yoda

Han, I knew Yoda.

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>Yea, yea, sure... Now give me that wrench... Hyperdrive broke down once again...

SHUT THE FUCK UP HAN *punches your head off*

>Sneed, I knew Chuck (formerly didn't know him).

>who the hell is Yoda?

>Luke, I knew Yoda.

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Chewie just goes around namedropping his famous friends and nobody has any idea what he's talking about.

>I walked Yoda onstage on Kashyyk in 19 BBY, who the fuck are you?
>You are a no talent farmboy hack! I graduated from the Jedi academy on Coruscant, SUCKA

Attached: sucka.gif (190x300, 2.85M)

>Remember that time our ship became female.

Ships are always female, I've never heard a time where a captain didn't refer to a ship as "she."

>tfw your fucking dog won't shut up and he has a gun

Maybe in the 60th anniversary edition of ANH when Han says he doesn't believe in the force, they will add a cut of Chewie rolling his eyes.

That would actually be a good addition, it would suggest that he's had discussions with Han about this before but Han is just too stubborn.

>nobody has any idea what he's talking about
Rey happens to be fluent in shyriiwook!

I'm not too bothered by that because there's probably a lot of different races on Jakku and it's clearly not a hard language to pick up, what really bothered me was in TLJ when Chewie said something to Luke and Rey obnoxiously translated for him instead of Luke immediately understanding it. Luke definitely knows the language so this is bullshit.

yes that’s the joke faggot

What are those little metallic rectangles and cubes on Chewy’s sash?

I always assumed it was bowcaster ammo

Never heard of a bandoleer before?

Yeah I’ve heard of a bandoleer before. You wanna start something about it punk?

I think he wanted to post that specific gif, which as you can see is not exactly a standard gif of that person.

Yes Chewie I know your best friend that you've spent the last 70 years living with just died but this complete stranger who knew Han for less than 48 hours is clearly more important than you so I'm going to snub you like I did back when I gave Luke and Han medals for blowing up the Death Star and hug her instead of you.

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It's just ceremonial garb.
> little known fact Klingons evolved from Wookies.

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Han, I was trapped on a planet with Anakin Skywalker's apprentice. I met Anakin Skywalker. He was a good friend. Han.. Han.... Han I knew Yoda, he called me by name when he was with me in Kasshykk. Han I already fixed the hyperdrive

Yeah, why didn't you put two and two together that Chewie was wearing a bandoleer?

Han, remember when you rescued me from that mud pit where the Imperial army fed me deserters?

Who's that yellow dude in the background?

Rose Tico


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B-U4D, "Buford". A heavy loader droid.

Wow, you actually didn't make this up, this is its real name. Interesting. I wonder if it's named after Tarkus and Buford, since they also have a droid named after Dio.

Luke never learned Shyriiwook in the old EU either.

I read that as Binford at first and thought there was some weird Tim Allen/Home Improvement crossover I never knew about.

I don't know about the new canon, but that statement you just made is provably false.

I don't think a RPG rulebook is the best reference to base that assumption on. There are numerous novels and comics where he doesn't understand Chewie (or just barely gets the gist).

As opposed to the word of some fucking nobody like you? Ill take the rulebook

If anything a rulebook is more trustworthy, because it's the rules.

Based prequel plot hole and shit writing poster.

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Women hate dogs that belong to men.

What was the point of that battle narrative wise?

>needed Yoda to be conviently away from the Jedi temple
>needed a lush green jungle planet to add some color variety to the movie
>Wookiees are old Star Wars icon that you can put on cereal boxes
>needed a random action scene to keep the audience from falling asleep

It's a rule book for a game. Read actual books. Or, look it up yourselves.

Why DID Yoda go into hiding instead of sticking around to help fight the empire

Self-imposed exile. It's a Jedi thing. Luke's case was similar. Obi-Wan was the only one with a goal (protecting who he thought was the Chosen One).

Ok this got me

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God damn, I miss Obi posting.

Yes yes I know chewie, we will save them

Not now Chewie!!!

I cant believe you baited me into replying for the first time in 2 years on this board but here goes...

Had you bothered to read the canon text about the Woolies and their culture, biology and idology youd know for the reasons Chewie wouldnt say this.
Firstly, the wookies are a primitive animal. They are literally based on dogs. As such their understanding of most human things are limited. A dog doesn't tell you he met your friend does he. he's just another human to him. Similarly Yoda is just another person to Chewie he doesnt care about the interaction on others not related to him.
Secondly, its debatable he even knows who Yoda is anymore.. wookie brain space is extremely limited and after all those years its unlikely some green man he met once is at the forefront of his mind and that he can attribute a name to him. Chewies limited memory is shown several time in the movies and Han basically is his owner to stop him having a bad life.. chewie couldnt even remember Han the first time he met him in the prison cell.

I like to think Han and Chewie's relationship just always consisted of chewie trying to tell han shit and han just pretended to understand despite having no idea what chewie was actually saying the way people respond to their dog's barking with actual answers to be funny.

To be or not to be for you


Forgot picture

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he's just reading out his Chewbacca X Han fanfic

Han, I saved a Jedi general's life, my brother and me gave him a ship so he could escape kashyyk.

in one piece the thousand sunny is male.

Imagine if your first post in two years is some made up bullshit you concocted about Star Wars lore. Sad.

>Chewies limited memory is shown several time in the movies
Im not necessarily doubting you, but I don't remember this. Care to point anything out?

You should doubt that poster. Literally none of it is true.

t. seething wookie

Luke, you won't believe this, but we've made Kessel run in 12 parsecs by taking a shortcut

I did look it up. That's how I got the answer. You fool.


In Solo (2018) its shown that Chewie cant recognise Han despite starring together in such movies as Star Wars (1977), The Empire Strikes Back (1980), Return of the Jedi (1983) and The Force Awakens® (2015)

You got one source, which is low-tier canonicity in the EU. Have you ever read Shadows of the Empire? The Thrawn trilogy? Even the few of the more recent ones (before Disney) that had Luke and Chewie interact with each other shows how inept he is at speaking it.

> Anonymous 09/22/19(Sun)10:19:07 No.121361389▶
> #
>Not now Chewie!!!

I look forward to your nexr reply, in two years time. Fare thee well!

AB-50-L00T UN1T

hes a loading droid

wookies are filthy beasts and czerka corp should have wiped them out

Luke, did I ever tell you that im stil using the name kenobi for some reason, and that leia apparently knows my true identity and where im located. Its not like Vader is super pissed at me or anything. He good friend.

Good point

wait really? Is this like how vulcans and elves are related?

remember that time you didn't post for two years? let's make it another two years pal

You post too often.

Luke, did I ever tell you that in old, pre-1999 ideas for the prequels (some were EU, some were George's):

>The Clone Wars took place ~35-40 years ago, not 19-22
>Sheev was "President of the Senate" not "Supreme Chancellor", and was the puppet for elites
>The Clone Wars occurred *before* Sheev's presidency, not during, and were one of the failings of the Old Republic that swept him into power
>The Jedi Purge/Anakin's turn/Empire's rise was meant to occur longer after the Clone wars, not all the events being mashed together, with Sheev having lured people into a false sense of peace before killing off the Jedi.
>Padme died on the run from the Empire when Leia was around 2 years old, hence why she would remember her vaguely, instead of dying in childbirth when Leia was a few seconds old.
>I took you to Owen because he was originally my brother
>Originally Han and the Imperial officer thought the Force and Jedi were sorcery/myths because they were too young to remember us, but now that the new timeline makes it so Han was 10 when we got purged, he should remember us, but somehow doesn't.
>The Republic fought *against* an army of insane clones, created by "Clone Master" Atha Prime on the planet Cartao with Spaarti cloning cylinders, rather than *alongside* a Maori clone army who were created on the planet Kamino by long-necked albinos with Kaminoian cylinders.
>Anakin was taken into the Jedi Order at age 13, rather than age 9.
>I was originally 70 when I died and your father would be 55, but in the new timeline, I was 57 when I died and Ani was 45, even though we look way shittier than our ages
>Boba Fett was a journeyman protector from Concord Dawn whose true name was Jaster Mereel, rather than a clone of his dad Jango from Kamino whose true name is literally just Boba Fett.
>Instead of Vader killing younglings, the Jedi Purge would've started with Jedi Halagad Ventor being tortured by Vader into fessing up locations of hidden Jedi. And he was a good friend.

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Have sex

And he was a good user.

You're a joke, faggot

>and I knew yo ma

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>Sheev was "President of the Senate" not "Supreme Chancellor", and was the puppet for elites
This was pre-ESB rather than pre-1999. Also, Lucas compared him to Nixon.

So which one was the bigger shitfest
Force Awekens
Last Jedi

>tfw Chewie had sex with Orange Yoda

Lucas named Nute Gunray over two of the most evil people in politics, Newt Gingrich and Ronald Reagan (Gunray -> Raygun -> Reagan).

Who the fuck is Yoda?

If TLJ was like falling to the ground and having you split open like a watermelon TFA was what took the plunge in the first place.


Hey luke, you won't belive this but I met chewie, got the falcon, and made the kessel run in the span of a few days, like 20 years ago
everything interesting in my life happened in a week

to be fair han looked entirely different in 2018

No, Han, because that did not cover the time you worked for Jabba the Hutt, which is a story for another time, perhaps.

Yes we get it...Prequels are bad right? Go see the new super awesome SW film coming this December right? Fuck off.


People are going to see it regardless of how much we advertise it here.

Who? Chewie, stop talking nonsense.

based fictional racist

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What's the big deal about walking bob dylan on stage? Is that really such a cosmic achievement?

The movie Alien Resurrection they refer to the ship as father.

>Master Han, your ship wants me to tell you that your kissing scene with Leia was promoting rape culture. No means no.

Russian and German ships are male.

>Han, did I ever tell you about the Jedi Ahsoka Tano? I met her when we were both kidnapped by Bossk and hunted for sport. She was the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker. I'm pretty sure he's Darth Vader by the way.

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>Pardons the first wave of beaners so th rest realize they can just hang around long enough and become US citizens.
>Signs off on no fault divorce turning women into branch swinging whores who marry men then clean them out when they’re bored or want a higher value man.
Reagan was a bad president but not for the reason libs think.

>Tarkus and Buford ad Dio
I'm gonna slap you across the fucking mouth for acting like this is a triad of Jojo references and not seperate well-known classic rock references that predate that Japanese comic by a decade or more

Some low IQ fantasy world bullshit right here. The EU authors and star wars fans in general think its fun when Luke doesnt understand Chewey, but in one RPG game another writer made it so he could, for the purposes of his name. Get with the program you tryhard fuck

It's because it's such a shit achievement that makes it so memorable and funny

Yeah it means she not only brushed with greatness but was actually an effective part of a really legendary musical movement known worldwide

The captain of the Bismarck insisted that the ship should be only referred to as a male due to its immense strength.

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