What Happened?

Attached: Will-Ferrell-e1475160438885.jpg (938x717, 94K)

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he made Holmiekino

Has he had a good movie since Step Brothers? Granted, I saw it in theaters when I was 14, but I remember cackling like a retard.
I couldn't bring myself to see Anchorman 2, just seemed too late.
Talladega Nights and Old School are his best. We don't talk about that one "serious" movie he did where he was an IRS agent

Step Brothers seemed to be his peak
Blame his agent I guess?


Imagine having "the worst thing to happen to The Office" permanently on your resume.

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This, how do you get out-funnied by Idris Elba
>tfw still no rundown

Some nothing sitcom that only girls like? Nigga please, his run in the 00s is unprecedented
Old School was bad, fuck that frat boy shit

>old school was bad, fuck that frat boy shit
Did you community college cumbrains even get a degree, or just a McDonald's job offer upon graduating?

He got comfortable and didnt wanna take risks anymore

Time wounds all heels.

Great bit, user.

>Old School was bad, fuck that frat boy shit

Okay I'm gonna need you to hang yourself to a tree now


the office wasn't really that good though

Adam McKay moved on

Yeah and he was the worst part of it. Makes it much worse

The world can only tolerate American """"humor"""" for so long.

that between two ferns netflix movie is so fucking terrible. did lorne michaels produce it?

moved onto Vice which fucking sucked dick

>between two ferns movie

Low test

>t. GED nigger who went to frat party once and was asked to leave

thats like asking why cargo pants arent a thing, people get sick of the same ol shit, dingus

He was carried by McKay
McKay started thinking he was more than an above average dumb comedy director and fell in love with the smell of his own farts
Now they both suck separately

Why the hell would you call this faggot a dingus when he's clearly a faggot? "Ya dinguussss" What the fuck are you q 50s teenager? You serve milkshakes and burgers at pop's diner down the road? Well golly gee what the fuck dude

overrated spaz. I knew snl was doomed when he was one of the "best" left.

2008 happened. Semi Pro happened. And while Step Brothers was better it everything that followed was shit.

>are you q 50s teenager? You serve milkshakes and burgers at pop's diner down the road?
I wish, gee golly that would be swell

>a netflix movie
>being good

pick one

get the lead outta your ears, pencilneck

It is the last person to come from SNL that people actually remember aside Jimmy Fallon and Amy Poehler.

Nobody remembers or cares about SNL or their cast members after the end of the past decade.

No one.

Just get a load of this lummox.


Will was the best part of the movie, besides the outtakes and some interview jokes.

Zach must have been really desperate shitting this bomb out. I dont think he gets many more chances after this.

Bill Hader has done plenty of work no one would even think about. And now hes got a couple actual films under his belt and Barry on HBO.

Kristen Wiig took a real shit dive but shes on her way back up.

Will Ferrell was truly a point in time type of comedian.. He came along when the genre was at the lowest of lows and then changed the landscape of comedy for the worse.. His influence of comedy is littered throughout the 00's and 10's.. But now his schtick is tired and that style of comedy is tired and he's not bankable anymore.

I think he's got acting talent and could transition into drama very well, which is probably what he'll do.. And sometime within the next 15 years he'll have a huge resurgence.. But as of now he's old news and irrelevant.

I havent minded his other roles. But whats gonna happen is hes gonna keep makin kid/family movies like Daddys Home to try and draw his fans out.

Just look at Elf. Kids today watch that and theyre like "its ok" while you have the Ferrell parent fans boasting as one of the best xmas movies made.

Plays the same character in everything he's in

Only time he was ever funny

I think HE got tired of doing the same thing over and over and it started to show towards the end. His best of snl and most of his movies up to step brothers are absolutely hilarious. He is a very funny guy that got worn out. Same as Sandler


he looks like he should be running for office

The Office was never funny


Sandler while having the same mannerisms atleast had differenct characters. His stuff started to turn when hed force his friends into the cast. And the Netflix deal gave him the chance phone it in.

Hed been better off just doing comedy that were produced by Happy Madison, like Stange Wilderness or Grandmas Boy

Lovable loser? Sandler is the same guy in every movie

Will Ferrell does a satanic ritual as “”””””comedy”””””””


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Cringe and dinguspilled

You have to suck a lot of jew cock to be 100 million dollar rich.

People who think he's funny baffle me.

I wonder where we fucked as a race.

Anchorman 2 was still hilarious. He was just on between two ferns movie and he was good.


what the frick?

What a palooka

>We don't talk about that one "serious" movie he did where he was an IRS agent
Stranger than Fiction was a fun movie with an interesting idea and some great moments.

It's all just a coincidence.

Attached: will ferrel.jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

oh he did everything with zero hesitation whatsoever, unlike jim carrey

Gosh dram, I love Will Farrell. Nothing went wrong.

whoa i didnt even notice that

jeez louise what a milksop, with an attitude like that you'll never amount to a hill of beans.