
Chopped Edition

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Why did Kirk always like touching other guys?

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Y'know /trek/, I have diabeetus. (taps box) These are m' testin' supplies. I check my blood sugar an' i check it offen. Liberty Medical makes sure I have what I need, when I need it, even out here in deep space. Liberty makes it easy with no paperwork, and your supplies are delivered right t' your transporter pad. So check your blood sugar as offen as y' should, and send a subspace message to Liberty. They can help ya live a better life.

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Because Kirk was gay, didn't you know? He's a gay icon!
>mfw all of this shit comes up if you search 'kirk and spock' on youtube in the top 10 videos

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Blessed Quaice poster

My gfs favorite Star Trek character is Neelix. She loves him.

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Fujoshits in the 70s who came up with slash fiction are the cancer of any fandom.

I always think she has a moustache in this one

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>Also in season six I remember thinking, "Holy shit, have we made Dukat almost *too* sympathetic a character?" The audience just went too far with it, as they are prone to do with certain villainous characters who suddenly become an almost, in some weird way, romantic figure for some people. Just because Marc Alaimo had a very firm sense of who that character was, didn't necessarily mean that it was the same character that we saw. He says, "Dukat is not a Nazi," and I would say, "Yeah, he is." "But that’s so one-dimensional." "No, it’s not." Dukat is a man to whom the ends justify the means. That’s the bottom line.

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>short hair

So what both you and Ira are saying is that Dukat did absolutely nothing wrong?


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Which one?

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Is your gf 2?

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The refit. The hull extensions add more stability to it I think.

She was cute, bros.

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The Excelsior design was a classic. The Ent-B just had a bunch of unnecessary blobs stuck on to look different and to get damaged in the movie.


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Dubs and Nog fucking dies

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I'm not in the mood.

>watching DS9 with my gf
>Dukat scene
>she bites her lip, crosses her legs and digs her fingernails into the sofa

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I agree. It looks more formidable.

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I would absolutely vote for Dukat.

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If you don't take your hand off of my thigh, you'll never post on Yea Forums again.

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>tfw you look hotter as a Cardassian

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I liked Voyager and no one can stop me.

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Not this.

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Time was not kind

Hmph, you humanoids and your "waifus". Huh, hmph

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I have both DST Excelsior and Enterprise-B, I just love the Excelsior class in general.
Pic isn't mine but you get the idea.

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goddamn TOS was shit

Patrician taste. Excelsior class is top tier.

>reee why dont they do muh modern kung fu flips this sucks lolllll bruh see the new marvel flick
You're going to love the new Picard show.

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Voyager was good at times, and bad at others, like any Trek series, even STD.

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Darmok and Jallad at tanagra

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Eaglemoss XL?

DS9 is by far the worst trek, every single character was fleshed out and interesting but the Dominion war is the low point of all star trek.

It's primarily about exploration and solving problems through interpersonal communication, and an overall vision of a quasi-utopian future society. I wanted to smash my fucking TV when it turned into "Hey, let's have a WAR. We'll make it all GRIMDARK and shit." I loved DS9 up until that point but then it definitely went down the shitter.

Pic related, is best Trek.

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best ship

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nice stunts bad camera work

Somehow the tiny saucer on top of the 50 mile long engineering hull doesn't look fucked up, and it looks sleek and beautiful from any angle.
Leonard Nimoy approved of the final design.

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No, Art Asylum/Diamond Select.
I don't have the Eaglemoss XL models - their Excelsior looks like shit (it was based off the halfassed model made for the VOY Sulu episode that was then turned into CG for DS9)

Sometimes, diplomacy fails despite an enlightened society's best efforts. Besides, your argument falls apart when you take into consideration that the Federation had been at war with the Klingons for decades and had been dealing with a cold war with the Romulans for presumably even longer.

War was always a part of the fabric of Star Trek and there is nothing wrong with a show focusing on it, as long as it showcases the realistic moral quandaries that a society like the Federation would face when fighting a determined and implacable enemy entirely uninterested in compromise.

You're wrong, user.

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It goes like this, in order of shit
JJ movies

TNG=DS9=VOY ( these are the only good, real, star trek that exists )

Didn't it have problems with Windows 3.11?

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You're wrong. Let me show you a real ranking, my friend.

Best of TOS > Best of DS9/TNG > Rest of DS9/TNG > VOY > Worst of TOS > ENT

STD doesn't even deserve to be on the list.

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it did

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That is real stunt work, zoomer fag. Stick to your green screen Marvel flicks.


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Quick rundown:
>USS Excelsior studio model is built in 1984 for The Search for Spock
>is modified slightly in 1991 for The Undiscovered Country (new bridge dome and shuttlebay)
>is modified again in 1994 for Generations (additional parts added to create the USS Enterprise-B, so that it becomes visually distinct)
>extra bits can't be removed from the model without damaging it
>VOY: Flashback comes into production (the one with Sulu in it)
>they contract Greg Jein to build a new Excelsior model in 5 minutes; it looks almost nothing like the original (engineering section is too narrow, the hull texture is too 24th century, registry font is all wrong, etc.)
>whatever, we're only gonna use this for one episode
>end up using it in DS9
>CG modellers use that model as a reference for when it shows up in DS9: Call to Arms
>forever inaccurate CG Excelsior model
>sent to toy and model companies as the default Excelsior template
>resulting in fucked up Eaglemoss models


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Excelsior>Enterprise B

Only for the vanilla Excelsior. Refit is fine.

Picard calls Wesley to the ready room. Data is present...

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why doesn't star trek have lightsabers?

Yeah, strangely enough the Enterprise-B models (normal and XL) are based off scans of the studio model. But both Excelsiors look like trash, being that they were based off the CG model.

Because the Klingon Bat'leth is a superior weapon

I am the most talented actor in the series and regularly gave new actors advice, support, and answered all of their questions. I played my character half deaf and you may forget that I am wearing prosthetics at times because my acting is so genuine.

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DS9 is great *because* it's about war. That paragon society of science an exploration you love so much? DS9 is all about the Federation and our cast of characters fighting to protect that!
It may be uncomfortable to deal with, but sorry user that's how the galaxy works. Sure, persue peace at all avenues but sometimes that literally cannot work.
To appreciate great episodes like Darmok, you also have to acknowledge that space is huge and full of wonder and terror at the same time. I can't understand how any trek fan can hate DS9, it addes nuance and acknowledges more than any other series that yes, we are capable of achieving "paradise" as many characters call the Federation, but we are also capable of losing it because we are fundamentally flawed creatures.

I feel like dismissing and hating DS9 displays a lack of maturity or excessive escapism while the other camp that loves DS9 and dismisses the rest (call them the hardcore "station fags") is overly edgy and cynical.
DS9 complements TNG because without the gritty realism of DS9, TNG and the rest feel like fantasy.

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I agree 100%. Armin is an incredibly based actor. I still can't believe he voiced Andrew Ryan in Bioshock, didn't even recognize him at all.

he gay. spock gay. pike, very gay and loving it. all of them are fucking. kirk is a power bottom.

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Can we talk about how great the Sovereign class is?

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>there are spiritual aliens living inside that wormhole
>this black starfleet captain in their messiah
DS9 is a fucking embarrassing taint on all of Star Trek and is by far the worst of them all, including Enterprise, including everything even the animated series

kirk is a bottom but you have to fight for it. wants to be dominated

I want to talk about my tng fanfic

What I don't get is why the Enterprise-C seems to be the only Ambassador class that was ever built.

Even during the Dominion war we see a bunch of Excelsiors and Mirandas but no Ambassadors. Or Nebulas too now that I think of it but at least we saw several of those throughout the franchise.

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Oops I mean Galaxy class

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So great I had to get one for myself.

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Overrated. Intrepid is the superiors class.

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>you know how I know you're gay

Are you actually going to make an argument about DS9 or just keep saying STATION SHOW BAD BLACK MAN BAD

Apparently the producers just didn't like the design. They never considered it to be used after it was the Yamaguchi in Data's Day.
My headcanon is that the Galaxy class replaced it.

I miss you

Actually I wanted to talk about my DS9 fanfic. Its based on the episode 'One Little Ship' but with an anal vore fetish plotline.

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Those are both valid reasons for not liking the show.

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Hey, I have that too, user. I think they made the hull too white. In the movies and the pic I showed it's regular Starfleet gray.

>not knowing how piss&shit operates by now
It's impossible to talk sense into him.

That doesn't change the fact that you're stupid and wrong. My understanding you is much more a function of my basic intelligence than your competence at communication.

these two were definitely fucking at least

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I piss & shit on ds9

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There's at least one Ambassador at Wolf 359 duting Emissary.


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>Coffee, Jamaican blend, double strong, double sweet.

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That's a flashback though

It's fine, makes it look regal than the Galaxy and actually in First Contact it looked noticeably whiter than the other Starfleet ships.

>Force Fields
Are these all synonyms for the same thing?

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She looks like she fucks alien guys

I thought it looked the best in Nemesis tbdesu

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Chief, this weed tastes replicated. Are you trying to fuck me over here? I I payed five bars of gold pressed latinum for this shit. I'm literally dying over here.

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Pretty much. But they all reserve different amounts of power for different things, I think. For example, the deflector is always active on like a low pulse to keep your basic smaller space debris away from the ship, whereas shields are more powerfully modulated to withstand energy weapons and whatnot.

will you pls post a passage?

did he really OD on weed? Is that why he is dying?

nah he had a kidney transplant some years back (not from alcohol like other midget actors, but it was a genetic disease) and apparently it's fucking him up again

Is Nog going to make it this time?

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imagine being wrapped in the strong but tender arms of Captain Pike as you speed across the universe, snuggling against his belly.
then he takes you into his ready room and fucks you hard against the desk from behind, mouthing at your neck while he strokes your sock green cock (cause you're an Orion slut)

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Nice, go on...

>should we send him money?

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>My understanding you is much more a function of my basic intelligence than your competence at communication.
You know how I know you're retarded?

The shuttle craft had indeed been shrunk down to a small fraction of its size, a girthy 10 inches to be precise. "We're just small enough to enter the Defiant through the septic exhaust!" Dax exclaimed as she set a course to enter the ship via the toilet in the Captain's private lavatory. It was at that moment that Captain Sisko realized that the Bajoran Shepard's pie he'd had for breakfast was not sitting well.....

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Ezra Miller as the Orion slave boy slut.

Thats pretty gay dude. Why are fags so attracted to Star Trek?

omg yes, perfect casting

Because he should have said far more?

Really wish I could draw because I want to see fanart of him in this outfit.

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Picard calls Wesley to the ready room. Data is present.
>Wesley you have violated the prime directive for the last time, it's time for some hard discipline.
Picard undoes his starfleet uniform as Wesley begins to cry.
Picard now fully nude reveals an erect 13 inch penis as he begins to walk up to Wesley.
Wesley runs for the door but is blocked by Data.
>Mr. Data restrain him.
Data grabs hold of Wesley and brings him to the floor.
Picard rips Wesley's pants off and spits on his exposed butthole as
Data looks on with intrique.
Picard amorously shouts out over and over as he begins to rape Wesleys ass.
Data begins to sing Che Gelida Manina to cover the screaming.
The rape only lasts for a few minutes but to Wesley it feels like an eternity.
A horrendous stench fills the ready room as Wesley farts out Picards penis along with a mixture of blood, feces, and semen.
Picard finished with his deed whispers into his ear.
>It's better to have loved and have lost, than never to have loved at all.

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>A horrendous stench fills the ready room as Wesley farts out Picards penis

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That's pretty gay dude. I don't remember so many fags liking Star Trek when it was actually on TV.

Shippers ruin every fanbase. Just ignore them, it's what everyone else does.

There's something very comfy and sad about voyager. It's top tier kino. I love the idea of a small group working together in hostile environments. Everything wants to kill you, and all you have is one another. Teamwork builds family. The way it ended was such a let down though.

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How was the Sovereign stardrive section supposed to operate without impulse engines?

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Too bad they're all insufferably annoying

That is not funny. It is not funny for a soft young boy to suffer like that. You will apologize to Wesley now!

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It had the potential to be something great, but they just weren't willing to commit to the premise.

Voyager is alright, at least it's not ds9

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Fuck off, DS9 is great.

Voyager is comfy.

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Instead of hating it for what it's not, love it for what it is. better than spacemall


I hope you're not too proud of yourself.

TNG = TOS Movies > TOS > DS9 = VOY > ENT > TNG Movies > JJ Movies = STD

this, it will always be this


Nog is dead


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Damn, boys. F.



RIP in peace

I thought nog suicided like 2 years ago wtf.


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He paper mooning forever now RIP


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RIP mini me

I was going to make a Nog's leg joke but I got nothing


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>he's reunited with his leg at last
Feel shitty even making the joke desu


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sticky when

RIP in peace, Nog.

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not now

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I'm about to make a big sticky if you know what I mean

>nog dies
>anons literally talking about huffing trois farts
we are a shameful community

make tribute sticky

To be honest, I'm very surprised people are being even this respectful. Kudos, /trek/, didn't know you had it in you.

>Well I sure as shit outrank him NOW

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>Aaron dies
>friends and family mourning
>nerds keeping sending you pictures of Aaron looking like this with Rest In Peace tribute text
It must be so bizarre for families when Trek actors pass away.

Who's the last big one that died

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New Chekov (during the first /trek/ tripfag war)
Spock (when /trek/ was created)

This lol

jake runs some trek fandom thing and his is the first tweet, i imagine they expect it

that sexy voice hnnnrrggg

I forgot about New Chekov, that was sad.

Sad days, sad days indeed.

The second tripfag war actually killed someone. Look what you've done, /trek/. This is on your hands

him and karl urban were the only two well cast

Here's to absent friends, /trek/, and all the ones we've lost along the way.
This was the first image I posted in one of the first /trek/s.

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What about the dude that ran over himself in his car that played the new sulu in the abrams movies?

There a very respectful thread also up. He was a well liked actor.

frickin' checked

That was the Chekov guy.

That was New Chekov (killed during the first /trek/ tripfag war)

Ira killed him, its his fault

not too many people noticed this one but I fucking loved Admiral Ross, RIP

no joke I used to jerk off to her voice watching the MiB cartoon

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No it was /trek/'s meme magic that made Ira kill him

imagine not getting health care money for being in Picard because you're too short and dieing.


When I think about Nog I hear the weird piercing aaaaAAAAAAAHHHH! scream when his leg gets blown up

we had a whole thread dedicated to him, we noticed

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I liked Nog more than Jake

don't try and shift the blame Ira we all saw it its your fault

We all did, user, we all did.

Seems Yea Forums likes him

RIP buddy.

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RIP greedy little monkey fella

said literally everyone always

this is why this general is eternally based

rip nog

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Rip Aron/Nog


BF killed him when she wished women were strong and all men were dead.

So we all agree that was BF in the thread earlier today upset when we said Kira wasn't strong? (she's not)

Damn just last week I started marathoning episodes pertaining to specific species or characters. So far I've only done Hirogen episodes from Voyager, Nog episodes, was in the middle of Odo episodes, and planned on doing O'Brien centric episodes from TNG/DS9 next. Hopefully I'm not cursing anyone.

kira was weak because she alowed her emotions to control her. Very easy to manipulate. As seen in just about every episode she was in.

my point exactly.

all penis must die

The Grim Reaper will claim two more before his work is done. Death always comes on threes.

What’s the essential Nog ep to watch in remembrance? It’s only a paper moon?

No that was just me baiting you, piss&shit. Forgive me.

That blue-bearded son of a bitch.

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>Death always comes on threes.
Three what? Actors? What about writers/producers? Over what period of time does the three count?


Fuck off, VF

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Three people always die. That's the rule.

siege of ar-558
little green men
in the cards
rocks and shoals
the one where he's trying to pass the exam, can't remember the name, lots more

single episode would be paper moon.

A good series would be.

The Jem'Hadar
Little Green Men
Empok Nor
The Magnificent Ferengi
The Siege of AR-558
Then finishe with paper moon

As Nog actually had a nice arc.

I might also watch the self sealing stem bolts one :’)

Over 100,000 people die every day.

No, please, not Nog. He was one of the best characters on the show and a real sport in real life.

RIP Sweet Nog ;_;

Attached: ar558_343.jpg (709x530, 384K)

in the cards, its great since it shows Nog is better but can still be a ferengi when the occasion calls for it

Three Trek people will die.


Voyager's Fair Haven was shot on Universal's "Little Europe" backlot.

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>the first reply
based Neognosis, the only namefag I ever agreed with

eat shit

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Did you even read the other five pages of true stories?


we'll see you, buddy.

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Harry Kim and Miles O'Brien will finally be put out of their misery.

Loved him on Something so Right.

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solo angel:
>Years ago when I worked in a Nursing Home in the kitchen, when 1 of the residance passed away it was no time that 2 more would pass away. Thats when I was told that death comes in 3's.

>It will start with one and then two and then three....then nothing for awhile....then, it starts all over again....and the trend continues on...a pattern maybe....

>if your a pagan, jew, muslim, athiest,catholic....ya..the spirits will murder you in 3's. It's demonic , the Holy Trinity..mocking Christ Jesus. (PS- non of those I have mentioned believe in Christ Jesus)


>it's a holodeck noir episode

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Why did TNG purposely cast unattractive women in main roles when they could have had this in every episode?

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Like a scientific explanation?

Mademoiselle X
>Unfortunately that's not just superstition it's true, my mother always sez if there is a death who will the other two be? Deaths in my experience have come in 3's. Happened to me in 2012 starting when my favourite cat slipped out the house @ got ran over, then my neighbour died, then my uncle died of a heart attack unnexpectedly all in the space of 8 months. It's that famous saying "trouble comes in three's".

>Good Luck is the Number 7 (This is also Biblical) - Perfection - The number of completion is 10 - Mathematically 7 from 10 is 3. That means bad luck - One less than perfect is 1 from 7 (mathematically being 7 - 1) = 6 - .And the devil is 666 (being one (1) less than perfect (7) =6 and then with bad luck 6 repeated 3 times.

>Hey, I know an athiest would giggle at this - but who cares!!!

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Fuck you

I don't know

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just, dont, dude

Two more to go.

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The reality is that

1. She was already booked on Dallas when they were casting TNG

2. Even if TNG was a big budget TV show for the time, the core actors were not expensive, as it was a 1st run syndication, and they didn't know how much $$$ they were getting.

3. Not everyone was agreeable to the workload TNG required, which was 26 episodes made in fast order with many 12-18 hour days, in costumes that in the first season were actually bad for actors health.

Yeah, compared to most television productions, Star Trek has always been considered a sweatshop.

>literally dyes his goatee blue
should be imprisoned at the center of the galaxy for all time for that alone.

I like it and don't even mind the ending that much. How should they have ended the show?

Too much of a good thing, yeah?
Pulaski > Crusher.
Wil Wheaton is a retard, but he was right about the Producer's treatment of Wesley. He was decent in the role and the character had potential to develop moreso than any Star Trek character before, but the writers fucked him over early and then gave up, so who could blame ol' Willy for giving up too?
TNG is overrated, despite having the strongest overall cast.
Deep Space Nine is a guilty pleasure and nothing else.
Voyager is a dumpster baby.
I want to fuck Tent'Pole.

I recall hearing that the cast loved it when there was a kid actor for a episode, as shooting would be limited by California labor laws.


I really like both Fair Haven episodes. Top tier holodeckino.

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holodeck's pathetic.

I can't believe he's fucking dead

Who, fren?

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You're going to outlive virtually all of your favorite actors. Come to grips with that otherwise it'll eat you up.

>/trek/ pretending Nog was more than a meme to them
you're all so fake

lighthearted, whimsical

He had the best arc in trek

I hate you.

Nice bait retard

use your brain. he's the ugliest child self insert character.

everyone has and always will like nog, wtf are you talking about? now if everyone started saying how much they like jake or weaton that would be disingenuous

That's bullshit. /trek/ always regarded Paper Meme as a bad episode.
>muh Vic Fontaine happy times
Get fucked. You're all posers.

maybe he means it?

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Is Kira a major on the space station or a major in the resistance?
Odo harrassed Quark for no reason. just because he did not like him.
What happend to christians and jews in startrek? Is religion gone??
Which ship is biggest?

Are tribbles intelligent, or are they like gerbles?
In TOS they meet Lincon in a chair in space. Do they meet famous people later in the show?
Is Kira in love with Odo?? He's so old!
Is sisco ever made to captain?? He is only commander and is the boss of a big station!
Can the hologram doctor go away from the hospital part of the ship or must he stay?
Is quark to busy for sex? He is all day at bar with nice girls but he only cares about money.
Why is kira never punished for helping criminals? She helps many escape and lies to Sisko. But never goes to jail or is fired.
Are founders the same as prophets? We only see the prophets have the crew's bodies. So what are they? Same?
Why are there 2 warp engines insted of 1 that has more power?
Is Troi psychic? How does she understand what people think??
Is the federation more like USA or like Europe?

not everything is a self insert, in fact not much is, where the fuck did this self insert shit start anyway?

no we haven't its just faggots like you who hate vic and ds9 in general

fuck off, seriously

Waste of dubs

None of you gave a shit about Aaron.

Nog would disagree with you.

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no you, seriously
>muh self insert shit
end your life, faggot

who said he was their favorite? are you retarded? he was well liked their is a difference freak

ds9 is

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>end your life, faggot
>are you retarded?
pls no means

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>well he wasn't actually anyone's favorite but we liked him.......
The last 100 mentions of Nog in the archive are either making fun of his leg episode or how he was always stealing things. He was a meme character.

don't be dumb


Yer gross

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basd goes back to archived threads-user

For You.

these threads are dominated by like the same 10 faggots half the time.
>dukat dindu nuffin. muh sexual organs. lol fat riker.

you have problems, he was a character, they all have memes you fucking retard

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>mallwalkers seething

we twy ur best to be fresh

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>you fucking retard

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>>Because Kirk was gay, didn't you know? He's a gay icon!

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>we never talked about Nog because of my imaginary boogeymen
Check for posts about Nog in the archive, faggot. Everyone here hates Nog.

kys retard

>anons saying "RIP NOG" like Nog was a real person
He was a character played by Aaron

>A horrendous stench fills the ready room as Wesley farts out Picards penis along with a mixture of blood, feces, and semen

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Mistaking memes for hate. We all like Nog since he went from a shitty kid to a good officer.

I never liked Nog really

Nog was an actual character with growth. Jake was a non-character.

>tv isnt real


We know.


>tfw you realize his spirit is still flying through space to get to heaven

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The real question is did Nog make a profit?

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make new thrread

baby brap

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Aron Eisenberg seemed like a really cool dude. I don't know if he was a crazy lefty or not but everything I heard from the guy off screen was positive and inspiring.

Rest in peace, Aron.


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make fucking new therads

I certainly liked Nog more than his Nog friend Jake.

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Calm. Down.

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the nig n' nog consortium, should've happened

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true, also jake wore bus seats and pretended they were clothes

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Iunno, I think I can kinda dig that style. It's better than the boring-as-fuck earth tone outfits that most of the TNG-era civilians wore.


I made mine first but got side tracked before I could link it.

I still think the bus seat wins

Attached: bus seat vs jake sisko.jpg (800x700, 95K)

Next thread should have been for Nog.

The hell were you thinking?

My thread is for Nog. What do you think "absent friends" means?

You are retarded

She had this huge goiter