300 is actually very good

300 is actually very good

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Snyder makes good capekino.

It's just a poor man's Immortals.

Attached: Henry Cavill Immortals.jpg (1600x1067, 212K)

It actually is not good, and op is a faggot




I hated it at first because i guess i expected a standard historical epic but then i learned to accept that it's capeshit but good.


It’s based

MMMMMMMMMMM thats bades




I don't get why people hate it. It's a very fun "FUCK YEAH WE CAN KICK ASS AND DO ANYTHING" action flick. Exciting, fun, and extremely pleasant to look at, as well as peak mid-2000s. What's to hate besides "NOOOOOOO ACTION BAD STOP BEING MASCULINE"

It's misogynist.

it's funny to see europeans slaughtering shitskins by the hundreds despite the film's flaws. imagine the butthurt if it was made today

The girls I know liked the queen in the movie.

t.low t cuck

t.low t cuck s.o.y boy


Attached: immortals.webm (1280x688, 2.87M)

If you’re anglo your ancestors were closer to Persians than Greeks fyi

i dont know about all that. just saying, how did snyder get away with it?

spartans are browner than p*rsians

keep your fantasy in other places, dumb poltard

You should know about all that

The gr*eks lost that war, faggot.

>tranny mentioning fantasy

Friendly reminder not to reply to disgusting tripfags.

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No they didn’t

>gay tranny poltard calling others tranny

holy fucking shit, kys ,go back to r9k or discord

>Error: You cannot delete posts this often.
well shit

greeks were MEDS BVLLS slaughtering the wh*toid aryan persians

>gay tranny tranny calling others tranny
holy fucking shit, kys, go back to r9k or discord

Attached: clash of the titans medusa.webm (640x360, 1.16M)

The sequel is not bad either although it feels a lot more cheaply made

Attached: Judi Bowker.jpg (640x546, 82K)

Hahahaha what the fuck is this

Greek mythology kino.

Attached: Henry Cavill Immortals-2.jpg (2400x1628, 231K)

the new god of war trailer


Hmm... I wonder what it could be?

I know it's Immortals you dipshit redditor, but why did a movie that came out four years after 300 somehow look worse?

300 came out at the height of the Iraq War.

Hating middle eastern people was a patriotic duty back then.

>but why did a movie that came out four years after 300 somehow look worse?

It looks perfectly fine and has aged well.

Lower budget and money grab. Only reason it was better than complete garbage was because Tarsem Singh saved it

didn't laugh

What do you want, a medal?

It's like he wanted to depict them in the gayest way possible. Weird stuff.

For you to go back

>It's like he wanted to depict them in the gayest way possible. Weird stuff.
chad's get it - if you can't be gay af with your bros, why even live?

Please tell me you aren't that idiotic? Spartans where darker than Persians. Especially if you are Anglo and not Latin you would have resembled a Persian.

>telling lies on the internet
Greeks were light brown, Persians were dark brown, get your facts straight

The story is told from the perspective of the sole Spartan survivor of Thermopalae, so it's over the top, not historically accurate and capeshit for a reason. Works for me I guess.