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Based and stonepilled

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What’s the comic creator’s name

His best work

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Pebble Throw? I can’t quite remember.

I don't get it

explain the joke

>Local special needs man believes corporations are capable of having goals other than making more money
Never fails to disappoint me with some new stupidity.

Rock Lob

I think it's supposed to be a shit way to hold a baby? Not really sure.

you have to be a Tim Buckley fan to find stonetoss funny

Boulder yeet

They do you retard

Gillete chose to fuck themselves over it



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Last panel was edited out, fags are holding a literal turd.

>Gillete chose to fuck themselves over it

The comic is cut off. Their baby is a big turd (cause they bum each other)

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It didn't actually hurt the bottom line

I think this one has a panel missing or some shit. As much as Redditors want to put down Stonetoss and call him literally Hitler, he's generally really good about visual punchlines.

this is fake news

They just tried to capitalize on a trend and it backfired. Business is a gamble.

>Why do people keep understanding the deliberate jab under my super clever and subtle words? "I said "It's okay to be white" they're not supposed to be able to figure out the deliberate implication that there is a notable movement suggesting it is not in fact okay to be white!
>Why are corporations so dumb, they keep doing these things again and again, why can't they understand that they're supposed to MAKE money when it's obvious this doesn't make them money, I can tell because of my expertise in marketing
>Jews killed Jesus

Chuck’s Fuck and Suck

>he's generally really good about visual punchlines.

>Punchline is literally "lol poop XD" as seen here

You need to have extremely low IQ to find this garbage funny.

Well, that's based and redpilled

Granite Cast

He's an actual racist tho

Slag chuck

dilate and the kill yourself

Its not a trend though,the ceo confused twitter and tumblr with real life

>it didn’t make money, therefore they must’ve had some other goal
Lots of movies bomb, dingus

first one is an edit. the original has a third panel where the baby is revealed to be a turd
second one is about corporate racemixing propaganda and that's the joke
third one is (rightfully) making fun of the term "judeo-christian" by pointing out that jews killed jesus and still hate him while christians follow jesus

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You guys are like babies. Time for some comics that are funny AND thought-provoking.

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op is butthurt and had to edit it out

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lanzamiento de piedra

bottoms clean out before anal so the top never even makes contact with poo. In what circumstance would a gay couple create a giant mound of shit, wrap it up in a blanket and carry it around like a baby? It doesn't even have a logical metaphor, it's just the most superficial form of object association without any thought put into it. At least when he makes fun of trans people the suicide statistics are relevant

jews killed jesus

And evangelicals are retarded

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you cant keep doing that you will strip your flora out and get sick

they raw dog that poop and get used to it

Are you saying you're not?

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Based bum baby visual gag.

>Whites deserve to be replaced in their countries and have their property forcibly seized
>It's Okay To Be White
>What the fuck you fucking racist, saying it's okay to be white is literally white supreeeeeemacy

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This but unironically

>actual racist tho

Low IQ subhuman retard detected.

Why, does he hate whites?

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It wouldn't be funny if they weren't sodomites. But they are.

>defending anal
>in 2019

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I unironically don't care

but this one makes the main guy the butt of the joke with his absurd overreaction

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Is it really a punchline if it's just an shocking reality?

His stuff isn't bad, it's just really simplistic. Political comics are almost always shit.

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Probably a parody one, leftists started making parodies

>you shouldn't eat donuts for breakfast
what an utter faggot

I jerk off to Brocollibutts all the time and honestly his bussy looks so pristine that it's as if he never took a shit once in his entire life

I'm straight btw

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Exactly, they do market research online. It’s a trend online.

>whites still exist in 2087
Good joke

Oh mah gawd

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I think his point is that sugar is bad for you which is based


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holy fucking based

everyone SHOULD have the write to blog on the internet you little fascist

jerk off to me instead

i dont get it

Then it's not market research it's plain incompetence

*sips brain fluid*

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He's an unapologetic Nazi

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this post reeks of reddit

he was making comics under this name before stonetoss
this guy isn't funny in the slightest

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What I'm saying is that he gets his punchlines across easily without resorting to WORDS WORDS WORDS. No one with anything higher than a room temp IQ ever goes "huh, what's the joke here?" with his comics. Plus, while his artstyle is pretty ugly and mediocre, it's real easy to make edits with.

WTF I love Stonetoss nao

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I like white people
Everyone else, not so much

they should have market researched men who buy mens razors and not what some blue check mark thought


I never did quite figure out how many layers of irony this parody was operating on

Which I guess makes it a work of art

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I dont like ST that much, but this one is true

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Sneed (dubs checked)

fuck niggers
fuck kikes
fuck spics
fuck fags
fuck jeets
fuck chinks
fuck trannies
and most of all



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Wormwood is much better than Stonetoss as a "le based and redpilled meme comic man" though

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what is his take here
you should be able to burn both

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formerly picked


This is just lazy leftist BS.....many people who are cancelled are not famous or semi famous celebs who can recover from cancel culture like in the panels shown.

>what is his take here
That saying "I hate Americans" gets you some old ghouls on Fox News complaining about you

But saying "I hate faggots" gets you put in jail

Me on the right.

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It's my god given right to own high-tech weaponry.


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but seriously if you have a job I don't know why you'd ever vote democrat


Can you explain this one? I've got a soft skull

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Holy shit I can't stop fucking laughing

fatass detected



Burning an American flag can have a multitude of different meanings that isnt an attack on any specific group

Burning an LGBT flag is explicitly saying "I hate gay people"

>We attacked this guy and attempted to ruin his life!!
>But see, we're actually the good guys tho!!!!!11

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Does the one in the hole not see the jackass throwing sand at it?


You literally just invented an argument he never made and then called him dumb. You have no idea what point he was making and yet still feel qualified to not only argue against it but to then feel smarter because of it. Unironically kill yourself

So they admit that their goal is to ruin the careers of anyone who doesn’t think like them, and they’re salty that it doesn’t work every single time.



Why should I not be allowed to say that I hate gay people?

Who are my words physically harming so bad that they should be illegal and on par with actual assault?

I want a laserzooka.

not reading, sorry

>Burning an American flag can have a multitude of different meanings
it means you're a commie muslim

this reveal made the joke even funnier:

Hate speech doesn't exist

I can smell the matzah wafting off this shitty comic.

>but also, like, definitely
I can't tell if this was actually made by a leftist or if it's sophisticated bait

why can't people say that?

Why does he draw ghosts with turds on their heads?

Sometimes they look like birds. Ducks without bills specificially.

>movie related thread is deleted
>this stays up

Hatred of entire groups of people simply for being different is generally agreed upon to be a bad thing

>without resorting to WORDS WORDS WORDS.
Notice how said edits from lefties trying to doing the message ends up amounting to WORDS WORDS WORDS. All you need to do is check out the antifastonetoss subreddit. The left cannot meme.


I guarantee you this artist is a fat obese homosexual pedophile. The guy rails way too hard against the gays.

>kikes and public teachers say its bad so its bad believe us

i really thought the left can't meme was just a meme but damn

No one has ever been arrested for burning a pride flag

But make up whatever fantasy scenario you want to justify hating people lmao

So homosexuals hate other homosexuals?

>stock is literally up a percent over last year

What did reality mean by this?

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>highly-paid column in a national publication
>internet blog
>same thing
Are you actually this retarded???????????????????????????????????????????????

>same as yours

Could not be further from the truth

>(((goals))) other than making more money
Whoa there cool it with the antisemitism!


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>NOOOOO you can make vocal vibrations communicating a thought, we need to make that set of vibrations illegal, wtf are you seriously writing those thoughts down in form of pictures jokes and text, we need to censor the internet YOU ARE HURTING THE BANKS ALGORITHMS

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>he doesn't know

But wasn't Jesus Jewish and he was killed by the Romans?


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>simply for being different
what about just hating them for being degenerate losers?

get shot tranny

you are what you hate. nice logic.

the internet is a world wide publication

what makes a paper publication so special?

jesus was a kike and was killed by kikes

Its almost as if the united states has something call protected classes

fucking LOL

unironically me


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When has this ever happened?

As a trans woman I’ve literally never had a bad experience with chick fil a and frankly they have only shown they are wonderful people. They have values just like anyone else. I still eat there and people freak out at me when they learn I still eat there

there is plenty of evidence of what I talk about here and plenty of supportive people! I honestly don’t care about their “corporate agenda” because they have shown that locally they employ good people who seek to do good, regardless of race, color, gender, or anything and the local managers are who actually are the face of the company reach out to the community in times of need like truly good people. They have never once made me feel uncomfortable ordering from them before. I’ve been to chick fil a in over 7 states and even in the south their stores have never once made me uncomfortable. They have been overwhelmingly kind despite other stores that are seemingly progressive being rude. I have been asked to leave an Aerie store in NY. Never in my life was I asked to leave a chick fil a.

Dave Chapelle

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The Roman's were jews too?

>As a trans woman
man that wears womens clothes*

it's like looking into a mirror

>As a trans woman

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Post legs

gillette doesn't have stocks

>McMichael claimed this post was a joke.

Anti civic nationalism I think

Basically saying once a nig comes to america they wont magically become white

Which is true but at the same time misses a bigger picture. If more immigrants were like nigerians this comic probably would have never been made. Nigerian immigrants are 4x more likely than us born blacks to get a college degree



They opened up one in downtown Toronto 3 weeks ago and there is a huge long ass lineup to it every single day. Of course the faggots protested it but no one gave a shit

Attached: chik-fil-a-protesters.jpg (780x439, 154K)

I didn’t know Ben Garison was so based and redpilled!

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>all those words
>has the gall to to imply the left can meme
lmao trannies

that was great

>As a trans woman

So, a man.

>Zyklon Ben makes a comic slurping Trump's dick as some super hero God-like figure
>next comic totally shits on someone Trump appointed as evil

Okay so who hired Jeff Sessions or John Bolton? You can't have it both ways.

slay queen

What about hating them for being 7x more likely to abuse a child than the rest of the population?


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user, Gilette didn't get fucked because of some retarded ad campaign. They're getting fucked because of shit like dollar shave club.


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Proctor and gamble dummy, and they reported Gillette had a percent increase over last year, keep in mind they are literally not allowed to lie about that



>As a trans woman

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The nigerians that come to the US are the cream of the crop, h1b and such.

>simply for being different
you really think that is the ONLY reason why they are hated?

"Liberals are the REAL racists!"


>commit arson of other people's property with the implicit intent of intimidation
>get arrested

>he doesn't want to fuck spiders

I mean if you spent all day talking about how gross spider sex was and obsessing over how spiders stick their dicks in each other ya i might think you are covering a spider fetish

Glad to know we can go back to these days

He was never “cancelled” like they’re claiming people are in the comic



And also usually richer

No, and yids killed jesus.

hopefully they donate more

All laws are inherently oppressive because they prevent people from exercising actions, so middle guy is correct.

>jews killed jesus

As a cis man, I have to ask you to post pictures of yourself bending over and showing off your nice fat ass

i thought about this, trump is just not a murderer. hes a real guy, a business world guy and never ever a murderer. he know life is real, he doesnt want to do war and hes been doing everything he can to stop it.

Proving that the color of someone's skin doesnt necessarily dictate their life, it can give an indication but a better predictor is if their family has money and sent their kids to school. Dont really care if a bunch of wealthy nigerians moved into my neighborhood, so long as they learned english and didnt play their shit music too loud. They probably value family and integrity and wouldnt steal packages off my front porch like my methhead white nigger neighbors

It takes a special kind of pathetic to whine about how people call stonetoss a nazi. Just fucking admit it, you're not fooling anyone and you just look like a coward for doing it. Retarded redditor tier white nationalists are killing the movement.

"If you ask a rabbi who killed Jesus, he'll blame the Romans. If you ask a Roman Catholic priest, he'll tell you it was the Jews. Personally, I've always suspected the blacks."

- Sarah Silverman, in a joke that she apologized for 10 years later

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Why has nobody mentioned that Trump turns into Bane in the future?


nobody spends all day doing that about homos.



or maybe he doesn't want disease vectors in his community

pic related

Attached: statistics-basics-new-infections-by-category-2015.png (619x517, 45K)

silverman is literally anti white

Have you been to /pol/?

"buuuhuuuu why do people call stonetoss a nazi ):::"
Trying to play the victim makes you look weak and means the jews win.

>Pissing people off by the virtue of existing and having your own opinions gives them a free pass to physically assault you.

shes kind of hot in a YIKES sort of way


Also helps having all those college race quotas and black only scholarships

No argument there. She just used to literally make jokes shitting on black people too, and recently she's revisited those jokes to apologize for them and promise never to tell them again.

>no source
Guess i can make a pie chart too and they we can have a pie chart party!

That's Immortan Joe

>They're getting fucked because of shit like dollar shave club.
Which has existed for a while, sure, but when Gilette decided to alienate their core audience, may looked for an alternative, and now they aren't coming back despite Gilette backtracking on their pandering because the alternative is not only cheaper, but superior and doesn't pander to trannies.

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have sex



all these replies and no one notices

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>Hatred of entire groups of people simply for being different is generally agreed upon to be a bad thing
That's not what "racism" means though. Being against affirmative action, for instance, is "racist" but it's rarely if ever based on racial hatred. If blacks form groups to beat up random white people, that's clearly based on racial hatred, but it's not "racism".
Also, there is no reason to believe stone toss hates any race.


He missed an opportunity to make the waitress brown

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That doesnt really factor into this topic, remember i said they are 4x MORE likely than native born blacks to get a college degree. Those native blacks have the same skin color advantage for quotas but arent even valuing education enough to take advantage like nigerians.

Obviously no quotas at all would be for the better but it has to say something about your group if you are pursuing education instead of being a porch monkey

note they remove the website name in every case, hilariously censorshippy.

Politics are gay. I just want to make a lot of money, eat delicious food, work out, read, play video games, watch movies, go jet skiing, and get a lot of hot pusy until I find a woman worth marrying and having kids with. Then I'll keep doing all the other shit minus getting the hot pusy, unless she doesn't mind me fucking around (Men having extramarital affairs is more dignified than when women do it).

He should be charged with destruction of property but he was charged with a hate crime as well. You’re moving the goal posts and you know it, faggot.

Oh my bad, read it wrong

Caths teach the jews opted to free a degenerate over jebus with their "get out of jail free" card.


Of course you have to make assumptions that those critical of homosexuality revolve their days around it, but other than your fantasy scenario, your argument has no legs to stand on.