ITT: Underrated KINO

ITT: Underrated KINO.

Attached: kinobunch.jpg (580x852, 81K)

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I did enjoy this movie as a kid, it's been ages since I've seen it. I believe the plot is about them losing their house for some reason and starting a pop band to make the money???

Orange County is based and I’ll fight anyone who disagrees

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Ok give me a time and place

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Whoa, there are 13 steps on those stairs. There are only 12 in the show. Are they giving us hidden messags?

In 45 minutes behind the Cinnabon. You know the one.

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caught this on tv at a motel a while ago. great movie

pure comedy kino
the goth chick was cute as well

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Mortal Kombat (1995) is actually very underrated.

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Billy Corgan looks hot

movie in OP came out in ‘95
the setting of the brady bunch is closer to ´95 than ´95 is to 2019

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I miss Mortal Kombat stuff having techno industrial music.

"Look at me like person! Look at me like a human boy!"

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You are the most based person on 4channel right now. Congrats.

He just wanted to go to Dinosaurworld..

Clockwise (1986).

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me and my fren cheered when he did his aerial kick

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Britfags leave.

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The show started in 1969 so not quite. But damn close.

First one was ok, this one sucked.
Or I could be talking about VHS3. Was there a 3? If so I remember that one sucking and not remembering much of 2.

This would be my greatest guilty pleasure if I felt the least bit guilty about loving the shit out of it.

You might be thinking of 3. 2 was the one with the first-person zombie one, the cult one, and the alien one.

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Yeah I don't remember any of that but I know I watched them all, my wife really liked these movies up until the third one. I still like the first one alright, may have to watch the second again.

Annoying bullshit

Honestly I find three more interesting than one. All one has going for it is the first segment and some interesting filming techniques in the later segments. Three is more shitty but has more interesting concepts and ambitions. It also has Bonestorm, which is kino.

This fan-edit of The Last Jedi is hilarious and actively improves on the film.

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what's Johnny doin out on a Tuesday night
Johnny can't read
Johnny can't write
Johnny just don't understand