We didn't deserve Terminator 3

>Kino crane chase.
>Kino ending.
>Predominantly practical effects instead of a CG orgy.
>Undoes T2's "Skynet can be stopped" nonsense that made absolutely no sense.
>Not afraid to poke fun at itself.
>Blood licking robot orgasms.
>John Connor being a washed up loser, beautifully foreshadowing Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi.

Attached: Terminator 3.jpg (1200x799, 224K)

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I think it will be a similar situation to the Star Wars prequels where they are initially disliked but are later recognized as kino

I've never understood why some people got so angry about Terminator 3 having jokes in it. Terminator 2 is full of insufferable "cool" 90s slang and John Connor is a giant turd, but everyone loves that movie. Not to mention people shit on Terminator 3 for being a rehash of the first two films when Terminator 2 is literally Terminator 1 but with extremely expensive special effects.

Terminator 3 is a great film with a fucking garbage ending

The jokes in it make it very marvel like and make the film too self aware; diminishing the seriousness of the first two films.

Just watch the openning of Terminator 2, it's treated with complete seriousness as if the movie wants to be high art instead of just some action movie


Also the ending is kinda shit. The way Arnold dies feels almost like he lost, rather than in T2 where the T1000 is destroyed and then The Terminator is lowered into molten metal and destroyed.

>it's an user tries to force his favorite bad movie into a cult classic episode

Say what you want, it has the most memorable ending of all the films.

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The ending is the worst part, it's such a shitshow, memorableness or quality of cinematography aside, it's just a piss poor ending

>most memorable ending of all the films
Which was actually a Smallville scene.

Attached: teen choice awards.webm (720x480, 268K)

I can't stand Nick Stahl. Furlong didn't look like a complete trainwreck yet when they filmed T3, so I don't understand why they didn't bring him back.
Without the terrible comedic relief this would be a really solid flick.

Learn to use semicolons; you look like a fool.

I'm surprised there are people who didn't like the ending. That was the best part IMO.

you didnt even mention that the female terminator was hot as fuck

>John’s fate is not really what he makes
>threat of suicide thwarted
>anger is more useful than despair


>Also the ending is kinda shit. The way Arnold dies feels almost like he lost
THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE MOVIE IS THAT HE LOSES. That's why it's an amazing ending.

Nah, it was a waste of an entry. It only reinforced that the futurewar was inevitable -- which the prior movies already made a point of.

It was, essentially, a soft remake of T2. If they had, had the balls to set it during the futurewar and done practical effects, then it would be something, but they played it safe.

>The jokes in it make it very marvel like and make the film too self aware; diminishing the seriousness of the first two films.
There's nothing wrong with being self aware. This movie predated Marvel films by years.
>Just watch the openning of Terminator 2, it's treated with complete seriousness as if the movie wants to be high art instead of just some action movie
We call that "being pretentious". Terminator 3 brings the series down to earth in a sense.

The original Terminator was not all grimdark like the second movie. It had extremely 80s outfits and hairdos and a very 80s sense of humour. Nobody pretended it was high art. Arnie himself referred to the movie as "some piece of shit" he was working on. The self-seriousness of Terminator wasn't really a thing until Terminator 2.

If they did away with 90% of the comedy, removed the silly sexualization of the "female" terminator (which makes it almost impossible to see it as intimidating), cast another actor to play the "male" terminator (I love Arnie's work generally but it makes no sense that Skynet would build multiple infiltrator units that look the same), and removed the coinidence of John Connor being childhood friends with a girl whose dad was part of Skynet's design... it would be a decent movie.

It annoys me that there still hasn't been a movie made set in the future war of the original nightmarish metal / laser / bluish nighttime / desperate guerilla war aesthetic. Salvation was such a disappointment.

>>Blood licking robot orgasms.



Playing Blood Dragon was enough to make me okay that there was never a proper Kyle Reese / T1 future standalone film

>It annoys me that there still hasn't been a movie made set in the future war of the original nightmarish metal / laser / bluish nighttime / desperate guerilla war aesthetic.
The new Terminator game is aiming for that aesthetic, and there's a moderately decent chance it'll turn out okay. It's apparently semi-open world, and until you get your hands on better weaponry you're forced to use hit and run tactics against the machines. Think like Homefront: The Revolution, except the terminators aren't pushovers like the KPA were.

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>>Undoes T2's "Skynet can be stopped" nonsense that made absolutely no sense.

as opposed to time travel which makes total sense

I don't get it, Vajna and Kassar were the only two with big enough balls to pull off Future War. But they stuck with present day?

A Battlefield game with a Terminator skin would be cool.

Either of you play Dawn of Fate? That was my favourite PS2 game

all in all T3 was a pretty good hand off to do future stories. salvation i think skipped too far ahead and didn't show how connor turned hardcore and gained his army.

People who are mad about it undoing the "no fate but what we make" idea are absolute brainlets, because T2 pushing that idea in the first place was nonsense. It doesn't explore what fate actually is or *why* it can or can't be changed to make the "we can change fate" trash compelling or interesting. Like, they're saying shit like, "We're going to change the future, FUCK fate!" and it's not really clear if fate actually exists or is actually preventing them from doing anything. It just doesn't explore the idea with enough depth to make me care. Hailee unrelated.

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It wasn't very good, but Terminator 3: War of the Machines was kinda in that vein. youtube.com/watch?v=Vcsi3a4xEJ0

the ending is great, fuck off with this disney ideal of every ending must be happy

The fact Terminator 2 completely eclipsed Terminator 1 is kinda annoying because stuff like "how does time travel work?" ended up being defined in the public mind by T2. Terminator 2, much like Aliens, makes a significant number of lore-raping changes that people brush off as no big deal because they like the film. But later films, regardless of quality, end up looked down upon for supposedly not being authentic.

it was Terminator scene first though

The funny sunglasses joke at the beginning of T3 must be the prototype for every quippy marvel joke

Something that annoys me is how the Terminator 2 remasters have a blue tint added that turns the purple plasma beams blue. The contrast between blue and purple was a huge part of the original aesthetic, and the remaster pisses all over it with blue cordial.

Similarly, the only version of Terminator 1 with good sounding gunshots is the original mono mix. All the stereo/5.1, etc mixes sound shitty because they used completely different gun sounds instead of the Dirty Harry ones. I dunno why James Cameron messed up the aesthetics of his movies so much.

Actually it was meta humor since the joke after T2 with his biker outfit he looked like a male stripper.

Zoomers don’t get that after T2 there was endless Terminator parodies.

How old are you? Be honest, im 28

>T2 is the same as T1

They're completely different tonally you fucking boob, not to mention the plot is also completely different except for a time traveler protecting someone from another time traveler, which is someone all the Terminator movies share except the one people probably hate most (T4 with Christian Bale).


That last 20 mins was literally the best part of the film.

T1 > T2

just think of it as more of a verhoeven take on the story and you can appreciate the humor etc - it's still possible to feel the bleakness. the fuckin reveal of the ending man..it hit me

>Undoes T2's "Skynet can be stopped" nonsense that made absolutely no sense.

I apparently forgot the ending.

>Furlong didn't look like a complete trainwreck yet when they filmed T3
He'd gone to rehab a year before they started shooting and his drug habits and partying were well known. Wouldn't have been able to get him insured.

Scratch that and reverse it.

Not only that but he was such a colossal douche that even Arnold couldn't stand him. And fucking Arnie is still friends with Tom Arnold.

The notion that you are able to influence your future is infinitely better than 'fuck it, what happens, happens'.

Funny I always though the exact opposite
The film was mostly unengaging but given the setup the ending was pretty strong and ballsy
Yeah I hate the idea that "Judgement Day" is inevitable in the Terminator franchise but I love that they had the ability to take the concept and lead it to its destination.
Salvation and Genisys only introduced more sequel bait with callbacks and soulless references.

In Terminator 1, time is a causality loop. John Connor is conceived by Kyle Reese. Judgement Day happens. Kyle Reese is sent back to save Sarah Connor and in the process conceive John Connor. This loop can't be broken. Everything that can happen has already happened.

Terminator 2 goes off on a bizarre tangent that heavily implies Judgement Day can be stopped. This doesn't fit at all.

Terminator 3's version of time travel says that Judgement Day must occur. The circle must complete. The rubber band can be stretched so that Judgement Day happens on a different date, or Skynet arises from a different organization. But the key events must happen in order to maintain the integrity of the loop. If Judgement Day does not occur, then John Connor doesn't send Kyle Reese back, and John Connor isn't born. Paradoxes are not allowed.

T1=T2>T3>>>>>>OH GOD WTF...

The idea that we can influence the future is more *appealing* than the idea that we can't. Basically, T2 was saying, "I *like the idea* that fate doesn't exist, so that must mean it doesn't exist!". That's different than if the film actually explored what fate was and whether it's likely or not that fate exists. That doesn't make for a good movie, but at least it's not retarded like what James Cameron made.

I get what youre saying. Being self
aware isnt necessarily bad, but in my opinion that glasses joke took me straight out of the movie. It just becomes a parody of itself at that point.

This is true, the moment they managed to stop judgement day JC would cease to exist and Sarah Connor would just be another slut waitress.

looking back, t3 was always gonna be shit.
I'd take 3 over anything that came after

6/10 movies become 3/10 when they are sequels to 9/10 movies.

It's the die hard 2 / jurassic park 3 of the Terminator movies
A professional copy of the original, soulless, weaker but still competently made. It's not an embarrassing mess and that's the best thing you can say about it.

I haven't seen the movie in a decade at the least, but I don't remember that shit at all.

>we never got our laser beam skeleton field Terminator war movie

it's not fair bros

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It became too jewish at that point.
>Produce T2 ending; with hope despite loss.
>T3 ending; just pure despair

Wow it’s opposite day

>This is what Salvation should've been
Ours truly is the worst timeline

T3 really needed to open with the future war as an intro for about 20 minutes, which T2 also planned to do but was scrapped due to budget issues, the new future timeline shown in the video games is pretty interesting & probably the best part of T3, but it's only talked about in passing

It would also help the audience understand it better, T3 is generally pretty confusing, you can see even cinema sins get some stuff wrong, namely they complain the T-X didn't act human enough like the T-1000, this isn't actually a plot hole, the future war in T3's timeline isn't over yet & Skynet shifted resources from creating infiltration units into the T-X to counter resistance reprogrammed T-800's, which makes perfect sense

know how i know youre a zoomer fag

sad but true

u have it backwards retard, it was in terminator first then they reused it in smallville in 04 because warner bros owned both at the time, still an odd move tho

I've read fucked up things about Edward Furlong, but I've never heard Arnie's perspective on him. Was this during the filming of Terminator 2 or after?

The observation that Terminator 2 is a bad and soulless version of Terminator 1 dates back to Terminator 2's release. It's amazing how Cameron took a gritty cyberpunk-esque movie and turned it into the world's most generic action film where the entire structure is:

VFX Action Scene
VFX Action Scene

Terminator 2 is the template for every action movie made since and this isn't a good film. It's a dreary formula compared to Terminator 1's sense of freshness.

>this isn't a good film

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>still an odd move tho
They spent a lot of money on that CGI and they were going to get their money's worth, damnit! Quite honestly I'm surprised that sort of thing doesn't happen more often.

What fucked up things? The craziest thing I know about was that time he got arrested for liberating some lobsters from a grocery store.

They rewrote the script to make John Connor a mess & Kat Brewster the new resistance leader, which makes me think they did resign the final script around Furlong being drug fucked, but ended up going with Stahl instead

Meant to say "film formula", not "film". Terminator 1 is a fresh, vibrant film that goes interesting places. Terminator 2 is a conspicuous formula with predictable beats.

Well, he beat several girlfriends multiple times.

I also just learned about this.

It's not Verhoeven like at all
Lol I was just watching an old t2 featurette where arnie was saying how great furlong was and how he loved hanging out with him off set, singing his praises to sell the 4k version
Man's a born bullshitter

"Your levity is good, it relieves tension and the fear of death."
