Let's settle this. How do you watch these?

Let's settle this. How do you watch these?
>Release order 4,5,6,1,2,3?
>Chronological 1,2,3,4,5,6?
>Flashback 4,5,1,2,3,6?

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>Chronological of course.

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The quality of the movies gets better and better going from Phantom Menace to Return of the Jedi (although Empire is the best). You pretend everything Disney has made doesn't exist, but that's without saying at this point.

>Flashback 4,5,1,2,3,6?
Who the fuck would watch it this way
That's the most retarded order I've ever seen

You're both objectively wrong. Watching with the Flashback method allows for a deeper tragedy narrative with Vader and ultimately boosts the quality of the films as a whole.

In what way is this not the best way to watch them ?

This. The real flashback order should be 4,1,5,2,3,6

Release order obviously.

just watch the original 3 and skip the rest

Chronological, including The Clone Wars for maximum payoff and kino

>b-but muh Vader reveal
-which you obviously know about, as does everyone who has ever heard of Star Wars. Lucas designed the PT to echo the OT while still working as an introduction to the universe for those who hadn't seen it, and he succeeded. Even if you think 4 is a better movie, I'd argue that 1 is just as good, if not better, as an introduction to the world and its characters.

And as for preserving twists, I'd argue the twists about Order 66, what happens to the Clones and the Jedi, ect, is must more exciting and better preserved when watching chronologically, than if you was to watch the OT first when you have more context to make some assumptions and piece things together early.

It's called the Machete order, some guy a few years ago wrote an essay that went viral arguing that the movies pay off better if you watch the PT as "flashbacks" before concluding the OT. I actually tried watching it that way once, regretably with someone who hadn't seen the movies before, and it didn't work as well as it was proposed in practice.

Don’t watch the. at all because this shitty fucking series needs to die already, how many fucking piece of shit threads can you have about this garbage series, like Jesus Christ. Everything about it has been said and done to death, let it die already.

>People still feel this way

Release order, obviously. Anyone arguing against it is autistic.

Flashback, then Zahn’s Thrawn Trilogy, then the rest of the pre-disney EU in whatever order suits you.

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3 - Solo - 1 - 2 - RO - 4 - 5 - 6 - THESE CAN BE SKIPPED ENTIRELY 7 - 8 - 9

Great idea.

>inb4 hurr dont watch the disney ones
This debate is pointless and literally outdated for about a decade if we're not including the Disney movies.

Star Wars movies are shit flicks with shittier writing and even shittier acting. Just watch the "I am your father" scene, Duel of the Fates, Obi-Wan vs Anakin and every scene with unmasked Kylo Ren.

4, 5, 6
That's it. Don't bother with anything else. If you 100% absolutely have to watch every star wars movie, then just watch them in release order.

>It's called the Machete order, some guy a few years ago wrote an essay that went viral arguing that the movies pay off better if you watch the PT as "flashbacks" before concluding the OT. I actually tried watching it that way once, regretably with someone who hadn't seen the movies before, and it didn't work as well as it was proposed in practice.
The problem with every proposed viewing order is that the prequels bring nothing to the table and will reduce your enjoyment of the whole series no matter what order you watch them in

Rogue 1, 4, 5, 6
Everything else should be ignored

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The problem that people have with the prequels is that they're about politics of the Galaxy and not completely about muh pew pew space samurai.

1,2,4,5,6,3 here.

It's an objectively good series, fag

Watch the original trilogy. If you think it was a nice story with a satisfactory conclusion, don't watch anything else.

But what if you'd like to know a little more about Darth Vader?, Where did he come from?, Who's Luke's mom?, What about The Emperor?, then watch the Prequels.

You can watch Rogue One as a bonus, because it's the only thing made by Disney that feels like a real Star Wars movie.

Avoid everything else.

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>But what if you'd like to know a little more about Darth Vader?, Where did he come from?, Who's Luke's mom?, What about The Emperor?
the prequels have incredibly disappointing answers to every one of these questions (except maybe The Emperor and that's just because of Ian McDiarmid's performance)

Only Phantom, the obi wan detective arc from AotC, and RotS.

4,5,6 4,5,6 4,5,6
Only acceptable answer

>Young Carrie Fisher masturbating as Princess Leia [DeepFake]


i watched star wars for the first time in 2006 and I watched 1,2,3,4,5,6
but the correct way is 4-6,1-3

>All the plebs in this fucking thread.

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4, 5, 6
That's it. Go read the old novels and Dark Horse comics


You watch them in release order and you stop at when Return of the Jedi ends.

Release. The prequels rely on the original trilogy' events and its outcome quite a bit with how it handles tension. The "Flashback" method mostly preserves this, I guess, but I think it just disrupts more than anything else.

Flashback is the superior method by far. What needs establishing is done in 4 and 5 perfectly setting up 1 2 and 3 and then 6 wraps it all up with Anakin meeting his fate at the hands of destiny itself.

Release order is the only correct order. Otherwise story callbacks and references make no sense and are pointless.

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4 5 6. Then maybe 7 if I'm in the mood but probably not.

The more I read this thread I am almost certain no one has tried to form their own opinion on the prequels.

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5 if I feel like watching a good Star Wars movie.
4 if I feel like watching a fun movie.

I don’t watch any of the other ones.

For me, it's
1 4 5 2 3 6 anthology movies and whatever other supplementary stuff 7 8 9

>Anakin meeting his fate at the hands of destiny itself.
This was always stupid, I feel. Bloating his sacrifice with a tacked-on prophecy was needless.

I'm going to give this a try tomorrow.

>reading Richard III
Kill yourself

different order everytime. ive done nearly a dozen watchthrews each a different order. you do it enough times and the whole experience lends to whatever of georges epic mirroring stuff is actually real

Chronological for sure

Release order for first watch.
Chronological for subsequent watches.

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>Select episodes of the Clone Wars; skip all filler episodes
>Episode 3
>Fan edit of battle scene in Rogue One that cuts out the main character parts so it's only the land battle, space battle, and Vader part
>Episode 4
>Episode 5
>Episode 6
Honestly, and this is being unbiased, just ignore episode 1,2,7,8 and upcoming 9. They're all unnecessary.


>CLONE WARS (2003)

That's it. If you like what you saw, there is more of it. Much more.

Hear me out on this one: A New Hope feels much richer thematically if you watch it after Revenge of the Sith.

Gen X fogey

The usual Yea Forums posts on the prequels: "THEY'RE TERRIBLE" vs "THEY'RE MASTERPIECES", with no in between.

Films took a serious dip in quality after that so don't bother with the rest

Personally, I watch Flashback, although I include RO and remove I and II. But I would suggest anyone watching for the first time to do regular flashback or release order.

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then cry a lot.


Nonsense order:

Brain aneurysm Order:

Release order or chronological. Flashback is fucking retarded. "Hey, let's interrupt the story and watch three fucking movies before getting to how this one ends." The only way it could really work is if you just went 4 5 3 6, but then you're skipping 1 and 2. Just watch them normally.

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Then you can skip the rest because they suck.

4, 5, then you stop watching.

I watched 4 5 3 6 with my boomer mother and it worked out really well.

Start with not watching 1. Watch 4, 5 then jump to 2, 3.
Finish with 6.