How long until we get Cap back?
How long until we get Cap back?
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Fake news.
Unironically who cares? I enjoyed the MCU, but if its reign is over, then it's over. Why do you care about this?
cosmicbooknews is not cute
the rumour is they were going to pair up captain marvel with spiderman to prop her up, but now that spidey is out those plans are being scrapped and they dont know what to do with brie yet
just make her work with iron ma-
captain amer-
If anything Captain Marvel is what Disney want's the future of the MCU to be based off. This is fucking fake or from some alternate universe where morons didn't destroy Hollywood with politics.
>movie made $1.2 billion with a z list hero no one had heard of before
>Disney wants to immediately fire their lead
incels actually believe this LMAO
Good. The movie is generic shit anyway.
They should just throw her in the trash
They could hire a good writing team, make the tone of the movie closer to that of the initial MCU original phases and have anyone with a progressive opinion they got from twitter gagged and thrown off set out of a moving car.
Disney lied about the money it made.
>We Got This Covered
>Cosmic Book News
As much as I want it to be true it probably isn't
we all knew they bought their own tickets
I like this idea. They should have a line like that in the movie. Feels just like Phase 1 or 2.
disney actually forced brie to buy all the tickets. brie is not solvent
I've just watched Captain Marvel for the first time. Why did Brie play the character as being instantly unlikable?
Captain Marvel is borderline a copy of Thor 1 what the fuck are you talking about you utter twit.
>the YouTuber claims
>we got this covered dot com
>is borderline a copy of Thor 1
I forgot how the Frost Giants were nice people and the true antagonists did not show up until the last 10 minutes of the movie.
On and they way Thor interacted with that cat, hilarious. Really an empowering movie.
Off yourself.
They lost confidence after Captain Marvel made over a billion dollars? It's almost as if... they paid themselves.
>Why did Brie play the character as being instantly unlikable?
Try watch Endgame then.
She's straight up mary sue cunt who does as she pleases.
They paid them too much (read as fair amount) so now they don't have to come back or ever work again.
She is utterly unlikeable.
Just cannot admit you lost to Brie, and fucked up your Rotten Tomatoes audience soapbox while doing it.
I gave Captain Marvel a fair shot, but she is not likeable. I remember Jude Law more than I remember her from that movie.
But the Youtuber got it directly from his friend who's Dad works at Disney!
I forgot how they're not both movies about spacefaring people who come to earth resulting in a bunch of quirky culture shocks while teaming up with earthlings who they initially consider backwards fuckups but are actually quite competent and good people and are betrayed by someone they're extremely close with
You first shithead, guarantee your dishonest ass is the first to shriek about how Star Wars episode 7 and 8 are just ripping off episodes 4 and 5. Don't get pissy with me because the big bad sjw lady movie is the same damn thing as big buff aryan dude movie.
so movie Captain Marvel is the most comic accurate movie version of a character Carol can't carry anything by herself in the comics either
Did anyone else's theaters laugh and applaud when this happened in Endgame?
I thought it was great too but it was weird that there would be so much positive audience reaction to a villain mauling a hero
Honestly Thanos just punches people in a really satisfying, weighted way. There was a shocked/impressed reaction when he throw fucking haymakers on Iron Man and Cap in Infinity War, too.
They really are fucked without RDJ aren't they
Just use Deadpool instead.
Embarrassing edit
Fucking weird because every time I try to remember what this movie was about all I can remember is Jude law.
One good movie is made by Hollywood every year. Maybe two. Sometimes it's one every other year. They could make two Captain Marvel films per year and it wouldn't change anything.
>make the tone of the movie closer to that of the initial MCU original phases
They can't do that anymore. She just helped defeat Thanos and helped save the universe. You can't just casually have an "Iron Man 2" after this happened.
It's a repost of a Matt McGloin article from yesterday. He's the mong behind which was pretty much the site being the sole provider of all the anti-Brie and anti-Captain Marvel stuff from the last few years.
Meanwhile we've got people on this board (still) trying to push his stuff as genuine news articles. The state of modern Yea Forums...
They were going to have a 30 year old women bang a teenager still in high school?
Why would anyone applaud something in a movie?
Reaching much...
Just pair her up with Black Panther to maximize the woke dollars
brie larson is insufferable
It’s just commonsense that Captain Marvel didn’t pull the numbers they “released” that it did.
Capeshit is aimed primarily at males, just like video games and it’s obvious why this is...
It’s the same reason romance novels are aimed at females and the reason the protagonist are generally female.
I’ll also add that my mother who is a feminist is very different to the feminist of today. In her own words “feminism was used to empower women, today it’s used to pull men down. That’s not equality, that’s a handicap to level the field”.
I hate when they say that.
I watched Captain Marvel, it was shit, stopped at half of it. They didn't introduce her, to present her as already a self-proclaimed hero but that's just silly, especially as a character the great audience doesn't know. Plus her acting is stiff, she has no personnality whatsoever.
She is just a boring unlikable character.
>incels actually believe this LMAO
wtf i love capeshit now
Well i think we hang on to Jude Law because he seems to be the only decent actor in this film. At least he tries. Samuel L Jackson too. But she is just like "i can do this with the suit on and a smirk, i don't need any other skills"? Fuck her.
Movie Deadpool is a huge fucking soiboy though.
The real worst case scenario though, would be them rushing to cast Wolverine to use HIM to prop up Carol. Or Rogue or Mystique....
Wasn’t Captain Marvel just created to piss off DC?
Isn’t the reason DC released A Shazam movie around the same time as captain marvel.
>Or Rogue or Mystique....
Mystique isn't liked because people don't like Jennifer Lawrence.
Rogue isn't that widely known by average people either, not to the extent of being a drawcard anyway. Plus the people that like and want Rogue aren't going to get a white, green eyed, redheaded southern belle with Disney in charge either.
DC are the ones pissed off since Marvel did the Iron man film. Since then they are like "grrr i wish i made a movie as successfull as all the Phases they pull out."
Didn't Shazam tank miserably? I didn't care at all about that one.
I hate Brie Larson because she's dumber an me and I'm pretty sure more people on this board would fuck me rather than her.and I'm not even pretty
>The first woman on Yea Forums
Shazam made it's money back and a bit extra, but it had a low budget. So it was a huge hit by DC's standards compared to the abortions that were the Snyder raping of Superman, Batman, and JLA.
Your post defeats what you're saying.
And yet are they planning a sequel? No one cares.
There's a lot. Just never gonna reveal it cause then guys just try to get cute or trashy after knowing it.
put 'em on the glass bitches
You dumb motherfuckers, you do know they're going to have their cake and eat it too, right? They're making those movies, those "what if" movies, entire alternate timelines where X happened instead of Y, or That Guy died when This Girl should have died. They're going to keep Steve Rogers as Cap and Hemsworth as Thor FOREVER.
Based attention whore
God I'm so fucking tired of capeshit I just want it to end please god aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
This. Get her nice and blacked and say the strongest and smartest characters are now an official item in the MCU. That will get people flocking to the theaters.
It lost money. That’s just raw ticket sales figures you’re quoting, before the theater takes its cut, and before the marketing budget is paid for.
Disney was literally buying up whole theaters worth of tickets, people posted photos of “sold out” shows where ten percent of the seats had bodies in them. The People’s Republic of China issued an official statement lambasting Disney for this trick.
Seriously if it made a billion dollars another one would be coming out by Christmas.
Yep, people cheered at that moment for me.
She has no stories
Chris Evans is officially out of the MCU. He doesn't give a fuck
>They were going to have a 30 year old women bang a teenager still in high school?
Only way I was gonna watch one of these movies is if that relationship happened. Now they will just black her like suggests.
The part in IW where he pulls Spiderman's web and hits him in the neck is so satisfying
>beautifully black cast
Unironically this. It's not as conspiracy-like as it sounds. You have to realize that the stock drop from a failed movie actually means less profits than the actual movie bombing. Pulling a billion out of your ass to make the movie successful is better than the 5 billion you'd lose from capitalist investors that hate woke shit. Companies do this all the time.
Captain Marvel wasn't really successful, only on paper where they did jew shenaningans.
The real story will be known when you look at home video sales in say, 3-5 years.
Checked. You go girl!
Just hurry up with bringing the xmen over so a big booty Rogue can steal her powers
There's really not much they can do.
I'm actually surprised RDJ agreed to come back. Is it still in his contract?
what if
now hear me out disney
what if
-bear with me-
what if you made a female action hero
just hold on
what if you made a female action hero that is actually well written and believable and likable and has to earn her skills and face actual challenges and adversity instead of a stuck up mary sue cunt that is powerful just because she's a woman and can never lose?
All the good writers left hollywood and studios now make every movie have a team of 10 writers and 3 directors.
Why would they lose confidence on it? Didn't it rake 1.4 billion?
Simply having one successful movie isn't really enough from Disney's point of view. If Captain Marvel is meant to the lead, she has to have a lot of appeal and fans otherwise she can end up shitting up the entire franchise. Disney tracks Larson's and Captain Marvel's social media mentions and uses focus groups to see how people think about both. If everyone says "Yeah the movie was cool and all but this is like a B-list character at best" the character isn't going to end up being the lead.
Umm that was box office sales sweaty. Not profits.
Captain Marvel didn’t make Disney one red cent.
I can't wait to watch a documentary in 10 years calling this period in disney, with data showing major loss in revenue in merchandise and major investments that didn't pan out.
Why do the normies hate based brie?
Is it because she's white?
the mcu would have become ss kino
fuck sony
They will do their best to cover it all up. Shareholders would have solid ground to sue if they realized the fraud Disney is engaged in.
How would Cp.Marvel and Spooderman even work together? Would she just drag him around like a boytoy for /ss/ purposes? Because Carol clearly doesn't need some web-slinging faggots help in combat
>these faggots thought Captain Ma'am would replace Spidey as the MCU leader
I love you Sony
loving every second
He probably got so good of a deal, he couldn't refuse.
>telling women to work and earn their power
Ugh, sounds like white supremacy to me, you bigot
Oh yeah that chemistry they had in endgame was great.
supposedly the actual cameo is made out of splicing up deleted cut scenes and stock footage from Civil War, CGI and ADR
I still don't get why they cut her hair in Endgame.
so she can look less like a woman
Yeah I heard a couple of laughs in my camrip.
She doesn't pair well with Hulk, Thor or Dr. Strange either. I think they could only slide her into Guardians; have her go up against Galactus or Silver Surfer.
she's a stronk independent womyn... but these movies work on chemistry between the leads and she has none with nobody because she's a cunt
cap has natasha and falcon and bucky
tony has pepper and happy and peter
the guardians are a group
she's too good to hang out with anyone and therefore nobody wants to watch her
Who the fuck wants to see a movie about a normal human who isn't Batman?
>l-look at all the money we made
>real money?
>I don't want to talk about it
That would be fucking gay (in the 1990's sense of the phrase,"fucking gay").
They should have had her fuck a woman if they gave her that gay ass haircut...
They found out she's a coalburner.
I dunno, guy. The height of Hollywood Jews' creativity is in how they do their books. That, and one of the biggest lines of profit for these kiddie flicks is merchandizing. I still see Iron Man shit everywhere.
>according to youtuber rumor
Why does news do this shit? They do they same shit with political news. "Oh, someone who sat next to Trump once thinks he's going to do this, better write an article about that hot take like it's a fact." It's all so tiresome.
I agree with you.
But i think news feed off everything that can buzz enough, so it doesn't matter if it's a rumour, a fact or a joke someone said in a bar.
every briefag is whiteknighting a mudshark
the cvck meme was real
If you have long hair and are not a brawling man-like woman, I guarantee you that you are more fuckable than that stupid dyke marvel wench
You really think it's true and she's not just pandering to negroes? Her dating history only shows three white fuccbois
>they were going to pair up captain marvel with spiderman
That could have actually worked.
they should make a movie about captain marvel doing yoga for two hours to beat some yoga aliens
they could get brie a stunt ass or a prosthetic ass but this would 100% save marvel
It really couldn't. All of you only say this because it made your willy tingle at the thought of /ss/ inspired by one shitty line.
The only good thing she have ever done is being Envy in Scott Pilgrim, and that's not completely "good".
How is this a bad thing?
Fucking weeb shit, no idea what this means.
pretty much confirms that they bought tickets otherwise they wouldnt have to worry about a billion dollar franchise
probably did it so that the fox merger would go through
>Disney's confidence in Captain Marvel is so low that they wanted to make Spider-Man her sidekick so that people would like her
>she was going to bust Spider-mans balls and emasculate for laughs him so that everyone could see how much cooler Captain Marvel is
>Sony divorce happens
This timeline isn't so bad.
Phase 4 is all about destruction
Hahaha no. Have sex incel
I'm only a bit sad about spiderman himself. But the fact that Captain Dyke got fucked because of it is both satisfying and ridiculous.
Imagine making a character so bad that you don't only need to make excuses to keep her away from your big movie and give her one of the most recognizable and loved characters of the franchise, but her whole popularity would depend on it.
>Didn't draw Valkyrie and Captain Marvel's manjaw
>Didn't draw Shuri, Gamora and Okoye's baboon nose
>Didn't draw Pepper's post-wall face
Very objectifying.
>I think they could only slide her into Guardians
>-11 points
It's not racist if it's true
All the incel triggeridoos are out again, time to advise them to have sex
>All the incel triggeridoos are out again, time to advise them to have sex
>unlike incels, I watched Captain Marvel in theaters and was immediately rewarded with sex!
Trannies have the most difficulty finding sex partners, even more than the disabled. Trannies are, in reality, the biggest incels. And it’s all a choice.
I`m never having sex with you, tranniedoo!
selling all my Disney stocks right fucking now
Captain Fungus unironically would have ruined MCU Spider-Man for me. Glad he's out now.
Some sources would be nice
>Manvers made 1 billion+
>KANGZ made 1 billion+
>Manvers+KANGZ = 2 billion+
Captain Marvel vs Black Panther: Age of Progress featuring AI RDJ when?
The middle one is absolutely based
Why can't you people just accept the fact that the movie made money?
Home video sales don't matter anymore, we live in a age of streaming now.
That was their park division not money
>made 1 billion
More like made up lol
they would just put her in a movie with thor
she plays the serious character hes the bumbling oaf
if they made so much money then why are they dumping her?