nigga be looking at me
Why do blacks ruin literally every place they go to?
>Once Upon a Time (2019)
The way he looked at the camera was pure KINOGRAPHY
bad form grasshopper
Dumb nurse cunt starts grabbing at the cop
he doesn't want a gunned down darky in his waiting room
that goofy lanklet ate that punch like it was nothing, nigs are pathetic.
uhhhh did she just use the n word?
uhh can you not tell she is also black
This. That chink should have been one-punch kayoed. Instead, we got comedy LMAO
Do African Americans really attack you if you look at them?
How do I get that skinny 70s aesthetic?
tape worms, bone extensions and a bad haircut
Lmao why do blacks literally always btfo other races in fights? Pathetic.
because they sucker punch every time
the cop was reaching for his gun, ain't nobody time to clean brains in the waiting room
Yeah cause the chink in this video go lt sucker punched. Lmao cope harder
It's idiomatic, foo.
So the meme about black women getting riced is true?
>why do savage animals act so savagely
Weird, huh?
he literally did its at 0:30 for your low IQ nigger brain
>Sedate the nigga
>I got this shit on tape
>Nigga right dea sedate him
Based sassy black woman!
What? Speak English, nigger.
>couldn't phase the goofiest china man you ever seen when he was sitting down and had his hands up stretching
>got slammed by a fucking male nurse
>is going to go to prison for assault where he will be low on the totem pole because he cant fight for shit and he's a manlet
not sure i would call this a victory
Other races stop fighting after highschool?
>h..he beat me up because he is a savage animal
>Lmao why do blacks literally always btfo other races in fights?
Blackie is arrested in the end so I guess society btfos blacks.
Are you new to black people?
>Who wants a taste of my Kulong C
>Ho ha ho ha hoo chi chi
I can't make out what they're saying at the beginning. Why did the black gentleman want to fight him?
>be in verbal confrontation
>other person literally stands up to get in my face
>"h..he sucker punched me i swear"
Nah bitch you should have seen that one coming. Using this pussy logic anyone who swings first in a fight is sucker punching.
>get btfo
>bitch about a typo
Just look at the asian fella ffs, do you think he could fight anyone?
Me either. Im actually genuinely curious. Sounds like the asian guy talking. Also if anyone thought that fight would go any different than the asian twink getting btfo they are delusional
Watch the video and then tell me that running up to someone and suddenly throwing a punch isn't a "sucker punch".
You are so fucking stupid LMAO
>[monkey noises intensify]
he looks like he had some wrestling moves, that's why he was trying to bait the ape
>Why did the black gentleman want to fight him?
Because he looked at him. Locking eyes is an act of aggression that must be resolved with combat. Unfortunately our asian friend didn't get the memo.
They sucker punch and they pick on people that can clearly not defend themselves. When I was a kid nigs would pick on me. When I bulked up in highschool they stopped. I wonder why.
He stood up after he got sucker punched you blind dumb nigger.
I think we saw a different video, this one ended with a white chad bodyslamming a nigger before officer Truong Phunog Guitierez-Jimenez cuffed the dindu.
you can't tell me that the sight of this chink doesn't make you want to chokeslam him into concrete
>starting a fight right in front of a police officer
niggers really are fucking braindead huh
Are you serious? There is a whole fucking minute of them jawing back and forth. And then the dude gets up and there is like 10 secs before he clocks that chink. Plenty of time to react, but instead the dumb ass slant eyes just puts his hands in the air like he is stretching, just asking to get his jaw rocked. Cry more about sucker punches retard.
>being this btfo
>that one black guy in this thread trying to take up fo his kang
Why did Kanye attack Asian John Lennon?
>sedate the nigga
holy fucking shit lmao
I don't recall seeing much if any security in my canada ERs, I guess you need the monkey patrol in the USA?
Alien gangly Asian Trevor looking ass
Not that user but he has a point. They were CLEARLY in a confrontation. The idiot sits right across from him and that nog got up and was in his face for like a good second or two before he swung. Like i get watching it, its all pretty quick. But everything happens fast in a fight. That was more than enough time to react. Guy should have seen it coming. Instead he was acting like he was stretching or some shit.
What is this aesthetic called
Not all of us are white incels or fucking niggers so no, baby boy. If the sight of an Asian moves you to violence then you are just gay for Asian cock lol
And why would you pick a fight with an Asian? How much more of your country do you want them to own? LMAO
You can't just hit people. That is not how adults resolve conflict.
Meme magic is real.
of course not, it's pistol dueling or sabers
Based YouTube comments
My dude stands up at 28 seconds and doesnt clock that asian unt 31 seconds. Plenty of time to react. And this is ignoring the fact that obviously it had escalated and the guy was telling the Asian to square up and was already getting ready to get out of his own chair. So nah that bitch should have been ready. But keep crying about a sucker punch as if that dude stood a chance otherwise. Ching Chong didn't really want any.
Like you guys, getting into fistfights in front of police officers in hospitals is a common occurrence for me, so I'm prepared for a situation like that and wouldn't go out like no punk bitch.
>ooh ooh ah ah
>he has a point
No he doesn't. The nigger literally runs up and throws a punch without warning. Before that, they were simply arguing and there was zero posturing. This wasn't two guys in each other faces. They were talking across a distance when the nigger runs up and throws a punch. That is literally a sucker punch. Stop defending the chimp and go watch interracial porn you C U C K
No, he's feeble and clearly suffers from a deformity, which makes me feel a emotion called pity.
>you called me out
>I called you out?
t. Xi Ling Ho
You are correct. But no one accused niggers of being intelligent adults. Im just saying to pretend like the asian guy just got unfairly sucker punched isnt exactly the truth.
Get sedated
He relaxed
Think for a second Tyrone, this is in the middle of an ER, not a playground.
If you listen close you can hear the fingernails clacking against the phone. I'm not sure but think she did the triangle snap with the other hand off frame.
>he was staring at me he wouldn't stop staring at me i dindu nuddin
>sedate the nigga
never relax
He probably didn't react because he would assume the black dude wasn't retarded enough to actually swing and start a fight in a fucking HOSPITAL ROOM.
>Everybody in the phone book named chang
>wanna see mah wang?
> Weave off at :50.
Every time.
Can’t tell if he’s a gook, self hating white cuck or a Jew
Either way I wonder how long you’ll last when all the cuck posters get their info leaked
I can’t stop laughing at the way this dude looks
I got some kino for you
skip to 2:40
>the asian emo scarecrow was sitting down and his hands werent up
>more importantly....who the fuck starts a fight in an ER waiting room?
The real issue is civilized vs uncivilized behavior.
You bet. I was in a hospital in southern italy. Literally no security. Walk in walk out as you please, no shouting, no chimpouts, everyone is aware its a hospital. Civilization. No monkeyz.
The chink's only mistake was expecting a nigger to act like a normal person inside the hospital.
You are more embarrassing than the nigger defending tyrone itt. There definitely was posturing. The guy was ready to get out of his chair the whole time while the Asian was going to sit across from him. The whole time he was telling him to stand up. If you are in a heated argument like that you should be ready do defend yourself. Not pretending to stretch like a moron. Especially if its with a fucking nigger.
Jesus red hoodie starts taking heads off when his boo gets slightly grazed. That's real love.
>he relaxed
Never, ever relax.
Forget it La'Shawn'dre, it's Toon Town.
honestly Yea Forums are you real about yours?
Wow normally calling him a nig would do it, this just required staring at him from a chair.
What's next saying good morning?
ive never seen blacks not help a brotha. that guy must be a clown
I am real about mine as a matter of fact
When keeping it real goes wrong.
what the hell is this
islanders > all
You are dumb as fuck.
A lot of people talk a lot of shit but never back it up. In a situation like this, in the off chance he actually does chimp out and start swinging, why the fuck would you be ready to defend yourself and fight back?
You're sitting in a fucking hospital room not only with a dozen other people but guards and workers. There is literally zero chance he's going to hit you and get away with it. If you were posturing yourself though and getting ready to swing then the guards would be jumping on you too and you'd be in trouble also. That does not make logical sense but that is the """justice""" system for you.
Sitting there and letting this retard chimp out was the best thing you could do, because of exactly what happened: He gets bum rushed and pinned to the ground while you get to walk off and laugh.
Be Joey Ramone
I am a nigger about mine
>r/asianmasculinity in real life
Why was everyone putting on disposable gloves???
Because he's black.
>hosptial waiting room
No clue
idk bro they were in chains for like 400 years and couldn’t get loose until the other races let them
Whatever one ends with a nigger biting the dust
Be it a’ asian, White, spic, etc
Forgot link
Im thinking you are dumb as fuck. Why wouldnt you be ready to defend yourself? If you are in a heated argument like that you should be ready to defend yourself especially if its with a fucking nigger. What do you have to lose by being ready to defend yourself? As opposed to not and getting put on your ass. Everything you said is still applicable if you are ready to defend yourself.
I hate niggers
>sedate the nigger
>baiting faggots on Yea Forums is as easy as making a post like this
God I love nigger logic
>Lol we beat people up in hospitals we tough and shit
Also niggers
>ay yo hol up why people be acting like we all be violent and sheeeet? We be jus as civilized as everyone else. Why people act like dez afraid of us and don't wun be round us?
fucking roasties
Apparently the reason why he started the fight was because the Asian guy was staring at him. At the end he was crying that he was the one being persecuted because he had a right to defend himself from a stare down kek
probably don't want to get aids from his blood.
actually this though there was obvious posturing, just not blatant aggression, but do you really think youre going to sit infront of me and talk shit even after I told you to stand up like at that point even someone who isnt black and aggressive will get triggered by the fact that you sat infront of them like you arent shit and you wont do anything pussy type mentality
Subhuman. Modern society is too much for them
Forgot the
>hmmm hmm
based and bluepilled
Yes. It's part of not having a father. They both dont know how to be a man and compensate with hyper masculinity. Also their race has a propensity for violence
You can't get their blood on you or you turn into one.
Islander? that guy is white
Being bigger and louder is all it takes to subdue savages
>le epic bait hahah trickde u LOLOL XDDDD
Fuckin' got me
Blacks more likely to have aids
Holy shit are you kidding? Thats literal ape logic. Someone staring? Gotta assert dominance!
I apologize if that's insulting and offensive to actual apes, they seem to have an actual social structure and the males stay around and raise their young.
f u c k i n g REKT
Christ that overhand right at :20
>Duster punched Belter for staring at him and ended up getting knocked down and cuffed by Earther staff.
Because you get in trouble as well? Do you not understand that? I just explained this to you can you read.
How the situation happened asian man gets off free no trouble and gets to laugh at the nigger getting arrested. If he fought back like you suggested and was squaring up then he would be in the same trouble as the nigger for causing a fight. You lose.
Eh its not a nig thing but more of a trashy culture thing, its pretty big in Asia too dude ( people get anal with showing "respect" to elders) if you stare at your upperclassmen here you could get socked, shit is weird
natural habitat
Aint got nothing else to say pussy?
Let me guess. The white boy in this video didnt sucker punch the guy despite it basically being the same shit as OP. fuck white dude could barely handle the little guy despite his big height advantage and having knocked the guy on his ass. Truly pathetic white boys. No wonder you typically get your asses handed to you
New Kingdom Hearts looks dope
That "I'm right here" sounded like the asian guy's autistic or something. Nigger attacking someone with a mental illness for being rude to them, nothing new at all.
You should ALWAYS be ready to defend yourself and especially not put yourself in a situation to be harmed. Especially if you had prior issues with a dude. Just leave. Never give someone an opportunity to hit you.
Trashy culture is nig culture thou. You are implying blacks have other cultures
The chink obviously has marfan syndrome, its basically like fighting a disabled person.
Difference being in asia the dudes throwing punches have actual careers and are adhereing to an admittedly retarded but centuries old honor system/social construct.
Niggers however are just being niggers.
That little man was beaten bloody at the end of the video though
Enjoy the jail cell Jamal
Problem is, he will get a simple assault charge. Not like he hasn’t been in jail before, I bet.
How the fuck are you going to get in trouble by being ready to defend yourself? You arent going to get on trouble by defending yourself. Its not like your only options are to knock the niggers teeth out or eat haymakers like the idiot in the video did.
alright shut the fuck up already
Post your skin colour faggot
he didn't hit back because he didn't want to accidentally kill him and go to jail,he blocked the punch with his ki energy.
Why you mad, bro? You mad as fuck.
Yes talk shit about the white race, the ones who subjugated every black country and gave you your freedom back.
Daily reminder niggers didn't free themselves, whites got weak and let them go. The only successful slave revolt was Haiti and the French were too busy fighting everywhere else to give a shit.
>shining wetness under eyes
Was this dude crying lol
He easily could have had a broken jaw thou. People have died from a single sucker punch to the head. Why would you be advocating for not being ready to defend yourself? Are you a jew?
Which is exactly my point. The asian guy in the video was not ready to defend himself whatsoever.
Im white you dumb kike. You dont have to be a nigger to realize the asian guy should have been ready defend himself.
Why does basic self defense trigger you? Weird
>punch guy sitting down with his arms up, not talking shit
>punch guy shouting threats in your face
yup seems the same to me
barely handle him? what video did you watch the white dude controlled him the entire time, the only thing that kept the little mans clock ticking was the malt liquor flowing through his veins.
Good to know that Disneyland security will do absolutely nothing to restrain a guest if someone starts attacking people
>Post your skin color faggot
Niggers really are a race of vermin
You're expecting a nigger to view things logically and admit defeat. Don't be as dumb as it is.
Imagine if the sent Stormtroopers :)
haha yeah he was
Real story. Chuck E Cheezes is always populated with black toddlers because it is a good place to exchange kids from divorced parents in the weekends.
Don't insult vermin like that. They can't help the way they are. Niggers choose to be like this.
Not in good areas
>he hasn’t been pushed to tears by 211 and pure rage
No they dont. That's like saying a rat chooses to carry disease and eat trash
They also recycle buffet pizza. You know who else doesn't pre-cut their shit? Every godamn pizza chain alive, and the edge of theirs sure as shit don't resemble a city skyline.
God black people are so embarrassing.
>sedate the nigga
kek alright they back on my good side.
>gets rekt by a white dude in front of a bunch of black people that clearly don't like him
he gonna cry in the car
You mad hoe?
The fuck is a goath?
post it with time stamp
Yes niggers do choose to be like this, it's not inherent in their makeup. There are plenty of intelligent, successful and awesome black people from all countries and economic backgrounds. They are black people.
Niggers are the ones that choose to act like this despite decades of hand outs and opportunities and then claim the system is designed to make them fail.
CEC doesn't have a buffet
This is exactly what was going on, but as always you can't assume that the person you're talking to isn't a complete retard, always assume that they are moronic enough to be willing to throw their life away over a show of "ima hard nigga" that they themselves created.
Lmao for someone that hates whites yoh sure have alot of white in you.
The exceptions dont make the rule. There are also gay people who were not molested as kids, so what?
>please daddy take another picture
FOH fag
nice dsl my down low bro
seriously though i hate fucking living here
You forgot that Google/Yandex imagesearch exist
And THIS is why nobody likes niggers, even black stay away from yo bitch asses.
Smarten up Ooga-Booga brain
That's way worse then.
>actually putting this much effort to disprove obvious bait
user i....
I'm 100% sure you are some reddit incel white dude larping
cops are scared little cowards so he might have started to gun down the whole hospital
Seriously though what was the asian dude saying at the beginning of the video
mup mop bo didda muh dick mufugga
t. Tyrone
Seriously you give homos here way too much credit. Guys just trying to get easy (you)s and its working
how do we know thats really you?
Take a pic with your shoe on your head so we know thats really you
Eh I'll argue the exception in this case prove it and make it worse.
If niggers had no choice and were just destined to act like this I'd actually feel bad for them. They would have no chance to better themselves.
But they can, and don't, and then blame everyone else. I fully admit I'm racist, but I have no problem working with blacks or living next to them if they act like normal people. It's the ones that chimp out that I can't stand. And I fully admit even the "normal" ones can chimp out without warning.
I think we should have gone the Malcom X route and just given blacks their own territory. Seperate but equal and shit.
no its some white incel from reddit larping
Delete this cuck. Let him continue triggering retards
well he has good taste in lit
He looks like someone that would rob an old lady and then plead that two MAGA hat wearing guys beat him.
Still you imply they choose it as thou they are not prone to less intelligence and more violence whereas the idea that they would choose it only proves they are more prone to those things
Or its just some white incel from Yea Forums larping. Idk why you assume it would have to be someone from reddit
The exception proves the rule.
How do you stop a guy like this from fucking your wife
more like the abe lincoln way and send them all back
good job booth you fucking cock sucker
It's pure easy though, you can just click the arrow on the post to reverse image search.
By marrying a racist woman
>in the off chance he actually does chimp out and start swinging, why the fuck would you be ready to defend yourself and fight back?
I don't like getting hurt so I'll just kill him.
I see your point but the ones that don't act like that make me think it is a choice.
I'm not even American retard, our niggers have Christian names
Have you ever been in a fight Yea Forums? How did it go? Did you win?
Ive been in one fight.. Got cheap shotted and it left a little scar under my eye, id say i won though because after he hit me i got him like in a head lock and started lighting his ass up with punches, let him go, and he ran off.
I'd say its closer to a mutation. Natures way of trying to preserve the species
Look at those lips and eyes.
Hes fucking the husband not the wife. Read about "down low niggas"
>I'm not even american
Then why would I care about you or your opinion?
have you considered that the "tradition" is just inherited monkey behavior?
didn't you see the n-word?
Based black man btfo'ing racist chink
sedayte heim
sedayte daht neigher
I've been in a handful of fights as an adult, everyone involved blacks.
Got jumped by three monkeys, pistol whipped and robbed. Lost that one, bad.
Had two one on one fights where they attempted to mug me, won those. Ended up blinding one of them because I smashed a bottle on his face. Luckily I didn't get charged since it was self defense.
Living in Baltimore is entertaining sometimes.
I don't think so because whites descended from primates too and they don't act like monkeys.
Greentext living around niggers stories pls
they do, whites were the original niggers
Like a million years ago?
imagine living next to apes
Is he not right tho
I didn't know IHOP was public property. I guess it has to be supported by tax payer money in a place with 99% black customers.
like 500 years ago
Greentext those stories plz
The renaissance? That's like the opposite of niggers
>liberals STILL can't come up with a good reason to let blacks live
Based cheerleader kino.
God fucking damnit perfect
that was like 500 people, most whites were still shitting in buckets and getting high all day
>the clap
She is probably a coal burning roastie
I'm so glad I live somewhere with virtually no blacks
Perfect frame.
Also conquering the world
Yeah, I'm sure the Republican party of the day was fully onboard with exporting their new voter base. People always talk about "Muh Lincoln was going to ship them back" but no one can ever provide evidence that the majority of the legislature was behind repatriation or back to Africa movements. Do you think Lincoln was going to snap his fingers and all the freed slaves would teleport back to Africa but he was just waiting until after he saw a play?
>be me, literal old boomer jew
>haven't shit in a week
>go to pharmacy and buy magnesium citrate, glass bottles. This is important
>Go to parking lot, nigger walks behind me and shoves his hand into my back pocket to grab my wallet
>He punches me
>Bottle in hand, I smash it in his face
>Shard goes in his eye
>Literal angry monkey shrieking
>Cops come
>Nigger claims I assaulted him
>Camera shows otherwise
>Nigger sues me in civil court
>I'm a jew, have jew lawyers. I win.
>Nigger threatens to kill me
>Have to get a restraining order
>I hate this city
>no one can ever provide evidence that the majority of the legislature was behind repatriation or back to Africa movements
You act like Lincoln actually gave a fuck about using his powers legally.
Cheerleader Stacy is fit
how is this a first world country?
>Do you think Lincoln was going to snap his fingers and all the freed slaves would teleport back to Africa but he was just waiting until after he saw a play?
What? Why would he think that?
More like coon town
>jew attacked by his golem
If only one of them had lit a menthol, Disneyland security would have been there in a split second with a swat team.
Did you buy a gun? Seems like a prudent choice
I'm not a racist that's what's so insane about this
tell your family I called them kikes
how do you stay sane in america? is everyone just hyper neurotic?
i thought asians are good at fighting ?
I only fought a couple of blacks in elementary school. One time a kid tried to stab me but I hit him with a tray and blood sprayed out of his mouth like a fountain. and then the other time I tried to fight another one but he choked me unconscious, oh well lol.
>is everyone just hyper neurotic?
Look up the psychological effects of circumcision on infants.
If you live in a middle class or above neighbourhood with 90% whites it's literally heaven.
I didn't buy on after that. I bought a shotgun after a group of good boys children who dindu nuffin kicked my back door in at 2pm on a Saturday because I guess they didnt think anyone was home. Broad daylight on a fucking weekend, and they just assume no one was home.
Chased them out of my house with a meat cleaver. Bought a shotgun the next day.
I would love to carry a pistol for self defense but you can't get a CCW in Baltimore. Hogan is a fucking pussy, he was supposed to make the process easier but good luck actually getting one.
And I'm too much of a law abiding cuck to carry illegally. Its so fucking dumb, I was in the Army, have no criminal record and have documented threats against me. Still can't get one.
>I hate this city
Well, it's your kinds fault for it being so shitty.
Hiw do you let someone beat your ass when you have that much of a size advantage?
Be honest you just want webms of black guys getting btfo dont you? You know you can just ask right
With pleasure. My girlfriend calls me a kike because "the hard consonant makes it feel like I'm calling you a nigger."
Blame Hitler, my family came over from Poland during WW2. He just couldn't finish the job.
This guy slaps your gfs ass. What do?
You're 100 percent right. The push for mindless consumerism and the need to buy everything cheap forced production to be outsourced to other countries, which absolutely crippled Baltimore and other blue collar/industrial cities.
I don't even reap the benefits of cultural assassination. It's fucking bullshit.
Thin Man
>have documented threats against me.
Shame. They usually make an exception even in gun control areas about this. A lot of celebrities are granted ccw in california for example.
Remember it's birdshot, buckshot, birdshot or so they say in the movies kek
if you're going to look for fights and walk up to belligerent people, at least have the sense to have a tactically appropriate hair style
That and the fact that the unsavory beasts that inhabit Baltimore came from the Jewish transatlantic slave trade.
>she never let's go of the phone
>still dominates fight
Thats a movie thing. If you're using birdshot you aren't shooting to kill. If you aren't shooting to kill, you don't need to be shooting. Real life isn't like the movies, even if you're legally clear you can get sued like I was.
The shotgun is loaded with buck and will make sure I won't get sued.
Varsity cheerleaders get really fit for some reason. I remember this one chick back in high-school managing to squeeze a watermelon between her thighs sitting up.
At my school they werent. Just normal stacy's. Sure they werent out of shape, but they werent super fit either.
It's called being slow, out of shape, and unused to the pain of getting punched.
This. Civilized people may argue but usually they aren't going to start swinging in a public place, especially an er where sick or hurt people may be in the line of fire. The reason why people get sucker punched by these savages all the time is that they don't realize that the fight started the second the verbal confrontation started. These types see it as backing down if they didn't attack you, that is humiliating to them.
Also maryland is so fucked up that the CCW issue isn't even that surprising. One of the most dangerous cities in America and set up so that law abiding citizens can't legally defend themselves. And when one nigger mag dumps at another nigger, misses and hits two kids, none of the 20 unemployed niggers who saw it call the cops because ay yo we dun be snitching to no pigs nigga. Then they get on TV and complain about how the city doesn't help. Eventually the shooter gets caught doing something stupid and the mother of the shooter gets on TV and says her good boy dindu nuffin. The father is shockingly not present for the interview.
Yea that video really calls into question all the stories about Disney's epic swat team. I hope there security is usually better than this.
It's not.
i hate them so fucking much
BASED sassy camera queen
Never relax
kek, women and their fucking phones
>fucking around with a basketball in PE in high school
>some chunky autist who was part of the group gets the ball
>taking the piss, I reach for it, didn't really know the guy from Adam and he didn't know me
>he says "don't touch my ball"
>didn't know he was being serious and reach for it again in an attempt to steal
>crazy fucker drops the ball and comes at me swinging full bore
>haymaker him in the jaw because I don't know how to fight and I watched snatch like the day before
>he stumbles, seeing stars
>I'm stunned because my hand hurts like fuck
>he lunges at me and ents up leaning on me batting at me with these little nonpunches
>I land a solid jab in his sternum and hear him cough, so maybe I knocked the wind out of him? I dunno
>I'm still not strong enough to lift the fat fuck off me
>right then PE teacher breaks it up
>I end up with a little cut on my eyebrow
>turns out the haymaker cracked his fucking jaw
>miraculously no charges were filed and we just ended up in detention
To expand, its a large arena of different races pitted against each other for sugar, shekels, and cummies.
John leno's son
>fight someone in the ER who is clearly a lanklet glass jaw
yeah what a fucking badass. fucking niggers man.
>He just couldn't finish the job
You're a funny guy, Sol. I'll gas you last.
The first fight I was in, I was getting choked and I tried to throw a punch but missed. He didn't dodge it, I just missed. It was like those nightmares where you are fighting someone but you can't move your arms. Every other fight has been pretty short with no real punches. How do I learn how to punch?
>I was in the Army
Might as well admit you're a serial killer.
its oolong tea
its you will fall
and everybody wanna see me break a neck
just I got lice, no aint
The nigress narrator was pretty based not gonna lie
here is his response
>Im just saying to pretend like the asian guy just got unfairly sucker punched isnt exactly the truth.
That is the truth, though. Someone saying a mean word to you doesn't give you excuse or license to sucker punch them. The guy was sitting down and posed no threat, and the black guy walked up to him and punched him. He's 100% in the wrong and the Asian guy 100% did no wrong here.
>Yea Forums memes Brad Pitt vs Bruce Lee and jokes about the asian man being BTFO
>when it is a black man vs asian Yea Forums backpedals and says the asian didn't hit back because he didn't want to face jail, or some other dumb shit
The nurse is more of a chad than that cop.
It's literally this shit.
Whats the difference between Michael Phelps and Hitler?
Phelps can finish a race.
I've gotten so many nasty shocked looks from other jews when I make Holocaust or 9-11 jokes, I love it. Comedy is tragedy plus time.
Seriously though this probably why I'm a middle class jew and not part of the kabal that runs the world. Not always voting democrat didn't help either.
yeah I can't understand what the n-word wanted from him
been in a bunch but im Hispanic so i have that ape brain, to my defense ive actually never stated one only responded to attacks
3 fistfights in high school, all with the same guy. Got my ass kicked three times, mostly because he instantly went for nut shots and I just stopped after them
Oh yeah I know. Finding out how America really feels about it's soldiers was incredibly eye opening. Fuck thanking me for my service, put some political pressure to fix the VA instead. I end up paying for my medical care just so I don't have to go to a VA hospital, it's just not worth it.
>those youtube comments
Slavery was a huge fucking mistake. People here shitpost about Arabs being stupid but they had sense enough to castrate their African slaves.
real life isn't a ufc fight, if you get sucker punched by some one you're fucked up 90% of the time.
You have to tell them my favorite one. What's the only thing worse than the Holocaust? Six million jews.
The "Nigga Moment" episode of the Boondocks always gets me when they show this exact thing happening and how the two thug niggas realize that posturing like monkeys is a great way to get arrested and/or killed which of course, is what happens.
McGruder is lefty as hell but at least he's smart enough to realize modern African-American "culture" is inherently self-destructive and should be mocked and criticized.
I would stipulate that beefs over Jordans takes it's place between FEMA and pork chops, but that could very well be a subgroup of nigga moments. Their bit on nigga moments + nigga synthesis = a complete fucking catastrophe was hilarious and true though.
>7 replies
>nobody acknowledged the Chinatown reference
Liberia didn't work out very well.
The older I get the more I respect and agree with Malcolm X over MLK, though.
jesus it's been 20 fucking years
McGruder always struck me as following along with the Chris Rock philosophy of there being a difference between black people and niggers, and that being a nigger is a stupid fucking thing that you shouldn't do.
Oh there are so many good ones.
Whats the difference between a jew and a pizza? The pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven.
Where does a black jew sit? The back of the oven.
Whats worse than six million jews dying? Some survived.
How many jews can you fit in a car? Two in the front, three in the back, six million in the ash tray.
You're alright user. I've worked with enough Jews to know for every George Soros you get a John Milius. Good luck keeping your head on your shoulders in Bodymore, Murderland.
Fucking hell, that's a good one.
>Sunrise, FL
Kek, I grew up in that city lol. The older I got the more nigger infested it got. I remember going to the All Saints Catholic Church carnival every February when I was young. Recently, they had to up prices and increase security because more and more nigs would come every year and chimp out.
My parents don't even go anymore because of it. They complain about the "color change" yet they still vote Democrat for more of these Section 8 housing niggers to bring their problems over from the East into the city.
This is in the middle of a hospital (that I've been too when younger) not the fucking MMA octagon you chimp nigger.
Kino of the highest order
The cameraman is a realm MVP right here not gonna lie.
Jews, mics, and rooskies all broke from the stereotype that hardship and famine lead to wonderful cuisine, but their consolation prize is world class humor.