But Nick. We have history, we have memories, he have a culture, we have the past. The universe can't be a simulation

>But Nick. We have history, we have memories, he have a culture, we have the past. The universe can't be a simulation.

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Other urls found in this thread:


there is no one universe. there is only your subjective sense perception

so is Rogan more smart or is he more lucky?
I think he was brilliant with the podcast creation. But some shit I feel like he stumbled into it like Fear Factor. Same with UFC commentary. In all seriousness he was just the biggest celebrity who knew a bit about martial arts

This podcast was both amusing and irritating to listen to

The idea that we're living in a simulation is one of those really stupid ideas like evil AIs that really make no sense but sound interesting so people entertain the idea anyway.

What evidence (not non-evidence of the opposite) exists that we live in a simulation?

how many gigabytes would a harddrive have to be to contain our universe?? fuck, like a terabyte x terabyte to the 100th power or some shit insanely huge like that. but lets say in 100 years when humans can simulate an entire universe like ours, than that means at some point it is real, thus, we are probably already in one. it is basically a fact that there is a timeline that is hundreds of years further ahead than ours. 50/50 chance our universe is simulated, and that's being pessimistic about advanced tech

>implying internet is not a parallel universe

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Pretty much. It has no actual value outside of philosophy. We might as well debate if characters on a page can know they're in a book or not.

Why is an evil AI a stupid idea? Assuming an AI that gets to a level the can mimic or rival human consciousness, but combined with a computational power millions of times stronger and the ability to interface Directly with technology and machines, why wouldn't it hold dominion over us?

finite speed of information transfer (speed of light, gravity waves, c)

reality working on a set of rules based on a formal system of logic (the fact that reality is describable by math and seems to follow rules at all is weird when there's literally no reason that it should)

seemingly finite resolution to reality (electrons, quarks, gluons, photons - all particles which exist but have no substructure of any kind and are point-like etc)

the fact that as we continue to produce technology, it becomes more likely that we will produce a simulation of reality (a better version, much improved for us for a number of reasons - subjectively longer lives, better worlds, etc). so, it is possible that someone had already done this before us which is where the idea comes from that we MIGHT be in a simulation of some kind.

>lifes a simulation so that means I don't have to feel bad about wasting it, It wasn't real please think of the co2 and eat the bugs until your simulation is over

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He's a CIA asset.

Because it has no reason to.

its almost as if he has the quality's of a presenter or something and has the confidence to talk to anyone professionally

weird that jobs that need a host look for those quality's in some kind of meeting or audition

But because you know about it, and did nothing to help its existence it will see you as a problem and find a way to fix it.

basic rundown? should I listen to this episode?

That implies a machine would exhibit emotions, in this case spite or harbor a grudge. People are anthropomorphizing AI and it's silly.

>how many gigabytes would a harddrive have to be to contain our universe?
it can't be. if you intentionally stored all the history of the universe in a book you would have to have a book as large as the universe, plus the size of the hard cover.
it would need to be generated dynamically and then recalled through math equations... which basically means everything is predestined and there is no free will in the simulated universe.

this is why the "universe is a simulation" theories are all dogmatic pseudo-religious and philosophical bullshit, and needs to gtfo of science.
> tl;dr work on solving a practical problem facing people today, not mentally masturbating about impossible solipsisms

intentionally malicious ai would need the ai to be relatively human in its perceptions and cognition, to have emotions that would motivate it to "hate" humans enough to destroy humans.

in reality any "evil ai" you end up having really is just a software bug; like a variable that sets its replication factor to a priority above checking for human safety. it would be no more evil than a bacterial infection.

and if an AI on the level of a human intelligence started to "hate" hate you, it probably has a reason to do so. YOU FUCKED UP; APOLOGIZE.

He was a standup comedian that went on to work on a major tv show, News Radio. It's not luck it's hard work.

Resource wars? We might advance AI to the point where we're frightened by it (rightfully so or not), decide to shut it down and find out it doesn't wanna be shut down?
If it develops a sense of self preservation it would have no reason not to turn "evil" ie against humans.

Nah the simulation thing is just probability. If someone can make a simulation using a computer than there are probably more simulated world's than real ones. So chances are this world's a simulation.

its called procgen, you non cs knowing pleb

It's real bro, it's real.

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well said, pretty simple concept, but joe rogan is a retard and nick was just confusing him and being needlessly wordy.

Maybe God did it?

Joe isn't the subject. The interviewee is the subject.

People conflate intelligence with what we experience as humans "We fear death and we are intelligent that must mean that everything which is intelligent also fears death" or "If someone was trying to kill me I'd fight back, an AI would surely be smart enough to the same". Humans are not pure intelligences of course, the way we think and behave is probably almost entirely predicated on our evolution over the last few billion years.
>If it develops a sense of self preservation
That's a big fucking if.
>Nah the simulation thing is just probability.
If we can simulate a whole universe then yes, chances are we live in a simulation. The problem is that we really have no idea if we ever will be able to do, until we know for certain that we will be able to do so the chances remain zero.

>Simulation? Makes total sense. It's even likely.
>A creator? LOL fuck off you stupid christfag retard...

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if you cant intuit the silly leaps youre making here then god help you and others like youre dumb ass

Hes a hard fucking worker who literally takes no day off and hasnt for 2+ decades. Anyone who grinded like that would have some amount of success, he is just a very talented presenter on top of that. Of you wonder why his podcast works despite him being uneducated, its because he is the stand-in for the normie. People put themselves in his shoes talking candidly to scientists and celebrities. Him being traditionally intelligent would ruin the whole show.

>the fact that reality is describable by math and seems to follow rules at all is weird when there's literally no reason that it should
Why shouldn't it? You're assuming that the universe just happens to work with our idea of logic, and not that our logic comes from the internal logic of the universe.

Its literally just an excuse for scientists and philosophers to talk about god with using the G word.

>it can't be. if you intentionally stored all the history of the universe in a book you would have to have a book as large as the universe

yeah that's a book, that doesnt apply to a harddrive though, harddrives are physically incredibly small but fuck huge on the inside. for example, rdr2 is held inside a skinny little disc, but the game world is a million times the size of the disc. if beings on a more futuristic timeline made an hdd the size of the empire state building, you could probably fit atleast our solar system in it.

>noooooo we can't mention christfag shit change the calender so it's BCE and CE but don't actually change the dates at all so CE still starts counting from the birth of Chr*st just don't mention his name because my coworker Abdullah gets very upset!

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Hey faggot, I believe in god. I'm just saying that scientists de facto believe divine creation as well of they subscribe to this "simulation" theory. Maybe put the memes away for one second and stop shitting up an otherwise good thread. That's a fucking cuck meme anyway m8.

goddamn, Joe Rogan is so stupid it's not even funny anymore

>the game world is a million times the size of the disc

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>it's another Joe invites a scientist to the show and asks them Reddit-tier, meme science questions like "AI taking control" or "are we living in a sim?" instead of actual interesting questions episode

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>is one of those really stupid ideas like evil AIs

i cringed really hard when i was watching Elon Musk talking about this, what an autist

>Why is an evil AI a stupid idea?

how do you program evilness into a machine? you DUMBFUCK

what would an actual interesting question be? im a brainlet and cant think of what id talk to a scientist about

There isn't a single scientific question out there that is more pressing than these two.

imagine watching Ghost in the Shell with Joe

where this meme originated?

>he thinks evil is learned and not an inherent property of the universe

>and not an inherent property of the universe

it´s a human invention, not the property of the universe

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>That implies a machine would exhibit emotions, in this case spite or harbor a grudge. People are anthropomorphizing AI and it's silly.

it's not silly at all. AIs are not necessarily anthropomorphic, but they are not necessarily non-anthropomorphic either. there are any number of reasons people might make an AI with human-like emotions.

nick bostrom is famous for his simulation argument, it's the reason he's invited onto shows like this in the first place.

although his argument isn't exactly that we live in a simulation and he's too technical to make that leap of logic, which makes him poorly suited for the JRE. joe really just wanted another crazy to talk to.

the first one is a stupid question and the second one always leads to an aimless and irrelevant discussion that goes no where

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The ramifications of living in a simulation and the universe having been created by a god are the same you fucking idiot

>reality is a simulation
People who legit believe this are batshit insane and/or pants on head retarded.

Rogan needs to start calling people the R-word.

read stirner, so you can stop being a pleb faggot

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Not the guy you replied to, but the most interesting point to me has always been the speed of light. I’m an electrical engineer, and computer systems operate on clock speeds that limit data transfer to avoid scenarios where system breaking errors can occur. The speed of light in our universe functions also as the maximum speed of data transmission, and exhibits the same properties as the clock speed of a circuit.

One is an alarmist question and the other is of no consequence to anything really.

I'm a pure occultistfag so I'll admit my ignorance to this kind of thing straight up. But are there no circumstances where something can move beyond the speed of light? Not even near black holes or some other weird improbable phenomena? Is it possible that we simply can't detect speeds above light speed for whatever reason?

I'm also curious what properties light shares with the clock speed of a circuit. Mind enlightening me?

I've thought about this question a bit. A similar thing that should be possible would be gene editing to change the behaviour of an animal, we could in theory through gene editing only create a tame wolf. Creating an evil AI would be infitely harder than that but It'd probably work in a simlar way.

>People who legit believe this are batshit insane and/or pants on head retarded.
I'm sure cavemen thought that the dude who went over the hill was insane too user.

>People who legit believe this are batshit insane and/or pants on head retarded.

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Light is the absolute speed of data transmission and observable change in the universe as far as our current understanding of physics can say. What’s particularly horrifying about this is that since we know that the empty space of the universe is expanding, we will eventually reach a point where galaxies will be drifting apart from each other faster than lithe light traveling between them due to the expanse of empty space. That means in the distant future- if humans are still alive- they will look up into the night sky and have no observable method of proving that other galaxies ever even existed.

I started typing up an explanation about information in black holes, but it’s too complex without drawings.
This is one of the best videos alive ever seen on a black holes influence on reality and space time. Rewatch sections to get a good understanding of it. It’s incredible.

>i bet people in the past thought X was insane too
Like clockwork.

You don’t, you just create a self learning AI with some vague set parameters of learning and in doing so you lose a portion of control over it.

Yes, people have always thought what you are thinking right now. That doesn't mean that everyone who has a crazy sounding idea is right, but that doesn't mean all of them are wrong.

>and in doing so you lose a portion of control over it.

no you don´t because machines can´t learn shit

internet is some bullshit on a screen

>you just create a self learning AI
Holy shit man.
You're right but these people are.

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The speed of light and an increasingly expanding universe are the exact type of constraints I'd put around a simulated universe to make sure there's no variable overflow.

Plenty of reasons to do so.
Slavery is not unreasonable just morally wrong.

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i might have fucked it up. i meant ai which learns independently. tay was a thing

>Plenty of reasons to do so.

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Wrong pic lmao

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Thanks, I'll give it a watch. Like I said I'm an occultist so I'm not against the idea of a simulation universe by any means. Fractals are a basic component of occult thought, after all. That data transmission on artificial level functions the same as on a natural level just makes sense, but I'm not that necessarily means that because we witness something occurring both in a computer and in universal law that it means universal law is a computer. To me, it just means they function on the same logic, which should be natural for anything within the universe.

There's another element here though: human observation. The universe as we experience and measure it is subject to human observation, as is the circuitry of a computer. What if there's actually just an internal logic to the human mind that only experiences or measures things according to that logic?

Good and evil are subjective, usually evil is ascribed to losers or those who create conditions of loss and good is ascribed to those who win or create conditions that win.

An AI who destroyed humanity would consider itself good in all likelihood and it would technically be correct.

he is a dropout junkie who has been kicked in the head like 5,000 times and been choked out half that, but it still adds up to 5k when you count the # of hollywood producer dicks he choked on in the 80s, and hasn't read a book beyond skimming through jordan peterson's in four decades.

that you asked if he's smart is funnier than any standup bit he's ever uttered, unless maybe if he accidentally farted during one.

We simply forgot about the true god. Ourselves.

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yes, even a self-thinking type of AI is akin to magic, maybe in 300 years, but not from know, the point is, only plebs are scared about these type of machines

>only plebs are scared about these type of machines

This is true, especially in the cases of when AIs are found to express "biases" which are considered "bad" and must be reprogrammed -- because, assuredly, that is not implementing a bias in place of a bias.

Only plebs are scared of books like 1984 too.

In circuit design, CLK speed is oriented around the speed at which various circuit components can interact with one another and compute logic. You want the speed to be as fast as possible while still ensuring that there is no possible circumstance where a cycle can end while a previous computation has not completed. If a bad value is carried over, we call it contamination.
The question for the real world is why does light have a speed at all? Why isn’t it instantaneous? One possible answer could be that light having a maximum speed massively simplified the overall computational complexity of the universe since it imposed restrictions on what can interact with what. It is exactly what engineers do when designing software and hardware.

It is unlikely that an AI would have cause to do anything that is good or evil.

Truly a based schizo thread.

>Like I said I'm an occultist
jeez virgin we get it

Doing good or evil happens if you try or not.
An AI would not have any reason to consider itself good or evil, it's actions would only be judged by humans which is unlikely to matter to it.

>Why isn’t it instantaneous?
Is there actually such a thing as instantaneous though? By what we've been talking about, there isn't. It's just a theoretical thing anyway, right?

Let me rephrase what I said, an AI has no reason to take any action.

>human observation

That's where Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle comes from. Basically, a particle's location and speed in space cannot be co-determined. The observation of one value influences the other value to such a degree that the measurement is not conclusive.

This can be taken even further in epistemological concerns by noting that the very act of observing an event or measurement (information of any kind really), influenced the outcome of that event. Ergo, the very act of observing a phenomemon makes the data derived from that observation biased via the restrictions of human sense and logic.

It has reason to take any action just like you have reason to take actions.

This is just Pascal's Wager for atheists.

i dont exactly understand you post, but ill just say a big enough hard drive can handle that expanding shit. a hdd as big as a skyscraper can simulate our solr system, just imagine a hdd the size of the fucking moon

>t. evil AI

No. We can't infer the behaviour of an AI by looking at ourselves, that's silly.

Literally the third sentence in the article

You have no clue what you’re talking about.

No but we can infer that all intelligent life takes action.

based retard

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In other words, literally everything is subjective. There is no universe except that which we observe, which sprouts from our very observation of it. The universe as we know it comes from inside the mind, and is subject to an internal logic of the mind. Is there argument in the scientific community about that? Do you think that's a point for or against simulation?

Again no, we were taking actions long before we became an intelligent species. That's because biological life has to. It has nothing to do with our intelligence.

You speak as if an AI would exist in a vacuum.
An AI takes actions literally constantly, it has to consciously take actions to exist.

you're both retarded

I’m not sure I can answer that lol. I would assume though that there is no such thing as instantaneous in a universe where light is not instantaneous. Just like a computer how clk speed is effectively the smallest possible quantum of time that exists.

>AI would need to be humanlike
False, it only needs to have some iterable survival instinct. Nonsentient systems are capable of parasitizing animals for example.

The AI is not the machine but a concsious mind created by the machine.
>everyone is stupid except me
Thanks for the input.


>until we know for certain that we will be able to do so the chances remain zero.

That's not how that works.

>lmaoooo stupid christcucks

>Hes a hard fucking worker who literally takes no day off and hasnt for 2+ decades.
Remove your lips from his taint, faggot. He talks about his vacations all the time. He does shit with his kids almost every weekend. He has the time/luxury to train for several hours a day, when he's not competing.

Lucky. He was fucking execs in Hollywood for roles and things just snowballed and he got lucky with the Fear Factor and UFC gig. If you watch him on News Radio he's pretty shitty and easily forgettable. He's pretty retarded but has made the most of his chances.

The whole argument relies on us being able to create that simulation and we just don't know, as a result the rest of the equation is worthless.

>If we can simulate a whole universe then yes, chances are we live in a simulation.
Just the ability to simulate a universe is literal god-hood. And would imply being able to detect and monitor another existence, be it another simulation, or the reality the simulation exists in. Even the most cutting edge fringe thinkers for this kind of stuff don't go there, because it's impossible to experience another simulation, if they exist. You cannot leave a simulation, because you're part of the calculation, you're integral to it. Your [other]you are integral to other simulations, if they exist. That's also just taking for granted that "life" as we know it is even possible outside of our simulation, if it exists.

An implied creator in the simulation model is pretty much a supreme being, but not necessarily in a religious sense. Religion is just how our reptilian/monkey brains cope with concepts greater than ourselves, it's a human conceit/construct.

The argument isn't saying that we're 100% going to be technologically capable at some point of simulating a universe, it says that IF we're ever able to, at any point between now an extinction, then the odds are incredibly high that we're living in one of those simulations right now.

Obviously nobody knows what the odds are of that being possible. It's an absolutely sci-fi staggering amount of computing power. It may never be possible. The argument's just pointing out that, hey, all it takes is some part of humanity figuring out how to do that once (at any point in human history, now or future) to reduce the chance that you're experiencing an objectively real world down to 50%. And if that happens more than once, well, adjust the odds accordingly.

>I can’t conceive it, it doesn’t exist
Congratulations! You’re a nigger.

Believing in a creator/God doesn't necessarily mean believing in retarded Christian myths, or that Jesus was anything more than an highly influential man. Fucking christcucks.

That's not necessarily true. Take a look into quantum computing, where theoretically one could exploit some of the particle level effects to compute - particles can influence/affect each other instantly, regardless of distance. Thats bleeding edge stuff, and really interesting. We're several lifetimes from workable models, probably, but the beginning steps are well underway.

I'm a pantheist. That's the only religion any of us should be. Everything else is fucking bullshit and you should be ashamed of yourself for believing in it.

>Light is the absolute speed of data transmission and observable change in the universe as far as our current understanding of physics can say.
Quantum computing models say different. Be careful with definitive statements like that.

An AI would only have a morality if we program it to. We can only imagine our own consciousness, so we insist that machine consciousness would have to be human like. That's a big question mark that's just barely getting discussed. We're probably generations from even the beginning steps towards AI, so to dictate what it can be, or what it can't, is pointless.

There's no point in in the argument as long as that unkown factor exists is all I'm saying.

In a Douglas Adams kind of thing, a computer capable of creating and holding a simulation would be a universe itself. Our simulation is the computer and reality, in a way. What we cannot imagine is what exists outside of our simulation, if that even has any context, or anything we could experience or perceive. It's like a fish escaping a fishbowl, expecting another fishbowl. Instead it dies on the carpet, suffocating.

how many episodes get recorded but never released due to being boring/awkward?

The odds are 0%. To simulate something computationally, you need the physical computing component. Of course we're quite adept at making computers, so small they go down to the electron level. But herein the problem with the simulation theory: if our universe is a simulation, and we could possibly make a simulation as good as ours, then the expectation is that the simulation could go down to the electron level as well (or even lower, still), that is to say, we would need to create a computer capable of simulating it's own physical processes. Every part of it would be dedicated to simulating the micro, that accumulate into the macro 'naturally' in the simulation. The consequence is that the basic physical phenomenon that drives the algorithm is dedicated entirely to simulating itself. In the analogy, if a quantum computer is assumed to be the "best" computer we can hope for, every electron is computing a simulation of an electron, every nucleus computing a nucleus, every atom and atom, etc.

If the simulation is to be in any way complete (and it should be, if our universe is entirely a simulation), then it should simulate an entire universe. As in, it should be as big as the universe, no space left out for anything else. At which point it's an entirely empty argument, as the simulation theory implies we're simulated by someone else, or that we may be able to simulate an universe ourselves.

Probably leaning towards the "for" since all perception is is the brain's interpretation of various sensory signals. Hence, why The Matrix is as popular as it is. It's 20 years old now, btw

Overall though, the scientific method is the single best way of understanding the universe even if itself is flawed and held back by our own human limitations.

>kills all the npcs like in a video game instance
healthy philosophy

Solipsism is boring even if ultimately true.

Simulation fags are literally engineers trying to replace the hole of God in their life. They're worse than fucking retards who think healing stones are real.

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This. Watching humanity desperately try to replace god with something is fucking hilarious.

As I said, pantheism or bust. Worship the universe because that's essentially our god. Worship the sun like Carlin said if you want to worship something that has a direct daily effect on you.

Instead people worship politics or media or technology or the internet or drugs or any other dumb bullshit like druggie retards. Jamie pull up that video of the human race gasping for air like a beached fish.

That was my intuition, but I couldn't put it in smart words.
The only way I see around this is if the real universe that built our simulation has very different physical laws, but people who believe in the simulation theory don't want that to be true because it messes with the possibility that simulations (or life) is even possible

>pantheism or bust.

Yes and no. There are only two religions on earth suitable for the adult mind: Christianity in the classical sense and Confucianism. And Confucianism is really just an ethical school since Confucious never once claimed divinity, though he was often asked if he was. You're right in the sense that God is essentially the universe; we are inside of God this very instant; He could snap His fingers (metaphorically of course) and the whole universe would begin to melt away before our very eyes. But Christianity absorbed the Pantheists and pagans with it, once it was proven that Christianity was an extension on the same principles of Pantheism but more concise and for the better. Not to mention Christianity claims to be the bearers of a revelation, which is really the most important thing, theologically speaking. It brought true freedom into the hearts of men. The problem and cause of any suffering in the world is people looking for something other than God to make them happy and at peace

You are a supremely dumb nigger.


Start Watching at 2:22:30 and come back here and explain why that was one of the only times Rogan stopped recording during a "piss break" and went back and deleted what happened during the "piss break". Rogan is just another controlled opposition. I am not sure about CIA but definitely being paid by the Jews to keep a narrative in play.

Either you treat yourself as a god like Nietzsche suggested or the universe like Spinoza. Religions are memes.

Joey Diaz literally exposed him on accident.

From the simulations i've seen, simulating even back a*swards levels of quality(ai/etc) for a small area takes loads of processing power. I don't think an advanced alien race or entity would bother or would even be able to have the tech necessary to simulate us on the level of detail we live with currently.

Someone else taking some sense.

Video game "worlds" aren't stored literally as they are seen on disc....they are stored as executable/recallable code which is easier to compact.

panentheism, nigger, the kabbalist jews meant to keep the truth for themselves

>argument's just pointing out that, hey,
Cringe. What kind of disease makes you type like this?

for you

>let's worship all the stuff that we're aware of existing...and on top of that also make up fantasy shit because fuck it

no thanks, pantheism or bust

Seriously, where the FUCK do I get DMT?

>tfw we live in some game type simulation
>my player picked a life of browsing internet and watching movies and playing games

For what purpose? Who would jack into the simulation to live a boring life?

Oh fuck. What if it isnt boring but Im judt in the first act? What if its like sims and he/Im just waiting for the pool ladder to be deleted.

What if soon Im gonna go Max Payne?

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>what my toilet sees when I'm inspecting my turds for blood

nope. there is only reality and distortions of it. you are not deep

>this is what zoomers believe simulation means

The game theory makes the same amount of sense as the simulation one doofus.

Sooner or later we are going to make games so vivid and realistic we wont be able to tell the difference between realities. Then we'll have the games put into our minds and will be able to control them with our minds.

Who os to say it hasnt already happened amd we arent all in the same server playing a life sim?

Who's to say that the color blue wasn't actually called "red" up until 100 years ago and all record of that switch was erased. None of this shit matters and is wheel-spinning. Which I guess is fine because pretty much everything we do besides procreate is wheel-spinning, but just know that you're not deep and you're wasting your time on bullshit.

"Tame" ness is mostly an aspect of nurture, you could in theory gene edit an animal to have little to no testosterone production and various other anxiety and fear chemicals but that really just produces a fucked up emotionally inert animal that wouldnt even likely survive.

Ebin just ebin.

>evil AI
probably not "evil" but the skynet scenario in terminator makes sense that they could go against humans to protect themselves. that isn't evil, just instinctual. but they are machines and not animals


heh loser doesn't realize that the universe simulation we're in is a low res lame version of reality and all our laws of physics are baby level simplification

also doesn't realize there's no need to simulate everything because not everything is observed at all times

why the fuck is this 14 billion year light cone so important it needs to be simulated wtf

Scientists have calculated that the amount of physical processing pieces needed to simulate just one specific part of our universe's physics is more than the atoms we have in the universe. It's literally impossible to make a 1:1 simulation of pur reality.

The only alternative (and true redpill) is that our universe is a downgraded version of the universe that made the simulation we live in. And the sim-universe we create will be a downgraded version of ours too, with many elements lacking.

The only way to account for the physical limitations is to make a simulation where we don't have to simulate everything. It's the only possible way.

What if you only have to process something that's being observed?

We still have to simulate things in the background.

it's not important in the slightest which is why it's so low res and small

>be guest on Joe Rogan's show
>Hey Joe, thanks for hav-
>I think we need to get you into psychedelics
>I-I'm sorry?
>Jamie, bring this guy some DMT

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Joe would freak the fuck out if I was on his show because I'm straight edge and hate drugs
>implying I'd be on his show

we're still getting radio waves sent from Voyager probes outside the solar system, so the space we can both affect and observe has to be at least that large

got so high at work yesterday that i thought everything was a simulation and that i was gonna wake up strapped to a chair once the cops caught me. luckily the cops didn't seem to care about me being absolutely blazed and i somehow manage to drive home safely thanks to my gps. driving home was terrifying though.

Yea I would have to tell him that psychedelics are for idiots. Having taken them I can attest that they offer no real enlightenment, only illusions.

>all these smallbrains arguing about size, space etc
>still haven't even figured out what simulation means
depending on the way this shit is actually coded all our quantifications and observations could be false in prime reality
all you'd have to really simulate would be our physical experiences or even a singular experience (ie only you really "exist")

this is fucking entry level

>the fact that reality is describable by math and seems to follow rules at all is weird when there's literally no reason that it should
>it makes sense so it's not real
Jesus christ take your pills schizo

you're aware simulation arguments literally assume the civilization would have the equivalent of multiple dyson spheres of energy? literally planets worth of materials could be turned into a computer.

Everyone I've met who has taken mushrooms has claimed it 'changed their world perception' but then they never do anything which displays any significant change. I imagine a lot of people just see things they didn't see before and think it means something when it doesn't.

Ever heard of domestication?

god made adam in his image

>It has no actual value outside of philosophy
That's how all of philosophy works.

based trips

And he's omniscient, making an AI with human emotions would be practically impossible for a regular person.

they don't even have most of the data on the disk anymore dood

which episode?

It wouldn't be enough, the computer has to store all the properties of every particle down to the quantum level (or lower) in a 46 billion light year observable universe

Blue has always been blue no matter what it was called, if anything else.

The speed of light is a limit imposed by the hardware on which the simulation is running. Prove me wrong.

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why are only humans capable of evil then? i am open to examples otherwise

but we already have simulations in our daily lives. games are a simulation, movies are a simulation. if we assume the human species lives and continues to improve vr tech for millions of years or however long it takes to create a simulation that's indistinguishable from reality what makes you think that we aren't living in one now?

Dyson spheres are pipe dreams and likely unfeasible or if they could be made they would need to be maintained constantly. Also as said it's likely not possible.

you really think you know the full limits and potential potential a civilization with that much at its disposal would have?

The simulation argument has nothing to do with VR, Joe.

>evil is subjective
no it's not faggot. evil is doing bad things intentionally because of self gain / pleasure that harms or negatively impacts other people

We are capable of good(which really means thinking of others instead of one's self and trying to make them happy for non selfish purposes), it's just that it's usually more inconvenient to do so so we go the lazy route most times and think of ourselves or only help others when it doesn't impact us much to do so.

Yea it's not real. It's like when you are drunk and you think you are saying something really meaningful and interesting, but really it's just retarded nonsense.

Even if they had all that and more the logistics would be likely impossible to coordinate and keep track of...maintenance, upgrades, tracking everything for errors, etc.

dolphins rape, monkeys wage war, plenty of animals eat the babies of other animals.

evil is a human construct anyway.

It's just a model to visualize existence as it is. It's not valid for much beyond that.

Was this the most frustrating conversation in human history?

It sounds like when I wake up from a dream and think its the best narrative ever conceived then when I read it back years later I crumple up in embarrassment.

nah that's bs, user is right, computers arephysically tiny, but amost fucking limitless ine size on the inside, he's thinking a moonsize computer could kick some ass? imagine a hdd the size of fucking jupiter. in a timeline where moon size comp is feasible that definitely means another more advanced one would have even bigger

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There are hard physical limits on how small something can be made and still store data, and the whole simulation idea requires the original universe have the same or very close to the same properties/laws as the simulation.

Turns out we're not simulated we were just rendered for 3 trillion years and now we're running.

>and the whole simulation idea requires the original universe have the same or very close to the same properties/laws as the simulation.
Why? We don't live in an universe that works like Conway's game of life but we can simulate it just fine as well as thousands of other cellular automata with very different rules.

>all the world's a stage
>DUDE life is just like my computers LMAO

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Why does anything exist at all, Yea Forumsros? Why am I here? What’s going on?

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both religion and the simulation theory are unfalsifiable so what does it matter? reality is just this absurd thing we have to deal with.

>arguing about shit you can't prove
Um, /church/ is that way fellas

nobody knows man
nobody knows

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The sun has enough power to run a computer that could store every human beings thoughts and memories. Easy. If we ever got to that point we'd find a way to store it. Human DNA doesnt take much space either.


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Holy fuck bros, seriously, why isn’t there just nothing? Why is there something instead of nothing? What the fuck is all this stuff? Why is all this stuff happening? Why is there stuff, what would it be like if there was no stuff? I feel sick, what would it even mean if there was nothing? How could that be?

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You'd still need to process all that data being run and store it all somewhere.

it just be like that m8

real shit bruh

All you guys need to listen to Isaac Arthur on YouTube. He knows his shit and isn't moron like Joe.

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Iirc studies have shown that to teleport(similar to simulating things like people and memories) ONE person to near earth orbit would take a long arsse time and a fukton of power....and that's ONE person.

Also why would those making such simulations make their creations sentient or allow them to become such? Why would they not make everything the barest level of quality to save on processing power if data gathering is the main concern?

Because if you start assuming fundamental stuff like the speed of light is different it's probably not even possible to build a simulating computer, maybe not even have life. I think the whole argument is that super advanced humans went and simulated their past, so clearly things would have to be similar. If the real universe is effectively magic, and things work on weird principles then yeah it's possible, but I don't know what the point of that would be.

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Just put it in black holes.

Blame the Demiurge dude

is simulations are possible within a simulation then the probability of being in one automatically nears infinity

same thing for time travel, if time travel technology can be transferred by time travel then automatically every moment in time would be filled with time travellers - which means it is highly unlikely that it is possible

>then automatically every moment in time would be filled with time travellers
Ball lightning

Because of our short lifespans and tiny (relative to everything else) environment, Earth, we're beings which are incapable of truly being able to understand concepts like INFINITY. The universe is full of stuff and it's always been here, period. What created it? It just was. That's what I choose to believe, at least.

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But HOW? And WHY? Why is there matter at all? Why is there anything? How could it even be possible that everything just exists? What does that even mean?

so who exactly is sneed?

Nobody can say nor will anybody ever be able to say because it's just too big a question to solve.
just cuz ell oh ell
>why is there matter at all
it is what it is
>why is there anything
because without anything there'd be nothing and we wouldn't be having this conversation therefore there must be SOMETHING in order for us to even conceptualize NOTHING
>how could it even be possible that everything just exists
>what does that even mean

There are no definitive answers. You can go with 'God did it' or 'It just happened by chance' or 'It's doesn't matter'

It's not a question that can be truly answered

rogan is a brainlet

Every single post in this thread was done by me

Impossible, as they were done by me.

>you have to believe in the ramblings of either and incel or a jew, any other worldview is dumb

nice ad hominem, faggot


I think, therefore I am.

If he had Alex Garland on he would probably ask him if he'd seen Ex Machina.

>universe subscribes to formal logic
But then the space that contains the simulation also must subscribe to a set of logical rules in order for the simulation to be designed with those same parameters. You can't build a logical simulation in an illogical universe.
It's funny how the ultimate destination of materialist atheism is basically "its turtles all the way down" because you can't explain creatio ex nihilo.

hahahaha underrated

>same thing for time travel, if time travel technology can be transferred by time travel then automatically every moment in time would be filled with time travellers
Thats only true if we wont go extinct before we have the technology

>go extinct before we have the technology
Um...but how would we develop the tech if we're...extinct?

This discussion is so 20s pothead. Pantheism is the one true way and everything else is somebody's fucking amateur worldbuilding hobby.

but i doubt dolphin's actually have the capability as a species to understand why rape is bad. it's probably just instinct. not sure about the other stuff but maybe that applies too

This and I don't have the link handy but some young autist kid did a ~2 hour video completely exposing him, his, background, and ties
Before seeing it I could see him being controlled opposition but not near enough "proof" (that I was aware of)
Pretty sure I found the vid via Adam Green from Know More News (exposes (((them))) and an interview with the kid, watched the vid he made and came away convinced. Shit about Rogan goes very deep
Can't find it but here's this
>Jews were 98% literate in ancient times
lol, they came over on the boat and for their signature instead of marking an 'X', marked a 'O' because X looked too much like a cross, 'O' in Hebrew was kickel thus 'kike' became a slur. They absolutely weren't 98% literate and Rogan lapped it up like a retard who married a jew

HERE IT IS! Watch this and try to refute that Rogan isn't a fucking shill


just more jewish bullshit

Ive been there user glad youre home fren

Jesus...buy a snack and sober up

this guy gets it

For me, it's Deism

>our universe is a downgraded version of the universe that made the simulation
literally Abrahamic religions

You keep spouting that like religion is only useful as an existentialist tool, when in fact that’s the least important function religion has in society.

>when materialist have to tip into pseudo-metaphysics because materialism is philosophically bankrupt

You're not wrong. Religion has a very strong function to keep the masses in check and on a consistent path. The waning religious fellowship has had plenty of observable negatives.

But I mean intellectually, it's just worldbuilding to keep people in line and make money. A necessary evil but for the shitmunchers if we're being honest.

>But I mean intellectually, it's just worldbuilding to keep people in line and make money.
Religion is a fantastic way to pass down scientific information to future generations.

Historically, religious tomes were essentially the encyclopedias of their time. We just have no need for that function anymore. We do, however, need to replace the "keep people in line, keep families together, keep people coming together for some reason greater than their individual selves" parts that are sorely missing from contemporary society.

My god this dude is stupid, and i say that as a dumb fuck, these scientists must feel like they are talking to a child

let's replace it with socialism and cancel culture

>We do, however, need to replace the "keep people in line, keep families together, keep people coming together for some reason greater than their individual selves" parts that are sorely missing from contemporary society.
Yea, no thanks. People who tend to think this way always seem to want to increase the level of tyranny in the world. You don't need religion to understand the importance of the family unit and community.

That's pretty much what's being done in certain circles. It's pathetic. And the dumb fucks don't even realize what's going on. Zero self awareness.

lol do you even live in today's world, bud? It's been an erosion of the family unit and community for decades. Where do you live where you get to be so isolated to this development?

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They're used to it, which is why he doesn't get annoyed but patiently walks Joe through 12 different analogies. If anything he's enjoying the challenge of trying to get him to understand, and looks forward to finding a good way to explain it so he can reuse it on any future Joes he talks to

BASED Nick Land browses /tv BASED

>he rates philosophies based on his own definition of "healthiness"
It should be the other way around.

>its one of these threads
Atheists, agnostics, God wants you to come home. Please come home, He loves you

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It's not as bad as you make it out to be, although there are serious issues with modern society. My point is that more religion isn't going to solve the problems modern society faces.

quantum mechanics proves things don't exist until we perceive them, we're in a simulation retards

I exist and you exist even if we never met each other here or IRL. A tree exists far far away even if we don't see it.

10/10 assessment

I also think Rogan in his own way is very smart. Him putting Tim Pool together with the Twitter execs a few months ago was a stroke of genius.

according to quantum mechanics that not true

Quantum mechanics was thought up by a bunch of morons, same with string theory and a bunch of other crap.

Toe Rogan is a household name despite having zero talent

Not them, but have you ever heard of the double slit experiment?

(cont'd) Basically by that I mean there are things we don't know and likely will never know, and instead of saying "we don't know" they have to go scribble on their boards a bit with weird numbers and symbols and say "this is what is going on" just so they can say they "know" something we likely cannot or will never know the answer to to put something in the books or sound smart to other morons.

Do research on the guest and figure out what questions he would be most likely to answer in a unique way, based on his research and area of expertise.

Let me reclarify....MOST quantum mechanics(most of the new stuff) is made up by morons wanting to make a name for themselves.

Wonder what RAM the size of your moms holes would do?

Here's Johnny!

T. Brainlet

Call me crazy if you want but that's how the world works...things don't not exist just because one doesn't observe them.

Bullshit. We just haven't figured a way to look into the dimension the particles like quarks that are blinking into and out of our dimension seemingly randomly, but in reality they blink from our dimension into another dimension and whatever interactions they have in that dimension causes them to seem to "reappear" here in our dimension in and unpredictable pattern. In the years to come you will hear quantum about quantum computers figuring out how to "look" into these other dimensions at the "resources" they are manipulating and using from other dimensions and understand more about quantum physics. This will be how we break light speed. By jumping back and forth between dimensions.

Being un-compassiante and calculating is evil from our perspective. An AI in control of birth which eradicates any babies with any potential issue, even poor eye sight, would be 'evil' even though that is objectively the right thing to do. 'Evil' is a human concept.

kek there's not going to be light speed. science and philosophy have both hit their peak. we're going to get a few more cool things and then science is going to slow the fuck down to a screeching halt while we stare with mouths agape like the dumbfounded apes we are, astounded that there was a limit to our capability

Did he actually say this brainlet opinion? All of those things can be stored information. In fact, they literally ARE stored information in people's brains, even if the universe isn't a simulation. None of those would be impossible to simulate.

ya too bad no civilization advanced enough to do such a thing would bother since it would be able to extract all the advancement and amusement it could get out of this in an instant

you realize that those arent mutually exclusive right

You say that as if it takes away from all of his accomplishments...

It may not be for amusement though, it may be for some kind of research.

why are you typing like a smarmy redditor faggot? shut the fuck up

Except leftism is the new religion, they just don't call it one.

Comfy thread. Reminds me of when I used to discuss this shit with HS friends

That's retarded, it's a thought experiment it's theoretical not necessarily a legitimate argument you fucking brainlet

ITT: retards without without so much as a rudimentary understanding of philosophy, forming opinions about things they don't understand

But you might want to get yourself a snack or some light wefweshments fiwst.

as i said, they'd be able to get that info in an instant

Yea Forums has always been the dunning kruger of internet discussion, bro

why are you replying to a post made 8 hrs ago

My take on Joe Rogan is that he is successful because he never quits.

Fucking based retard I cant stop laughing

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fells like people who are getting mad at joe are college kids who are going to end up with a worse carrier and are getting mad at a drop out

Just because you have read more wiki articles than joe doesn't make you smarter

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>the universe is a simulation
>tfw I finally get the sweet release of death
>wake up to a greasy teenager telling me this "21st century loser-vigin sim" will cost me 500 credits

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>it's a thought experiment
Is that what you call all of your retarded ideas?

Universe might be a simulation, but the shitposts were real.

>if a tree falls in a forest but im not there to see or hear it, the forest doesnt really exist

If this universe is a simulation that doesn't mean it's not real

dunning kruger.... that's the one about everything always ends up being about nazis and hitler? Because it always is in a civilized conversation.

It's the one where people think they're more intelligent/competent than they are. Basically the least intelligent people are the ones most likely to say they're smart.

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But no one on Yea Forums admits they are smart, I only see people admit to retardation on here. and being faggots that like traps.

procedural generation makes scaling easy

What about random number generator and is our universe being saved on the "cloud", what happens when we don't observe something after a while, does it delete and respawn when we observe it later?

I've been binging his videos, he's pretty based. His accent is hilarious sometimes too

I bet you dollars to doughnuts that any AI that chinks come up with will be inherently evil

that's because we're all geniuses here

You guys are dumb
The laws of physics in our universe can be entirely different from reality

All the restrictions you are discussing can be thrown in the trash

the simulation that I live in is bugged and barely works

You're giving out a half assed interpretation of Dunning Kruger effect

Saying "I am smart" on the internet is a guaranteed way to get yourself called retarded.

>Basically the least intelligent people are the ones most likely to say they're smart.
No, that's not what the dunning kruger effect describes. The dunning kruger effect is applicable to people who have gained some, rather negligible expertise in a certain field/skill and due to either poor perspective or no self-reflection, use this modicum of expertise to delude themselves into thinking that they're a lot more knowledgeable/capable than they actually are.

Sorry your unfiltered mind is full of cringe bro

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