98% of plane in full Banelight

98% of plane in full Banelight

Attached: kaneda cia.jpg (1284x544, 103K)

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I fucking love Sunshine.

Attached: sunshine-0.webm (934x392, 2.88M)

Something I didn't get: why didn't the Icarus AI catch Trey's big mistake?

When he changes the trajectory but forgets to adjust the shield to the new angle, why doesn't the AI catch, before the angle changes, and automatically correct it or prevent it?
Icarus seems to catch pretty much every other mistake the astronauts make, throughout the rest of the movie.

Yes there are other plotholes but that's a particularly glaring one

Attached: sunshine-still-michelleyeoh-cillianmurphy-benedictwong-rosebyrne.jpg (1920x806, 480K)


Attached: Sunshine-5.webm (1024x431, 2.42M)

This scene was stupid as fuck. Great movie though, apart from the fucking satanist references at the end.

It's a neat visual but also one of several things that hurts what's supposed to be the believable, realistic science-y feel of the movie.

The vacuum of space can kill you but it does not instantly freeze things. No matter means nothing to conduct heat away.

At least he didn't explode.

Attached: Sunshine-3.webm (800x337, 2.86M)


Attached: sunshine.4.webm (1280x539, 757K)

Didn't the other guy survive the jump? I'm no med- or science fag but I think you'd pretty much instantly die from decompression. There are some tests with people in vacuum but as far as I heard its all very theoretical what'd happen to a human in space without protection. Would be interested to hear the oppinion of something who knows abit anpit that matter.

heat is radiated as infrared light in space retard it's why metal radiators still work in space for mechanical systems

You can hold your breath in space, as far as I'm aware. You don't explosively decompress

Attached: Sunshine.webm (1280x539, 1.5M)


No you can't and yes you fucking do. You're dead in several minutes and it fucking hurts.

Yes heat is radiated away in space, so it's possible for things to freeze in the vacuum, but it's radiated away much -slower- than if it were conducted away by a gas like freezing cold air.

If Harvey's face freezes, it might take several minutes, instead of just 1 or 2 seconds after he pulls back the mask.
Though guess it would also suck the air out of his lungs so he could still die almost instantly

Attached: Sunshine_04Garity.jpg (1240x696, 334K)

Tripped last night with my roommate and watched Sunshine, A Scanner Darkly, and Stalker. Was an absolute kino experience

Attached: 21727984_10203770362695477_3266010382283879240_n.jpg (624x728, 37K)

Movie got stupid the moment they introduced a crazy slasher

Good taste, but I probably wouldn't watch that on a trip. What did you take and how did it come?

>No you can't and yes you fucking do. You're dead in several minutes and it fucking hurts.
You can survive in space for a few minutes but you must exhale or your lungs will balloon out and hemorrage.
You don't really freeze in space, takes quite a while for that to happen.

kek what a bitch

Damn that's gonna hurt tomorrow

What was Searle expecting Kaneda to see? It was the fucking Sun


rip to a king

that's not a plothole

lmao @ how he falls over

That change wasn't in flight plan = he most likely used manual control. Every AI must follow human instructions.

he fucked up

Wtf is that bjpenn?

Ok, maybe don't call it a plothole, but is there an explanation for it?

Icarus seems to carefully track every other ship movement etc throughout the entire movie, and is able to take control away from crew when there's a serious risk

This could explain it but Icarus seems to be listening to the astronauts at all times and seems to provide input or take control itself whenever they're about to make a risky decision.

Attached: Sunshine - Spacecraft Icarus I & II.png (1280x544, 244K)

I’m not sure about holding your breath but you can exhale slowly and at the very least prolong your life. Totally reasonable to go a very short distance in space like that. You’d need to warm up really fast afterward and you’d probably be in shock but you wouldn’t instantly freeze or explode or any nonsense like that. If you were trying to breathe regularly you’d just suffocate

Attached: Sun and Canis Majoris.png (2000x1249, 328K)

I fucked up... I FUCKED UP

Attached: wong sunshine.jpg (300x122, 8K)

see and Yes he fucked up but seems he was only -allowed- to fuck up all the way for plot convenience.

If you hold your breath the air in your lungs will expand. This will rupture your lungs.
If you're ever in an explosive decompression situation the best thing to do is EXHALE immediately. That way, if you get rescued in time before you suffocate to death, you won't have destroyed your lungs.